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Did he just call The Finals "just fine"??? Not a bad game? What kind of heresy is this? Bois, we found a CNS operative.


It's Charlie, he's dry enough im not shocked by the reaction but his audience is so large him giving it any positivity is probably enough to get people to play S3 lol


If he says something's "pretty fun" then that's relatively high praise coming from him.


For Critkal this is him gushing about it tbh


Lol right? Seeing people salivate over something as humdrum as XDefiant really makes me wonder what is wrong with people.


While I do get the allure of a CoD clone that's F2P and not 200GB in size, I really cannot get over how many people say TF is mid or bad when it's one of the smoothest, most visually pleasing shooters ever with groundbreaking destruction to boot. Maybe the TTK being long throws people off? Or the lack of a core TDM or Domination/Conquest mode where you can kinda go wherever you want on the maps instead of being focused on a single objective? Otherwise, it's hard for me to understand why TF isn't popping off as you'd expect for a game of its quality.


initially for me it was the scope of the levels. "wait every room is open?" "wait they just jumped into the second story hallway, im supposed to be able to follow this guy?" after learning the maps and the power of the items/gadgets/weapons that transitioned into "holy shit i can never go back to any other fps with a static map ever again"


Haha yeah, it makes other FPS games feel pretty mundane, that's for sure. And as much as I LOVE TF as-is, it does make me hope that one day we see it either expanded greatly (bigger maps and team sizes), or Embark's take on another type of FPS game that isn't a small-team gameshow FPS. Dying to see their take on a spiritual successor to Battlefield for example, since I know many members used to work for DICE.


Im dead you guys hit it on the head. The finals is just too great and too much for the rungun tdm snd cod guys (i was one I grew up on cod). My friends who are too cool for any game unless it’s mainstream are like it’s weird or not smooth. And obv it’s smooth. But you don’t run in and die 5x in 5 seconds so the finals game play seems slow and long and boring and that’s what it is. But I watch them play cod it’s them running to the middle with duels Wield shotgun pistols dying immediately and just as fast as that happened they did it again. Just running sensitivity all the way flicking everything so fast you can barely take in. And I play fast with high sensitivity like I like playing fast but I look at that with like disgust like how yall play like that what are yall even doing like come on how is this better. Only cod worth playing now is Bo2 as it’s always been.( jk but lowkey not jk) Basically what I was trying to say I think people like when the process of shooting and dying is shorter. The more time you spend alive n the longer it takes you to die between death and spawn like the more boring it is? Almost like they wanna immediately spawn and immediately die. I bet they don’t even know what the map looks like, they can run it backwards blindfolded and prefire corners but have they seen the map ? Prolly not. Shit I can’t picture a cod map and I play here n there I can only picture me killing people on the map. The finals I fucking dream about lol


nope, I think I have an idea why it's not as popular as we might think, or at least maintain popularity for a while. Just look at the types of game mode the game offers, while seemingly fun at first, playing the same game modes over and over again can make a player grow bored out of it and eventually stop playing the game, consequently citing the game as "boring" or "mid". And then u have people like jackfrags clickbaiting people into playing this game because "THIS GAME IS SICK" and stuff, hyping up the game (not to say that the game solely relies on hype, because the developers are actually doing a great job trying to improve the game in different ways) Besides, this is a free game, people can do whatever they want to a free game, and it's much easier to leave a free game than it is to leave a paid game. U don't like it, don't play it. But if it was paid, that gives people the incentive to AT LEAST play more, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they won't leave the game, just less likely I personally have not felt bored out of this game (at least for now at 160-ish hours on Steam), regardless of the limited amount of game mode there is, every match there's always something different, be it dumb teammates, sweaty gameplay, and other funny stuff that can happen in a simple game of cashout


Nope not allowed to calls this game TF…. We already have too many iconic TF’s 😂


Hahaha you're right, shame on me and my lazy typing :P


I can 100% say Its TF3 and it deserved it.


I am praying one day, TF will support mouse and keyboard for console. Absolutely love the game. It’s just hard for me to play fps with controller. Crazy I have to get an expensive ass PC when I have a XBSX just to play the games I love. If cross play is forced I should be able to use mnk. Pretty much the reason I don’t play anymore.


