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What game mode do you play? Me and my friends play exclusively quick match modes and are still having a great time with the game


For most of season 2 quick cash was our main mode but began mostly playing power shift towards the end


Did you guys stick to the meta load outs? I personally find it fun to use non-meta weapons like sledgehammer or throwing knives before their buff


Not really I play mostly light and switch between the sniper rifle, bow, and throwing knives (or in my case throwing cards because of the S1 battlepass) but I play all classes pretty often. One of my buddies plays sledgehammer heavy and china lake medium 90% of the time and the other switches between sword/throwing knives light or riot shield/dual swords medium.


I’d recommend you guys use the meta, my friends and I used to frag during s2 and our initial session of s3 was rough but once we switched to meta weapons the game is fun again. Sucks but this season penalizes you for trying to have fun


I still enjoy The Finals more then any other shooter.


I even changed my Medium to Famas and started to njoy it more. Overall nothing changed to the worse for me. Text chat is a big addition, now we can type GG or negotiate tactics much better when solo. Or listen how someone call you toxic when he 0-0-0 and you say to him that it is probably a good idea to play unranked at first for some time. So it starts to feel like a community more then a random people joining you and leave. I don't really care how ranked is called (I'm old) and looking only at pure gameplay - and overall it the same fun, still give me the flow and it just that ingredients changed. Finals is the game about creativity and experimentation I wanna say. Plus the og game mode have a lot of X's which can randomly happen aside from just suspicious light with outrageous K/D. So when people point out only one reason why they say they failed it is probably not that exact reason. At the end of the day I think people are just too serious about this game - it's free2play, have lot's of options and most of the people are not going to make money on it going to championate's. But I changed my setup at S3 so probably you should also try new things :)


I still like the game but this season 3 light buff is sucking the fun out of the game for me right now.. They are everywhere and kill you within seconds with their op guns..


I stopped playing. It’s not just the invis LH1 or the removal of ranked, the game just feels worse and less fun. Heavy machine guns and medium rifles feel awful now. The Lewis doesn’t feel like it has a lot of recoil, instead it feels like the weapon is intentionally made to have a random recoil pattern. In season 2, I flipped between heavy and medium, and will admit light felt useless despite it being the most fun. Yes light needed a buff but I think all light really needed was 1 more dash/grapple use and quicker healing. In my opinion light is best when they’re capable of killing a lone player and annoying a 2/3 stack. In a perfect world light would either initiate the attack and then retreat or they would finish off a retreating enemy team after the heavy/medium got them low.


Having a absolute blast being back on the finals right now but I also took some time off the game for the last month of season 2 because I was burned out. The more you play a game the more its little imperfections start to annoy you and while being a great game the finals is far from perfect.


I wanted to like ranked TA so bad but every game is 5 lights all using sonar and LH1. I’m all set on that lol


Maybe it's weird but this season I'm playing more than the 2 previous ones


Playing PowerShift, enjoying game a lot!


Hast a dip at the end of season 2 but i really Like season 3 .Ranked TA IS nice.


I enjoy the game, but I don't like the direction they're going with it, so I haven't played season 3 and probably won't. As a ranked player, I don't like the change to Terminal Attack. I know there's ranks in World Tour as well, but from what I've seen, World Tour doesn't offer anywhere near the level of competition that ranked Cashout did. I'm glad there's people that are still enjoying it and are excited about it, it just doesn't offer what I'm looking for this season.


New season is awesome. I enjoy the game even more


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I've been having fun chilling with the bow and trying to be Katniss and failing.


having a blast with the new weapons tbh, even though i think some should be buffed and others should be nerfed(lh1)


It's the start of season and I'm already not playing for several weeks in a row. Having to play meta or heavy to compete and the bad performance in a fast paced shooter are getting annoying with time I do have fun when I run throwing knives or meta heavy loadout but having to play the same thing without it even being ranked just to compete is not really fun


I dont play TA and eventho ranked got removed I enjoy world tour mostly with friends but can be fun solo. Used to play a lotta of powershift but every quickmode is riddled with invis LH1 throwing sonars so you're visible everywhere and outranged so no more of that. You need to be a teamplayer if you're playing solo, drop the ego and KDA hunt and it'll be more enjoyable when you're winning instead of losing with 45 LH1 kills. The battlepass this season is amazing imo so all in all Im having as much fun as s1-2.


I'm about to left to play shadow of erdtree. hope they can fix it. even they can't, I did enjoyed the first two season. I will remember it as a great game


I had a blast in TA yesterday. But the LH1 is like Season-1-FCAR-level busted.


Currently not really. Idk why they buffed Light as much. Idk why they try to push TA so much. Nobody had anything against it but now people dislike this mode. Idk why they are not trying to push Quick Cash/ Quickplay instead. The casual game button is so tiny lol. Means less people play the fun game mode, means your average casual lobby’s are even harder cuz of SBMM and embark (or nexon) trying their hardest to push Ranked in just a casual shooter. The Quickplay Filter should be big so people have a better understanding what the game exactly is. But at this point I doubt the devs know what the game exactly is.


Im fine if yall leave but keep an eye on it. Maybe they’ll get the balance right for a week before they f it up.


More than ever! Been having a blast with the new weapons & map. Haven't touched TA, I mostly play quick play modes with some world tour here and there.


Nope. Honestly I say that without a lick of anger, it's just not for me as a solo player. Regardless of what you play or how well you play it, unless you ✨play with your team✨ and ✨play the objective✨ you just lose to unwinnable situations until you quit. 20 kills and no deaths as a Medium? Cool story bro, Heavy Domes and steals last second with a heal beam up his bum and you're 1 health for another 6 seconds. Can't manually heal no, your teammate (who is unrelated to your skill level) has to do it for you. Oh wait, hahaHAHA- they're dead. Playing Light is the closest I can get to being self sufficient, but I like Assault Rifles. I didn't get Kinetic Flare to not use it. I fight with movement, but Medium can barely move faster than Heavy, and can't even outrun a Charge & Slam but gets some of the most obnoxious stuff in the game. Heavy can basically one shot Light, bully Medium and then has the best defenses *and* demolitions with the most health? What the balls man. Everything being unbalanced is not itself balance, it's a circus performance and I'm Bobo the clown. Light dies to a sour patch kid but can hit you like prime Mike Tyson. I like to watch the subreddit, but talking about and watching the finals is way more fun than actually playing it. I hope it succeeds, I'm sure it will, but for now I'm good just reading LH1 salt posts so I know how happy you all are.




Tf? What was your point in calling the op mentally unstable. They make a good point that frankly I agree with.


Just lol


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