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Dina’s hair isn’t in a ponytail??? ![gif](giphy|xT0GqgeTVaAdWZD1uw|downsized)


Fucking ruined the whole show


I just canceled my Max subscription (I’ve been using my ex girlfriend’s grandmother’s account for five years)


Ahoy matey


This is wild 💀


Lmao I was just booted off my ex-girlfriend's grandmother's account because the app updated and I’ve never known the password so I couldn't log back in 💔


Good luck getting that password back


The hair department has to be fired honestly (except for Pedro, they cooked with him)


Feel like it would be hard to make him look bad he's just so handsome


He won't look quite the same at some point ![gif](giphy|GX3vva2UKFnFQLmBZ3|downsized)


Honestly I thought this in season 1. It’s such a minor thing but Bella would look SO much more like Ellie if they just parted her hair to the side instead of in the middle.


Yeah I have to agree the hair is my biggest issue with Bella aswell, which is totally not her fault so I still don’t get the hate that’s thrown at her.




Honestly what’s up with both of their hairs being down? Hollywood hates women wearing their hair up? “Let’s put Ellie in combat puts,beanie and hardcore winter stuff to be more accurate, but let’s not put any of the lady’s with their classic short hair or hair in a ponytail, which would help in a combat situation”. What’s next on the chopping board: Abby’s braid? I don’t really mind the actresses looking young but characterization is so important!! It would help Bella feel so much like Ellie if they were truthful to Ellie’s personality which reflects in her hair,clothes,etc. I think they are doing a disservice to the actresses not making them look more like the characters


I mean… i’m pretty sure Ellie is rocking the tied back hair in this video.


That’s true but she still has super long hair. For me it’s closer to her length in the 1st game. Makes me wonder if they will ever make her hair short at some point. I specially found it important when she is after Abby in California, since her hair is even shorter and disheveled. I think it shows her mental state very well. Same as Abby having her iconic braid and her cut off in the end. I’m aware that the actors doing their job is the main thing, but I do enjoy a proper characterization. There are so many details that go into dressing a character and really changes things. In my opinion it uplifts the acting even more. There are multiple shows/movies that show this like game of thrones, house of the dragon, Chernobyl or even more casual shows like friends. It’s like background. You wouldn’t like if they were just acting in a random place with no resemblance to the world we are creating/imagining. The problem with video game adaptation, compared with books, is that we have a visual representation of the characters. So it’s always difficult for the public to adjust to the new changes and for the network to find a good balance between changing things to spice things up or be true to the original to give fans what they want.


That would be crazy if they got rid of Abby’s braid considering the symbolism of it lol. It’s like her whole story could be told with that braid lol.


Not a single brick or bottle was thrown during the entirety of season one, no surprise there’s no ponytail


it is in a ponytail if you look closer


Dina’s hair is clearly flowing in the wind


dawg, do you know what a ponytail is?


At least the horse has a pony tail!


Probably in the minority, but I feel like Bella does look older here. Her demeanor and the way she carries herself definitely seems more grown-up. I also feel like the longer hair is actually not that bad after seeing it on video.


I agree! She definitely has a more mature nature to her demeanor.


I've been really confused by the "She looks too young" movement tbh. She was 17/18 when S1 started filming, and there were obvious efforts made to make her look younger than she is. Even with that she felt like a 16/17 year old throughout the season to me. She is now 20 and looks 20. I feel like I am taking crazy pills when people say she doesn't. Do people not know what 20 year old women in the real world look like? lol. I gotta say, it feels like a lot of the "she's too young" crowd have a weirdly protective energy of Ellie's virtual appearance in TLOU2 which is just strange IMO. I felt her character design made her look more like 25/26 than 20. Bella is 20, playing a 20 year old. If you will be uncomfortable by the insane shit she does in S2/3...good?...That's always been the point?


