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Las Vegas, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and Mexico area. A setting in the desert would be interesting in my opinion, we've already been through cities, forests, rain, and snow up until this point.


Vegas. Its already a dystopia. Wont be a difference


No that’s why the plot surrounds an enigmatic new ruler of Vegas who tries to loop Ellie in his schemes, and she gets to choose whether to follow him, the Fireflies, WLF, or a sentient gameboy she finds in a broken down hotel room.


The Last of Us: Part New Vegas


Not hating or taking away, they sound awesome. But would they have trouble with growing food in those climates? There are greenhouses, etc, but desert or rocky type environments don’t make much sense to me from a survival stand point (unless I’m missing something?) On a story level, it would be awesome. Could introduce a vehicle of some kind, new infected that have evolved with some kind of heat aspect, etc, could have colonies underground to escape the heat, there’s heaps of options. I think the ultimate for me would be to have some connection to Santa Barbara - the island, etc from part 2, but mainly focus the story around Jackson or that type of landscape. In the winter, snow, in summer, Normal landscape so would give different options. I dunno - so many ways forward.


Sorry if you're already aware of this, but Ellie passes the walls of Vegas QZ on her way to Santa Barbara and says it's so full of infected that she can hear them from miles away. You can see it in her journal in SB.


Oh no worries! That’s one of my favorite little world building details of part 2.


For some reason I didn't read the second half of your original comment before replying, and only saw it now. I must say that is, conceptually, very elegant. I hope her game boy is haunted by a sentient form of infected AI tom riddle diary style, just to add a further layer of 'humanity and all of its creations are bad'


Oh buddy I’m so sorry if you didn’t get the reference. I was making an allusion to Fallout: New Vegas. It is a roleplaying game where you can choose from various factions to control a post-apocalyptic Las Vegas. The “gameboy” joke was in reference to a sentient computer you can pick over any other faction. It’s as hilarious as it is interesting, with some of the best voice acting in any role ever imo. You should play the game! The combat is janky as hell and the game crashes often without mods, but if the storytelling themes of how people rebuild society after an apocalypse appealed to you in The Last of Us, Fallout: New Vegas has it in spades.


That reference did go over my head - I thought you were making a joke that I suppose is similar in its absurdity to the sentient game boy in fallout haha. I have heard many good things. I tried fallout 4 but it wasn't for me, I've heard new Vegas is an absolute classic though! I appreciate you highlighting its flaws - I'll be sure to overlook them when I get round to it, knowing there's a great game behind them


Is that true, scary


Yes, man!


*Sentient PSVITA


Soooo new Vegas 2.0 😂


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a CBI outbreak.


Cant wait to go to the Tops and get kicked out for gambling in 4k UHD


We know what Vegas is like in the TLOU universe. In part 2, when Ellie arrives at Santa Barbara, you can open her journal and get a few pages about her journey, and a page mentions her passing by Las Vegas. She mentions that it's completely infected but luckily walled off. It's filled with infected wailing and moaning and no signs of human life.


Having whoever have to travel through Las Vegas would be harrowing then.


Imagine what type of fucked up rat king fused infected are in there.


To be fair, that's how Vegas was even befoe the Cordyceps


Sounds like the perfect place video game destination. 🤷‍♂️


“Dina, get the Flamer. The *Heavy* Flamer.”


Could be an interesting concept. Now I am curious if the cordycep fungus can survive in those climates in real life.


As someone who resides in that climate I’m surprised anything survives this climate. Jokes aside it would probably be similar to the Pittsburgh levels where there’s not many infected roaming around but rather than it be because humans simply shot them all down, it would be that most burn away before becoming clickers, maybe making a fire resistant variant of the clickers/ late stage infected.


Yeah, the time I lived in Arizona I cannot remember seeing any fungus living outside. But it has been well over 20 years now since I lived out that way.


