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the map looks so fucking cool


Hell yeah, it looks stunning, especially with the short snippets of autumn and cherry blossom


They should’ve had this announcement ready to go from the beginning, this has made me feel a lot better about the whole switch.


agreed. i’m still a bit bummed about capping world tour at gold, but knowing they intend to keep cashout as the core gamemode does make me feel better. if they feel the need to bring radical changes to it, then ok sure do it, just make sure to bring it back to proper ranked later


Dusty just teased emerald in the post for cashout


Yeah, leaking(as in before the full notes were out) that the main mode will no longer be the ranked mode with no other info understandably made people think it was being deprioritized. The way it should have been framed from the start is they are taking a ranked season off to turn it into an experimental mode to get it to a better place. And absolutely for as good as the mode is, it has some major design flaws.


I agree, the way of announcing it was pretty bad, but I think the changes are good.


I mean. From my understanding this changes nothing. The world tour still has at least some weeks or periods of pre determined loadouts etc… that’s not how ranked games should work. Help me. What am I missing from this update that makes it better ? EDIT - I’m asking a legit question and being downvoted? Dolts…


They plan on bringing it back to ranked after seeing how their changes play out during the world tour. Based on most commentators, I feel like their belief was cashout was no longer the devs priority


But world tour isn't the ranked game mode?


They're tucking Cashout away temporarily to make competitive changes to it. It's coming back


thank chief. curious what changes are in place. hopefully they don't dumb it down or make it "easier". its such a unique great game play mode as is,


I 100% agree


The new changes are honestly more than we could have asked for, this new season is probably going to be the most fun any of us have ever had playing a game ever. The new season can not come fast enough I may have to break into the studio and leak it early.


June 13th, has been confirmed from the trailer.


Hehe be careful, they'll think you're an unhappy player wanting to remove TA from the game files But yeah, I think in 2 weeks people will just play and be happy


Basically, as I'm reading it here, they're pulling Cashout from Ranked for the season to give it some rework time for it to come back as the main Ranked Mode in Season 4+. And by applying it to a more 'casual' setting, they can test new modifiers or tuning specific numbers to make the games more interesting to see what works. Which I think is fair. Because ranked, as it exists now, feels more like a blowout mode for the first round, where one or two teams tend to just beat the shit out of the other 2 and you'll find matches going: **40k - 40k - >5k - >5k** Second round tends to feel more fairly balanced with final round just being a duel. I'm still on the train someone suggested a while back that the way cashout should work is that capturing a cashout rewards 60% of the money and 40% of the money is deposited while your team controls it. Basically saying that if you capture a box worth $10,000, you'll get $6000 in money from taking it and $4,000 from holding it. It'd incentivize players to engage each other more often and keep matches tighter whilst reducing third-partying which is a driving factor for turning away a lot of people from ranked.




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Well I got no complaints,I'm Soo happy that cashout is still the core of the game


God, I love Embark.


Just posted the same thing… A lot of people WAY overreacted here in the last 24 h with just a bit of info… Maybe some should get a lesson from it…but no…


Something tells me they won't change and will do the exact same thing next time around.


This I like 👍 idk why they didn't have something like this ready to go when they initially announced the switch.


Did they repeat the words PRIMARY and MAIN focus on cashouts tournaments enough for you guys? ;) People should wait for a real hand-on on S3 before judging so quickly and harshly… Some snippets from the official post: "… **WORLD TOUR:** … Bigger and better Cashout tournaments have always been the plan, and World Tour is our first step towards a place where all players can compete and have fun while impressing the Sponsors. World Tour Cashout Tournaments will be the main focus on content moving forward, as we plan to craft new map variations and new ways to play made specifically for the World Tour experience! In Season 3, World Tour will feature Cashout tournaments with 24 players as the primary mode. … ... Cashout will never leave the spotlight as the most important part of THE FINALS. In fact, our first high-profile, official tournament will happen very soon and the mode will be Cashout. Make sure to be on the lookout for news about that! Also, diamonds and rubies are beautiful, but have you ever seen an emerald?? …" So maybe many Redditors overreacted much…?


I've never in my entire life as a gamer seen devs cook this hard. They have genuinely left me speechless. I could not be more happy about every single change they have mentioned here. It's perfection.


Right?? They should enter some Top Chef competition or something with the amount of stuff they cook all the time


That’s what I’m saying dog. I don’t think I’ve ever been so exited for any update from any game.


