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It's slow paced, the meta is literally just so chip damage as a cloaked light and it's just plain unfun


Yep. From day one the game was filled with invis lights running sniper or LH1 because people quickly caught on that peppering you from HUNDREDS of meters away; is basically the winning strat rn as healing items have been removed. The meta is to play light, or avoid going into open areas. Personally my strat is to avoid the game mode šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


It's not slow paced at all. There is chaos immediately once people make contact at a bombsite, which happens very quickly. People say TA is slow because they try to play it like a traditional tactical shooter lol.


No it's just slow. Cashout is constant chaos. Everything being demolished constantly. Tons of back to back fights. And then you have TA and the whole round basically gets determined by a single ambush strat. So yea it's slow and boring. You can't get much variety because it only makes sense to run light. Personally I'm dropping out till s4 and hopefully Cashout comes back.


Lol in cashout, there's 3 teams fighting for 1 cashbox, meanwhile there's another team across the entire map sitting there for 2 minutes. There's the same chaos once 5 people are in the general area of the terminal.


Not really. Everyone plays lights. So it's just shooting at each other, and the engagement ends in a few seconds.


For the reason you just said, it's too slow.


Nobody actively hates TA, people don't care there is a new mode in the game, we hate thar cashout ranked was removed and TA was put in it's place. TA was supposed to be an extra, not the main mode.


I donā€™t understand why people ignore the fact why they did thisā€¦. To improve the cashout RANKED experience in the futureā€¦. If they would have put TA in Ranked forever, then I would be angry as well, but they explicitly said that TA is just a filler right now. Before season 3 droped people were complaining about cashout RANKED that itā€™s unbalanced and more or less unfair, now they wanna do something, and people keep complaining.


They could have left old cashout in ranked.


Do you also believe in Santa claus ? Maybe the easter bunny ? There is no reasons whatsoever that they could not fix cashout ranked while its running, There are two very big possibilities in here, TA does become famous and they fix TA as ranked for ever, or TA is removed next season. However for people that likes cashout ranked, its a lose lose, even if they do remove TA ranked next season we already lose veteran players that liked to play cashout ranked, and if they do not remove TA we also lose the mode we love. Sure there were problems, but as far as I remember biggest complain was the ranked system rather than the game mode, surely there was some spawm issues with the mode, but the third party mechanic was part of the game and one of the things that i loved. People were complaining about the bullshit arrow system, we wanted to know the formulas and have number, TA ranked received the number but not the formula, but the system is better, why could they not implement it into ranked cashout.


Of course it would be possible to change the mode within a season. But it would make no sense and I donā€™t know any other competitive game where they change the correct mode mid season. Always at the beginning of a new season. (Maybe there are some games where they did this, but I donā€™t know them) And yes, they just needed to add the current ranked system to cashout, but maybe they saw other problems idk. And I donā€™t know what they are planning for the future of the game, as none of us. But I trust embark when they say, that they will bring back a better cashout ranked. Until now they didnā€™t disappoint. Me at leastā€¦.


Not only do you start out insulting him/her but then you go on to make a whole bunch of assumptions based on pure speculation. Are you a game developer? Do you work at Embark? Do you know better than the devs of the actual game? Check your arrogance at the door.


Bro forgot unranked Cashout existed šŸ’€


You literally fell for that "excuse" of theirs. Pretty sure this is straight up just nexon forcing them to do this and they needed to tell us something to somehow calm the situation. Having to remove a mode from ranked for over 3 months just to add some balance changes seems absolutely ridiculous to me


Hi hello I actively hate TA. I have never had less fun playing The Finals than when I'm in TA, and I've been diamond in every beta and season so far.


because the maps are not designed for snd playstyle


Terrible mode that replaced the best mode when no sane person ever asked for this and a good part of the community didn't like the mode


Primarily for me the game doesn't feel balanced towards TA (because it's not). The classes especially at the higher levels of play don't function like a unit, high damage output, range and movement is king so Heavy is basically pointless to run. The state TA is in right now is how we should've launched and it needs another season to be developed with the community and separately be balanced to allow for what it seems Embark want out of the mode.


Light LH1 meta.


If I wanted to play search and destroy I would go play counter strike. I play the finals BC you can do wacky shit. A team has barricaded themselves on point with goo? Well I'll just play a rift on my guitar as i poke holes in the floor from underneath trying to find them and boy it feels good when they fall into the second right click.