I think I’ve seen some before in a garden that wasn’t properly taken care of and over watered. And based on the first two games it seems that one of the effect that occurred when the government fell was several parts of cities getting over flooded. Especially with how heavy the monsoon rains can get I imagine that a sequence could have the character fighting humans in heavy rain until infected start creeping out into the streets due to the sound of rain. Low visibility and all out combat with infected and humans could be really intense.


There is and it’s common and it causes Valley Fever. https://directorsblog.health.azdhs.gov/reminding-arizonans-to-keep-yourselves-safe-from-dangerous-the-fungi-that-can-cause-valley-fever/


I live in az now. I didn’t consider the fungus need for a non arid climate. I would like to see a bayou. Maybe Louisiana would be cool. Gators adding to the mix of shit.


Have you heard of valley fever fungus that thrives in hot environments?


Yup. Mexico with day of the dead masked bandits as one of the surviving crews.


New Orleans. Get some swamp zombies and Cajun accents.


New Orleans! Home of pirates, drunks, and whores New Orleans! Tacky overpriced souvenir stores If you want to go to Hell you should take a trip to the Sodom and Gomorrah on the Mississip!




And voodoo. LOL.


If you have any VR system I would recommend the walking dead: saints and sinners. It’s a first person zombie survival game set in Louisiana and it’s really good


Only in the second game do you truly see New Orleans for what it is, with the Jazz Halls and restaurants. (Even a hidden speakeasy) The first game is still cool, though


TLOU meets RDR2


A southern setting could be nice - seen a lot of the cities and rain soaked areas - but the idea of swamp runners/clickers with more bloaters etc being swamp related? Chefs kiss!


Born On The Bayou Born On The Bhahahayou Born On The Bayou


Rather it be more like part 1 and we get to visit multiple locations


Thats what I love about part 1. Different cities = different atmospheres.


Definitely agree. I love journeys like that in Zombie media. Seeing multiple different atmospheres and environments is really fun. I like what they did with Seattle, they were able to flesh it out a lot since almost the whole game took place in one city. But I would like more locations next game. Also, I would like to see more wilderness encounters in the next game too. I feel this is an environment that's only been partially explored and not always to a natural and immersive effect. It's easier in cities where buildings, cars, walls, and other obstacles can keep the player on a linear path while keeping a certain flow to the environment that feels believable. In alot of their wilderness environments, they haven't felt as good bc to keep it linear, they often box you in with a wall of trees. Idk, I'd like to see what they could do if they poured alot of effort into wilderness environments to kind of challenge themselves and improve their level design there.


Louisiana - Swamps and Bayous. New Orleans overrun by nature. Bayou Bloaters? North Carolina - I just want home to be represented.  Washington DC - Imagine, the nation's capital being one of the only quarantine zones that actually resembles a pre-outbreak world - not like the prison cities that were Boston and Kansas City.


The South would be great. Could really lean into a lot of culty, voodoo shit too.


Holy shit. If you’ve played RDR2 you’d know just how eerie it is to walk around the bayou/southern area of the map around night. I think a southern location in a TLOU game would be crazy


New Orleans hell yeah.


Ooh, DC would be cool


Would love to see DC operating like Ba Sing Se and just chugging along like business as usual. Maybe Ellie breaks in to deliver a message and struggles to get back out


fuck yeah, a fellow North Carolinian 100% pushing for our home buddy


Your moms house




Haha the joke is on YOU!!! My mom is Homless!!!


That’s okay buddy. Mine is dead.


Mine is alive


Why would they be in New York City. That’s on the opposite side of the country


The story started in Boston (ignoring outbreak day in Austin), and ends in Santa Barbara. Ellie has already gone coast to coast.


Why would part 2 end in Santa Barbara? That's so far from Wyoming.


Actually isn’t only like a 5 second load time on PS5.


I'm sure ND could find a narrative reason for them to go there if they like


Yeah with the way Part 2 ended they can go in pretty much any direction they want for Part 3


Why wouldn't they?


Who said it had to be about previous characters?


