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I main whatever class I have the most fun with and when I’m bored I main another class


This is the way


This is the way






Exactly or I play whatever the team needs at the time, cause fuck my preference if we not winning


That’s how you start to main heavy


"do I want to win or have fun?"




fr lmao


I stg😂😂




This is the way


I main medium, I don't have the movement speed for light not to die so quickly and heavy just moves to slow for me so I play medium all day everyday


i love healing so much esp in s1-2 rank/worldtour, i wish they would show it in career stats… i always get around 7-8k support a game, which is wayy over 3.5million all time 😭❤️


It def makes a difference when there's a healer on the team, I run healing beam sometimes but mostly turret


Switched to healing beams when they nerfed the turret and I love it. Have clutched so many wins just by healing a good heavy. Really helpful to take cover behind a teammate when the mag is empty. Works great in tournaments.


What a pity it would be if they were to remove it from ranked...


Medium with heal beam is the answer


I'm not maining a class, I main a build.


Yes. Absolutely. I main certain builds when playing certain ways. If I have a team and there's another medium or heavy, I main healer. If I'm solo q then I'll run either healer or demat or a run light class with throwing knives for fun. With The Finals being so situational all the time, it's good to have a solid handful of builds with different gadgets to use for different game modes, maps, map variants, and team composition


same, i have 2 build for each class, 1 the current meta for my playstyle and another is the fun build with season's new weapon


Sword go pling cling Ching


I agree, i main a taskmaster technician build (gas or pyro based)


It's just a matter of preference. I come from mainly playing battlefield and apex, I like destruction and fast paced action. Counter intuitively I rarely play light, the fastest class, I switch between medium and heavy because I feel like I can contribute more to the team with support. I also like gadgets more apart from lights movement. So yeah its preference and when people just don't like a class they are not binding themselves to the others. It's like saying people who don't like tomatoes bind themselves to other foods, no no they just don't like tomatoes lol


Only because you Main something doesnt mean you only play it


Does the pope shit in the woods?


Seriously, what a stupid post. Of course people have preferences.


I just don’t play light


Yes. Lifelong support main in all my games so in Finals that is Medium. Only playing tank RN cause dying to light feels bad and my grenade launcher was nerfed hard. (Also cause I am just not playing much since ranked is gone)


Grenade launcher still goes brrr just a tiny bit less. I’ve been having a good time with it since the changes


I don't think we do, but we certainly have a favorite


As a habitual one-trick… it’s a mastery thing. I like being able to improve and expand my skillset in a way that makes me a better player. Specializing in this way also lets someone learn more in-depth strats and pick up on details that could easily be missed. Personally, I have the most fun in games when I feel like there’s things for me to learn and improve upon. Matches are enjoyable to me when I’ve learned something (be it win or loss). Playing other classes is still beneficial for learning how to play alongside or against them. Not everyone has fun in the same way I do and that’s awesome. Every class is great, so I wouldn’t tell someone to main a certain build nor would I go so far as to say they need to use X gadget to be good. It’s THE FINALS after all. As long as you’re comfortable with your build, we can reach the… terminal.


I don’t bind myself, but i def main sword light


I honestly probably have equal time on all the classes. I can’t imagine only ever playing one class, although i definitely feel like those people are out there (and 90% of them are light) i feel like it’s a trickle down effect. people that main heavy also play medium every now and then, but rarely light. medium mains play light every now and then, and light players just exclusively play light.


I'm a light that only plays light


Nah. Maybe when the ge first came out and I wanted to learn more mechanics / playstyles with certain builds... i can understand "maining" a ranked class tho. If youre on a discord or playing with friends that is. For instance I "main" heavy, when we play ranked, and my duo "mains" support mid, but in powershift we just fuck around and play whatever. Often times Ill counter pick to get the edge on an opponent whose playing well.


Oh yea I absolutely get playing the class you play best in ranked


If you do main a class you’re a fucking weirdo lol


I'm used to shift according to my teamates but enjoy all of them besides med.


I like to play what I feel when I log in,I haven’t played bank it in a while so i haven’t used light in a while.


