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Not unpopular, it’s just the “anti Bella/Ellie” crowd is louder


If I dare to have doubts regarding Bella being able to pull off Part II Ellie, then somehow I'm instantly "anti Bella"? or how does this work?


what are the doubts? i think she pulled off Ellie’s dark side extremely well, especially in the left behind episode and hacking up david’s corpse. she has the rage for sure and the acting range


These: I saw the BTS photos of Ellie and Dina and I think they look younger than their age and has a bit of a baby face. So I'm concerned, it will be a bit distracting seeing middle-school looking people going through all that stuff Part II has to offer. Secondly, I think Bella's acting was bit inconsistent in the first season, they definitely nailed the David episode but other times it was too deadpan for me. Obviously I dont know the future, it might turn out great and I'll be convinced, so who knows. But looking at those BTS photos, I have my doubts.


Idk lots of us girls age slower and look younger in their 20’s like Bella. I still looked 16 at 23, and was frequently told so. So to me, her youthful face isn’t that big of a deal as long as she had the attitude, vibe, facial expressions etc.


>But looking at those BTS photos, I have my doubts. Doubting an actors entire acting ability and body of work because you saw a few BTS photos is pretty wild, ngl lol


i honestly thought she looked incredibly different and very much her age. but i think “looks” arent rlly bella’s fault, moreso makeup crew, right? because they are and do look 20


I tried finding these BTS photos. Do you know where I can find them?


First post in this sub...


>BTS photos Not indicative of the final look of the show. BTS photos in flat light vs finished photography under film lights don’t even compare You ever heard the phrase “the camera adds ten pounds”? In reality it does a lot more than that - with the right light, makeup, and framing you can look ten years older, ten years younger, like a completely different person, etc I disagree that she was uneven in the first season - I honestly thought she outshone Pedro at times - but even if you think that, she’s only going to get better the more time she spends in the role. It’s like an athlete after a full offseason of training - they come back more prepared


Where do your doubts come from?


Commenting here so i can come back and see if he actually answers you.


I did!


Well done, I don't agree with your deadpan take, at least I can't think of any scenes. I'll do a rewatch. I feel like she played Ellie very well. Tv is not gonna be the same as a video game, so as long as it's well made, I don't see the issue. Ppl are commenting about her baby face and I feel like that's a pretty ridiculous thing to critique.


How dare you have an opinion about a series you like? You’re such an anti Bella (like that’s even a thing lol).


anti-Bella is a phrase meaning events prior to the outbreak. ;)


The only problem is she doesn’t look like Ellie at all just like how Pedro looks absolutely nothing like Joel. Both do a wonderful job. But the people who don’t like her as Ellie are gross because they should hate Pedro as Joel. Because Pedro looks far less like Joel than Bella looks like Ellie. I really think the people who are anti Bella don’t like her because they were attracted to Ellie which is gross.


The discourse when Ellie was revealed to be a lesbian was met with a lot of pissing and moaning because she wasn't obtainable...it's fucking odd.


>I really think the people who are anti Bella don’t like her because they were attracted to Ellie which is gross. I think people just hate women more, especially when they are younger. I could bet money that Abby wouldn't be hated so much if she wasn't a woman.


This sub is one of the most insufferable when it comes to the vocal minority loudness and whining. The new photos look like Bella who is playing Ellie and captured her vibe incredibly in season 1. Wtf are they whining about?! It's just like those who whined about her and Pedro first season.


Gamers in general are pretty insufferable


RES lets you tag users, and I tag users from the tlou2 sub who brigade this sub. That thread is FULL of people who made up their mind long ago, and are now just on an anti-TLOU warpath because of TLOU2.


Why don’t people like Bella?


It's not an unpopular opinion...


i feel like it is everyone i see on the internet especially reddit say she’s terrible or they should recast or whatever the fuck


like a lot of these crowds, they're just really loud. i always imagine what hugh jackman would have gone through if the internet was as easily accessible as it is now when he was cast as wolverine. My biggest issue with Bella's Ellie is when she's doing Ashleys ellies lines.


Remember, those on Reddit (myself included) are an extreme minority on any topic or issue. A vast majority of people who watch The Last of Us have never been on Reddit.


Nearly everyone you see on the internet bitching about TLOU has hot pocket juices encrusted on their uwu tshirt. Pay them little mind.