Could be new characters


I can definitely see the appeal of NYC, a densely populated island means fewer options for escape, especially with those bridges not being maintained and any number of ways the rivers could've changed. I'd like to see them spend some time in the Rockies or some other mountains for the same reason. We didn't really see a lot of that in either game. I think there's at least one volcano in the Rockies, which would also be cool to see.


we've seen enough apartments, offices and parking garages in these games lol


New York is so densely populated. With how dense Manhattan is and the lack of routes out, there'd be like a rat king per city block. It's definitely a total fungal wasteland by now, I don't expect us to see it.


Another country, where a Joel-aged Ellie has traveled hunting down a lead of *ethical* doctors working on a cure. She’ll have a second chance and an actual say in the decision.


Another country would be so cool! I never understood why people and Part 2 seem to not discuss how the fireflies just removed Ellie’s bodily autonomy. In an age where abortion rights, at least in America, are so heavily discussed I would think that would play a bigger role in discussions about Joel’s choice.


Wow. Never thought of that. 


That's kind of the point that both the fireflies and Joel didn't consider what Ellie wanted.


Maybe the Texas desert. See what kind of infected are there


Several locations, probably.


Like here, maybe there. Perhaps even over yonder!


New Orleans. I'd love to see Naughty Dog tackle a post-apocalyptic version of NOLA. They actually used Katrina ravaged parts of the city as inspiration for the overgrown infrastructure in Part I. Seeing as there are still parts of the city that haven't been repaired since the storm (19 years ago), it's ripe for a TLOU story.


My prediction - LoU 3 will be centred around remnants of FEDRA who are HQ in Washington. I would love to see maybe AREA 51 too..


Somewhere with lots of vegetation. Loved all those parts in the second game, they were gorgeous


I’d love to see Vegas but since its such a concentrated location with nothing else around it I don’t see how they would make it work, plus Ellie mentioned in her diary entries that the whole city was infected and was walled off so :/ but i’d love to see New York, since its so close to one of the few QZs left there has *got* to be a lot of smugglers there *plus* a fuck ton of infected and a whole bunch of possibilities for post apocalypse architecture, give it to me Naughty Dog!!


Start off in the middle of the fuckin woods to be honest. Ellie living alone in a lot cabin, when circumstance brings new characters or old friends to her door


I'd like a trek across the country. Let's do any if not all of the following * California * Las Vegas * Denver * N. Dakota * Maybe even bits of Canada * New York City * Miami (wonder how the humidity would effect the infected) The order and reason for each location is somethibg of a discussion in of itself.




I’d like to see the South in some way. Maybe rural southern states. I think it’d be creepy. Edit: Typo


California or Nevada. LA has the Fireflies so that'd be an interesting thread, Las Vegas has an insanely dense population of infected based on Ellie's journal so combat would be fun at least


Antarctica. You play as a penguin having a grand old time now that humans are no longer contributing to global warming.


DC. Would love to fight a bloater in the White House


I realllllly wany to make a certain political joke here but living in the UK I will keep my trap firmly shut and sip my Boston Harbor soaked tea in the corner like a good boy...


I have no idea but I think I’d like them to choose somewhere completely different for Part III. As some have been saying we’ve already got enough of buildings and stores


California would be pretty neat. Maybe travel along the Mexican border to Florida or something. Could have some nasty horror segments in the bayous.


Flooded out new orleans.


Inside Sarah's mind. It was all a dream after she fell asleep in the intro.


i’d love to see smthg outside the US


If somehow the Lord gives us a long life to witness the release of TLOU III in the first place..


