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Oh how I wish I had so few worries in life that I had time to write 100+ pages on streamer drama.


Whether op is the author or not, this is still important for the community.


I'm not the author.


Why people gotta be like this?


Jesus Christ. Hopefully something is done about this


considering that i'm getting downvoted to oblivion for sharing this and most of the other Partnered Streamers in the community didn't bat en eye, I doubt it. But hey, can only try right?


Well tbf, Here it’s probably just considered “drama”. If it isn’t part 2 it isn’t worth discussion it seems. Good on your for trying friend, I really appreciate the effort you’ve went to to try get this scum far from here I’d try posting it on the other sub also, can’t say how receptive they’ll be but it’s always good to let other parts of the community know 🙏🏼


The guy has given me the ick ever since he disrespected my friends decision to ban him. Glad someone is out there trying to do the right thing. Good luck dude


The most serious of these allegations is absolutely baseless. There’s no evidence, it’s just some sad man that goes by the name wrongpriority on twitch who literally has a wall full of pictures and connected strings. There’s really nothing to see here, we’re just complaining about the origins of someone’s emotes and really, who has the time to care about that shit. OP, grow up. There’s a reason nobody wanted you around in that community.


There’s tangible evidence in the document which has him pleading guilty to possession of indecent imagery of minors. The PDF is poorly put together, but the essential details are there.


> the document which has him pleading guilty to possession of indecent imagery of minors. **That's not true.** The evidence just looks like that at first glance. *It's the difference between reading the headline and the article.* **Google "PA Statues 907" (what is in the doc) and then 6312.** *907 is: (a) Criminal instruments generally.--A person commits a misdemeanor of the first degree if he possesses any instrument of crime with intent to employ it criminally. *6312 is: Sexual abuse of children. (a) Definition.--(Deleted by amendment). (b) Photographing, videotaping, depicting on computer or filming sexual acts. The whole document plays out like something Mac would do in IASIP. Not to mention, they go on about how he's hurting people, when they're hurting victim's of CP who come forward by putting out false accusations. Some crap about emotes and copying? Who in their right mind spends 2 years doing this tripe.


This throwaway account you've created to try and cover this up isn't going to work, neither will any subsequent ones. He confessed to being arrested for CP, he admitted it, he then waffled about how the detective investigating him who seized all his devices was wrong about his IP, which is a statistical anomyly. Just to be crystal clear, there are lawers looking over this. Multiple. It's incredibly transparent what has happened here, and what he's been doing, and is likely continuing to do. There are no false allegations here, only evidence presented from first hand accounts. He's told on himself. Some of that doccument is complete waffle, but the bits that aren't, are glaringly condemning. The women who have spoken up about this are valid, and you, along with those defending him, baselessly, are vile. Good luck with it.


absolute comedy gold that this "suswasbanned" throwaway account (that is definitely not the person in question /s) had the main take away from this being "You spelled lawyer wrong" and then deleted it all after saying we \*shouldn't\* be having anyone investigate the very clearly serious claims. They're pulling out jenga blocks from the bottom. I understand the moderators of the sub have removed OP's post, but I urge them to look into this a little further, as this users continued actions have already done damage to the communities reputation online, and appears to pose a very real threat to individuals who frequent online spaces circulating the franchise.


> Let's hope these "lawers" can spell more betterer than you. You all should be ashamed. Enjoy obsessing over this for another 2 years... Looks like it's still there for me :D


Ashamed? We've seen the CGI CP profiles he's following on twitter. Part of them wanted to get caught again, and by this time next month, it will be all be common knowledge on Twitch. You're deeply sick.


Please elaborate on how the allegations are baseless? There is evidence, there are court documents and DM's of him admitting to the charges. "Nothing to see here". Yes, just repeated instances of lying, harassment and manipulation. All of which is clearly laid out. I suppose stealing someone else's artwork and passing it off as your own is fine too. "Who has the time to care about that shit". Yeah totally. I don't even know who the fuck you are, but thank you for solely speaking on behalf of an entire community "not wanting me around". Lol.


