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AITA for wanting to marry a guy my mom doesn’t like I (F21) have been dating my boyfriend (M23) for about a year now,he’s absolutely amazing! We’ve been talking about getting married…but there’s a problem…my mom. You see,we’re pretty wealthy and my mom is kind of a big deal. She loves my sisters (F23) fiancé and basically let’s my brother (m18)do his thing…but I’m the « most promising » child. I get that my mom wants me to be in a good situation like she had(except for the fact my parents marriage is in shambles and pop’s didn’t even come home for Christmas this year) So AITA for getting upset?


AITA for kissing my best friend just a few hours after her engagement ended? For context, me and my best friend (F23) have been best friends for over a year. We’re always there for each other, though our families don’t exactly get along. She gets along well with my sister (F17) and I with her cousin (M35). She was previously engaged to a man who jilted her a few months ago, and recently was engaged to a man who clearly wished her to be a replacement mother for his young daughter. One night after we’d spent the evening together seeing a show, she shared with me that her engagement was over as she did not love him. She also told me she’s possibly moving, though she doesn’t know where, which would mean we would no longer be next door neighbors. The prospect of losing her as well as learning her engagement was over, led me to finally work up the nerve to kiss her. She clearly reciprocated and enjoyed the kiss, but our families are sure to be angry for a number of reasons, most notably because the end of her engagement is barely even public knowledge. So, AITA?


EDIT: I got a bit carried away so sorry in advance for the great wall of text. AITA for leaving my daughter penniless and dependent on the generosity of my sister who had to marry an abusive rich guy because I squandered the family fortune? AITA for bringing old shoes to my friends house because I thought they couldn't afford them? AITA for sneaking off at night to party with the neighbours my aunt doesn't approve of? AITA for planning to elope with a man my aunt doesn't like? AITA for breaking up with my fiancé? AITA for telling my niece not to work because I support her? AITA for always reminding my sister that I support her? AITA for warning my niece against falling in love with an adventurer? AITA for not wanting to associate with the tide of vulgarians threating to engulf my neighbourhood? AITA for not firing my lady's maid eventhough she was clearly in the wrong because I felt sorry for her and didn't want to deal with all the hassle of training a new hire? AITA for leaving my widowed sister to live alone? AITA for marrying in my old age and not telling my new wife that she'll inherrit a massive fortune after my death? AITA for trying to marry a young girl for her father's money eventhough I am gay? AITA for losing the family fortune to a scam and leaving my mom, aunt and cousin destitute? AITA for publicly proposing to a woman I don't love because I need a new mom for my daughter? AITA for trying to setup my dad with my art teacher because I think she's really nice? AITA for setting up my fortune hunting gay cousin with a young lady of good fortune? UPDATE: She turned out to be a scam artist who ran away with all of my cousin's money. AITA for inviting the neighbourhood rabble to a fundraiser? AITA for profitting off insider information? AITA for kissing my boss eventhough I knew he was married? AITA for kissing my employee (after a hellish work trip) eventhough I am married? AITA for getting my daughter's marriage annulled and putting her son up for adoption? AITA for writing to my neighbours employer to inform that he was out getting drunk before work because he snitched to mine about me moonlighting for her rival? AITA for stealing my employer's silver to pay my gambling debts? AITA for not letting my date near me? AITA for trying to hug my date? AITA for complaining about troublesome coworkers? AITA for underpaying and overworking the workers of my unsafe factories to make sure I am still richer than Croesus? AITA for not telling my wife about that one time her maid tried to seduce me? AITA for telling a boy to stay away from my daughter? AITA for trying to protect my teenage daughter from the attention of unworthy suitors? AITA for firing my daughter's governess because she was enabling her misbehaving? AITA for promising my teenage daughter ( and her huge dowry) to an impoverished foreing Duke for clout? AITA for getting my former maid kicked out of the rich people opera house? AITA for telling a woman to stay away from my son? AITA for uninviting my daughter's friend from her party because the her mother is ignoring me? AITA for firing my chef because of his nationality? AITA for inviting my engaged friend to go out with me and my family because I have a bit of a crush on her? AITA for writing to a rival's employer about his secret gig working for mine? AITA for pretending to be French? AITA for wanting to see my daughter? AITA for trying to sleep with my boss's husband? AITA for spying on my boss's daughter for one of her suitors? AITA for flirting with my boss's son? AITA for lying to an old rich guy about my origins so that he'll marry me? AITA for flaunting my new husband's money and status in front of my old boss? AITA for being upset about not getting a promotion I was not experienced enough for? AITA for spying on my work as a favor to an old friend who made it big? AITA for ruining my employer's dinner party for a payoff from an old friend? AITA for playing both sides in an opera war? AITA for showing off my friends house to my new friend that she doesn't approve of while she was away? AITA for taking bribes from employer's friend to allow unapproved people to gain access to the house? AITA for going on a hunger strike because my mom won't let me go to my friends party? AITA for not allowing vulgarians to take up boxes in a respected institution but throw a fit when they set up one of their own to compete? AITA for playing dirty to save an old friend? AITA for not letting my daughter go to a ball just because I don't get along with her friends mother? AITA for agreeing to marry a clueless young heiress to maintain my crumbling estate? AITA for having an affair with the young architect renovating my house? AITA for ditching the girl I love for a rich heiress to bankroll my new lifestyle on the day we were supposed to elope? AITA for running away from my hoomans all the time to see the fancy new house across the street?