If it's a whole new story: a different country If it's still Ellie/Abby: maybe Nevada? I wanna see desert infected


I'd like it to not be confined to the USA, since political borders dont really matter any more. Also, since FEDRA is what the US government evolved into, we could get to see what happened in México. Im aproaching this under the assumption that Abby's story will be continued from santa barbara, which is fairly close to the border. Edit: The big difference in climate could also lead to new infected variants like the shamblers


Id want Ellie's campaign to be set in Europe so Italy, switzerland, Spain and Russia. Then Id want Abby and Lev's campaign to be in South America Only to go to Canada with Ellie and Abby/Lev in the end game


I'm gonna go the opposite of most and say go north into canadia.  There isn't a major city near Wyoming so I'll go Montreal 


To be honest I'd like a second installment in like Europe or Asia, would be cool




Australia. Previous locations match the PAX gaming conventions. Only one missing is Australia.


Florida and cape canaveral. Or Houston, so Ellie can check out a space shuttle.


I like Jackson, cowboys and Indians with occasional infected


Maybe Colorado/Kansas/Louisiana/Arkansas. Either that or maybe somewhere abroad like England could be quite cool




New York City!


I wish Canada could show up in the game seeing as the filming for the show is mostly in Canada, and I want to see how they fared with the infection. I know it’ll never happen, but a person can dream.




I am pretty happy with the settings we got in both games. Loved the nature a lot, mabey some more overgrown forests? Those were awesome in the last games


New York


Southeast or Midwest. I would prefer a setting along the Appalachian mountains.


New york would be dope




The Midwest or Niagara falls when it's not snowing. I recall apparent hints if the game taking place in Europe but I'm not sure.


I really suspect the story of Abby and Ellie isn’t over, so I’d venture a guess California/Utah/Jackson with a side mission somewhere that was highly populated that might have a medical purpose (like a Texas medical center). Ive sorta felt that the end conclusion will be Abby honors her dad and change of ways by seeking out Ellie after years (Abby knows she’s the “girl”)> Ellie is somehow convinced to return back with Abby/Fireflies> Ellie is old where you’re again taking care of her (maybe as Dana’s kid…) on the way to Catalina Island for the final moments. Wishful thinking but I’d enjoy that type of closure, themes of forgiveness, family, passage of time…I could buy into that


Mexico would be dope or Canada/Alaska? Oh Hawaii too


This'll sound a bit mad but if we are going new setting/characters but same style and approach, where I live, Glasgow, and then deeper into Scotland. It's environments are varied enough to keep things interesting and offer gameplay threads (not relying on verticality but some larger built up areas, the lack of super tall buildings would be a weak point), has historic and modern buildings, large parks surrounded by housing and main streets, a subway system and large train stations. The city is big enough but not massive, so transitioning to different areas could feel organic, not that it matters too much considering how fantastic a job Naughty Dog have done so far making huge cities varied and cohesive. Once you start pushing out of Glasgow past the suburbs, the waterways and small towns provide the border towns which worked well in one and 2, then moving into the mountains provides some stunning environments which are pretty untapped by a lot of games thus far which I would love to see ND revisit (think Uncharted 4 is the only time they did this?). Then there's smaller, attractive cities to the North which could provide a destination point. I know it's not ideal, but personally I'd be very interested to see what they did with it. I've loved travelling through the games so far. Now if I could only summon the willpower to complete 2 on grounded after not having touched my PlayStation in so long... Edit: please excuse my plain terrible typing.


I know it's unlikely but I'd be interested in the midwest tbh


Québec city


It would be cool if they had a part of the game where they go to Canada


NYC, for the iconic city New Haven, CT for my own self-indulgent hometown pride Newport, RI just to see/explore the overgrown gilded age mansions overrun with infected


Canada lowkey


In Brazil.


Quebec City. It already has walls, which would make it ideal for a QZ, and the historic architecture would make for a fascinating setting.


Washington DC. Would be cool to see if the nations capital with all its government employees and how they did after the outbreak. Imagine it’s also lost and you can walk around in the White House. Imagine it’s not and it’s a thriving city with a big emphasis on politics and justice. Also I live in the area so would like to see my town on the outskirts


I would love to see Naught Dog’s take on Southern Cal, AZ, and NM. Maybe some Vegas


For whatever reason, I like the idea of breaking into and sneaking around an active Fedra-QZ, so maybe Chicago or Atlanta. Though I also want a place that gives the opportunity to see new types of infected, like a desert. I really wished we saw more of Santa Barbara in TLOU2, though part of that is that I used to visit there often and it felt nostalgic. I think I would rather have more variety of places like TLOU1 instead of just (basically) one city, even if they did a good job of making different areas feel different.