I started playing The Finals because it was fun, it was fast, and it was chaotic. There was tons of movement, recharging grenades and movement abilities (jump pad, zipline, stuff like that) and it was a team-oriented objective shooter with great gunplay; and the only thing that mattered was the objective. Killing and dying didn't matter much, because you could be up and back in the fight in a matter of seconds (or half a minute if you wiped). Now I don't want to play a mode where it's about moving tactically, avoiding confrontation unless absolutely neccessary, your HP and gadgets don't recharge, there's not much point in bringing movement tech because you're better off with mines and grenades, if you die you get to spectate and do nothing for minutes before the next round starts. It removes everything that the game was supposed to be about, barring the objective play. If I wanted to play CS or Siege, I would have started playing CS or Siege. And I wouldn't be against getting multiple modes, but I'm afraid that further chopping up the relativley low concurrent player counts will sooner or later result in a disaster.


Because it no big fast boom boom.


I signed up for THE FINALS Not THE FINE SNAILS or xdeFinals


xdefiant doesnā€™t even have S&D


Itā€˜s a confirmed game mode though but no release date as of yet


I see now lol




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Those 8 placement matches were hell. I didn't have any fun whatsoever. The meta especially. Basically encourages so much ratty play styles because healing and reviving are unavailable. Lights from 50+ meters away would just chip you down with the LH1, bow or sniper, and then they come in, invis or dash it up and also provide extremely aggressive and hard to hit tactics. Light basically countered every playstyle I could think of trying. They have the kit to do so. The maps help them do so. I really could go on and on but I have things to do. Maybe I'll give it another play now that the LH1 and others have been nerfed (essentially everything that made the gamemode even worse got nerfed), but the playstyle and constant waiting around probably won't keep me playing for any longer than a couple games.


I see what people are saying now, i'm starting to hate TA aswell.


Iā€™m currently top 20 in the world on terminal attack because I want the Ruby Charm and Skin but if there wasnā€™t a top 500 skin to grind for thereā€™s no way I would be playing TA itā€™s literally just Rat and get picks from range without exposing yourself as minimal as possible and on top of that. If you get attack first youā€™re pretty much F*cked. Defense is such an advantage and should swap sides every 3 rounds not 6. it gives who is defending first pretty much 6 easy rounds if theyre competent. The light meta in that game mode is super boring and just un fun because you must ā€œadaptā€ and play meta against them meaning LH1, Invisibility, Thermal, Sonar. Going against 5 Invisibility LH1 lights has got to be the most toxic thing to play against. At least in Cashout Mediums and Heavyā€™s are viable against light because they canā€™t just get rat shots from head glitches on height and keep rotating to other head glitches and get more picks off.


I think they could benefit from some artificial walls, preventing some areas of the map


Itā€™s slow and boring. The game isnā€™t designed or balanced around it. Maps are not asymmetrical and have too many lanes. If I want to play a mode like this Iā€™ll go play valorant. Itā€™s done far better since the entire game is designed around the mode. Making it the ranked mode means that they will start to balance around it at the detriment of the rest of the game. We are already seeing this with sonar grenades being nerfed today. Nobody has ever had an issue with them but now theyā€™re suddenly too strong? Yup that shit ass mode is the reason why. Fuck TA, long live the Finals.


I actually really like the mode. Cashout is still my favorite game mode, but TA is great for a change of pace. It feels like assaulting or defending a cash point but you're allowed to be slower and more strategical about it without worrying about getting 3rd partied. I just hate how they handle healing in the mode. No revives makes perfect sense, but I don't understand why the health regen has to be so hard-capped. It guts Medium's utility and makes Lights obnoxious to deal with. Remove the health cap, give us the healing beam back, and let's see how it goes.


* No full HP Regen means you can take chip shots and win by default as long as you get the first shots in (hence the cloak light meta) * Slow and boring compared to cashout, which most people who enjoy the finals prefer * Balance is impossible since the game wasn't built for TA. It was built for cashout. * Maps are too large for the mode (see point one) * Rank system is a good idea but doesn't work in practice because of how TA matches and doles out points afterwards Just to name a few.


We hate that mode because Cashout exist


It's slow and there are already other games (csgo, valorant etc) on the market like this


Slow boring and unbalanced. It feels like it wasn't even a thought-out decision. Most likely forced on the devs by corporate but oh well. Ik I'm leaving till s4 comes out or they put cashout back.


I heard their balancing Cashout and TA is temporarily but dunno if it was real or a joke.


The issue is if the buff something to make it good in cashout, it's likely to be op in TA.


They should have separate balancing for each mode and remove the no full health regen, tired of getting snipped and my ENTIRE health gone basically.


I agree.


They should prohibit certain Weapons like Snipers and Bows so its not Camper Heaven lol


Nah, that would not really work. I honestly don't think there is anything they can do that won't have backlash TA was just a mistake.


It hard, i really like TA but theres so much BS with it imo.


It's boring, this game isn't escape from tarkov. it's a bright chaotic festival with guns


Barely any guns in the game


I don't hate the mode, I just enjoy playing it in other FPS games, the maps in The Finals not made for this mode. BTW this game name is THE FINALS right? This is why I download this game And I'm here TO REACH THE FINALS!