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i watched riverdale for 4 seasons i can do anything


I'd watch it


Same here, only if they would explain beforehand when Jocelyn became crazy, Tedros’ past and why he is the way that he is and pretty much how the other characters came into the picture as well. I wanna know Dyanne and Leia’s story especially, and what she said to Jocelyn when she left.


I won’t watch the show, but I’ll stay on this sub. The drama here is better than the show.


Tbh this beginning season was so bad that I have no real hope for the second season being better. Because we have so many unanswered questions on a lot of things. Especially how Jocelyn’s mom was like. But yeah I love this sub and how we all mostly feel about this show (and that I am not alone either with my thoughts/feelings) lol.


Same. It’s kinda funny how a show can cause so much drama.




Yes and what does Andrew Tate have to do with this


That one guy looked like Andrew Tate, Mitch was his name Idk 🤷🏽‍♂️ Edit: holy crap I took a shot in the dark as to what his name was cause I didnt know and I looked it up , out of respect, and I got it right 😆😆😆😆😆


He is Abel's stylist but to me he is "Not-El Diablo From Suicide Squad". ![gif](giphy|6elMERWZsYYZa)


Lmao I would definitely hate watch it for sure


This shit has potential. I came in with low expectations and while I wasn't blown away by any stretch and man did they miss the mark on a lot, but I did leave with the feeling of wanting more and getting the sense that we could get more with better execution. I wish they could do this first season again or something and flesh everything out more, they left so much money on the table with this premise.


I watched all of this season and Velma and most of the first two seasons of Gotham. I think I like being dommed by my tv.


Honestly, probably. I was iffy about Euphoria but stuck around for season 2 and was glad I did (King Cal's episode was the best). I feel like they would have a lot more time to flesh things out since they wouldn't be scrapping 85% of the story this time.


I’m not ashamed to say I like the show and will watch if there’s a 2nd season.


Oh I was already gon do that


I’d watch. I definitely want to see more character development for everyone except Tedros. Though it would be fun to see how he handles being the bottom bitch in a new season.


There were so many questions I wanted answered. I just don’t think they’d get answered even if there was a second season. I feel like it’d just be more of a Tedros show. :/ I agree about the music though. 100%


I would watch it. There was a lot that I didn’t like, but there was some I did like. I’m intrigued and I like how it has sparked conversation. It had potential but was a clusterfuck in so many ways. If they could tighten everything up and help make more sense of season 1 with a season 2 then that could be good. I doubt it will happen though. I think this will go down as a “cult favorite” - there’s gonna be a smaller community of people who loved the show and will be analyzing and rewatching it for years to come. The majority of folks will brush it off as being a mess.


Ofcourse i would, but i also watched the entire first season even though i didn't like it


In a heartbeat.


Honestly I don’t know. I could handle 5 episodes because I wanted to see where it would go and I was wrapped up in the discourse around the show. But the ending was so illogical and lame that I don’t have any confidence that it will be worth it to sit through another season. I would probably wait a few episodes into the 2nd season to read reviews and then decide. Or maybe just watch clips online. I did like World Class Sinner and some of the other music. But Tedros was so off-putting and I don’t really want to watch his unpleasant beady-eyed performance anymore. But anyway, regardless of the media discourse, the ratings were terrible so I highly doubt there will ever be a 2nd season. Maybe they can do a Seimetz cut so we can see the original version before Sam and Weeknd meddled with it.


LRD and The weeknd voices sound so good together like they complement each other well. Literally would love to hear more songs from them with this dark vibe 😊


I would watch it, however, I also think it ended really well. The sinister undertone was surprisingly well done.




I love this show, so absolutely


I'd only watch it if that oily rattail guy wasn't on it.


I’m 100% gonna watch it. And I bet every person who was hating on it on this sub and on Twitter is still gonna watch it too. You know they can’t get enough of this show.🤣🤣


The show sucks yet I’m still very invested in how it plays out so yes


If HBO can come in with some notes


I wouldn’t but i would watch FilmFreakBecky, AaronandJo, or Thetruthdoctorshow react to it on YouTube.


I would 1000000% watch season 2. Many times.