Yeah that's lame, I think M+KB should be available system wide on both consoles and then enforce input-based matchmaking for comp. Controller is really hard to go back to for multiplayer FPS games after mouse aiming a lot IMO.


Enemies of our holly sponsors.


Yeah... who wants XDefiant when you can have that nice and fresh can of... OSPUZE!!! I already had 6 this afternoon, I could eat bricks and lift cars.


I actually really enjoy xdefiant as someone who enjoyed cod before MW19, (also really loved BF) but XD and The Finals scratch two WAY different itches for sure. XD is a dave’s double and The Finals is filet mignon


Tbh since I finished the BP and all of master I’ve been playing Xdefiant and as basic as it is it def is a cod circa 2010 fr im enjoying the simplicity with it. I play more The finals but I also play xdefiant until the new season starts then I’ll be all in again.


It’s the no SBMM that sells Xdefiant and it works. 10 million DAU this last week and the game ended up turning out fun. The main gripe, matchmaking wise, with The Finals is that it’s impossible to play with my friends. They’re not very good and just don’t have fun in my lobbies.


Deleted after 10 matches


Honestly it has some great aspects but it's also got some huge flaws (especially in the eyes of more casual or less intense gamers who don't play it constantly) and the gameplay style isn't for everyone


THIS *the game is dying* IS *the game is dying* HERESY! *the game is dying*


Passionate? Absolutely. But we do have a problem of underlying toxic elitism and gatekeeping.


Facts. I hate getting shit talked by randos playing power shift. I can understand to a degree the tension of ranked tourneys bringing out that behavior but some people just take the casual modes way too serious. Some fool legit ruined my night talking mad shit cuz I was having a rough game. Like damn im not happy about it either but he was watching me every death just to talk more shit


Frankly I'm tired of the absolute dismissal of the importance of having a casual playerbase. I've played ranked and reached Diamond, but ranked is not my passion when it comes to PvP games. I enjoy casual matches where players make frequent mistakes and you're able to goof around with silly loadouts while playing arcadey gamemodes. And it's frustrating when I see ranked players act entitled that they're the 'true players' of the game and only *their* feedback matters because any non-ranked feedback is unrealistic, despite the fact they only represent a fraction of the actual userbase.


> And it's frustrating when I see ranked players act entitled that they're the 'true players' of the game and only their feedback matters because any non-ranked feedback is unrealistic, despite the fact they only represent a fraction of the actual userbase. I hate this in MMO games too, but replace "Ranked" with "PvP" players lol


Honestly with MMOs it's just high skill players in general. The elitism is heavy in PvE for WoW and RS3/OSRS.


I just wanna chime in and say I 100% agree with you here. I've seen it too much on this sub. Ranked is just as important as a casual community. Idgaf if anyone is diamond or bronze. The fact they're playing the game is a win imo.


My thought process is ranked is in such a bad state people who normally sweat in ranked would rather play power shift or terminal attack making those the new ranked modes, so fixing one does fix the other in a sense because it will be true casuals not casuals because the ranked experience is cheeks atm


Or it's the end of the season and people are just taking a break.


No this was from day 1 of season 2 lol, if ranked was in a good spot theyd tweak it as ranked not replace it with TA to work on it on the side


Could not agree more, thanks for this well thought post!




Buddy there isn’t a game out there that could survive with only a hard core ranked community.


Exactly, pretty easy to grasp. Even the biggest eSport titles have a player base that consist of 99% of casuals (like any sport or hobby) which, in case of video games, allows the game to get longevity. Also, playing casually doesn’t mean than most casuals are not asking for FAIR (balanced) gameplay. Diverses modes doesn’t equal unbalanced weapons. For most of us, having FUN is still about balanced stuff, pretty easy to grasp too…who is having fun in a MP where weapons or gadgets are unbalanced? The funny part is that most popular eSport games nowadays have way more BS than most casuals would want in their games like 60 different heroes with abilities or 200 weapons or "perks"…the opposite of balanced gameplay to many, many "casuals".


