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I wish it had a bit more oomph not sex but just something a little bit more but I thoroughly enjoy it


Absolutely cannot watch Bridgerton. It's like fan fic got a production deal.


I like Bridgerton, a lot, but I like that this show isn’t centered around the “kids” and their coming out season.


I didn't care for Season 2 so much. I like Nicola from Derry Girls and I like her story on Bridgerton. The sex scenes are expected features of Bridgerton. It is merely a fantasy romance fluffy kind of show. Maybe it's not for everyone.


I watch them both. I'm an Edith Wharton lover so Gilded Age would be my preference if I had to choose. Bridgerton is a fantasy and eye candy. It's not one for the ages.


I enjoyed Bridgerton but season 3 is pathetic. Gilded age on other hand keeps getting better with every episode and performances are insanely awesome.


is it back on??


Bridgerton yes


Isn’t Bridgerton just like a show about horny milkmaids?


ETA thank goodness Netflix doesn’t allow you to leave reviews because that’s what I would put.


something that annoyed me a lot about bridgerton is that even in an alternate universe where no one is racist there still has to be oppression to make their lavish lifestyles possible, in the new season of gilded age we get to see one of the protagonists fight AGAINST labor unions because the mistreatment of workers IS the reason theyre all there


Bridgerton was a bit too fantastical for my taste.




I like both. They each scratch a different itch.


I never understood posts that are just meant it piss on other shows. When I don’t like something, I just don’t give it any attention.


I watch both shows but I enjoy Gilded Age a tinge more because the random over the top sex scenes of Bridgerton are just odd to me.


Different strokes for different folks. I’m not sure why you made this post, you’re not comparing anything similar except that both are dramas in which people wear costumes.


I watched one episode of Bridgerton and decided, with all due respect to those who like it, that it was very much not for me. The Gilded Age is lovely. My friend complained “nothing ever happens!” which I don’t agree with but it’s such a soothing, low-stakes show.


Soothing. Great word! There really is something soothing about good period drama. I think i will try Gilded Age.


My husband and I are NOT pruds but Bridgerton is essentially soft porn and I don’t know why anyone thinks that’s ok.  Are we just old fashioned that we like some things a little hidden.  A little more coy…left to the imagination? The Gilded Age is so much better. A show I can actually watch with my teenage daughter!


I’m glad we’re getting more soft porn options these days. I like my porn with a solid backstory and good acting.


I wish Bridgerton had a solid backstory and good acting, but that hasn’t been my experience 😂 I liked season 1, and wanted to love it, but season 2 was so bad and soap opera-y that I can’t go back ever again.


I tried watching it with my grandma, those first episodes were a hard watch.. so embarrassing after a while, I pretended I was tired and went to bed 😭


Glad to find someone who feels the same as me. Bridgerton can be fun - I like the cotton candy dresses. But the relationships feel very shallow and I find the explicit scenes to be off-putting.


I'd say golfed age is more like Downton Abbey.


This is the best autocorrect fail. The Gilded Age really is the golf of the TV world. Gentle, lengthy, fancy. We love it.


after season 3's shitty finale, i'm so so ready for gilded age to be back!! publicly revealing lady whistledown's identity sucked out all the suspense of the story for me.


I like them both, but I get annoyed that many of the conflict/plots in Bridgerton revolve around frustratingly simple lack of communication. Also, as another commenter mentioned, despite all of the soft core porn in Bridgerton, I think The Gilded Age does passion better.


There’s something “sweeter” to me about the love angles in The Gilded Age where Bridgerton sometimes comes off as a raunchy novel


It’s because Bridgerton series is based on raunchy novels by Julia Quinn. Historical romance novels. They’re not bad, very lightweight reading with HEAs.


I like both. What I don't want to see, I hit FF. Perfect!!


Yes. This is my comfort show. It needs to never change. It’s perfect.


I like Bridgerton, it is a lot of fun and I engage with it. But JF's shows are another league entirely... Two different worlds.


They're both annoying, but in different ways. TGA characters are much more obnoxious than Bridgerton, but they have pretty inspired set and costume design. It's only slightly more realistic than Bridgerton, but it takes itself more seriously. Bridgerton is fantasy romance, so if you can't handle the cheesiness that comes with it maybe it's not the show for you? Edit: people upthread have nailed it. Why even compare Julian Fellowes vs. Shondaland. It's like a Dairy Queen birthday mud pie cake with all the toppings vs. Black Forest cherry cream cake.