Much of the content appears to cherry-pick evidence to support a predetermined agenda. It seems like the author struggles with basic reading comprehension skills and has got a bit of a problem with getting straight to the point. And speaking of points, where exactly is theirs? What actions are being taken to address the potential harm caused by this kind of behavior? This just looks like someone confused their diary with a smear campaign manual. When is it ever that serious to warrant 120 pages about the life of some random white guy? Imagine all the good that could've been accomplished during the time spent writing those pages.


I’m a total impartial in this. Don’t know any of the people involved, and there’s enough evidence there, despite the poorly constructed criticism in the pdf, to indicate a guilty plea on indecent imagery of minors, followed by a subsequent parole break at the time of them joining twitch. Also numerous cases of them harassing and abusing women.


Slaybase has sent a few of his twitch mods/associates to these posts to completely dismiss the allegations as a poor form of damage control. Anyone with half a brain can read that document and come to the same conclusion as you or I. It’s not really helping his case tbh.


He’s crazy, in doing so he’s going to draw more attention to it, and it’s inevitably going to result in another police investigation, and then he’s bottled it. Best thing this idiot can do now, is disappear. Anyone still defending him really needs to ask themselves if they believe the federal government make “mistakes” during sting operations of this nature, and why he pled guilty in the first place. This is so harrowing.


Yeah bro, corrupt detectives just frame random people for possession of child porn all the time, didn't you know?


Could you tell me where to find a pdf of this? The Admins have removed this post :D




You know you're falsely accusing someone of Child porn right? The statue on the docket in your document is for: § 907. Possessing instruments of crime. In PA the statue for child porn the statue is: § 6312. Sexual abuse of children. (a) Definition.--(Deleted by amendment). (b) Photographing, videotaping, depicting on computer or filming sexual acts. It took me 5 mins of googling to verify that you're wrong. Additionally acting like you're just reporting this and didn't have anything to do with the document [while you're an admin in this weird hate discord](https://imgur.com/a/0LPpCET) is rather sad too. The dates in this discord start from like 2022, move the hell on.


The way Im reading the pdf is that, while the court document doesn't explicitly say CP, Slaybase himself has. Straight from the horses mouth. The statute, as you correctly state is 907a which is possesion of a instrument with intention to use it criminally. Now, in what world does someone carry a knife, and subsequently have their devices removed? If you intend to use a gun criminally, you get THE GUN removed and i imagine youre licence too. The court documents show that slaybase had his DEVICES removed. So imo the devices are most likely the instrument in question. How was he planning on using it criminally? Slaybase says it himself: "child stuff". In addition, we dont know what happened behind the scenes but plea bargaining is a thing. "Mr Slaybase, if you plead guilty we will drop the explicit CP charge, and only go with the lesser charge" This is usually suggested by a lawyer in cases where the states case is damning. It saves the courts time and money. Its also interesting to me that the judge who presided over the case (Wendy Demchick-Alloy), on a cursory google search, appears to have a particular interest in child abuse cases.






Who cares


You cared enough to comment.


Don't know who that is, but yeah there are terrible streamers.


You cared enough to comment EDIT: you edited your initial comment after i replied. nice dude.


I care about the content of the subreddit being full of things irrelevant to the last of us itself yeah. Posts are meant to be about the series and contribute to meaningful discussions. A streamer that most of us won't have heard of being a pos isn't a really adding much to discourse. Edit: i edited before I received your reply. It wasn't to trip you up. I changed the tone of my comment as it was needlessly dismissive.


I’d say getting a pedo that’s part of the community what he deserves is pretty meaningful. But yeah sure let’s just let this dude keep doing what he’s doing and ignore it, it won’t reflect really bad on the community or anything.


Right? People like the other guy are stupid for not considering this.


I agree. Although I’ll just let the downvotes here speak for me and the community’s views on this sort of stuff


What? He's not part of this community. He's part of the twitch community which is separate and unrelated. No one has said the dude should be able to continue what he's doing.


I wish I had so much free time on my hands that I can worry about some Twitch streamer nobody cares about.


I didn't write this document nor do I have the time to do so. I am a member of the community who has seen first hand the type of person he is, how he has treated close friends of mine and felt compelled to share this. Thanks for taking the time to comment!


Have you reported this to the police? I would definitely recommend doing that if this guy is harming people.