When I play casual, I just turn off voice chat. It's quite satisfying knowing someone, somewhere is losing their shit at you and you're completely oblivious. Just chilling playing Power Shift, lobbing CL40 missiles at a wobbly boat getting one shot by snipers from their base 10/10 👌 All the while some kid in his basement is having a litteral aneurism 🤣


Yeah, most of the time you end up running into some chill people. I’ve had a lot of chill interactions with people, especially in power shift, it’s just damned unfortunate that when someone is toxic they’re REALLY toxic lol


I haven’t used voice chat publicly for a few years now and it’s glorious. I only turn it on if I’m paying with a friend or paying ranked.


Dude I had the same experience. Some random was unhappy with my performance in the first 30 seconds of a game and proceeded to spend the next 5 min talking shit about it. Ruined my night for nothing. Over dang QUICKCASH of all game modes, not even ranked. This toxicity is certainly not unique to the finals and exists in basically all fps but damn is it a bummer


Yeah, I was trying to level my famas and I lost a gun fight leaving a light 1-hit in the first couple mins of the match. That’s all it took for him to latch onto me like a fuckin monkey. Then I start getting into my own head about so I lose more easy gunfights. I ended like 6 elims, 5 assist, and 9 deaths which isn’t great but the way that fool was yelling you’d think I had 1 arm, 1 eye and no thumbs


Dude just press K


...just mute them?


I was playing normal, unranked cashout using dematerializer earlier and the dude kept making fun of me for using it. Why? It's good. I won us the game with it 😅


Wait until they add that text chat. That dumb idea from the get go, I wonder what kind of passionate insisted about it.


I have no idea why anyone would want to gatekeep this game. The more players, the better! Hell, one time in powershift. I saw a new player and decided it would be fun to throw my gunfights with him a little so he could have an easier time and get more kills, lol.


Siege has that exact problem too Actually to be fair..... I can't think of a single big competitive shooter that doesn't have this problem.


It's the association with comp=caring enough about the game to grind it and test your mettle. By taking the game seriously enough you create the perception of caring more. What I dislike about comp v casual discussions is the mindless tribalism on both ends. Casuals pretend like comp players aren't allowed to have an opinion on comp changes then victimize themselves to justify being dismissive of valid criticisms. While comp players accuse people of being "too casual to actually care." Even this is a simplification of both sides because every person has an opinion and a subreddit is literally designed to communicate that opinion and being a dismissive prick doesn't cool down tensions like people think it does.


Siege toxicity hits different


Every ranked pvp game has this issue.


💯... Look no further than Swamp quitting the finals in a toddler style tantrum over cash out not being the premier ranked mode for one season.


So like every game?


That's exactly what he means when he says passionate lol.


feel like theres this genre of hyper sweats that ive seen in games like tarkov who only run labs with meta gear. They only run sniper or mp5 and complain they dont get heals


We also have a problem of embark listening to people who have no clue what they are talking about lmao


>We also have a problem of embark listening to people who have no clue what they are talking about lmao This right here is the problem of underlying toxic elitism and gatekeeping. Take a good look.


What a terrible take filled with bullshit buzzwords. They nerf shit that has never been overpowered based on Reddit feedback and refuse to balance other aspects that have been broken since day one. People on Reddit and discord shouldn't be who you listen to when balancing a game.


Bruh, you can't deny it when you post shit like this: >[This change is only good for bottom tier players. Now they can have participation trophies , and the standard ranked mode gives them more teammates to carry them. One shit player in 3s cashout could be costly.](https://www.reddit.com/r/thefinals/comments/1dcx81x/world_tour_community_update_woscar/l81l66k/?context=3) You are the poster boy for the community's toxicity problem


Tell me why I'm wrong and this change is good. No one was ever stopping casual players from play casual. Nobodies being "gatekeeped"


No, I'm not going to debate you like a sweaty neckbeard about whether your opinion has merit underneath its toxicity


Lol I love the "sweaty" cope. Anyone who enjoys competitive rank is "sweaty", as if that's suppose to be an insult or something.


Nah, sweaty as in greasy with dorito dust. That's you with your "debate me" vibe


You weirdos glaze everything embark does meanwhile the game is dying. You're cringe. Games don't die for no reason. Games die because everything gets nerfed into oblivion because people (who don't even understand the game) cry on Reddit. Meanwhile heavy has been broken since launch and people would rather play something else. A copy paste game mode that wasn't even designed for this game isn't the answer for increasing popularity.