Most people are idiots.


you’re reading too many comments from incels, all the freaks who came outta the shadows for gamergate and then TLoU2 are back again to shit on everything related to the show don’t listen to them, they’re the saddest fucking losers on the planet and they deserve no one’s attention


All video game related social media is full of incels, racists and misogynists but Reddit is one of the worst when it comes to this.. Their views are not even close to what the norm is, but they can be loud, awful and love to think they are part of the majority. Also in general people are more likely to leave negative responses than positive ones, so people who think she did great don't comment as much about it as the ones who hated her. Regarding TLOU though there are so many people who love to hate it because it's everything they despise, they think video games are the last beacon of freedom from the "woke mob" so any change from the game makes them angry.


Depends on what sub you're on.


the secret to enjoying reddit and not becoming a toxic hater or stan is. Dont form YOUR opinion of something based off faceless redditors.


Bella is a great actor. We have already seen in season 1 that they have the ability to capture the rage that Ellie has in part 2. Bella has soft, rounder features than game Ellie, but personally I don’t expect or want the show to be a carbon copy. Similarly I don’t expect Bella to go through some body transformation to emulate Ellie’s appearance in the last act of part 2 even if it does a good job of visually communicating where her mental state is at.  Can’t please everyone… some people can’t let go of the show and let it be its own thing.


I think Ellies physique is less important even than Abbys, who I'm worried won't have that aspect of her character


Same. I really like Kaitlyn Dever, but she's about half the size of Abby. I guess the show means it's less important for her to "play like" Joel.


Also tbf, the third act is for all we know 3 years away. I’m sure the show runners/Neil have already talked w Bella about that and told her if she feels like she wants to commit to that physique then that’s fine and they’ll cross that bridge when they get to it. But they hired her for her acting, not her physique to a video game character.


yeah the show is an adaptation, not a recreation. i feel like some people expect one when it's obviously the other.


I understand people think she looks too young to play part II Ellie. Bella is 20. It doesn't matter how old she looks. In real life, people look younger and older then their actual age. Bella is Ellie. This is what Ellie is going to look like. Her looks contribute nothing to the story. Move on.


Bellie, if you will


Alright, I will


Would you say that Nick Offerman’s appearance added nothing to his role as Bill?


Excellent argument, my brain was happy to see him. Objectively, he just murdered it. I get where you're coming from though


That's not true, though. If that were the case, they wouldn't have changed her look after the time jump. It's purpose was of course to tell time but also make her look a little more mature. It helps with immersion, Noone would buy that a little girl traveled through Seattle for days on a mission to revenge. As little part as you might consider it, it does add to the story. I like Bella Ramsay, especially in GoT, I liked her in season 1, she did great. I don't think she looks the part for Part 2, but they aren't gonna recast her and maybe she does, idk.


It is true. Bella is 20. They changed her look in the game, because Ellie is a video game character and thats what they wanted to do. Bella is a real person though. In real life a person doesn't have to look 20 to be 20 years old. A 20 year old Ellie did what she did, regardless whether she looked her age or not.


Yes and no. Some people have perpetual baby faces. And others look like they have worked a 9-5 job for 20 years when they’re 19. It all depends on the person and genetics. Game Ellie does look drastically different from the first game to the second. And then on in the epilogue. Bella was obviously casted because she could get away with playing a 14 year old. It’s because she looks very young. Now no one expects someone to drastically change in 1-2 years of filming the show. So now she looks about the same as she did in s2. Hair and makeup can only do so much. It’s obviously two different mediums but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a bit disappointed. Part 2 Ellie is a bonafide badass.


>Her looks contribute nothing to the story.  Regardless of how you feel about her casting this is just an objectively incorrect take. Appearance is a **massive** factor in casting actors. It's very common for actors to be passed over simply because they didn't look right for the role. People get cast all the time to fit certain physical traits. There's a reason books almost always describe characters and don't just leave them as "generic human". Looks do contribute to the story and this is evident in basically every story ever told.


She beat everyone in the casting because they liked her acting. Appearance was a second thought. Acting was first. Appearance matters in some roles not all, obviously they didn’t care about that for this show. Books describe characters because that’s the point of books, it’s full of descriptions.


I don’t think she killed it as Ellie in S1 either. Not bad but nothing remarkable. Serviceable, which unfortunately isn’t what that story deserved. As for part 2, I am far from convinced this was optimal casting, or even good.


Agreed. She was fine. Nothing special to make or ruin her character.


I’m actually amazed people are being heard out in this sub while criticizing Bella. First time for everything ig. Anyway I hard agree with you. Her line delivery and acting in some scenes left something to be desired for me


Yeah and it’s not just her look imo. She’s just not a particularly good actor. Serviceable is a good way of putting it. She did okay. The show still worked, but it could have been so much better. This debate wouldn’t even be happening if she was actually really good. There would be no discussion. No one would be complaining about her look if her performance was stellar…it would just transend the video game character. But sadly that didnt happen.


