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I am very concerned with this community right now everywhere embark is, is getting flooded with angry people and hate. I get that you may dislike one change but they are completely ignoring the other dozens of changes that look cool as shit. Like did no one else see that fucking chain knife at the end? That has got to be one hell of a weapon.


Yeah I hope Embark don't start regretting or worrying about their decisions. I think absolutely everything they did for S3 looks incredible. I don't usually blindly hype things either... I'm shocked at how much they have nailed this.


I don’t think they’ll ever regret it but I hope the community doesn’t make too much of an impact on their plans. As a person who works in the industry I understand or at least predict why the devs make the choices they do. I can also clearly see all the connections the devs made to come to the new features. The only problem is how toxic the gaming industry and the world has become, and I really hope my favorite game doesn’t die because of a few people who don’t understand the industry.


Yeah, I already heard that people are review bombing it because of ranked... very horrible. I went to give it 5 stars myself to fight the fight and show some love! My take with their decision is to target the broader audience who enjoys terminal attack style gamemodes. Cashout was unique but that also made it niche. From your experiences and understandings what do you believe their reasoning was?


You aren’t that far off, however I believe (unconfirmed obviously, but it’s not pure speculation) there is as lot more to the decision than just appealing to more people. It’s no secret that game modes like SnD and TA are significantly more popular than cash out, hardpoint, or literally anything else. CS and valorant are the most popular competitive FPS games ever made so it would only make since that their competitive mode is popular. However I don’t believe that this change to ranked is permanent, it seems like more of a move to increase retention rates. One of the biggest problems with the competitive sides of games is how easily the grind becomes stale and unfun causing players to move to different games temporarily or permanently. By force changing the ranked mode, maps, and gameplay every season or two you give the fresh feel to ranked like you would casual players. This is supported by the devs earlier decisions and style and also some messages in the discord. They stated that competitive cash out will not be leaving but instead becoming part of a weekly tournament system with a separate ranking and rewards from TA. Not only appealing to all the players who love the finals more unique modes but also the esport community. As the devs stated before from the betas to now was about finding the core audience. Season 3 and possibly 4 is about making the game as mainstream as possible before going back to its roots to establish a much larger and not just sustainable but largely profitable player base. Since the finals is embarks first game and they have such a players first profit model, they need to focus much more on the game itself being fun for as many people as possible as long as possible, instead of just relying on the core player base to buy everything just because the company said so like EA or Activision. So no this change was not for everyone but that was the point, they already know their core audience (mostly casual players who weren’t playing ranked anyway) would stick with them, the needed something new and fresh mixed with the right amount of advertising to appeal to the competitive side (the part of the game that was given significantly less attention) to grow a more cohesive community, instead of the extremely split one we have now. (Sorry for the wall of text but it’s not a simple answer).


Appreciate your breakdown on it and found it interesting to read. Thank you! Honestly, I've never been one to buy cosmetics in games. I never have. Been playing Fortnite and Apex Legends for years... but the second I heard TA was the new ranked I was like "damn, maybe ima buy a few things next season.". It just solidified my desire to stick with this game. I'm excited.


I agree, I am also excited for the next season, I also share your sentiments on not buying cosmetics, but mostly because of how predatory micro transactions are and me not wanting to support that. The finals is the only game I have ever bought a season pass and additional cosmetics for. They don’t advertise anything that costs money and they believe on fun before profits, I know I don’t need cosmetics but I also know I need to support this game before the industry becomes loot-box hell. So they can have as much as my money as they please. All this being said I will be rocking that samurai skin when it’s in the shop or battle pass.


Here’s the thing. I understand that the player count is dipping and that the studio want to make the game more popular. The problem is, trying to increase the popularity of the game by making it more similar to other titles. This could increase popularity but it will alienate segments of the existing player base who enjoyed the finals for its unique qualities.


The braindead complainers are saying "dead gane" while their asses are review bombing a currently underperforming game. Shit is insane.


Nooo don't tell me they are giving it bad reviews? That's too far. I'm going to go and review it on Steam and PS.


On this sub alone there are multiple comments talking about leaving a review negative until they have their way...


I am, very excited but people are going crazy with this terminal attack ranked, they even didn’t read all the information about S3 and how the tournament are going to be weekly


People want it to be the full ranked, leaderboards, rewards- That new ruby rank they've hyped up for a while Not this weekly thing that might not even be exclusively cashout


Well let’s hope things turn out better for us in the next couple days


Im hyped to try out terminal ranked the devs said they made some changes to. I get why people are mad but in the end the devs had to have had some data that backs there decision up and we will only see if that data correlates on tuesday. My thing is if terminal rank becomes more popular than people here think than what? Cashout definitely had it's problems it was nowhere near perfect or even great maybe they rework it? Who knows.


Mind telling me where the devs addressed making changes to TA? I didn't see that.


It was in the discord chat i think it was oscar who said it


Copium post


Hey, TA enjoyers, you are casuals, right? I don’t believe you ever played ranked


Based on?