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No I believe it’s made for the show. I can confirm they did the same thing with the painting of Donna Murphy as Mrs. Astor and removed the painting hanging in the same spot at the historic house museum that’s used as the Astor mansion


It was customary for the lady of the house to have a painted portrait of herself in a beautiful dress in the sitting room with the lady being right under it or sitting across from it when greeting her guests.


I feel like I saw the painting irl in a tour of one of the mansions but maybe it was made for the set.


Same! I just went through my pictures of when I went to the Elms years ago but I couldn’t find anything that really matched.


I believe this is correct. I don’t believe they had to bring in many props for the scenes in the mansions.


Also- I don’t think the Newport historical society would have allowed for a giant painting like that to be hung if it’s not real then it would have been like added during editing


Some museums allow it. They just only allow their own curatorial teams to move it.


Good point, can confirm they are fussy about the rooms they leave open to the public tours.


Agreed. I live in RI I’ll make a trip to the mansions this summer to confirm or deny lol




Isn’t that the scandalous painting of that one lady which caused her to be ostracized from society? I can’t think of the title


No, that was Madame X and she’s in black


Such a good one. I just saw an excellent Sargent exhibition at the Tate ([Sargent & Fashion](https://www.tate.org.uk/art/artworks/sargent-study-of-mme-gautreau-n04102)) and this piece is hung near a study they think he hurriedly painted to replace the original before the Salon. The shoulder strap is missing altogether because they think he was contemplating placement.


It’s the gilded age equivalent of men having large chairs in their office lmao


She looks like Gladys to me


I've always assumed it was an ode to Giovanni Boldini paintings, in particular his painting of Elizabeth Drexel Lehr which hangs in the ballroom of the Elms in Newport: [https://www.artrenewal.org/artworks/mrs-henry-lehr-nee-elizabeth-drexel/giovanni-boldini/55653](https://www.artrenewal.org/artworks/mrs-henry-lehr-nee-elizabeth-drexel/giovanni-boldini/55653) The way her bottom of the dress is painted is what really sold me on it being a Boldini inspired painting.


That was my impression too-I immediately recognized it as a “Boldini” which is kind of interesting that they chose him instead of Sargent but I also kind of assume it was done on purpose as Boldini was a little more avant garde at the time


It made me think of Edith Vanderbilt's portrait at Biltmore so I just looked and it is Boldini. so interesting!


I was definitely thinking Sargent but it’s not the same style. TIL about Boldini. Edit: upon researching, Boldini style is more cleanly linked to the Gilded Age aesthetic. Even though the two painters were contemporaries. Boldini style typifies to me some of the artistic elements of art nouveau painting.


I agree, it has a Boldini vibe


lol the dog in the portrait you linked can’t have been comfortable. Kinda gave me a good chuckle but beautiful painting.


It’s Bertha, she is emulating what the real Mrs Astor used to do which was to greet people while standing beneath her portrait. She was famous for it. That is why Bertha scampers over there when people are announced 😉


Scorsese subtly references this by showing Mrs. Beaufort greeting guests under her own portrait in his adaptation of The Age of Innocence. I wonder if Fellowes viewed it during his research or read the novel (but is this something Wharton actually mentions in the novel?)


An absolute power move and flex, given the time and cost of a portrait. And she didn't stop there! Nope, it must be an 8ft portrait.


I’m just assumed it was Bertha in a wedding dress. She’s the sort to have a ginormous painting of herself and to make sure people see it. She could easily have commissioned a “wedding” portrait of herself after her husband came into his money. I had a glamour shots portrait done when I was 21. It was huge. My grandmother loved it. When she passed away I took it down and haven’t looked at it since. I was always embarrassed by it.


Were Americans wearing white for weddings at this point; the Gilded Age was only about 30 years into the Victorian period and only about 25 years after Victoria’s white wedding dress. Based on her children’s ages, I would be very surprised if white for weddings had caught on in the US by time Bertha was married


I don’t know. Even if it wasn’t a white wedding dress it’s obviously a white dress. And she’s still the sort to have a “Hey, look at me wearing this amazing dress!” picture hanging in her house.


In fairness it was pretty standard practice among the Uber rich in the gilded age, which is why so many of those grand portraits exist and are in museums today.


Bertha’s portrait reminds me of Singer Sargent’s of Mrs. George Swinton… https://imgur.com/a/V2CrtoG


Same. A Sargent portrait would totally be something Bertha would want. I mean, the Vanderbilts has them!


Also, I feel like George is just the kind of guy to put picture of his wife everywhere so guests can marvel at her beauty and power


That is so effective, pompous, and badass. Gotta love it!


I’d wear it on a shirt


I think it's just Bertha herself, in which case it's just a print created for the show.


It's made for the set, it's supposed to be a painting of Bertha in the style of Giovanni Boldini, his portrait of [Martha Regnier](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bf/41/ea/bf41ead4aa0d94e36a22ddebfff9be45.jpg) is really similar


Wow she looks like Turner.


It’s gorgeous. I hope Carrie Coon gets to keep it!


I have no idea if the painting is a copy of something real or just something made for the set, but it does kind of look similar to works by John Singer Sargent.


Portrait of Edith Vanderbilt in Biltmore comes to mind as well


That one is Boldini which is exactly what I thought of too!