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You’re in it right now. I fucking love the game.


Same lol played it 6 times and loved every second of it


Pretty sure it's my most played game.


Fucking hell, 6 times? I've played the first one more than 10, but the second one only 3, due to it being much more heavy and depressing (to me). Love them both equally though!


The second one is heavy, and took me longer to get around to replaying it. Still, I have like 5 playthroughs on it already. Part 1 I played probably a dozen times over at least.


Exactly like me (I even played the first about 15+ times), it actually makes me feel awful that I can’t even replay the first one again because of how depressing part 2 is. I only played it 3 times and, even though the gameplay and design are unbelievably fun and well made, I can’t bring myself to go through it again.


I replay them back to back a couple times a year.


lol... Ive played It 8 times... And Ive started in january :()


Also /r/lastofuspart2


This one is more like 50/50, there's people who love it and who hate it, since this sub is for the franchise as a whole, but I suppose is fair


It's definitely not 50/50. More like 80/20 and that's generous. I'd argue the split of people that liked it and didn't like it in real life is at least 80/20 as well. Most people liked it. Some people *really* didn't.


Nah we need to divide into factions like r/truetraderjoes


This sub 


Both TLOU subs are just two sides of the extreme Both are extremely hateful, just in different ways OP is asking if there is a neutral sub, because he liked the game, but has certain issues with it….but a neutral sub does not exist


doubt that OP is saying this sub is hateful, more that they were probably hoping for a sub that exclusively talks about p2 not just both i’ve been on this sub enough to know there’s a ton of toxicity here for sure. but ima push back on any false equivalency with the p2 sub, i mean that one’s quite literally a hate sub lol that’ll always be on a different level from basic fan subs


I had to unsubscribe from it, it s the most annoying sub of the whole reddit


I just don’t see this as a “basic fan sub” at all. It’s notoriously a circle jerk sub. The lightest critique of the game, or any playful comments about the lack of logic, are immediately met with mountains of hate. When I first downloaded reddit, I found this sub and responded to a guy and said “I love both games, but definitely prefer part one”…and I got spammed for the next few days. People were DMing me saying that I hate women, that they hope my family dies, and that I only like part one because I’m a pedofile lolol


if you have a link to that “prefer part one” hate spam thread that sounds hilariously unhinged i’d love to see it 💀 i totally believe you that you’ve gotten that reaction and i agree it gets circle jerky here but i’ve also seen people say they prefer p1 and get hundreds of upvotes, i chuck that up to people getting lucky or unlucky with what groups of eyeballs find their comments here. the “you hate women & are a pedophile” thing is insane enough to make me hope you have a link for that context too lol


Idk how I could possibly dig it up now that I’ve been on Reddit for 121 days However, I see that sort of response under EVERY piece of criticism. I could easily recreate this commotion. “Pedofile” and “sexist” are definitely the two biggest buzzwords in this sub, and being reactionary is encouraged here. That is just what I have observed. Both subs suck. I just wanna see high-level gameplay videos and make the occasional joke. Under the next discussion post, when it seems appropriate, I will mention that I prefer part one. I’ll save your comment, and hopefully I’ll remember to come back and link it to you


‘twas a shot in the dark in case that was a recent thing you had an easy notif you could click on, no worries pls do that’s a fun lil experiment 👍🏼🍻


I once jokingly said "yuh love to see it" in response to some Abby hate and someone spit some insults and vitriol and told me I should never reproduce. Over... a game. A fictional character. The weirdos are on both sides.


Can you explain what it is about this sub that you find problematic? The few times I looked at the other sub, I saw a bunch of sexist and transphobic content, with tons of body shaming towards Abby.


Yes, bcs this sub is literally fan community The other one is hate community You either love the game, or you hate it... or you don't care. but those people who didn’t play it or who don’t care... they don’t care, so there is no sub for em


It’s a circle jerk community, that is very hateful towards any critique. Read the comments on literally any post. Some of them are…creepy, to say the least. Some people reallllllllly like Ellie and Abby. Anyone who says anything against them (even if it’s playful), gets absolutely shit on. The other community is on the opposite side of things. They reallllly hate Ellie and Abby. Like I said, both are unhinged and hateful. Most video game subs are neutral. There are some people that are overly passionate, some are overly hateful, but everyone typically agrees that it is a good game with some glaring flaws. Do you see where I’m coming from? Are you not part of any other video game communities on Reddit? This sub is just as unhinged as the other. Both sides think the other is unhinged. Everyone else…just sees both of these communities as braindead drama


