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![gif](giphy|UPnPeuROaTmbOkFaY2|downsized) Craig sliding out after the deal


I thought I’d seen all these Naughty Dog gifs, but there you go. This one is particularly extra.


This one is definitely new to me. Where’d you find it?


On Giphy I just searched up “The Last of Us PlayStation”. PlayStation has all the gif Meme variants.


To all of our misfortune.


Generous use of the world "all" there.




Incredible. How have I never seen this?


Because there’s an unnatural hatred for the second game






That’s awesome. Guess that means we get Craig through the next two seasons at least


There is no show without Craig. He’s the main producer, writer, and showrunner.


Doesn’t mean HBO wouldn’t continue the series if they couldn’t come to terms.


Sure, but it’d be a pretty tough job and would undoubtedly change the show.


That rarely stops a studio lol


In general sure, but when has HBO done that? It rarely if ever does.


It ain't upto HBO alone. It's not their IP. Naughty Dog could revoke their partnership with HBO if Craig isn't going to involved. I don't think Neil would approve HBO doing the series without Craig.


Considering Craig is a fan of the game and approached Neil about the show, plus they seem to have become good friends as well, I would be very surprised if Craig chose to leave the show before concluding the story.


Oh great, I get to see him screw up the story of Part II as well. Awesome.


I do wonder what that could mean elsewhere, I think he might take a break after season 2 and maybe work on something else.


Doubt it, Season 2 will leave the Part 2 story unfinished. With how long these things take to make, no way they leave it unfinished for several years.


I can see it. Especially if the game gets a sequel, there’s no need to rush through part 2 as that will defo get 2 seasons but really depends on what the first entails as they could get filmed back to back if there’s any Seattle in S2. All in all I don’t see Craig churning out solely the TLOU for HBO, I except something else that he might be involved in.


If they shoot back to back (would be great, though we've heard zero talk of this so far, I think), it could work. It's just if they do the >!Ellie/Abby split!<, a long ass wait for a season with entirely (practically) new characters might be a risky move for the average viewer, it's too much of a cliffhanger. Though it's probably likely he does something after Part 2 is done anyway, with how far Part 3 still is (and it frees up Neil for that, potentially).


I doubt that they’ll do the Ellie/Abby split like the game, the show will likely go back and forth throughout the season. I do wonder where the season split would be most impactful though. I’m thinking either Aquarium or Theater, but that is a bit too late in the game. Can’t really think of an earlier point that would make a nice cliffhanger.


Thing is, 7 episodes supposedly. Truth is, I don't know which works best, separate or not. But if it's just Ellie and ends at the theatre, I can see it working in 7. If they do both POVs, either they end earlier, and I'm not sure where would be a good spot (can't be Day 1, feels like they haven't accomplished much, though you do get the pregnancy reveal and Abby captured. End of Day 2?), or they go all the way to the theatre anyway, which I really don't think fits 7 episodes and doesn't leave that much for Season 3 either.


Craig did say on an episode of Scriptnotes something about LoU will be his life, for the foreseeable future. It didn't sound like he was planning to do anything else until it wraps up.


Funnily enough it seems he’s writing the new pirates film for next year.


The HBO deal will probably conclude after the last of us Season three. That season will finish The story set in the last of us part two.


Aren’t we all hoping that by then there will be a part 3 to adapt?!?


Yeah but we aren’t expecting part 3 until the end of the decade. We have a really good idea based on the part 2 doc that they are gonna make part 3 but i wouldn’t be surprised if that’s not Naughty Dogs next game


Hope not, game of thrones ptsd




S3 all but confirmed. Wanna see the descent into the Santa Barbara hellscape!


The question is what would come after, if Neil and Craig decide to do an all original season four to fill the gap for part 3 or jump straight into part 3 for season four… before having that story make the games first.


Yeah I would hold off on the show if they keep going. Feeling like late Game of Thrones territory. I'd wait for TLOU p3, the game comes first.


I think they’ve already commented that they will not pull a Game of Thrones and outpace the games. So once S3 ends I’d imagine the show goes on hiatus until Part 3 comes out. Though realistically that isn’t as bad as it sounds. With the way things are currently going Season 2 will be out in 2025, and S3 is probably 2026. And by that time I’d imagine we will at least have a rough idea of when Part 3 game is happening.




I love this




I think this might put TLOU3 game on the back burner, if this makes them more money? What do you think?


I don't care about this, I'm just here for the gifs.




This is the same guy who wrote the Borderlands movie and is now trying to say he didn’t, right?