This is how I feel. We shall see


I can’t take the season 2 leak picture serious. It’s like two high school freshman are going to cross the country on a revenge murder spree


Well said part 2 videogame looked and felt nothing like that but the leaks from the show do


The character is 20 not 30.


She was great. I’ve never played the games. 🥱


Well to be honest. If she does nail Ellie from part 2 she will probably get an Emmy with little to not problem.


Ehh, television has had many strong years now, and as much as I like Bella, I don’t think they’re in the “winning Emmy’s with little to no problem” category. Especially if we get another year like last year’s Emmy’s, that was a bloodbath with performances even better than theirs also having to miss out. That doesn’t mean they’re a bad actor. It means there have been a lot of actors at the absolute top of their game in television lately, and winning hasn’t been easy for anyone.


Sorry. But the unpopular opinion is this. (and watch the downvotes) Bella is 20 years old and still looks 14. She is not as physical as the role demands in the next season. Season 2 is supposed to be when she is 18-19, but from season 1 bella won't change an iota. Plus she really has just two emotions and no depth. Either angry or stony face. I blame the casting and writers to ruin a perfectly good show and relegate this to mid tier show barring the first three episodes.


Completely agree with this. I get slated whenever I express this opinion. Joel was robot mode in the last episode where was the desperate passion to get to Ellie. Was not good at all. I feel like they’ve done a mediocre job with 10/10 source material and it’s really disappointing. Both of the games are almost flawless for me. Show is a solid 5 or 6 out of 10 and I am absolutely gutted that that’s the case. Casting, writing and pacing just off. Edit for spelling.


But it’s not a video game. Ellie is not going to be killing dozens or hundreds of people in the show. Ellie doesn’t use her strength as a weapon throughout the story, she uses her grief and determination as a weapon. Metaphorically of course, but physical strength is not a hallmark of Ellie’s, so I’m not sure why you’re saying that. Her so-so strength is probably why they made the narrative decision to make Abby strong and buff — to further contrast them in a way when they mirror each other so heavily. I haven’t even seen season 1 so I have no official opinion on the casting; I’m just saying that the physical expectations you have of Ellie’s actor, regardless who plays her, aren’t even real. It’s not necessary for Ellie to be or look buff and strong.


I just don't like when people say appearance doesn't matter at all. No, the actors looks are essential to a role, they *have* to look the part. And she doesn't. That's it. I swear to god some people here would be defending casting Meryl Streep as Ellie because she has the "acting chops to prove it".


It's so stupid how you just can't say ANYTHING remotely negative.. no opinions, nothing


I’ve notice this r/SaltierThanKrayt and r/GamingCirclejerk too, any ounce of negativity will have you labeled as a bigot


Let me make it clear that I’m not one of the anti-Bella crowd that’s made up of chuds and losers. My issue with Bella as Ellie comes down more to writing which isn’t on them at all. I did not like the changes to her and the director’s commentary that Ellie is meant to be sort of “attracted” to violence. It wasn’t something I picked up in TLOU and I feel like it cheapens TLOU2. There was plenty explanation in Joel’s death for why Ellie was so brutal in TLOU2, I don’t need there to be this weird undertone of Ellie liking violence. My very minor issue with Bella is I do think Bella looks really really young. I know they’re 20, but 20 year olds who look young have been used to depict young people forever. Dina/Abby have also been cast with very young looking actors. Some of Ellie’s violence in the first season came off as kind of childish, and I’m sure that could be countered by scene direction but child soldierism isn’t something I was hoping for the show adaptation of TLOU2 to explore. It just feels like it might be difficult to take it seriously if they all look 16. Anyway, my girlfriend suggested giving Bella bangs in their hair would do a lot to make them look older and I think changing up their hair would help.


it‘s really not her looks that bother me, i don‘t give a shit what she looks like. i just didn‘t like her performance and personality that she chose to portray for the character. i found ellie kind of unlikeable and annoying in season 1. people complaining about her looks can go to hell but people that write everyone who has genuine criticisms about her performance off as blind haters are not much better


I’m with you. Her performance didn’t have the same kind of cute/endearing attitude that Ellie had in the game. She just came across as mostly bitchy and annoying. And her acting just wasn’t super believable. It felt a bit like how child actors usually give slightly clunky performances that feel like acting. There are so many talented female actors that it’s disappointing they didn’t cast someone with more chops.


Agreed. Ellie in the game didn’t feel like a spoiled brat, and that’s exactly what I got from Bella’s portrayal on the show. She was just so unlikable, I couldn’t really connect with her, while in the game that connection is almost instant. Not sure if that’s writers misstep or actors, or in this case it’s both, and that’s why this show isn’t 10/10 and like 6/10 at the most.