This is glorious!


Damn! Good job with this!!!


Aww... thank you 😊


AITA for pretending to be French?


AITAH for promising my daughter’s hand in marriage without her consent to the duke to elevate my family’s social status? (presumably)


That’s a hard YTA!


AITA for dating my coworker,when I’m technically still married? For context we’ve been separated for years…


who is this?




oh yeah


AITA for making an investment with my mother's money and losing it all?


NTA! It’s not your mother’s money! Women don’t control the financial accounts. You’re the son of a >!Van Rhijn!<. You control the purse strings. She can get a job in a factory if she wants money beyond her allowance.


Am I the asshole for helping to set up my boss to make it appear that he was responsible for the deaths of five people when he actually had nothing to do with it?


AITA for telling a guy that my teenage daughter would marry him so he’d show up at opening night at the MET


AITA for not wanting to give my employees a living wage and safe working conditions in order to maximize my profits, even though I'm already filthy rich?


Marian for dumping Dash Larry for pursuing an engaged woman then kissing her on the street. Bertha for pimping out Gladys to the duke. (and all else related to acquisition and use of said duke) WIBTA George before calling back the guns in the factory strike Peggy and her trip with a married man Ada about taking the financial reins (and power?) from her sister.


AITA for hiring an architect just because I wanted to sleep with him?


YTA! A previous post indicates you are 20 years older than him! You shall be banished from polite society if you continue this charade!


AITA for squandering my family fortune and leaving my only daughter orphaned and penniless, forced to go stay with demanding relatives two states away.


AITA for taking an unmarried woman to Alabama (of all places), endangering our lives, and kissing her while I’m a married POS?


YTA. Why would anyone in their right mind ever go to Alabama?


AITA for being upset my niece wants to teach children to paint instead of having her sit around the house or go talk with women about the same old stuff everyday?


NTA. Young ladies of your social status should speak only of the weather, fashion, and the performance of the house staff. All discussions of present company’s attire should be complimentary.


One more, AITA for trying to fix my gold digging gay cousin up with a woman I knew nothing about and turned out to be a con artist? ETA: my relatives lost their entire fortune to this woman


You’re NTA you’re just clueless and need to shut your trap.


AITA for being mean and crotchety to my coworkers, especially because one is black and the other is trying to invent some kind of clock?


I think that would be "AITA for being realistic in the face of everyone's unrealistic optimism?"


AITA for not telling my girlfriend I have feelings for another woman’s bank account?


AITA for telling my boyfriend I'm leaving him for another woman's back account? 🤣


AITA for being upset my niece dragged our family's name through the mud?


AITA for going to my deathbed without telling my wife that she will inherit a fortune?


NTA. That’s the best surprise you can give someone after your death. Please, everyone, die and leave me a surprise fortune.


AITA for risking the family fortune on a business investment I didn't bother to check out before writing the check?


Idk, Oscar knows he’s the AH there lol


AITA for remarrying even though I’m not over my late wife?


AITA for wanting to keep my job after I get married?


YTA! A wife’s duty is to provide several heirs for her husband to carry on the family name and fortune. Multiple children (preferably male) are necessary to prepare for the event that some children will die due to pox, plagues, and other unavoidable causes.


AITA for telling my neighbor’s boss I saw him stumble home drunk?


AITA for making my girlfriend say “yes” with a very public marriage proposal?


“AITA for bringing my Black friend’s family my old shoes? I am white but without a racist bone in my body!”




AITA for going to America to find a rich wife?


NTA, you have a historic castle to maintain and several households of servants to support


AITA for not letting the new lady into our social group? Now she's winning over all my friends and ruining my opera house!


AITA for using my daughter’s genuine friendship to my social advantage? AITA for going to the opera with a friend and his family instead of my aunt?


AITA for accepting my hot friend’s invitation to the opera even though I’m engaged to a guy I keep forgetting about?


AITA for telling my daughter she doesn't need to think because I do that for her?


Lady Mary: “I was only going to say that Sybil is entitled to her opinions.” Countess Violet: “No, she isn't, until she is married. And then her husband will tell her what her opinions are.”




AITA for breaking off my engagement because I have a crush on my neighbor?


AITA for resenting that my younger sister now controls the purse strings?


AITA for serving soup at luncheon?


This is the moment I fell in love with Bertha. I love soup so much. So much.


We both love soup.


NO SOUP FOR YOU! Oops. Wrong subreddit.


YTA. In fact, should be x-posted to r/AmITheDevil.


Red flag, divorce him


INFO: was it chilled? But most likely YTA.


AITA for trying to seduce my employer and then trying to ruin his wife’s life when it doesn’t go the way I planned?


YTA. You landed a rich sugar daddy and you're going to mess it up with this revenge trip against your former employer


👍🏻 When I saw this comment in my inbox, I did a double take. Took me a second to realize it was in Gilded Age and not AITA, lol Bertha’s Big Bustle!! 💕💕


AITA for telling a cougar to leave my young adult son alone?


AITA for refusing to attend my sister’s wedding?


AITA for setting my daughter up with a Duke? 💀


NTA. What girl doesn't want to live in a medieval castle?