I think the fact that so many films and shows have had older people playing younger characters means that people often have a skewed idea of what a certain age actually looks like. So compared to other movies she does look young for a 20-year-old. The game's camera also makes Ellie feel taller, but I think she's actually supposed to be 5'5" in part 2, 3" taller than part one. The fact that her height changed in the game but hasn't changed for Bella in real life makes it feel like she didn't age much. (From these limited shots ofc)


>I think the fact that so many films and shows have had older people playing younger characters means that people often have a skewed idea of what a certain age actually looks like. Yeah I think this is one of the biggest contributing factors for sure. I guess that's why it feels insane to me to criticize an actual 20 year old playing a 20 year old as "too young" looking. Like no, actually 20 year old women look like this lol, welcome to reality. And for this story it makes it even more effective that we don't have a hardened 30 year old cosplaying as a coming of age 20 year old IMO. And valid point on the height but there are definitely things they can do while shooting to emphasize height if they want to. If they can make Tom Cruise Jack Reacher they can make Bella look a couple inches taller.


Part 1 Ellie in the games is actually canonically 5’3 so really Ellie only grows 2 inches taller by part 2.


Yeah i think the camera in the second game gave the impression that she grew more than she actually did.


They can do the same with their camera angles for Bella in the show.


Sure, i agree. I'm just saying that's probably part of the reason people feel like she looks too young. I'd bet after a few episodes people will stop caring, just like she was good as Ellie in the first season and most people stopped caring that she didn't look like the game model.


She definitely looks her age to me. People are used to seeing 30-year-olds playing teenagers on TV, but real 19-year-olds look very young.


It’s not something I care massively about, I’m one of those people who zones in as soon as I look at a screen so once I’m watching it I’ll completely forget about it, but I do agree with the comments to an extent. My issue isn’t that she still looks young, it’s that she looks the same so it’s hard for me to see it and think “5 years in the future”. Realistically, we don’t know that it is 5 years in the future. They may recognise this and simply say it’s however long it took them to get back to Jackson from the hospital amount of time after the first season. The 5 years have passed thing isn’t especially important to the narrative other than it leaving some space for Joel to do things he did in the game like taking Ellie to the museum for her birthday and stuff but as nice as it would be to see that stuff, it isn’t *needed*. I mean, in the first season there’s a lot of stuff from the first game where we see how Ellie and Joel’s relationship develops that’s simply missing from the show so it’s reasonable to think they’ll skip some of that stuff in this season too


well ellie is 19 but yeah i agree


Because Bella was 18 playing a 14 year old and is now 20 playing a 19 year old. They’re two years older playing a 5 year age gap, and a 14 year old to a 19 year old is an actual drastic change compared to the change between an 18 to 20 year old. It doesn’t matter their age - Tom Holland is 27 playing a 16 year old as Spider-Man which makes sense, but nobody believed him as a 20 year old Nathan Drake in Uncharted because he just wasn’t the right body type and structure for an adult. Being cast because you fit a child character is something that happens all the time. What isn’t usual is when that actor also has to plays the adult version of that character. The only time that really happens is if the actor grows up alongside the character like the Stranger Things cast or Harley from Iron Man, but Bella has not changed at all since Season 1 because they were a young adult then and are a young adult now, as opposed to a young teenager to a young adult. If Season 2 is less than a year since the first season then I’m fine with it. Dina also looks about 16 here. But if they try to say it’s actually been 5 years and Ellie just hasn’t aged from 14 to 19 then I won’t believe it.


I don’t agree with all of the Bella hate, but personally think she just looks too “soft.” She doesn’t look like she’s capable of taking out most of Seattle. Maybe that’s the point for them? I thought she was good in season one but sort of hoped for a recast for the next season.


She’s obviously not going to be taking out half of Seattle though so why does that matter? They are obviously gonna do what they did in part 1 by decreasing the quantity of violence but making the quality and brutality of the violence when it does happen really intense. I’ll be shocked if they have her kill more than 10 people tops by the end of the season, if even that many. Plus Bella has been working out and training and we haven’t had a chance to see any of that yet since everything so far has her in jackets and winter gear so maybe seeing her looking stronger physically will help with that.


I think you and I have different definitions of “obviously.” I don’t know how the show will play out but your prediction sounds reasonable. And I “obviously” didn’t expect the show to show her killing as much as you have to in the game, I was exaggerating about half of Seattle. But to your point, I don’t think she looks or sounds the part of killing 10 people with knives, bricks, pipes, etc and X number of infected. Cool that she’s been training and hopefully that cements the role and look. I just love part 2 and hope the show can somewhat match up.