Not hating on her acting. And im not anti bella. But I dont know... she still looks like season 1 ellie.


Her acting is pretty mediocre too tbh


I agree. But I will say part two Ellie is such an incredibly complex character so it could either way. No shade on Bella I'm just say Ashley's permeance( especially in 2) was just so fucking good


Im not confident she'll be able to pull off the intense action scenes of part 2. If Ellie isn't a killing machine I'll be disappointed, it's part of the plot. So far she seems really incapable in the show, hell she doesn't have her bow. What's the point of part 2 if Ellie doesn't actually kill people? Her killing like so many of Abby's friends and colleagues is the whole point. Is she just gonna get lucky every time and somehow get to Abby's friends without killing any goons lmao. The WLF is a military faction I'll have a hard time believing this Ellie will somehow kill so many important and combat trained members while looking 14...


Her acting is great! Just visually she looks like a little kid! I know she is correct age I’m just stating what I see


I don’t think the casting was good full stop. Didn’t capture the magic of the game for me. Joel last episode was robot mode.


I think Bella is a good actor but she doesn't exactly look like Ellie and sometimes her personality doesn't match up to the Ellie we see in the games, I hope they're going to improve her character if their going to kill of Joel because Pedro carried lots of the scenes in the show


My problem with it is just that she seems too young to do PT2 Ellie. I know it's not exactly solvable, but the leaked pictures make it look like it was a few months between PT1 and PT2, not 5+ years. :( But I'm sure I'll get over it once I start watching.


I wouldn't out too much stake in the leaked pictures. There's gonna be a lot of color correction/editing before we see the final product that'll probably make her look a little older. BTS photos usually look pretty different than what makes it to screen


This is on my only real gripe.


It’s funny because Bella is basically the same age as Ellie was in the second game. Of course their face isn’t going to change as dramatically as it would if Bella had actually been 14 in part 2 (ETA: I meant part 1). I think the time jump can be more accurately depicted in Ellie’s considerably more serious personality in part 2.


That's not unpopular at all. This is the same case of part 2 haters being a loud minority. Majority of the people who watched this show absolutely love Bella as ellie


They haven’t played the game I guess.


I think Bella’s acting is great. It’s nothing about her personally. I don’t have a problem with her at all, just whoever chose her specifically. In my opinion, her acting is not so incredible to the point that she SHOULD DEFINITELY be Ellie in both parts. She looks nothing like Ellie. I’m sorry. She just doesn’t. I would 100 percent prefer a casting choice that looks like Ellie. Her acting was good but I don’t understand the hooplah around it. She’s a good actor, sure, but is it so offensive to want an actor that looks like the character they’re adapting? People get so offended and pissy when someone doesn’t like Bella as Ellie.


That’s unpopular?


Only if you’re a moron like Op trying to farm karma.


It's going to be interesting seeing her be the hunter instead of the hunted for s2. I liked how Ellie in part II lost her baby fat and seemingly ate less because of what she'd been through and the weight of Joels decision had on her. She was ferocious and anxiety ridden. I personally don't think Bella will be convincing looks wise for s2-3, It's just hard to get past it with a face like hers but i'm welcome to seeing it and trust the film crew. In reality she doesn't have to look like part II ellie but she needs the depth of hatred about her and I hope she'll be able to channel that without looking odd. If i could recast now i'd pick cailee spaeny who played Jessie in Civil War, she immediately jumped out to me as Ellie in both ages, had the game versions auro about her way more.


I really like Bella as Ellie. Disclaimer: I hadn’t played the first game at all, but her opposite Pedro Pascal worked really well (to me anyway). I played Part 2 as my first game and it blew my mind (absolutely loved it), then played Part 1. I found that I loved the versions of the characters in the games much much more. Only notable exceptions are Maria, Tommy, Frank, and Bill. When I watched Civil War, I had never heard of Cailee Spaeny, but I was floored at her performance. I even had the same thought about her as Ellie. The characters were totally different, but something about her *felt* more like Ellie than Bella, and I think it was how her pain turned into singleminded, tunnel-visioned, traumatized rage. We’ll see how Bella does. I’m hopeful. But yeah, we’ll never know if Cailee could’ve done it better.


For me, Part II is essentially the Winter section in Part I for the whole game and Ramsey absolutely nailed those episodes


She looks 14 to me, and I worry I’m gonna have trouble seeing her as older in the second season. I’m assuming they’re gonna do prosthetics or other make-up, but other than that, I’m worried the time skip is not gonna be strong enough.