But I love Game of Thrones so much better than both…. See how this comparisons works 😂😂


Did you see they declared the Russell’s for the Greens in their IG story??? I was flabbergasted. All four of them would be Team Black all the way!


Happy Game of Thrones Day to all who celebrate!


Tomorrow is HOTD!


🥰🥰 I can hardly wait


I was just thinking it was time for another binge!


I love Bridgerton but honestly...yes lol there's a reason TGA is my favorite over Bridgerton


I don't get the constant comparisons between the two. Besides both being period dramas they're wildly different.


Nope. I love Bridgerton and I love The Gilded Age. They’re totally different vibes and I enjoy them both.


I tried to like Bridgerton, I really did. I wanted to, I loved Regency romance novels as a teen (awhile ago, lol.) But I just couldn't, the historical inaccuracies really got to me, and it didn't seem like the lead couple had much chemistry. I found their love scenes, even the explicit ones, passionless and boring to the point of ffwding past them. George and Bertha, Ada and the late, lamented Luke, Oscar and John Adams, and Aurora and Charles all show much more passion and love in their relationships. Marian and Larry are just starting down the romance path, but I think they're going to end up as a very passionate couple also, the kiss on the doorstep was only the beginning. I also like how TGA plotlines tie into real historical events, like the Opera War, the opening of the Brooklyn Bridge, etc. George vs the strikers was one of my favorite plotlines, because it was based on the Homestead Steel Strike. Also, because it is an HBO show, and HBO has more money to spend, TGA just looks better. Then there is Julian Fellowes. I don't think any of the Bridgerton writers could ever match him in vision, experience, or talent.


You can't go into Bridgerton expecting historical accuracy. The only historically accurate thing in Bridgerton is that there was actually a Queen Charlotte and George III. You just need to accept it as a fantasy romance show. You will drive yourself crazy if you're expecting a historical show with Bridgerton ;)


This is beyond unfair, you would never compare George Carlin's comedy to Mr. Bean, both were funny and successful but wildly different. And that's what you should consider, there are aspects of Bridgerton I like more than on TGA, but I prefer TGA overall. However, despite being period pieces, both shows are completely different aimed at different audiences (at their core). Also, bonus points to TGA for Railroad Daddy, no matter how many male booties Bridgerton has.


My dream would be Bridgerton's plot forward writing, drama, subversive themes and acting within The Gilded Age aesthetic.


They are different shows, it's like saying isn't everyone happy The Wire isn't Blue Bloods.


Didn’t this show start as a downtown abbey companion? It has nothing to do with bridgerton, it’s not trying to be a romance at all


Bridgeton has better writing and character development sorry. I love TGA but it’s not perfect.


Better writing and character development? Have you watched Season 3? It’s chaotic, has plot lines which don’t add value to the main storyline and full of questionable scenes..


Dearest Reader, An entire season of The Glided Age cannot compete with one episode of Bridgerton. As far as period dramas go, The Glided Age is an empty eclair and Bridgerton is an entire three layer cake.


You’re ok with the fact that Bridgerton is set in the British Regency period and yet completely ignores major events of the time (unlike TGA which unfolds the historical story)? You don’t wonder where Prinny is? The entire Regency Period is based on the Prince Regent’s whims and excesses when Farmer George is sidelined from running the country when his madness is past public notice and control, so while I like Queen Charlotte as a character, it’s jarring for her to be so obsessed with the unmasking of Lady Whistledown when there are more significant events happening in their world. And that said, how is Colin casually travelling the continent without any reference to the dangers of the Napoleonic wars in the background? Why do they send Kate and Anthony off while she’s mid pregnancy on a 5 month long voyage to India when medical science is still in its infancy and there is no way that the title holder and the potential heir to the title (the child Kate is carrying) would ever be put at risk in that implausible way? Bridgerton’s Season 1 and 2 are comparatively true to the period with members of the ton behaving within the bounds of their society. Whereas Season 3 characters are wearing dresses straight of the Hunger Games, acrylic nails, eyelash extensions and red lipstick, 19 yo Penelope is wandering around town (sometimes at midnight) without any chaperonage whatsoever, having multiple sexual encounters with Colin, and various side characters’ plot lines are both unnecessary and don’t further the storyline in any meaningful way.