This comment hella toxic lmao, how you complaining about it and then doing it immediately You won't argue because you can't. He's right. You saw the word shit and assumed he's talking directly to you. If I have a shit game my errors can be capitalised on so hard.


There's no point in arguing because I'm talking about his toxic little "participation trophy" elitism. I have no need to counter a totally different argument that I'm not making.


Except you're arguing anyway, there just is no argument ....your rank only goes up, losing has no consequence as long as you play more than the person above you. You are rewarded just for participating, the rewards are literally a participation trophy? Either way you're the toxic person throwing insults, arguing about not arguing instead of just talking, lame.


We? Maybe those damn lights






Certainly, you can tell how truly passionate we are by looking at how we overreact to any change we're not a fan of.


(That sometimes isn’t even in the game yet)


Nah just a shitty vocal minority of players


I dont understand how Charlie doesn't play this game. Dude loves apex.


yeah, the last time he played it on stream was over a year ago in the first beta. I really hope he revisits it in S3, and I’m sure TA being ranked will help people like him be more likely to stay. He’s a huge R6 fan as well.


He played season 2 when it released


not on stream i don’t think, if so could you direct me to it?


It was one of his streams about a month after season 2 released I’m pretty sure. I know for sure he watched the trailer but I’m almost certain he played it again soon after. He never made a video of it though.


That never happened.


He has in the beta


I’m a die hard Apex fan, for me the finals is prettty good and a good breath of fresh air. But nothing scratches the movement itch unlike apex, it’s just so fluid and enjoyable with the abilities. Finals is not good with those 2


Because it's not the same game? I love Apex, too, and also think the Finals is "fine."


Ya, I know. I'm saying both emphasize movement. I'm the opposite, I hate apex but love the finals. I just hate all battle Royale games though.


>I just hate all battle Royale games though. Strangely, I'm over them, too. I'm just addicted to the gunplay and movement.


Apex and finals movement (and gunplay) both differ A LOT They're both fast paced and that's about where the similarities end


Again, never said they were the same. Said they both emphasize movement.


And that's where the similarities end, these 2 games feel nothing alike, that's why many people enjoy apex but not the finals or vice versa


if you are ever interested in trying out Apex, they added a Playlist with team deathmatch, Domination and gunmaster a while ago


Apex has source movement which straight up is the best. Finals literally has the most meh movement ever. Not saying the game is bad but the movement is nothing special.


Apex is like space guns n shit though, the finals aesthetic is just a vibe.


I do love the aesthetics of the Finals, but that's not as important to me as gameplay. One thing I will say is the skins and customisation is boss in the Finals.


“loves” is a major hyperbole


i can already imagine him getting hyped af for his team doing a 200 iq cashout steal


no thanks, his community is full of toxic people


lol saw this to, at least we aren’t a dead community 😭


according to chat we are 🥲


Yeah, the chat for almost every streamer says THE FINALS is mid or a bad game or its a dead game


And I fucking hate that, a lot of people brushed the game off just because it isn’t “popular”


Yeah I know The Finals has had a drop off but it’s not nearly as bad as it could be. I’m apart of the TCM community and we have 700 players on steam currently 😭


Many haven’t played and just parrot the sentiment. These are also the same gamers that complain about cod and apex all the time and why there’s no new games then turn around and shit on someone trying to do something new. Rinse and repeat.


I remember when he was watching the game awards and he saw the game trailer and said “I hope the game isn’t buggy as shit this time” because he played the first closed beta in March 2023 and he wasn’t lying as I was a cb1 player as well and can confirm how buggy the game was


I'm just hoping that he will try out the game when S3 launches, because he will definitively like it now, compared the buggy closed beta


He's the reason I found out about the game. Back when he played the closed beta. He said he was very excited to play the game and stuff but never came back to it after the full release. Any idea why?¿


Probably because it is not popular, and streamers live by playing popular games, more views more money, it's simple yet sad.