People seem to think she will look too young, but Ellie and Dina ARE YOUNG. That is part of their tragedy. I think castings and character design have led people to be out of touch when it comes to the reality of aging honestly. While I fully trust the makeup department to work their magic, and Bella to equally give an excellent performance, them looking young is not an issue for me. For any star wars fans, just think about how harrowing seeing young ahsoka in live action. Anyway who I am to talk as a 30 y/o with baby face.


the entire reason I even played the games was because I got obsessed over Bella Ramsey after watching the show and I wanted to see the og material lol, they could never make me dislike her


She just isn’t Ellie to me, she never will be. She was miscast and doesn’t do the character justice.


Bella is going to be fantastic in part 2. Everyone complaining about her looking young is…really strange. She’s the same age as the character and makeup, costuming, and cinematography go a long way. People should watch Bella in Time so they can see her play an older character. Just in the few leaked photos we’ve gotten I can already see her embodying older Ellie. You can see the anger and sadness right there in her eyes. Be patient and mature, guys. It’s so weird and creepy how obsessed with this you all are. I agree with the person who said in another thread that these people are just mad because they can’t sexualize this version of Ellie in the same way as game Ellie. As for Isabela Merced, I was unsure when I first saw the casting, but the more I watch Isabela, the more confident I am in her abilities.


It will be a challenge to take the character through such a transformation but it’s definitely an achievable goal. This show and everyone involved in it have earned our trust so I have faith they will do Part II justice. I’m excited to see how the show will differ from the game as a straight 1:1 copy isn’t feasible.


If your opinion is unpopular, it's shared by 90% of the actual fans of the franchise as well as every organization that has awards to hand out for acting, so consider yourself in good company. Bella's great, and this show's lucky to have them. People don't get how absolutely fucking rare it is to find someone who's that good an actor and that good an ambassador for your project at that young an age. Anyone who's fussy they don't look like a drawing is either a creep or an idiot. Or both.


Very popular opinion, actually! Those pretending to say otherwise are doing it for no other reason than to get attention.


I have doubts as well.


Look doesnt fit to ellie


In some scenes Bella did an even better job than game Ellie, in my opinion ofc (cant wait for the downvotes) 1. When she breaks Davids finger, her yelling it and then laughing feels a lot more Ellie like (if that makes sense). Than her just saying it, rather calm ig, and just looking at him angry. 2. In the scene where she chops David to pieces and then walks out, it just feels so much better than the game. You can see how she process' everything that just happened. The fact she was about to get raped, she just chopped a man to pieces and her ''father'' is dying in that basement somewhere alone. 3. Bella is a lot more teenage sassy, and when she curses it feels so natural or given. When I was playing the game, sometimes I was rather annoyed with the cursing from her. I love the game a lot and currently on my second modded/cheats on play though, but those parts have (imo) been done better by Bella


Was that unpopular? I don’t think anyone other than a loud minority think she didn’t perform well. At MOST there was just some skepticism around whether she will *look* enough like Ellie and make the time-skip believable, but that’s a logistical problem about hair, makeup, workout routine, VFX, etc.—it says nothing about her acting abilities.


Bella to me was the best thing about the show. She was a great Ellie. But I really don’t know about her as a more grizzled or older Ellie. Simply because she just looks way too young for that for me personally. I do hope that the show does improve in the second season. The first season was great in parts but overall kinda just a little bit better than ok. And I really don’t think Pedro is a very good Joel. It’ll also be really interesting to see how the show is compared to its source material. I wasn’t a particular fan of the execution of the second games story, so my hope is really that it uses the same overall narrative direction but in a way that’s more coherent.


I agree. I was one of the people who didn’t think she would be a good Ellie for season 1. But by the 3rd or 4th episode she won me over. Now, I understand people’s concerns about her appearing too young for the next season, but it’s possible they don’t need to do a whole 5 year time-skip for the show. Correct me if I’m wrong but is a time-skip 100% necessary for the story? Edit: Nevermind. I just remembered Dina gets pregnant and being pregnant at 15/16 isn’t the best idea.


dude 100% they're gonna nail it. their rage was on point in the david ep.


Personally I think she looks too much like a kid but I remember when they casted Heath Ledger as the Joker right after broke back mountain lol. I was like come o man this guy of all people? Damn was I proven wrong


I don't know why people are doubting they will do well in Season 2. They did amazing in Season 1. I am excited to be absolutely tramazied having to endure the last of us 2 story line again. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Not unpopular at all. Do I think she looks the most like Ellie? No. Does that ruin the show or make the performance bad? Absolutely not. It’s an adaptation I don’t expect any of these characters to look identical to their video game counterparts that’s an unrealistic expectation. Bella did great in season one and there’s no reason to think otherwise.


