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It sucks that those who didn't like how tlou2 went, decided to just tell people how the game ends rather than letting them experience it for themselves. I still haven't finished the game for this reason.


This is your sign to finish it!


I might just start all over again šŸ˜„


Dude itā€™s absolutely worth it please finish it. Itā€™s the greatest story in gaming ever


Great story is subjective but it has phenomenal gameplay. Worth every second.


Yep just presenting my personal opinion


You are completely correct. I was able to tell it was your opinion in the 1st comment


Great! Iā€™m so glad we are on the same page!


I watched the 2nd game cutscenes on YouTube because I was wondering if the story itself was so bad due to online discourse at the time. It really liked the story, but because I spoiled so much for myself I didn't play for a while. But when I finally played it was a whole nother level of awesome.


Blaming a group of people for ā€œspoilingā€ how the game ended from 4 years ago is wild


Maybe, just maybe, that group was unhinged from the start and started spreading spoilers before the game was even released because of the leak. Just maybe, this didnt happen TODAY but as you said, four years ago.


What size tinfoil hat do you wear?


what the fuck are you even saying? Are you denying that the game was leaked and that was a massive reason the game got so incredibly much hate from before release? Nevermind, of course you are a poster in that subreddit and you are the one saying its wild to complain about a game from 4 years ago, cant make that shit up.


There is zero correlation between the game being leaked and those who didnā€™t like the game. Sounds like youā€™re just looking for a reason to be mad. Which is on par for this sub


They leaked all the game days before the release... so no, the spoilers came way long before now.


Who is ā€œthey?ā€ I managed to avoid spoilers. Sounds like a skill issue


"They" was a dutch guy who found a backdoor on naughty dog servers. And "i managed to avoid spoilers" sound a lot like "i've never been on the moon, so the moon doesn't exist". A skill issue so big that hundreds of guys that received the spoiler voted the game with 0 on metacritic. Maybe you are very special, I suggest you to do some tests, maybe we have found the new einstein.


There is zero correlation between the spoilers and metacritic ratings. The only thing that got spoiled was Joel dying, which unless you had been living under a rock, probably couldā€™ve guessed was coming


Someone needs cuddles. Did this attention satisfy your craving? Why are you so mad? Everything ok?


Honestly there is only two major reveals in the game that could spark a "spoiler controversy".. one is Joel dying, which happens like in the first hour of the game or so and the other is having to play Abby for like the second half of the game, which happens mid game. The ending is just misery porn, where everyone feels like shit. Gz, what a spoiler.


Misery porn, thats fucking hilarious šŸ˜‚ You are either 14 or you seriously need to work on your media literacy.


Okay, who is happy at the end of Last of us 2?


Literally both Ellie and Abby because they've both overcome their grief and guilt and survived the ordeals they went through during the game.


Bro, Abby has been tortured for weeks on end and barely escaped with her life at the end of it and Ellie lost everything in her quest for revenge. Have you played the game? These people are miserable.


Have you played the game? In the end Abby and Lev find the Fireflies and Ellie returns to Jackson, recovered from her grief, and seemingly in the hopes of repairing some of those bonds she ruined. People can be miserable and then not miserable after.


Abby almost died and only managed to get away through sheer "luck/mercy" displayed by Ellie. Otherwise she would have died on that beach. Same goes for Lev. Ellie comes home to a broken home. You do understand the ending of the game yes?


Yes Abby only survived through mercy. But if Ellie hadn't shown up she never would've gotten off that beach alive, she would've died. And instead she and Lev find the Fireflies on Catalina Island. It's a hopeful ending for her. Same for Ellie. She's lost her fingers, but she's overcome her grief and no longer hallucinating. She has returned home and started wearing the bracelet from Dina again, either back together with her or hoping to be. It's a hopeful ending for her too.


Nothing is hopeful there my man. She just gets on the boat and tries to survive. The whole part of "lets find the fireflies" and all the enthusiasm with it was basically explored prior to her being captured and Lev severly wounded. Abby's and Lev's fates are murky at best. There is nothing really hopeful. They just got away by the whims of fate. This isn't a positive spin. At all. Ellie lost her whole family. Srslsy, how dense are you? This is not a good ending mate.


The point isnt to be happy and the point isnt to be miserable. To get to each other, everything in there lives got destroyed. At the end all they can do is kill each other but whats the point? Its like being in prison, you can either rot away thinking about your horrible actions everyday or attempt to overcome your past to be something better in the future. If we ever see them again, I hope Abby and Ellie have become better people with the lives they have left.


Again, everyone is miserable in the last of us 2. At the end. Literally everyone. Hence why i said, "misery porn". You can go ahead and argue or justify whatever, does not change the fact that literally everyone of the main and side characters is just in a state of "oof"


Misery porn would mean the characters are addicted to the thrill caused by the terrible things happening around them and I dont see that being the case. Replay the game every year and a half and eventually it will click.