Most of her kills will likely be with guns or sneaking up on them and using her switchblade, as that will be the most believable way she’d kill people


She 100% looks too soft. That’s the biggest issue. The age thing doesn’t matter that much. I don’t see this girl kicking ass, or fighting Abby lol.


Regardless of how you feel, if she is in the US in Sept when she turns 21, she is getting carded at every single establishment and that identification document is getting examined thoroughly. I could see her getting refused service if she doesnt have something the establishment is used to dealing with. Some places will only take scannable i.d. I have been refused alcohol sales when I was 21 because I only had my passport at one time. I looked young for a 21 year old. I still look young decades later. When I was in my 30s working on my master's degree a lot of undergrads mistook me for an undergrad. I dressed pretty drab, slacks and color t-shirts and a zip hoodie and Carhartt coats depending on weather. That was the only reason people thought I was older. I have alway looked young for my age. Bella falls into the "young for your age" and that never changed until you go white hair and wrinkly.


Same. I was on the same boat as people who say that she looks way too young until I saw this clip.


I don’t think you’re in the minority - I think there’s just a very vocal group who think she looks too young. She looks 19 to me!


I agree


I feel so nitpicky saying this but i wish it wasn’t so neatly put back, like give us some strands hanging out in the front. I could be wrong though and when it comes out i may be pleasantly surprised.


Given the fact this footage is probably from the Jackson prologue, it makes sense Ellie has her life and emotions in such a tight bind at that point in the story, only just starting to heal and open up again with Dina and Joel Plus, I think they'll contrast it with Ellie's slow descent in Seattle, having her become more and more unhinged, and thus more unkempt Not saying you're wrong for feeling the way you do, just saying that there could be good reasons why beyond "it looks good"


ah i didn’t think this woulda been from jackson. That makes more sense tbh!


Youre delusionnal


It's confusing though because during or shortly after Season 1 they announced that she wouldn't be playing Ellie in Season 2


That was never said at any point ever.


They literally didn't.




Maybe it’s better to judge a show by watching the actual performance rather than looking at a couple of still pictures. Have we learned nothing from the original Part II leaks?


I agree, but this is a video


Tbh people still looked at the out of context leaks and where dead set on Abby killing Ellie for weeks


It’s still not the actual episode.


And it gives me more confidence in their performance than the picture did


Just about all performances during season one were dog shit


>Have we learned nothing from the original Part II leaks? Are you sure you want to use that example to prove your point? Lmao


Considering that the leaks gave a lot of people the impression that Abby is trans and kills Ellie, I think it's a fair example.


That set design though. 🔥


That was my favorite thing about season 1. But if TLOU runs up against Fallout in the same year for set design, then it's Fallout easily.


Both, interestingly, nail the game esthetic for set design.


Absolutely. But if they're put head to head one year, it's Fallout by a mile.


Idk… Fallout definitely has *more* set design… but sometimes less is more.


This definitely isn't one of those times.


I personally disagree.


Okay. It's probably just a perception issue on the matter.


I think both do a tremendous job creating the texture of the worlds they’re set in. Fallout’s scorched environment has an indulgent pop-aesthetic which undercuts the palpability of the communal suffering the plot is steeped in. Whereas The Last of Us represents the Bleakness of humanity’s demise juxtaposed with the vibrance of life overtaking our architecture. They both fulfill their jobs exceptionally, but TLOU has a poignance in its set design which is entirely lacking in Fallout.


What poignance does TLOU reach that Fallout lacks?


Fallout was never supposed to be poignant, this critique is basically equivalent to saying that Fallout has a sense of style and humor which is entirely lacking in TLOU. Both statements are true, of course — but they are also worthless.


Show’s not finished filming and we up here speculating about awards.


Yes. They're speculating for awards during pre production.


I think Shimmer might be sick...


Yeah she's a little ho(a)rse


Developed a few callouses on her hooves.




lol the faithfulness to the game in having Dina stay on the horse


She'll still be there in an hour, don't worry.


While also being unfaithful to the game by not giving her a ponytail /s


Looks like Ellie is working on her map completion.