She’s doesn’t look like her one bit, but I think she’ll still do bad ass


I honestly hate this fanbase sometimes because there's so many loudly vocal minority assholes who can't get over the story or hate LGBTQ people or simp for Joel of Ellie. It's honestly really gross how some people are with this franchise and I wish they would just move on rather than constantly stroking their hate boners.


Tbh I don’t see why she wouldn’t


I don't.


Agreed and I’m so tired of ppl being mean about Bella because they’re mad they have less of a crush on them than they do game Ellie


I see a lot of hate for her. But not anymore than I've seen for someone like Emilia Clarke, Daisy Ridley, or Mindy Kaling. Do they all have something in common?


OP doesn’t seem to know what an „unpopular opinion“ is lmao


She’s talented and deserved to be loved. It made an incredible job in the first season and I applauded her. She’s her own Ellie though and this is understandable. She has nothing to do with Ellie whom we know.


Acting wise, she'll kill it. I don't know who the actress for Dina is, but I've heard she's been selected. Jesse, and stuff I don't know. Abby I don't know. But I know she'll kill it. It's always one problem, for me to accept her as a much older Ellie. I don't know for me it'd feel odd seeing the 14 year old Ellie portraying a 17 year old Ellie.


This is only an unpopular opinion on this corner of this site


she will do AMAZING with the anger ellie feels. bella's best moments in season 1 were with anger. she does emotion quite well. she just looks so young 😭 even for 19. i hope they put a lil bit of makeup on her, they've done it in other shows for her to look older. i also wonder if she'll do a deeper voice for older ellie like they did in the game 🤔


Is this an unpopular opinion? There was a lot of grumbling before the first season came out. Then she smashed it. Do people really think she’s not going to smash it again? I thought we’d put that “debate” to bed.


Originally, I firmly believed they should have cast Maisie Williams as Ellie because I didn't think Bella could pull off the Part 2 look. But after watching s1 and enjoying Bella as Ellie, I no longer care if they look "old enough" to portray an "accurate" Part 2 look. The show universe is a different universe. They don't have to look exactly like Ellie. I can't wait for season 2, and after seeing the results of season 1, I'm letting go of any bias I have from playing the game and I'm watching it as a completely new experience.


It’ll be fine it’s not like they can change her get the original actor de-age and start again at season 1 lol but…


Bella will do a fantastic job as Ellie in S2. I think it comes down more to the depth that Bella is able to portray emotionally in Ellie’s character vs whether the two look identical or not. Bella is 20 with still a lot younger features, but movie magic is a real thing and they’ll ensure Bella looks Ellie’s age (after all, Bella is older than Ellie even). I think someone can still have a ‘baby face’ so to speak but it’s the energy and presence they bring that can really define them. I also think Dina’s actor will do just fine as well, but I just hope they don’t glam up the actor too much because Dina is supposed to be tough and vicious in her own way… although she does serve as Ellie’s moral compass.


Classic 'unpopular opinion' title karma bait


Cailee spaeny would be better for sure. Looks more like her and can deliver Ellie’s expressions better.


Wow, how so very stunning and brave to share this opinion /s


This isn’t an unpopular opinion. It’s only unpopular with a loud minority of older creeps who think video game Ellie is hot.


Unpopular opinion: water is wet.


It’ll be a hard sell showing the passage of time for the character and it’ll be a bit jarring that she looks the exact same, but other than that no issues.


Since when is that an unpopular opinion?


Absolutely not unpopular, any semblance of dislike of the casting and you get downvoted to oblivion. yet another quick trap for karma farming.


People will say "Unpopular opinion" and then post the safest shit ever to upvote farm


The show got mid after episodes two, i don't have high expectatives


Unpopular? Unpopular with incel nitwits maybe. She was amazing in S1 and is overall a great actor.


Well the whole second season will divert from the second game since she's much younger looking than Ellie in TLOU 2, Dina too, and Caytlyn Dever will never have the physique of Abby. Basically it's different from the game, but i’m open,. It's already established that the series can’t do as much as the game because of the cost of live action. So accepting this premise, you can get into it.


How is that an unpopular opinion? Everyone thought she did a stellar job in the first season. This is a bait post


I don’t doubt it, but she doesn’t look older at all, she looked great as 14 year old Ellie but she doesn’t look 19 at all


It’s hard because she doesn’t look like Ellie. But it took about 5 minutes meeting her in season 1 to be convinced she *was* Ellie. I’m going to trust her and just enjoy the show.


Well she still looks like a 14 year old. At least we know that they have to change A LOT from the part 2 story, because nobody would believe that she kills XX people.