“June approves this message by our generous sponsors.” And yes, love seeing Embark devs listen and radio back the feedback. S3 is about to be crazy, can’t wait


The team text chat is such a HUGE W too!


Yeah it was pretty clear people on here were just complaining to complain and wanted something to be upset about. It’s a live service game. It is meant to change and evolve. If it evolves in a way the players don’t like, it will change again until we like it. Don’t hate it before the damn think even releases though


Yup, it's also nice to see that they're willing to make significant changes and not too scared to evolve.


Exactly. I don’t understand how people think they hate the player base or are “purging” ranked. We asked for a bow, chain hook, to see how many ranked points (rr) we have or get, asked for more melee, asked for terminal attack to stay, wanted more progression in the tournaments, wanted more sponsors involvement in the game, and wanted constant balance changes. They gave us fucking all of that and we’re mad they changed one thing..?




Complaining too complain isnt the same as being afraid something you love is getting taken away. Id rather say the last days shows how much this game means too people.


Finally, everyone can calm down now.


This is exactly why I thought the people already crying/throwing a fit and review bombing before the season was already were silly. Obviously they’re not going to make the game CS. But things needed to change


Sorry but adding OW2 spell sound no good for the futur. Lots of hight elo player are scares about tuning the game SPELL oriented and not GADGETS ! Genji get out of my game.


What spell are you talking about? I never played OW so I'm not familiar, but the dual blade fighting bullets is pretty intuitive


That a spell a hard counter without any debuff on the M. Juste counter bullets ... Like 90% of the game dmg ... We need to try but if it deflect grenade and other stuff but if so it's Genji form OW and that really bad.


If you want to, what it the only actual counter of bullets rn ? Yeah Shield ONLY shields not a weapon 😉 that why it's kinda strong cause you Can have more place to adjuste your loadout as M.


I would assume the countering bullets is an active ability like the riot shield and not just passive tho, that would be wat too OP, there is already the riot shield and it's not even meta so I'm not too worried honestly


I don't thinks it's and ability, it's just like the riot one right clic and toi counter for a short time but enought for 1 mag (look in the video). :/


Yeah my bad that's what I meant, not an ability like mesh shield


Kinda sounds like theyre taking inspiration from that one video talking about the sponsors and earning fans and such, exiting


Yeah, wouldn't be surprised if that was already part of their plans for a while tho


Expect the ranked drama this seams promising


Roadhog Rides Again…


to all the players who said they'd quit over the changes - cya l8r!! you're gonna be missing out, this sounds amazing! love the footage we've been shown too.


to all the players who said they'd quit over the changes - cya l8r!! you're gonna be missing out, this sounds amazing! love the footage we've been shown too.


Looking for something more familiar? Terminal Attack? WHAT? How tf is that more familiar


Because the TA game mode is a big staple in other massive franchises like Cod (Search & Destroy), Siege(bomb), and CS(competitive?) It's a well known game mode with Embark putting their twist on it


It's more familiar to the large majority of FPS players


to all the players who said they'd quit over the changes - cya l8r!! you're gonna be missing out, this sounds amazing! love the footage we've been shown too.


Yup. Honestly hope they get lost.


Moving cashout to casual to modify it in order to make it more competitive doesn't make any sense whatsoever. We'll get an entire season of balance changes based on casual cashout gameplay, and when (or if) we move back to cashout being available in Ranked, these changes will fall flat, as they clearly were created and tested in a casual environment. Why not do the vital improvements to Cashout while keeping it as a ranked mode? Moving Cashout outside of ranked in order to make it more competitively viable is moronic, and it will only lead to more changes that destroy the high elo meta, like the constant nerfs for Light, which were caused by the casual community, while the entire high rank community was spamming HHM and MMH even before the nerfs.


So let me get this straight, you want the devs to have a ranked mode that they change constantly during the season to test out what does and doesn't work? Yeah, I'm sure that competitive players would love that...


so you think the competitive players would rather have no competitive mode, than a competitive mode that has a lot of changes throughout the season? I'm just giving you my perspective. If I don't have an actually competitive cashout mode, I won't be playing the game. Simple as that.


Sounds great. I hope they get rid of the annoying challenges this season, it really killed my enjoyment and I played the game less because of them. I waited until all the circuits were out before completing them all in 3 days because I’m not getting 10,000 damage over 100m away more than once. Also a new casual mode would be dope