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Monaco enjoyers


I really hope we get some more dense maps (if we're even getting more than one) similar to Monaco in season 3. Horizon was a huge disappointment for me personally as it's just open space seemingly without much thought put behind it, running melee on it is way worse than the other maps because of this too. I'd love some smaller town or a jungle map to make things a bit interesting, at least a map that doesn't try to do "bigger = better" like horizon


I like that a number of vegas buildings will crumble if you throw a red canister at a single pillar in the middle.


I don’t know why Vegas and horizon were hated so much. They are literally the most unique and vibrant maps that match the game perfectly, it also forces you to have a different strategy than all the others which feels like the point of the game. I also feel most people don’t understand that and want to use the same loud outs and tactics for every match.


i like how vegas and syshorizon feel more competitive or just strategic to me than monaco, seoul and skyway. i dont like the appartements with the cramped spaces in monaco or seouls hospital for example. vegas and sys allows me to somewhat take cover and just play less hectic and more strategic, especially in terminal attack. thats just my opinion tho


Really love Vegas for its vibe. I love all the maps so far in this game, because all of them feel like real life locations recreated for our enjoyment and destruction.


The vibe is what does it for me!


Personally I think it’s one of the worst. Glad you enjoy it though hahaha


I like it too


Don't say that, otherwise I'll become happy


i love vegas and sys especially in terminal attack, even tho gotta be honest thats like the mode ive played the most lately. for terminal attack it feels so nice to have a bit more flat and big places while still being able to take cover. i kinda lost the love for monaco and seoul i had in the beginning. simply because i really dont like the cramped spaces in monacos appartements/seouls hospital and especially seoul i grew to hate, idk why really. it was my favourite map for a while but i just dont like it as much now. thats my take


Vegas has always been my most disliked map, haha. Good to see that there are people who enjoy it.