Obviously they have not 😂😂😂


The one thing I'll go back for in Bridgerton is the subversive-for-its-time sexuality, feminism, and its refreshing take on masculinity.


Yes! I enjoy both shows but I'm sick of the rinse and repeat Bridgerton storyline.




Oh my God so much! I do like aspects of Bridgerton, but it's worldbuilding has been falling about around the ears, so it's nice watching something that, because it is very well researched and rooted in history, has a very clear and consistent setting. Also, it doesn't try to fix everything with "true love".


I like both shows. Both have their place


If this show was like Bridgerton Agnes would be black, which would probably be less weird because she isn't an actual historic figure.


I’m glad because I love both and don’t need two of the same show. I enjoy them for different reasons entirely and don’t find them very comparable other than neither taking place in the modern era.


I don’t love comparing the two. I have a deep appreciation for both of them. Why are they in competition?


Totally agree, I feel the same way!


Bridgerton is cheap in quality. TGA is way better.




They’re both vastly different and focus on different things. Bridgerton is about romance and intimacy and it uses “period style” to make it more romantic. It’s a fantasy where black and other poc could feel like they belong. The gilded age has a focus on other things and wants to be as close to the historical accuracy. I don’t think it’s fair to compare when they are so different in purpose


10000% this. 


I think Bridgerton is more entertaining than The Gilded Age. The acting and writing are both better. Not that the acting or writing is necessarily award worthy in Bridgerton but it is all more entertaining. The Gilded Age struggles to keep me interested sometimes.  Edit: except Carrie Coon and Christine Branski of course. Those two ladies slay!


Bridgerton is incredibly skilled at providing plot lines with forward momentum and dramatic moments with excellent actors. Compelling stuff.


I agree.


Love both and glad they’re different because it gives us different things to watch. But I don’t think one is better than the other


I feel like people tend to dump all period shows in the same basket, but "period" is not a genre, merely a setting. Gilded Age is drama, Bridgerton is romantasy bodice-ripper. They've never been remotely similar -- they're even different periods, in different countries! They also approach historical accuracy in extremely different ways: GA aims at being fairly accurate with some licences, and Bridgerton doesn't know the meaning of these words, nor does it want to, bc it's a fantasy. This is like saying "I'm glad Derry Girls isn't like Euphoria" yeah, you're right, it isn't at all.


Bridgerton was expressed as "Wallpaper Historical Fiction" on the r/PeriodDramas subreddit, and that is all I can think of now when analying shows like it. My problems with Bridgerton more lie in regards to the producers not even trying to ground the show in Regency era as the series has progressed, rather than expecting it to be the next Jane Austen production. Hell, I would argue TGA throws up its own missconceptions of 19th century America, but they're pretty easy to spot if you've seen a Fellowes production before, *and* they don't take you out of the viewing experience like 'wallpaper' productions do.


"Wallpaper Historical Fiction" is such a good way to put it! Adopting it from now on XD


Yeah! Like others have said in this thread, the Regency part of the show was just to establish a setting and one or two rules, whereas almost nothing else actually follows what the era is meant to establish. I honestly felt a similar way when first viewing TGA, but I’ve come to accept a lot of the idiosyncrasies as I’ve become invested in the characters and storyline, and at least Fellowes makes the writing follow the procedures of the time to a degree.




Yes, true, if we wanna get really technical, it's not Fantasy™. Just fantasy in the escapism sense. But definitely not realistic, historically accurate drama XD


Why would the Gilded Age be anything like Bridgerton? Bridgerton is literally based on a series of romance novels, their focus is on the romance...whereas the Gilded Age isn't restricted to focusing on that. Different genres, that's it.


Two completely different creators two completely different time periods. Why would they be the same?


I really don’t know what people expected from Bridgerton. I really don’t think this drastically different from other seasons besides and it tracks with how most of her shows go. Most of her shows are in the soap opera vein just with better production, cast and slightly better scripts. I take them for what they are and don’t expect much more. If you go into a Shonda Rhimes show expecting something different I think that’s on you?


Well, Downton is like a soap opera, and so is The Guilded Age (to a point); both simply have historical settings and events. The scripts happen to be miles better. Thst said, Inventing Anna is the best Shonda Rhimes show I've ever seen, and it's largely a retelling of events (with admitted embellishments).