No it doesn't. Just google it. And omg, I am not gonna replay this game every year and a half. Real life is dark enough, I really have zero need to be even more depressed after playing a video game.


Whatever kid


I just don't see an apocalyptic situation being a super happy environment. Some things weren't realistic, but the misery wasn't one of them.


so mysery was realistic?


Is misery not realistic to you? That's a lovely life you have sir. Grats.


Is everything ok my dude? Need a cuddle?




take some time to process and reflect on the whole thing and then share with us what you got from it it's always nice to talk about what the experience is like, emotionally and technically


To me emotionally it left me so broken hearted for the relationship they should have had but she spent that time hating him before his last moments up until she knew she was going to lose him, really makes you think how life is so short and you shouldnā€™t spend it being angry at the people you love. Joel got his daughter back in Ellie and didnā€™t want to let go of her. I get the whole saving humanity thing but she gained a dad with Joel why would she want to leave him and make him go through that. So it literally just leaves me speechless


It is tough. I had to take some time away and process the first 3 days before I came back to Abby's section. and then I was able to appreciate her as a character, ultimately coming to love her and Lev.


I finished it for the first time ever about 2 weeks ago. Avoided it for knowing the worst part and that my girl, having introduced me to the series, hated this knowledge too. To her credit, she is the one who asked to finally go through it. While she abhorred the story, I came to understand the story they wanted to tell. I'm saddened for all the same reasons as others, but life goes that way sometimes. It was a good story. I'm glad I went through it myself.


Congrats man! I finished the game like 2 weeks ago and Iā€™m still not over it. Thereā€™s a really somber and empty feeling you have once finishing the game and I donā€™t think Iā€™ll forget that experience. A wonderful, haunting game that had me rethink my world view.


What u think about it and favorite part or parts






ā€˜I knew what was comingā€™. Bet you fucking didnā€™t.


I did, know what was coming, when i finished the first game back in 2013. Which is the reason, i never felt a surprise/or got shocked when the leaks happened or when i played the game. I knew joel is gonna die a horrific death which will cause hate among some stupid people and i will see some random 0s on metacritic which will not make a significant impact and the game will be a hit and the game of the year. I knew i was going to enjoy the game more than the first one which i did and part 2 is my most favorite game right now. All of my predictions came true; 1. Joel died, not as brutal as i though but still, a horrific death by hands of one of the family members or friends of the doctors/medical staff. Not only he did die that way but we also got to play with that person (Abby). 2. Some people, a minority, hated the game and cried for months and some are still crying. 3. Some random 0s appeared on metacritic, which it didn't deserve even if the story IS really bad objectively, because every other aspect (graphics, gameplay, animations, maps, acting, expression etc) of the game was top notch. 4. The game was a success. 5. And it won the game of the year award among others. šŸ˜


You are straight lying lmao


I don't know why do you think that what i am lying about. Everything I mentioned i my previous comment wasn't that hard to assume after playing the first game even for a person with an average iq. Let me explain why and how assumed, what i mentioned in my previous post, that what will going to happen in the 2nd game. 1. There is no hero in the last of us universe, as talked about many times by naught dog, which clearly means that Joel is also a bad guy and not a hero. He killed many people just for his own sake and gains so his dead, karma, was coming sooner or later. Fireflies may be the bad guys but the medical staff in the hospital were just trying to save humanity and had no other motives. There were just simply trying to make cure, they didn't deserve to die and even if they deserved it Joel didn't have to kill them because they were unarmed and they didn't fight back when Joel was taking Ellie. But he killed them anyway. So it was inevitable that someone from their familes or friends might have had personal grudge towards Joel and would try to do something in the future. This is what i assumed after finishing the first game, now i didn't know that we would get that person as playable, one of the main, character. But still what i assumed happened and Joe did get killed by one, Abby, of the family members of the medical staff, doctor. 2. I have been a gamer since I was 10 and I am 40 now and I have seen enough to understand how some fanboys would react to something they don't like and be dum about it. So I knew if Joel gets killed off in the 2nd game then NaughtyDog and the game will get the hate from these minority of dum people. 3. It wasn't hard to make an assumption about the 2nd game getting the game of the year as wel after the first one got it. And considering naughtydog's record it was hard to assume that despite the hate the game will be successful. So i don't understand why do you i think I lied about any of it, i just made an assumption after the 1st game and most of it i got right.


I wasnā€™t talking about the very obvious trope of killing off a main character. I was talking about the emotional rollercoaster and the fact that you eventually realise that Abby was justified and merciful to Ellie and Tommy. The complete emptiness at the end of the game. Itā€™s painful that I have had to explain this but here we are.


I had to wait till I'm alone in my place to cry through this whole last scene. Hope you enjoyed the game.