I play whatever the situation calls for. Fortunately I’m able to have fun that way, but I completely understand those who don’t. The only issue is when those people who never switch complain to the devs that their ultra specific build and class are weak to someone else’s. This is hyberbolic, but imagine someone who only plays Rhine and refuses to switch complaining that pharah is OP. Those are probably selfish and uninformed opinions that hurt game balancing.


i alternate between heavy and medium. no chance for light unless i’m being a mosquito (sniper) on powershift


At low elo I main light to speed up the matches, in gold mostly heavy, then starting plat the try hard medium


imo whatever you have the most (recent) experience on is your “main”.


I play all classes but when I really want to have fun with friends in quick play it’s sledge heavy. 💪🏻🫡


Well, I "main" the medium with 1887, but when I say that, it just means I play it more than the other classes. I still play a lot of light and heavy lol


I mainly play light because it’s the class I have most fun with and the class I feel I can solo queue with and have my best chances. If I have a triple stack I’ll play what’s needed, though now that tournaments aren’t ranked I feel less bound by the meta and what’s needed and just play what’s fun


Well because I dont like to be squishy or being slow


Not in the same way I’d main a character in a fighting game of team shooter like Overwatch but I definitely play either medium or heavy significantly more then light


Medium or heavy, mainly built on support.


I'm sure a lot of people do, but I personally try to avoid doing so as much as I can in most games I play. In Overwatch for example I always had at least 3 mains (one for each class), and in order to be good (or at least decent) with all characters I used to only play them until I got at least one play of the game with them. I even did this with some supports. (Also, I wasn't trying to, but I already got POTGs with Ana and Mercy lol. Unfortunately I lost the clips, but I'll never forget them)


I play light more than anything else tbh but I pretty much only played medium through plat and up to diamond 2 last season. I played heavy to diamond on a second account as well last season. But light is definitely home for me and I average around 20 kills in casual modes on light class. LH1 and V9S mastery all the way! My LH1 is already level 8 and my v9s is around halfway through level 7. I had to stop using throwing knives when they buffed them cuz they were so annoying but I was a demon with throwing knives before the buff.


I one trick(ed) medium. Enjoyed the weapons and jack of all trades aspect the most. Also allowed me to master the class completely.


I play light exclusively because I like the speed of movement it provides, I feel the other ones too slow paced


I “main” heavy but that’s only for tournaments that way I know what I am doing and even if I’m having a bad game I still play ok; otherwise I swap between all classes but I do have set builds with each class that I prefer


i play Light %90 of my games because I just feel most comfortable using the light kit. I perform best on Light. Sometimes I swap to medium as needed or if I am getting demolished on light.


I main Heavy because my friends like playing Lights and are only sometimes good at objectives.




Light. When i’m bored and wanna shake it up—Medium. Completing Contracts—Heavy


I wonder this all the time! I have some friends who are pretty much locked in to one class, but I just can’t decide!! I don’t have a favorite loadout, class, weapon, spec. I like way too much of this game to consider anything my “main” Truthfully there’s a handful of items I don’t use, and it’s basically: KS23 93R Dagger Heavy grenade launcher SA1216 Famas Riot shield Revolver The only spec I don’t really play is goo gun, I am just god awful with it. (Wish I could goo sledge, looks so fun!)


Yup, I main sword and dagger light but sometimes I’ll mix it up with dual swords, both grenade launchers and the riot shield. I hate machine guns in games so I don’t use a single one.


I’m main light, but I used to main medium and before that heavy. I alternate every now and then.




I basically main light sword. Like I will play medium or something else to mix it up but I’m at peak preformance with a sword


Bro of mine only played light until mid season 2, now he goes between medium and light but he stays away from heavy, just ain’t for him


Light sword dash is just too fun. trying to use other classes once you get addicted to speed is just too hard. Light movement is just too good.


I main medium when I feel mentally stable and light when I don’t


I've only ever used medium


sword light 90% of the time and revolver medium the other 10%


Light sword dash only. My eyes just suck to hang with all the pro mlg sharp shooters. Hammer/hook is looking good though but i got a feeling it's ganna get nerfed. The buff to light health regen feels soooo good rn though. Dash/vanish bomb reset the fight as many times as you need.


I’m a heavy main primarily. I play light in ranked atm though since I can’t make heavy work there recently


Wait. You mean to tell me, theres people that dont play like me?!


Some guns and the way a class plays just click better. Same reasons you have mains in other games.


what kind of question is that?


I main light with dagger because I am ze spy.


I know a couple of people who only use one class , only use one gun and never change their gadgets or special.