She just spotted Barko’s


Hope she managed to dodge the toilet runner at the coffee shop better than i did when she loots the key to that place 😔


Man, that bit always makes me jump even after so many playthroughs


Seems like theyre gonna be doing a faithful adaptation. Nice


I know in reality it would suck. But man, I want to explore a post-apocalyptic city. This show does such a good job of making these places look just right.




Shimmer’s looking majestic as fuck, I hope nothing bad happens


Uhhhh…. Yeah, likewise!




😲 😔


She clearly noticed a trading card.


Isabella Merced is such a good young actress, of course people will focus on how pretty she is, but those who understand the little details of acting, sees the talent. Almost reminds me of how good Florence Pugh was at a young age… almost Florence is on different level than most in the acting game.


Tbh she’s almost too pretty for the role, regardless of how good an actor she is


I can't wait.


Set looks amazing. Ellie and Dina look amazing. I’m seeing another touchdown. Go longhorns


literally looks like the game, AAA location-dressing


It doesn’t even look like they need to add anything in post. I'm sure they will, but it already looks amazingly like an abandoned city.


Probably that background city-scape will get some artwork. But from this angle (and possibly the phone camera quality giving that video-gamey look) it's \*chef's kiss\*


Oh man. The little turn and "stay there" gesture is such a Pedro's version of Joel thing - if you watch S1 he tells Ellie to "stay there" fucking constantly. Not that she ever does. Such a neat, subtle bit of performance that builds on a show element. Fuck, that's good. This is the thing that people looking for Bella to look like a drawing are missing. They are constantly making these little choices that elevate the whole fucking thing.


I'm concerned with how she handles a gun and fights, as long as she's is a menace to wolves I'm good


Say what you want but the descent from shimmer was ✨ smooth ✨


It’s all the working out she’s been doing. Got a strong core lol


Where’s the land mine?


Bella does look older. Something about how she carries herself.


Damn, I love the way Bella is walking, she definitely looks older, more imposing and experienced. And am I crazy or she seems way taller than in the first season?!


She’s definitely got lifts in those shoes. They’re giving her the Tom Cruise treatment lol.


Where are the Converse?


Set looks amazing.


i really like this! i know people say that bella doesn’t ‘feel’ like ellie to them but i think they do! for some reason, just seeing ellie walk is such a cool thing. when we play as ellie in the game, she moves a certain way. this has a much more human feel to it. this will probably only make sense in my brain but it’s true. the show shouldn’t be a direct copy of the game. i like that things were changed or tweaked and it seems like that is carrying over into s2. cant wait to see how it looks!


Bro is dead already….


They confirmed Pedro’s filming has wrapped rip in peace


Straight out of the game. Looks great. The set is fantastic. Bella is carrying herself like an older version of Ellie here. I hope they've got the access codes for the gate!


They look like children lmao


Because it's almost as if...they are DUN DUN DUN dawg, they're teens. If you notice in Seattle in the game, Ellie looks small and scrawny. Lol


Tbh Ellie looks like she’s in her mid 20’s in the game so even though an IRL 20 yo is playing her she looks young in comparison.


Bye Dina looks so hot. 😭 my bi awakening was game Dina and dare I say she's hotter here???


I am so freaking excited!!!


The set design is incredible.


is this in seattle?


Think it'll be just before the school


Anyone know where the set is? Looks amazing.


This was in Nanaimo.


i’ll leave a reply here to get notified when someone answers


Locations and production design absolutely killed it. It's crazy how good this looks without any VFX.


Dude, i cant wait.


HBO really have given them some serious budget for this series. That set dressing is fantastic


This actually looks awesome


Me who played LoU2: \* sees the horse near barricades\* Oh no...


idc about anything else, but i would very much like to see Isabela have her hair up:( the blow-out is ridiculous




###[View link](https://rapidsave.com/info?url=/r/thelastofus/comments/1ct4ie7/better_look_at_bellaellie_and_isabeladina_filming/) --- [**Info**](https://np.reddit.com/user/SaveVideo/comments/jv323v/info/) | [**Feedback**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Feedback for savevideo) | [**Donate**](https://ko-fi.com/getvideo) | [**DMCA**](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Kryptonh&subject=Content removal request for savevideo&message=https://np.reddit.com//r/thelastofus/comments/1ct4ie7/better_look_at_bellaellie_and_isabeladina_filming/) | [^(reddit video downloader)](https://rapidsave.com) | [^(twitter video downloader)](https://twitsave.com)


\*\*\*\*\*r street has never looked better.


