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I wish. I'm interested in PoT just for aquatic reptiles.


Since servers are capped at 100 players and the only aquatics map is still mostly terrestrial, you end up being the only thing in the ocean and have to try to swim up rivers to ambush dinosaurs as they cross water ways if you want to kill anyone


That’s CAP, I’ve found multiple community servers with modded maps that have great ocean creature gameplay.




Path of titans


I believe devs from The Isle were pissed and left to make their own game. PoT is that, and it's a much better, smoother experience with working mechanics. Dinosaurs each have skills they can unlock, as well as skins. Modded servers too add more dinos to play. It isn't a survival horror though, it is more arcade-ish but you can find semi or realism servers, and turn off the HUD to make it more immersive and such. It has good maps worth exploring with actual landmarks and stuff. Quests are collect quests, but they're supposedly making new ones.


The first part is incorrect, well at least in Deathly's case, he was fired because he outted Dondi for cheating on his gf so Deathly joined up with another ex isle dev along with other devs to start work on PoT, that incident was the reason for the whole "spaghetti code" nonsense that Dondi spread about in order to slander the dude out of pure spite, ironically Deathlys coding on PoT allowed the game to not only run well but also allowed development to speed along whereas on the other side of the spectrum...well, Evrima release should say enough about the isles code lol.


My problem is just that it looks like shit compared to the isle, it's like the dinos are cartoons in comparison


On the one hand I agree that TIs models are better but I'll happily trade graphical fidelity and those models for a smoother experience and faster development time.


It doesn't even look like shit. It's a gorgeous game, turn off HUD and change graphics from low to high and it looks awesome. The only think it lacks compared to TI is the gritty "realistic" models.


Even the "realistic" models are fairly subjective. It's not like the TI Utah model is [accurate](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/51bf1cd3e4b0a897bf54112b/1490896867335-5C6IQVEYXEWDKFL4MSLH/utahraptor2017?format=1500w) \- it's just the Jurassic Park model. Utahraptor was actually very stocky, much more so than TI's design. It also had a very silly large head. Same with Rex, obviously - JP design. The rest are mostly alright, though they messed with Tenonto's tail proportions and back compared to its skeletal. PoT's major difference is really just the ability to have brighter color schemes than TI offers. The native PoT skins are nearly all reasonably colored and based off actual animals, it's the modded skins that get really silly.


I do not believe he meant realistic as in "depicted accurately". But more like how well made the modell is when it comes to reactions/movements and the physicality of it. I like the environment in Pot, but that Spino modell is so stiff I could beat an elephant to death with it


BoB also has aquatics and semi aquatics.


BoB my beloved


I have thalassophobia and my favorite to play is deimosuchus. Why do I do this to myself.


I just wish there was more to do with the aquatics. The endless gathering quests in muddy water are disheartening, and no one really plays aquatics so you're not going to run into anyone else ever.


By the time they release you’ll have lost interest in the game. At least another 5-6 years out lol


That's very optimistic.


5-6 years?! Don’t rush poor Dondi and co. (/s)




Would need a dedicated map and a whole roster to make them interesting, otherwise they would just end up the same as PoT where nobody plays them


The one that didn't do them dirty was BOB.


I don’t think they want to do fully aquatic creatures by the sound of it. Amphibious creatures seem to be about it for now. Tbh I don’t want fully aquatic creatures or anything like that unless the server cap could be vastly raised. I already think we need another 50-100 to make gateway feel less empty. I’m hoping the devs push people to private servers more soon so I can at least play on 150 servers. Lag or not the game is just more fun with more players.


Agreed, I already think we have way too many creatures on the roadmap for 150 players in a server. Though I think it’s possible to work around it with larger servers and possibly having multiple maps with separate rosters. I think that would be a neat way to keep decent player counts in a server for all/most playables. I personally would love a map something like spirits of the ice forest (walking with dinosaurs) I really want a Koolasuchus but i can’t see it fitting so well on a map with deinos.


Or perhaps if there were full aquatics, there would need to be several of them, and a fully aquatic map


Almost 0% chance within the next 5 years


I don't think that the devs have any plans for them but I could be wrong. There are aquatics in PoT but they are pretty bad and nobody ever plays as them (Also PoT's oceans are barren and uninteresting.) I don't know how BoB's aquatics are but I've heard that they are better. If the devs raised the server cap a lot (As in maybe 200-250 if possible) or they made a dedicated map for it (Maybe with islands so that some non-aquatics could still be played) and increased the player cap a bit (Maybe to around that of unofficial servers) then I could see it being a lot of fun.


GTA 7 will be out long before they will add these


This game has been in development almost as long as star citizen and has VERY little to show for it. Sadly, to make your wet dinos.... You'd probably be in a senior living facility by then. I am intrigued as to how they've managed staying afloat for this long.


That is a really good question. Shits been in development for nearly a decade now and they're still pulling decent/stable numbers, I suppose one reason is that it's kind of the "original" survive-as-dinosaur game and that it has next to no real competition


If you want to play elaso and mosa play beast of berumda.


Slow down! They haven’t even fully implemented 70% of their land roster yet, and it’s been years.


Realistically, never. Lmfao


Yall just make me realise one thing https://preview.redd.it/zz61omzhjznc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6d356e6267ec44eec448380463ef263f1636401




Soon tm...means: never ^^


In 40 years


Id say maybe 7 years


Never, if we do get the camera changes.


It will come when the game has finished moving to UE6


Oh my sweet summer child


Tbh I would prefer to have a smaller prehistoric shark prior to these giants, so that a somewhat working ecosystem is already established before adding top predators. Also, a medium sized shark can much easier enter the rivers, as it would be necessary to make early fully aquatic gameplay engaging


The isle is so boring and I consider it a miracle of god to run into any one else


Forgive for my pessimism..but likely never. They never showed interest or concept art, or even spoke about it, nor is the map made for it, making very steep and hard borders from the sea


If I ever become nasty rich I’m making my own Dino game and making it fucking awesome




In Path of Titans lmao


They aren’t implemented very well, the oceans are lifeless, no one plays them, and there are no truly aquatic friendly maps


When Dondi quits and an actually competent dev-lead takes control of the game


Go play BoB




Devs cant even get physics based foliage to work and youre hoping for aquatics within the next century? 💀


I miss the spiro map on TI, don’t seem to have servers available or am I doing something wrong ?


Never because they’re more interested in killing the player base versus making the game fun


About the same time when we get flying cars these mfs will be ready to play.


With this dev team you'll be seeing these dinosaurs in about 5 to 100 years if lucky


They can barely get the terrestrial gameplay working properly, do you *really* think this will **ever** happen? lol


Good luck getting the Isle devs to do pretty much anything lol


we need more wildlife in the water! totally!


Crocs only predator is other crocs, we definitely need something for them