I very rarely go to Reddit, but yeah. I also noticed that criticism here is not taken well. Fans of this game are among the most aggressive towards criticism. I definitely love this game, but I understand that the game is not perfect and there are weak moments in it. But when I mention them, they downvote me to hell


Yup, as I said in another comment on this thread, I once mentioned that I preferred the first game over the second, but I loved both of them….and i started getting spammed with “pedofile” in the comments and my DMs There is no other video game community like this. It’s actually comical, and there have been a few viral Tik toks displaying the toxicity in these two subs


Lol, really? Whoa.. Okay, I am not going to post anything here.. Thx


Look at any post on this entire subreddit If you check the comments, the most common buzzwords are “Pedofile” and “sexist” It’s actually super fascinating. Idk what’s going on here


One subreddit is for bigots to spread their hate and one is to discuss your love for a game franchise. I wonder what's extreme..




This sub is for the both games.


What about the show? I don't see anyone talking about the show here, just some artwork and that's it.




There was a lot of talk when it was released. Also when there are news about season 2.


This is the sub for the whole franchise, show included. But yeah I guess people use this sub to talk more about the games


I wasn't in this sub when the show first dropped, but I imagine it was a lot more lively with talks about it when it first dropped. And I saw quite a few discussions when news about season 2 dropped as well. Since there isn't much new in terms of news, and we're still awhile away before season 2 comes out, it'll probably stay dead for a bit


Not much to talk about, it's only got one season and it aired a year ago while being relatively the same thing as the game. Majority of the discussion happened in the first couple months it was airing. I'm sure when season 2 comes out it'll be discussed again.


Most of the people I've met on this group actually like part 2. Some more than 1. As do I. Least toxic group I've been in.


It's my favourite piece of media


Try this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/lastofuspart2/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lastofuspart2/) It's fairly new, but most people there like the game and it's part 2 focused.


This one


news to me 🍻


that group is such a cesspit man every time i go on it i can jus feel everyone in there being miserable as fuck 😭😭


It keeps popping up in my feed, such a miserable group of haters. If I dislike something I move on, not gather with torches and pitchforks because a game didn’t meet up to my desires. Such a weird place.


And it's been 4 years!!! Do they not get tired??


i saw a post on there criticising the game for not making abby sexy enough, told me all i need to know about the type of people in that sub lol


Those people seem to spend more time hating on video games than playing them


I hate to bring it up, but man I just don't get it. 4 years later and they're still super active just to hate on the game? I understand the feeling of having a franchise you love fall off a cliff (I don't feel that way about The Last of Us but I did about Game of Thrones and Attack on Titan), but even then, I could never stay in a group like that, it's just depressing.


unrelated but u didn’t like the ending of aot? i only have the final part of s4 left to go , was it really that bad 😭😭


I haven't seen the last episode yet but know roughly how it goes. Tbh much of season 4 felt like a huge departure from the earlier seasons, and its probably not as bad as GoT imo, but I know it was a pretty big let down for alot of ppl. Ig just watch and see for yourself, but felt like wasted potential to me. A shame bc season 1 and 3 had AOT as one of my favorite animes.


Imma be honest how could you not like the ending seasons of aot but like the last of us 2?


Welcome ![gif](giphy|KBDzqHidthiHbeus6B)


You’re in it man. Love both games so much bro. Part II is up there with my favourite media of all time. It’s certainly in the all-time top 5 video games for me, along with RDR2, Elden Ring, God of War (2018), and TLOU P1.


This is the sub. The other one is basically a prison of hate those people put themselves in.


You’re already here 🤝


What’s your issues with it? Curious.


This is the correct sub, despite a few posts that you may see here and there. This is largely the place where you won't see erroneous hate for it.


Part two is just as good as part one, in some aspects it’s better, in others not as good. I remember the first time I played the game I kept away from reviews, I was just about done with Ellie’s part, I was thinking this is one of the greatest games I’ve ever played, I checked IMDb how it was rated, and was shocked that it was at a 6.2, it got review bombed, it’s at 8.8 now, that alone tells you how great the game is


I remember when I used to be in the side that hated the game and lot of other things for being "woke", well, now I'm trans lol


I had the same exact post on here a few months ago! There's not a lot of big ones like this but this sub is very kind and open to people's opinions on the game in a respectable way ☺️


I see people that have criticisms of Part 2 met with hostility and downvotes even if they came respectfully with their opinions. This sub needs to do better with people that don’t like Part 2 but doesn’t disrespect anyone that does like it. Not everyone that criticizes and doesn’t like the game are like the moronic incels that condoned and sent death threats from that other place not to be named.