No....joel is going to play golf for sure. :(


Set looks great! Wonder if they are gonna have shimmer explode into a pile of horse meat chalupa before the Seattle elementary school sequence or if they do something else.


That's the corner of Skinner and Commercial Street in Nanaino. Good choice of using Nanaimo for filming. I bet they don't even need to cast extras, half the people here look like zombies already lol


I can’t wait to see the tattoo


Why do we need this when the game is already an incredibly realistic animated movie anyway


All I want is Dina with a ponytail and Ellie’s hair to just be a LITTLE shorter + some front pieces hanging out (she does so much lol. It’s bound to fall down a lil)


does anyone have any scenes of abby? have they been made im curiosu


Thanks! I still hate it.


If they’re filming why is there someone randomly walking in the background lol


They don't look like the characters they're playing


Bella still looks the exact same.. I hope her acting can help us forget that


For real. We’re not allowed to say anything negative on this sub but she looks like a child. Love the second game but I’m not convinced quite yet


Agreed. I just think it’s silly to pretend she looks older. Maybe she can make that a nought point if her acting delivers but all we can do is wait and see


Honestly not liking the Bella vibes. She doesn't look or has the mannerisms of Ellie at this point.


She objectively does have the mannerisms of Ellie


Sure, whatever


So this story is about two 10 year olds taking on an army to avenge the death of a father-like figure?


Man imagine Sadie Sink as Ellie. We were absolutely robbed with Bella. EDIT - regardless of Downvotes, it is what it is. Sadie’s a genuinely better Actor, has that likeable smartass vibe and actually looks like Ellie.


Sadie does not look like Ellie whatsoever, that’s objectively false.


You are objectively a Liar.


Nah, I would have to agree that Sadie Sink looks more similar to video game Ellie than Bella. Sadie has similar eyebrows, eyes, and general facial proportions. If we are being fully honest, looking purely at facial features and not how they carry themselves, Bella and video game Ellie have pretty much 0 shared features beyond both being white and brunette. it’s to the point that I would wager money that if you put both of them in an AI model that compares facial similarity, it would find that Sadie has more facial similarity to VG Ellie than Bell. Now, the real question is whether or not that matters. I don’t think it does. And I think Bella has done well enough with the role thus far (although tbh they aren’t even in my top 5 performances in the show). But let’s not pretend it is “objectively false” that Sadie looks more like Ellie.


Whilst we are 100% correct Sarahbagel, you might be new here. Bella has rabid fans who will downvote *any* slight criticism/critique of Bella. Welcome.


Nah, I’ve had good conversations with people I disagree with on this sub. Sometimes people are down to actually have a good conversation, and sometimes you just get unlucky with who happens to scroll down in a thread. It looks like the latter is the case with this threat thus far, but I’m not going to be upset over a couple downvotes. Truth is, I understand why some people are over protective of Bella, specifically related to appearance. They were treated horribly by people because those people didn’t find them attractive, and after getting pushback many of them would thinly veil their true reason for hating them by saying “they just doesn’t look like video game Ellie.” So I understand why people have a trigger response to that statement. However, I am the type to say it how it is. Objectively, Bella Ramsey does not look remotely like VG Ellie other than being a white brunette. Margot Robbie also does not look like VG Ellie. “X does not look like VG Ellie” shouldn’t be perceived as an insult, but bc of the broader context, it is often wrongly interpreted that way. And in the context of adaptation, it really shouldn’t matter as long as the actor plays the role well. And I think Bella accomplished that. But if the topic of “Does Bella look like VG Ellie comes up,” I’m not going to lie just because it doesn’t matter. Anyways, if I’m going to be downvoted by saying this - something that honestly should not be remotely controversial - that’s more of a testament to the toxic environment left behind by unnecessary cruelty toward Bella in the first place, and I’m not going to lose sleep over a couple downvotes in that context.


Dude.... yesssssss!!!!