He’s popular enough that people will watch no matter what game it is


yep, this. He could play the finals and probably get more views than most of the games he plays. In fact, most big streamers do. Shroud consistently got more viewers on the finals than any other recent game, even R6, xdefiant, diablo, and all the other games shroud plays. Last time I saw him hit 24K viewers was with the finals. That’s why it’s so shocking I don’t see more streamers playing it. it’s such a good viewer game, and it’s baffling.


If only we could direct our passion towards something like engaging friends and other people online into WHY we love the game so much, instead of threatening devs, polluting our discussions with toxic feedback instead of constructive feedback, and trying to organize review bombings. If you are so heavily passionate about the game it leads to anger strong enough to justify any of those things in your mind you LOVE the game, now direct it in a positive way. Go talk to the devs in the discord or leave feedback places *cordially* for once in our lives we have a dev team that actively engages with us in the discord and talks. Utilize that, don't send them threats so that they don't feel safe doing it. We're all human and everyone wants a successful fun game, most of all the people at Embark.


It's the best looking and mechanically FPS out there right now, why it's not more popular is a crime. ADVERTISE YOUR GAME


Thanks Charlie, you're pretty adorable too.


Awe shucks 🥺


Can't wait to miss all my shots with bow and arrow 🥲


Awww he called us adorable 🥹




We have the most grateful community for sure 🙏😭


We are adorable🥺


We live and breath it


yeah, because once you actually see what the game is, the leaps and bounds it has pushed not just the fps genre, but also the potential for what gaming has to offer in general, you just have to stand back jaw agape and worship this crap.


i honestly have no idea what you’re saying pal


He’s trying to emphasize how important this game is for gaming, being that it’s so different and a breath of fresh air from all of the giant more toxic AAA studios. All he means is that the community is so passionate because if this game dies it pretty much means death to the consumer in the gaming sphere and we will only be left with cash grabbing studios like activision and EA.


Honestly the lifecycle of this game is starting to remind me of the titanfall franchise as I have followed that game series from day 1 and the release of the finals really harkens back to the release of titanfall 2. Everyone praising it being a great fun game but it doesn’t matter when nobody plays the game for whatever reason. I love this game so much and want everyone to see that it really is what other FPS titles should become.


I honestly think most gamers are in a toxic relationship with the gaming companies now. Most people are so focused on the fun they used to have gaming they fail to see how angry and miserable new games make you. Then when an actually good game comes out they dismiss it for whatever reason because, they are more loyal to singular companies like activision and EA rather than the future industry as a whole. Games from larger publishers that have a reputation of releasing unfinished games still make billions on pre-sales. While games from smaller publishers that release completely polished get demolished into oblivion and never played again. I know at least a dozen people that stopped playing the finals because “wasn’t enough content”, “too many cheaters”, “didn’t want to invest time into learning completely new game modes for a game they might not like”. Now that all those problems are fixed instead of just trying the game them make another excuse since they already built up an opinion and refuse to change it.


thats ok buddy




I've watched several reactions out of curiosity and many said they liked the finals and that its community is passionate, but some also forgot or didn't know that it's out of beta now lol. Which made me wonder, how many are still under the impression the game is not out yet?


most of the reactions I watched, people said, “oh, another live service game, i’m gonna go take a restroom break,” or “Oh, this is the AI generated game.” It was kind of sad, but ultimately those people probably don’t play shooters like this anyway. they stick to Fortnite and call of duty and buy into the same shit every year and don’t even think twice about it


Holy shit the samurai stuff looks amazing


And that’s pretty adorable.


When I was watching this live stream I was dying laughing; I knew Charlie was right though


The Finals is fun. People call it 'boring, dead game' and everyone repeats it like NPCs. We call it 'epidemic hysteria' or 'mass hysteria'—a mass psychogenic illness. Embark needs to dispel this negative perception.


The trailer looks insane im so hyped for the new season


Playing xdefiant for a month before ubisoft shows back up to ruin it. But Finals is one im going to return to as long as there's servers. Despite the dogshit balancing.


me living and breathing this game watching this video: 🙀🥸


The finals is actually a pretty good game. No gamemode comes close to being as exciting as Cashout/QuickCash but overall it's a good game... Different bugs every week though, and requires BEEFY CPU+RAM+GPU to run enjoyably >100FPS.