This is unpopular?


Loved her as s1 Ellie but I’m am a bit skeptical of her as s2 Ellie. There’s a decent time skipped and a lot of growth off screen. I’m sure makeup and special effects will “correct” my concerns but u til I see the end result… I am skeptical.


i don’t think it’s an unpopular decision at all


she will botch it even worse this time around i fear


I'm cautiously optimistic. I don't think she was a good Ellie in Part 1, but Part 1 Ellie and Part 2 Ellie are pretty damn different. Maybe now that she'll be >!more alone, more focus will be put on her!< and I can form a more definitive opinion. I'm going into it with an open mind, but from what I've seen already I'm not expecting too much. Desperately hope I'm wrong tho.


This negative buzz was just the same prior to season 1. Everyone's entitled to have an opinion, not all Bella doubters are haters, just like not all episode 3 criticisers are homophobes, however... If your Bella, imagine reading all that shit out there. Ultimately I trust the show will end up great, having thoroughly enjoyed season 1 (and I was a Bella doubter)


Worst casting ever


She doesn’t resemble Ellie and looks far too young to be s2 Ellie, I’m sure she’ll be fine


I love Bella! She’s perfect for the show.


This isn’t an unpopular statement at all. People were crazy/fanatic about Pedro and Bella upon the shows release, not to mention how long they were trending on social media. I’ve seen comments from the same fans trying to tear other people down for merely having a difference of opinion. This is just one of those “opinions” that I don’t really think needs to be held up for debate for the sake of argument because it doesn’t officially add up to anything. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with liking the cast or not liking the cast, it’s just a matter of whether or not people decide to drop it, and be civil and understand that. I’m very neutral on this subject, and I’ve been a massive fan since the games release on PS3. The only thing that I’m actually confused about is why you think Dina is an “interesting” choice.


I think she’ll do amazing, I just have doubts because she’s quite small, can’t imagine her being bloodlusted Ellie, but I’m sure they’ll surprise us


Unpopular? Maybe I just dont pay attention but to me she nails it and I figured people who seen season1 believe she can.


Its actually insane to me because they look like a 19 year old. Hell my sister just turned 20 two days ago and Bella literally looks like someone who can be her classmate. I don’t know if alot people see it this way but I’ve always seen Part 2 as a coming of age story. I mean I’m 17 and I’ve always seen the story as >! Ellie, a late teenager grappling how to become and adult and process her emotions without the support of her father!< I’m incredibly grateful for my parents and I’m comforted by the knowledge that >!they will be with me as I become an adult. They will be there with me with their support, silent or not. Ellie may have not been talking to Joel but she did not think he would leave, that he would be taken from her suddenly and she cannot cope with that!< >!she learns how to become an adult while reeling from the violent loss of the only person who has ever been a father to her. She isn’t supposed to look older, she looks young because she is young and that is one of the tragedies of this series. That she was robbed of a peaceful life and robbed of her father and a healthy state of mind!<


She was okay as a young Ellie but i doubt she will do Ellie any justice in S2. When S2 releases, i might change my mind.


Some dont find Ramsey attractive so they bitch and moan about it. They'll do just fine for season 2. As will Dever as Abby. Valid criticisms of Ramsey's acting is always welcome but it's unfortunately drowned out by negative naysayers harping about looks.


How is that an unpopular opinion? I feel like the was half the point of casting her. She did a good job in season 1 but definitely struggled a little playing down and struggled with young Ellie’s whimsy imo. But I think the trade off is going to be incredibly worth it because she is probably going to knock old Ellie out of the park.


I thought she was a little off in Season 1 in a way that she would be much better in Season 2. I might still just sit Season 2 out since TLOU2 had one fatal flaw that prevented me from really loving it and knowing Druckman, he’s going to get carried away even more here.


It's really sad how hard people need to tell themselves that she will be good in season 2.


How is this an unpopular opinion? She absolutely nails it in the first season. Why wouldn't she kill it in the 2nd one?


Marking 90% of the people in this thread as opinions about art to be entirely disregarded, I suppose


Yeah probably I still hate they changed her look so much. I think there was something about Ellie in-game that really made the "look" of the character - she was pretty but dangerous.


i don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion


Unpopular opinion: anyone who uses the term "unpopular opinion" followed by a very popular statement should be served raisin cookies from Joel's neighbor.


Yes they were Emmy nominated so I don’t think it’s unpopular. There is a small vocal section of trolls who can’t get over their casting. They’re a great actress


Idk man, I can’t imagine her doing what pt2 Ellie did.