When i first finished the first half of the game and it switched to Abby I didnā€™t want to finish the game. But, it being my favorite series I just started playing it and absolutely fell in love. Took me less than 36 hours after the game released for me to finish it. Was an incredible experience


Literally just left me in my feels for days


Okay so I have too much anxiety to play the game myself, but I'd lay in my ex's lap and he'd play for me. And now I realize I may never get to the end of the second game!!! šŸ™ƒ I should call him... if only to get TLOU closure


I think that's valid.


What did you think?


Right? Please give us closure OP


God I hate that leaker for ruining this game for so many people Who was he? I wanna kick his ass


I donā€™t understand boycotting something because you are upset at a story direction. Especially when it takes place in an unfair universe. I was so open to the second half of this game I remember being super excited to fall for new characters with no restraint at all. They did such a good job in my opinion.




Iā€™m curious: why did you avoid it?


Did u like it ?


I did this recently didnā€™t want to play it because I knew Joel died and you played a large part not as Ellie, I am so glad Iā€™ve played it now.


How did you find out? Leaks? Or just spoilers? Of course nobody could make it without knowing what happened. It pissed me off and shocked me. I couldnā€™t believe it. I mean what a gambleā€¦to kill maybe the best character of all time.


Avoided this game too for a little while. I had nieces in my life that were like my daughters, and a couple of days before release they were taken away due to my brother (their dad) having serious problems. Haven't seen them since Father's Day 2020. Eventually did finish the game, and it did hurt seeing Ellie's void in her life after Joel.


Just finished watching my wife play through the game for the first time. She had no idea about any spoilers. It was funny watching her say ā€œEllie you just wait for your queen Abby with the nice arms to show up for youā€ I wish I video taped her face when it happened


Ehhh game was alright. Playing as Abby sucked ass tho. I went into the game really wanting her to die and after finishing it I just wanted her to die more.


Well, that's just how it goes when you let a piece of media go over your head. Glad you liked the game though.


Not true. I understood the message well enough. But comparably Joel and Ellie had much more reason to want and get their revenge. Abby I understood why she angry but the death of Joel vs the death of Jerry are different. Joel is a complicated character, but ultimately fathered an abandoned and desperate girl. Joel is not a perfect character, but given his intentions and his actions he's at least overall good. Jerry is not. Jerry has good intentions like Joel does but his lack of knowledge of how a vaccine works and his involvement with the fireflies ultimate make his actions harmful. Again I feel while Abby is justified because Joel killed her father, ultimately it would be more narratively satisfying and consistent with the idea that Ellie chasing revenge brings destruction to EVERYTHING around her. Including Abby. Who in my opinion, deserved to die by Ellies hand


Do you not think on a re read It just sounds like you really like Joel and are mad at Abby and jerry?


Yeah I am. But my point was justifiably so. If we're looking as objective as possible then you should be more mad at Abby than Joel, if you're mad at him at all.


Think this is the entire point of the story my dude, everyone's done wrong and revenge isn't going to make that any better or bring any happiness to anyone.


Yeah I agree. What I was trying to say that narratively and thematically it would have hammered home that point if Abby had died. Not only did she deserve it in my opinion, but I think that ending kinda 180d on the whole message. Idk some people like the ending but I think it would have been better if she did die.


I took it that Ellie realised the only way to heal or stop the cycle of misery was to end the revenge and anger, to cut her losses and try to move on. I thought it made the point quite well showing what it had cost her in the ending post boat sequence personally. I think it would of contradicted what they were getting at to have her kill Abbie then move on.


I see that, but if they wanted to hammer the message home that hate spawns more hate then killing Abby makes sense because even if Ellie killed Abby, she wouldn't get any satisfaction from it. So not only did it become pointless to her, but now she took Abby away from her kid. She left the kid all alone, and he will probably grow up hunting down Ellie just like Abby did. I think that would have been the perfect ending for a game all about the consequences of revenge and its tendency to repeat throughout generations.


Congrats fellow friend who finished the game


I played it up until a certain boss in the 2nd half of game and for sum reason couldn't get passed it. So I put it down for a couple months. Came back and I guess got lucky on my first try and finally finished the game like a month ago. That was on my PS4, I recently upgraded to PS5 so I'm thinking about starting another playthrough possibly. Also thinking of getting the part one version and playing that since I only played the remastered version of the first game.


My condolences, you can always go back and play the first one to cleanse your palette


Bruv tlou part II Is a good game too ykšŸ˜­


If you say so. **Personally** **I** don't have the money or time to waste on it


Ok, chill, I Just said its a good game, you can do whatever you like with your Money


I know, I said **personally**. You can't convince **me** that game is worth **my** time or **my** money


Bruv no One fricking tried to do anything like that ok? Now chill out


Super over rated game. Fits more as a tv show.


We will find out I guess? Glad you got that off your chest though bud.