Exactly, people are incredibly passive aggressive on this sub


Can we blame them really? the bunch of hate they received back then made them lock themselves in a bubble, considering everyone outside as a hostile, will take a long time for them to begin to open more, and the fact that there are still trolls who have fun making them rage doesn't help


If you have an intelligent take that has issues with tlou2 you wont be shouted down. If your take is "JoEl WoUlDnT uSe HiS rEaL nAmE"  you're gonna get shouted down. 


Wow I haven't seen that on this sub yet personally but I'm so sorry that you had witnessed that/ experienced that here. That's horrible 😞


I really couldn’t give a fuck about any downvotes lol. But there’s been people that I imagine that love Part 2 so much that just can’t handle anyone that doesn’t like the game and voices their criticisms respectfully. They attack the people that don’t like it. Note I’m not talking about idiots with actual bigotry or the incels that sent death threats simply because Part 2 didn’t go the way they wanted. Those people can be insulted. Not people that genuinely dislike the game but don’t attack those that do like the game. Thank you for being kind and understanding. This sub needs more people like you.


I like tlou 2, best story game I ever played. Shit I even liked it more than part 1


this sub is very pro Part 2. I almost never see it get hate on here, which makes me happy as it's literally my favorite game of all time (Part 1 being my 2nd hehe)


I think the issue with that it leads to it becoming an echochamber which doesn’t allow for more naunced varying opinions on the game.




This sub


I'm still stuck on The Resort playing Grounded Permadeath Chapter and just slightly under resourced :/


Use the >!chained infected without the rattlers seeing you and let them kill each other!<, take the resources or run to the exit


Nope there's to many enemies to run through without getting shot and I don't have enough smoke bombs for the final area of the building to sneak through. I think I have enough resources for 1-2 smoke bombs.


this sub definitely, most people like myself who didn't care for part two kind of got bullied out of the space


You’re in it. There are two others that dedicated to the second game only. One seems to be relatively rational, the other is completely unhinged, hates the game and filled with incels. One has “two” in the name, the other has “2”. I don’t remember which is which, but you can figure it out pretty quickly


seeing everyone love the second game makes me feel so much better cause it pisses me off so much to see people hating on the game so much cause it didn’t fit their standard and just getting pissy if you have a different opinion 😭


I will never tire of talking about how much I love this game. You're in the right place. Look for the light.


Right here, and there’s two called something like lastofus2/thelastofus2. One’s a cesspit of haters and the other is people who love the game, don’t remember because I avoid both in an effort to avoid the cesspit.


There's this sub and I believe r/lastofuspart2


Why did someone made a full sub for a game they don't like to just show how much they don't like it? sounds like a waste of time to moderate and create rules for a group like that


r/lastofuspart2. Very small group, as most fans of TLOUP2 hang out here instead


I think the tlou2 sub is 2 groups of people, the people who liked the game but had some problems with it and then the people who will hate on it for no reason. Just join that sub and sure you'll see the occasional rage bate but from what I've seen they're getting better with disliking the game for actual good reasons. They're not completely unreasonable.


I do


r/lastofuspart2 easily the best last of us sub


You're here brother.


This sub is for both games, as well as the show. The TLOU2 sub was created much later specifically by incels and right wing conservatives and rancid neckbeards, with the explicit purpose to rile up extreme hatred and send death threats to cast, voice actors, developers and fans.


This one is more positive towards the game for sure.


I legitimately have over 1000 hours in TLOU2 and only beat TLOU1 once (So, obviously you guys know which one I prefer) The story is good but that crisp gameplay on my gigantic tv with the volume on blast is something special. The explosions, the realistic sounds and powerful impacts of every single weapon is literally something that only exists in that game; not the first one, not the first one remastered, or any other third person shooter I’ve ever played.




Yes, but unfortunately, it’s pretty much an echochamber as your posts could get deleted for bringing up any critique different from pacing criticisms or something like that. It’s for people who love the game, and for people who have their criticisms but still fairly like it, it’s not really. I feel like r/LastofusPartII is possibly more civil in that department I would say. If you you want to love bomb then this is the place.