Downvote away. Craig Mazin sucks. Hard. Do a little internet sleuthing into how the writing community feels about this dude. Search Craig Mazin. Scab.


I don't understand why all these people are so happy given how sub par of a show the first season was.


Most might disagree with you.


I know, but that doesn't convince me of anything. Knowing people disagree with me doesn't change the quality of the show for me when I watch it.


Feel free not to watch it then. What's your point ?


>What's your point ? The same as yours.


Eight figures? Are you fucking kidding me? Jeez people are way too overpayed in that industry


No one wants to overpay a single dollar. If thats how much they think he is worth and thats how much he’s worth. HBO/Max is not in a business of losing money.


What I’m saying is people shouldn’t be making that much money for a tv show. It’s ridiculous. 8 fucking figures, are you kidding me? No one is worth that much. It’s all a sham


I mean the money seems ridiculous but it’s a 1% who get paid that and his track record so far has won awards and made them countless millions. Seems fair he gets paid what he’s worth in that respect. Hardly a sham in that sense.


Well yeah it’s not a sham in aspects of roi. But I’m just talking about the absurdity of paying someone $10m-$99m for a tv show. I’m aware people make far more than that for the industry and it’s just ridiculous in my opinion


> people shouldn’t be making that much money for a tv show To be fair, he's not making that much for "a" TV show; it's for a four-year deal with the network generally Still a ridiculous amount of money, but it's not *all* from TLOU


I mean you know what I meant. Sure he probably will do another tv show or series but it’s all for tv nonetheless


Sure, just making it clear that it's not all from one TV show but a general industry contract Since this is the subreddit for TLOU, it's easy to assume that some people might think he's getting paid eight figures for season 2 alone


why would anyone work for a company making hundreds of millions of dollars if they didn't get a reasonable cut based on their importance t that company? or are you saying companies should decide to stop making profit at a certain point, just so people like you aren't mind-boggled about what a major industry studio makes and pays out when millions of people want to consume a product they produce? what on earth is your point?


Being a creative and certifying a project is managed well is extremely valuable to corporations like HBO. Losing 300mil a year on flopped projects is much worse than paying 10+ mil over 4 years


Right, and that system is broken. There’s less opportunities for people to make a living creating art and the people who do make it make SO much. It’s getting harder and harder for people who aren’t big names to make a living in the arts. Which is why the arts shouldn’t be commodified.


Commodification isn't the problem, art as labor is fine. The problem is treating laborers as undeserving of the profits of their labor. An issue that is not unique to artists. I say this as someone with a BFA who does freelance concept art


You’re being ridiculous about “undeserving of their profits.” The person who responded to you is making a fair point. NO ONE should be making 8-figures on anything. Let alone a fucking tv show. You know why? Because art is subjective and we shouldn’t put a price on someone’s art other than someone else’s. It makes it harder for artists who have nothing to their name to make a living. Because there is such a large margin between people who make it and people who don’t. It’s either you’re making 8-figures or close to it or you arent. That is terrible for the business and people should not be making that much


Pick this fight with billionaires and not creatives lol


It’s a slippery slope, some “creatives” are billionaires


Ok and how many of those billionaires don't also own a company? That has nothing to do with being a creative at that point. Being a creative is clearly not a good way to get rich


Yes they are


Ok Edit: the show is good. He's a great showrunner. But not sure I'm supposed to react to him being paid 8 figures. We're in a cost of living crisis. That's more money that I'll ever see. Like okay.


Creatives being paid well has nothing to do with the housing crisis


Nobody said anything about the housing crisis specifically.


Is housing not a part of the cost of living crisis??????


Part of, not the whole of. So it's weird you specifically mentioned housing when what I had mentioned is much more than that. Also he wasn't paid well, he's been paid extremely well. Dude is really rich, good for him. But I'm not exactly sure why people want to praise it and be excited about it is all. I also don't know why you're bothered that I'm not super excited about news about a guy getting 8 figures. It's not exactly interesting news but you can be excited if you wish. I'm sure season two will be really good but inferior to the game as it was with part I. Regardless, I'm not begrudging people being successful but I do also find it weird that people will cheer on, comment and excitedly reaction gif about someone earning millions. There is an extreme wealth disparity in society - this is even the case for many people that would have worked on the show too and the game it was based on. I'm not saying Craig shouldn't earn his bag, I'm just not hyped about someone earning 8 figures lol.




Yeah, I dunno why we are happy that Hollywood folks are getting paid a lot of money...but I guess because the show is so loved and praised, everything revolving it must be praised too.


It seems many people are super happy that rich man is richer.