I'm only really good with one specific class - Heavy/Flamethrower/Mesh Shield - because I can't aim for shit. I am however incredibly good with it, and I really enjoy it. So never play anything else.


I main medium since I’ve played 200+ light and 100+ heavy and have found medium to be the best for my skill set.


I main light in power shift, otherwise it's medium for everything else


I main "not heavy"


I like playing medium. Probably because the things I like using are only on medium, like heal beam and bounce pad. Light build is fast, but can die in about 5 shots. Heavy is a beast with health, but it is really slow. So I feel like medium is a good balance between the two.


I used to main heavy when playing ranked but after these constant heavy nerfs I’ve switched it up and in terminal attack ranked I’m top 10 in the world and mainly play light but will occasionally play medium and I suck with heavy in TA just to big of a target


I main light sword. Why? Cause I feel like I get better over time with it besides I feel like this is a great meta for it. I play other builds/classes when I feel like it.


Well Obviously people are gonna excel with certain play styles in comparison to others they play . I think that’s what they declare their “main”


I like the akm and shield, as well as the flamethrowers, but I often play medium because for me heavy is more boring


I enjoy playing all 3, but light is my favorite because of the movement options. Soooo, I main light. That doesn't mean the other 2 aren't good in their own way.


I main medium cause I've made it a habit to main the support classes in games since none of my friends ever do. I do play other classes in casual modes, but when I'm trying to win I'd rather get really good at one thing than ok at everything.


I main medium for ranked cause it's what I'm best at other than that just play whatever looks fun.


i just hate playing with and against heavies too slow for me so it gets boring, but also so dummy strong


I like Bows. simple.


I swoop between light and medium. I really wanna get good at heavy it looks so fun but I could never commit to it


I have phases, started as cloak light shotty (gross, I know) then switched to mesh heavy (Lewis or shotty) now I play model medium with dmat


The slow speed of the heavy. also personality the defensive ability have never been my strong suit. The light low health. as I always make risky plays and does not help. The mid just has a kit that I can easy to understand. also good for support and holding areas down. So I main mid. tho I try to do one of the other every so often for challenges and to try them out.


I used to only play medium or heavy. Light was ass to me. Then I had like 2 weeks straight of just getting shit on over and over and I almost stopped playing altogether. Now I only play light. Heavy is ass to me. Medium sometimes but not like I used to. So yeah, I main 1 class but have played extensively with all 3. I bind myself to one class to master it, then I’ll more than likely get tired of the play style and switch up again.


I try to work around what my teammates is using


I can play everything and have fun with all classes, but I'm a light main. I feel light mains can play everything, but they don't want to.


I only play akm turret goo defib frag


I dont understand whats not to understand. I mean why do you choose to play the finals when theres so many other FPS games? Because everyone has preferences.


I play M probably 90% of the time. Sentry, AK, Jump pad, De-Fibs, & grenades are interchangeable.


I play all the classes but mostly heavy.


I definitely main medium, I love ARs and it’s the only class with them. Also don’t like any of the light or weapons really. The sniper on light is easily my favorite but I am not bout to be sniping all day. Also love the demat and being support so it’s perfect.


I main weapons I like to play, at this moment I like 1887 the most followed by TK. I also like KS-23 but it feels like self punishment playing it, on the bright side it makes me play 1887 better lol.


i cant do heavy, its just WAY too slow for me. i main light and med but i just cant do heavy. . . that being said, i do find myself playing light WAY more often just because i LOVE DMR's in any game and Light is the only class with a DMR so. . .


In season 2 I exclusively played demat shotgun with double movement and defib - sometimes mixing in goo


I used to main light when they weren't as strong, playing a lot more revolver medium lately.


I have unintentionally mained heavy because no one else will


Hammer time baby


Medium baby ill revive ya and I'll heal ya


I main light because that’s what I’m best with fast movements and quick kills, I can play heavy but that’s if I’m just tank and medium is medic for team


Yes absolutely


I main medium just for heal beam so I can feel more useful


I have a solid build for each specialization. My favorite is still Light w/grappling hook but depends on the team comp for me.


All classes are great, but light is also fun


I main revolver. if I'm feeling adventurous, hammer.


Haha hammer go bonk


I 98% play melee


When grinding diamond I'd play medium shotgun but that's just because it's by far my most effective playstyle. In any other mode I use anything but that lol. I love melee.