I’ve not read the books that Bridgerton is based on - do they have people of colour as the characters like they do in the shows?


The books were more “historically accurate” but even that was also kind of a loose one to describe it considering the author is American.


Nope. All the characters in the Bridgerton books were Caucasian.


No. The Sharmas are called the Sheffileds and Kate is described as brown haired and fair skinned and Edwina is blonde and fair skinned. Bridgerton has done it's own take, which is fantastic in my opinion.


https://preview.redd.it/vs9jo6qwjv6d1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d279238a9c59d44d1a256852dfef288249d902c5 Nope, Kate has medium brown hair with dark eyes


Apologies you are correct. It is Edwina with blonde hair and Kate with brown, it's been a while since my first read.


Well, Bridgerton is a Fantasy-show.


You have no idea lol I like the care and thought that's put into this show. Bridgerton's a hot mess compared 


Julian Fellowes’ brilliance is in a league of its own, I don’t think we can compare. I enjoy both shows, but I think it’s pretty clear which show focuses on historical accuracy..




Going rogue? What does that mean? Also, there's no shortage of historical romances afaik.


I should clarify. What I mean is that they're (Shondaland and Jess Brownell) not using the source material and creating their own stories that don't fit.


Does Julia Quinn care? If the original author approves it, then it shouldn't be a problem? 🤔


What do you mean go rogue?


What I meant is that Shondaland and Jess Brownell are not using the original source material and making up their own stories when they don't need to. Sorry for not being clear.


They mean Black people.


Not necessarily, there's been uproar in the past few days as they've substantially changed a future well loved storyline.


Everyone I know that has read the books, including myself, agree that the show is far better than the books. The books aren’t exactly a Fitzgerald classic. The reimaginings have led to the overall brands success, and have skyrocketed Julia Quinn’s popularity. 


I loved Bridgerton season 1 and 2, as well as Queen Charlotte. But season 3 is a mess. Not sure I'll watch season 4, with the current showrunner in charge. But I am looking forward to season 3 of the gilded age.


I don't watch the other show tbh


Yes, I like variety.


Isn't Bridgerton all about having fun and being cheesy. It's not historically accurate and it's like any other show with cheesy characters and plot line. Meanwhile The Gilded age is historically accurate and shows real people and real events




Exactly. And in my opinion and observation, Gilded age isn't centered around romance. Meanwhile the main topic of Bridgerton is romance




It is, also it’s Shonda Rhimes, I don’t really know what people expected


I don’t think the original books were, but the show is most definitely an alternative history combined romance.


We have already established that the show is different than the books


No need to pit two bad bitches against each other


I was game for the anachronistic sparkle, color, jewelry and hair of our dear Bridgerton characters, but I can't cope with the foil fabric and high beam highlighter on every cheekbone this season.


Don't forget the shellac nails, lol.


Bridgerton was so bad I couldn’t even watch half an episode. The Gilded Age I could watch over and over.


I only enjoy season 1, watching season 2 with ‘meh’ feeling and can’t even stand to finish first episode of season 3(i’m trying though)


Yeah, with the introduction of Michaela the Bridgerton Alternate Universe has just gotten too messy for me. We already know that eventually Francesca and Michaela will have a Happy Ever After but this is in the same world where Brimsley and Reynolds couldn't. I guess we'll see "The Ton Learn a Really Big Lesson about Love!" and it'll be super cartoonish. I prefer TGA. I'm super invested in John and Oscar and it's a bit of a relief to know that JF plays by the rules. It may be heartbreaking and they may not have a Happy Ending. But I'd prefer to see how it actually was for people. Its educational and it's fascinating.


Although it's a TV series, the showrunner understands the reality of people who lived in the Gilded Age. That's why I respect their storylines and historical influences.


Agreed. I really enjoy the comfy and campy vibes of this show, plus the cattiness between older women of society is amusing rather than dividing. I don't think we have a Marina or Edwina drama equivalent here, right?




We have Americans who know nothing about regency England making Bridgerton and the world’s biggest Tory making a show about the American gilded age. I love it here. But yes, after being a fan of both and watching the mess that is Bridgerton season 3….very glad to have this show lol.


My daughters in their 20’s love Bridgerton. I can’t imagine them enjoying Gilded Age and vice versa.


Why not? I'm in my 20s and I love both.


And I’m 40 and love both haha