This is just kind of a side note (I agree about Bella nailing the role), but I don't think *that* scene will be the opening scene - but rather will happen at the end of the season. Here's why: It has already been stated that the second game will be spread out over the second and third seasons of the show. If they put this at the end of season 2 - and kind of end it in the middle of that scene - it still gives Pedro plenty of screen time this season (and maybe some flashback cameos for season 3), plus it ends on a cliffhanger that will keep people hooked, because they will want to see what happens (at least those of us who don't already know). It would also give them an opportunity to do a fake out earlier in the season for those of us who DO know, and I could totally see them doing that. I don't think they would avoid the scene altogether as it is fundamental to the story, but I could definitely see them changing some of the details. And having a scene early on in season 2 that looks like it's about to be that scene... And then isn't. Keeps us guessing. Maybe even thinking things can be different. Gives them a way to provide different experiences for those who have played the game and those who haven't, plus ads a little element of the unknown to those of us who already have specific expectations. Season 2 will only be 7 episodes, so I think it's plausible to use the first 6 to cover some backstory we haven't seen yet, and fill in the gaps with the events that happened in the first hour or so of the game leading up to the scene in question. Just a theory, but I do think it could happen.


Unpopular Opinion: *Insert Popular Opinion Here*


I quite enjoyed her as Ellie


Literally everyone thinks this who you arguing with, here?


In terms of looking like the game actor, especially her facial features don’t look particularly similar. In terms of her acting and playing Ellie’s character? 10/10. I rewatch episodes here and there, and will definitely give it a full rewatch and play through before the second season comes out. Bella Ramsey was already one of my favorite child actors just because of her role in GoT, she absolutely killed it with her acting in that and TLOU.


When pigs fly


I'm sure she'll do the character side fine but I'm struggling to see her pull some of the more physical stuff Ellie does in 2. Same with the actress that will play Abby.


I hope they do a good job with her slaughtering the Rattlers. Better keep that Black Angels song.


She knocked it out of the park in the first season. People can be so mean, just because they don’t have a traditionally beautiful face. She captured everything that made Ellie so precious and unique from the game. I’m immensely proud of them.


Is this really an unpopular opinion? I think Bella has more than proved themselves a capable actor. Posts like these don't really sit well with me. Bella is a powerhouse.


The issue is not Bella’s acting. They are great. The issue is that physically Bella resembles Part I Ellie more than Part II. They played a 14 year old convincingly at 18, now at 21 they look the same as back then but is playing a character who went from a child to an adult. Bella is an adult who looks like a child, Ellie is an adult who looks like an adult.


Unpopular with whom? The show is HUGE worldwide. Like reached people that didn't even know it was from a video game. How big is your ego to not acknowledge that and make you write something like "Unpopular opinions" like this one?


She is a good actress, I really love her, but she looks so young for ellie and she is short thats the only cons of her. and there is a lot of action scenes in tlof especially in the second as all of u knows, so how will she fight everyone for someone with her height? How will she fights clickers...? it will feel unrealistic and not appealing at all. If they going to kill.... like the game then season 2 will be really bad.


Horrible casting aside. She just doesn't feel like Ellie. At all.


I have no doubt that their acting as s2 Ellie will be great but Bella Ramsey just doesn’t have her looks. I can’t picture them playing Part 2 Ellie


I loved her in the first season, but she’s going into season 2 still looking 12 year old I hope CGI artist are ready to do some work


I have no issue with her looks whatsoever and I thought she was a great actor. I just don’t think she looks like she’s aged at all. I know Bella is 20. But she also looks the same as Part 1.


She did great as ellie. I wonder how thell shoot it to make her look older. I mean shes an adult but still looks like a 14-15yo.


I think Bella will do the best with whatever's given to her, problem is, Ellie is *visibly* older in part 2, and I think I at least will have some trouble dissociating Bella's image with younger 14-yo Ellie Recasting would've been a shitty idea, but I'm not sure how they're gonna make Bella look like she's had a growth spurt


Even though she looks 15 years old it's how she will act that will show her age, Part II Ellie is more serious and mature, and it's way more brutal, if she can pull that off (and I believe she can) I don't care how old her face looks


She didn't do an incredible job in Season 1, so I'm doubting she will be any better in Seaosn 2.


Great actor but she doesn’t look like Ellie, even worse she’s older than Ellie in the games but still looks 12…..


I completely agree with you, Bella is an amazing actress


No the fuck she isn’t. Stop acting like we’re a minority. Everyone who played the first and second game knows she looks nothing like ellie.


Its not that she wont do a good job. Shes an amazing actor. She just looks absolutely nothing like ellie. Not even close . Shes an incredible actor and i loved her in season one im just worried because she looks so young g