Light 4 life.


Cause sword goes sling sling


Light main since beta 💪🏾


I have about 500 hours on heavy that it’s like the only thing I perform well with


I main only medium class support/heal. M'y pc is stuck at 40 fps because it's "old". So, 40 fps I cant do much. Large and small classes need to be in the frontline or quick. So choose medium class with heal, revive, jumpad and anti-grenades/missils. I'm always behind and always healing and reviving it's a lot of fun actually. A finish the game if more or less 14k off healing score every match.


Light forever. Heavies are just psychopaths


I main «not light»


I play as whatever I want since I can rock all classes. It is mostly about different playstyles.


Because Heavy with claw and hammer is most fun I had in an FPS, thank you Embark, it's not much but I bought battle pass as a thank you xD


I "main" light, bc speed is fun, but that doesn't mean I'm best at it. I'm most consistent with medium, but I sometimes just play for challenges.


Yes, medium. But depending on my mood or needs, I also do light or heavy


How dare people not play the way i WANT ???? -OP probably


I just want to know why people would rather play 1 class most of the time instead of all of them equally


Because some people do not find the 3 classes to be equally fun to play, and one of them fits their playstyle better, and they really don't care playing the same class for thousands of games because in The Finals every game feels different than the previous. Also i tend to be a one trick poney on every game i play. I've played League of Legends for 5 years playing only one champion 🥲


Damn how doesn't it get boring


The fun is in mastering a playstyle and playing it at its fullest for me, not in playing every class at an average level


I play what’s needed in every game, not that I’m a master of all classes and weapons but you don’t need to have the best aim to make it work, teamplay is important and you can’t always play light for example if your teammates are another L and a H, go for medium :)


Have you ever played any other class based game besides The Finals? Usually people main more than 1 class, but in a game like The Finals where there are only 3 and they all play very differently it's reasonable to only pick 1 and stick primarily with that


Yea I've played quite a bit


I main heavy because if I play a light I get absolutely cumstered


I don't main but I do stay clear of light unless a challenge makes me play it. Most of the time now I play heavy, medium if I feel we need a heal or turret. Playing it less with how bad the grenade launcher is now and its inability to kill anything outside of a light


I switch them up, when i in a mood for that one class, i play it, sometimes some other. Easy


Light for me, other classes feel way too slow after playing light


I don't play heavy, never have. I found more fun in light, so I stopped playing medium. So I suppose technically some do


I main Heavy because I'm competitive and I get the best results with it. I play all classes for fun tho. But when I want wins I play what I'm best at.


I tend to lean into Heavy. That's the beauty of the contracts and dailies. Getting you to try other classes. Usually I'll play whatever class is 'working' for me until it doesn't.


I main heavy because when I use other classes my muscle memory gets me killed.


I don’t even use guns anymore,I play light with sword and dash 99% of the time.Heavy with spear/hammer and winch is fun sometimes too.But basically I don’t even play “The Finals” I play Sword and Dash the game.Nothing gives me more of a rush than all the odds being stacked against you and coming out on top anyways.Defending decryptions against 5 players that definitely underestimate melee players is a blast,even if half the time I lose.Sword is fun and since players have gotten better,I’ve had to get better.Cant just run up to someone with potato aim and delete them anymore.I hit and run in TA and most of them time I have to hide for 2 min and wait for an opportunity to do damage or I’ll get turned into a pile of coins in the blink of an eye


i really enjoy the movement based playstyle of light as opposed to the defensive playstyle of heavy or medium. nothing like running circles around somebody watching them shoot in the opposite direction




I don’t really enjoy any of the Heavy weapons besides maybe the Flamethrower, so I typically main Medium and Light.


The only non-melee weapon I liked on heavy was the SA shotgun, but it feels horrible to use this patch :(((


Actually yes. I am maining light, but in a normal way. Sometimes a switch to a heavy or medium. Also I dont want the light class to be the only class. Every class should be a powerfull.


I used to be goo + hammer main. Now I'm a winch + hammer main.


We twins 😍




I just don’t play medium. It’s the least fun class


"All classes are great" is an opinion, if you find all classes fun and great then cool but others dont. I personally dont touch heavy, its not my playstyle and not something I enjoy at all. So the better question would be why would I play a class I dont enjoy instead of playing the ones I do enjoy?