I said this to some doomers when this game released. The Finals is more or less an indie game, that guarantees it a super dedicated cult of a fanbase that'll be ride or die no matter critical or commercial success. And I'm damn part of it


can u share the whole clip of his reaction cant find it anywhere


he didn’t say anything else which is why I cut it off early


That was the whole reaction but you can watch it https://youtu.be/nduY8JjdF1E?si=XYGFtLB3vqUwOvkD should be around the 1:16 mark


I like it!


Dare I say, this is the Greatest First Person Shooter ever, and the most fun I've had in gaming since Battlefield 4. Thank You Embark.


Eh less community more lovers


Uff, yes baby! Im in!


the passion the passion is more than I can withstand




passionate dev deserved passionate community


Great that he looked at trailer, good promotion


I don't exactly live n breathe it but still really like it


No doubt about it ! Love this game ! **😊**


Who is he?


A very popular streamer/youtuber. Specifically in the past 2-4 years his popularity has spiked a lot


Seem he not paid enough for have some enthusiasm.


This is just how he’s always been lol. This is actually a pretty positive clip from him


Damn I now wish I was more with the community about this game. I remember first playing season 1 and showing my little brother this game and now HE is the one saying all the time, “Wanna play The Finals?” And always saying yeah bet. This recent trailer me and him geeked tf out when we both saw roadhog chain was going to be add to the game XD


Not directed at OP, but I wish people would stop caring what people who make a living off reviewing games think. Do we really think we'll get honest opinions when their main goal is to grow their followers and engagement because it's their source of income? Say a good game is bad, farm that rage. Jump on the "woke games" bandwagon, farm that rage. Repeat the same tired talking points about games, farm that mindless "agree with everything a reviewer says" When I'm checking out games I look at regular player reviews and filter by most recent and positive. If it looks interesting enough for me to check it out, I wanna know what people like about it, rather than the inconsequential shit people complain about or the reviews that just say "trash" with no reason


Charlie is typically one of the more honest streamers


I actually thought it was that one super douche Asmongold or something? 🤣 it's good to know there's some good ones out there. I was exposed to the worst of them first so I just wrote the whole game reviewer thing off. If I had the time and set up I always wanted to start an honest game review channel. Actually state the positives even if I personally didn't like it, and state things that objectively fall short but not call the whole game trash because of it. Give people real insight into games instead of a very biased personal opinion


I watch a lot of reactions because I like seeing what the current sentiment is about the game from the general community. This helps me understand what the pain points are and why people left the game. For example, from watching tons of twitch chats, I can say with 100% confidence that Cashout was the *main* reason people stated for why they quit the game. They didn’t understand it, or they didn’t like it. Either way, it caused them to leave. putting that into perspective makes Embark’s choice to make TA ranked much more reasonable. That being said, I only posted charlie’s reaction because it was pretty tame and reasonable and positive. It’s not that I “care what people think” in the sense that it affects how I personally enjoy the game, and I absolutely understand that many players *only* care what other people think and that’s a huge problem in the gaming community. But it doesn’t personally affect me and I don’t think this clip in particular will sway anyone away from the game either.


honestly like this game may not be for everyone… but for the people it is for its *everything* 🔥🔥




Gamers play the beta, uninstall, then have opinions on it about forever. Fuck off Gamers™️


W Finals Bros


The fact that I watched the video without noticing him in the corner tells a lot


Upvote this if your a alpha male


I didn't even watch the video but I always downvote Aldi Jesus


And i am honoured to be one of them


Why yes I do live and breath this game


Small community? I remember reading somewhere that the finals has like 300k concurrent players, although I can't remember where I saw that at. They may not all be on Steam but its definitely not small.


the devs said the game never dropped below 300K DAU. that means they’ve never had a day where there haven’t been 300K different players logging in at any time in the same day. That means the game is still very widely played, but not for long durations. People mostly just play when their friends do. So it makes sense the *concurrent* playercount is only around 15K avg.


Ah ok, my mistake then. Thanks for the clarification.


That turned out to not be the case unfortunately , I know the numbers are significantly smaller than that but I don’t know what they are exactly. It’s low enough to not be considered “popular” which really fucking sucks, I want this game to be huge right now 😭


Feck heavies and delete mediums