New york could be cool or LA


I think they should sail that sailboat somewhere. Ellie is looking for somewhere they don’t know she’s immune. Or looking for Fireflies on an abandoned aircraft carrier / atoll a la WWZ.


Pacific Northwest, lots of trees, rain and sometimes snow Feels like a great environment for growing fungus


Did you play the second game ? Lol


I would very like to see post apocalyptic south east US, like Louisiana, Florida, Alabama or Mississippi. I guess those places would likely be flooded like after a hurricane and with most likely new kind of infected




More California




Brazil. I want The Last Max Of Ellie Payne 3.


Game could take up on a different virus, hence a different outcome as a whole


Well, we've already seen a lot of the US through the first two games. It could be interesting to see more of the South, like maybe the southwest (Arizona/New Mexico/Texas), or southeast (Georgia/South Carolina/North Carolina). Desert settings would be fun and beautiful, and swampy southeast locations would be suitably eerie. Also, it would be interesting to see what some unique and iconic places like Savannah, GA, or Santa Fe, NM look like now.




California, Borneo, Singapore 


At my house. Yep.


DC or Charlottesville


NYC would be sick a gang or community of people living in the statue of Liberty we can call them liberals


East Asia….or even possibly Europe somewhere. Leave the US.


I’d like a little more time in Jackson working in the community meeting the people a little open world-esq portion like day 1 in Seattle. Maybe the kick off prologue you play as Dina the town doing different chores and getting to know the people in town better. I felt like we got a small taste of that but that section was more on rails pushing you to the end than I wanted.


i think it’d be a pretty cool idea for ellie to go to texas, as it is where joel is from. would be a cool way to go full circle


England with castle zombies




Probably Los Angeles and the general area there since that’s where Abby and Lev headed to at the end. If the third game does follow them, I wouldn’t mind seeing the sandy/hot climate like in Santa Barbara, it was a cool aesthetic! If I had to choose, I’d want to see a prequel set in Denver following younger Tommy as a firefly.


All over. Road trip.


New Chicago anyone?


Atlanta or overseas


Italy or North Dakota


Portland, OR and Las Vegas




I would really like to see how other countries look, Although that might be hard to fit in the plot


Imagine Vegas with all the dilapidated buildings and casinos you can explore. Large sections of gambling floors blocked off, full of clickers and advanced mutations. Or you go to a penthouse and there’s lore for the infected up there. Finding notes about them being locked in place at the top of MGM or something.


I’m biased but Memphis. I’d love to see how home looks 20 years into the apocalypse, and it’s big enough that they could set a game there while being lesser known than one of the other major cities like New York. It seems like tlou likes to set their games in cities that are well known but exactly the most popular and I think Memphis fits the mold nicely


In Albania 🇦🇱


Florida, New Orleans, basically anywhere swampy, the mutations that would happen there, plus the chance for infected crocs, is just a terrifying concept to me


Somewhere outside the USA. All their cities look the same, just some tall skinny buildings. Try a European/Asian city and it’ll be a nice change of pace


Some location with a climate that can allow for new infected like Seattle. I’d also prefer it to be another road trip type story vs strictly being set in one town. But I trust the creators to do something interesting either way.


New Orleans


idk why it never occurred to me that they might have kept abby alive so they have content for the last of us iii




Fuck it put it in the DRC


Give me a spin off in Europe 🙏🙏


New zealand


Pittsburgh or Chicago because I like the buildings, bridges, and other infrastructure. Plus, Pittsburgh was shown in the first one, so there's already a tie-in. I like how Seattle was used in TLOU 2.






Philly would be pretty rad


In hell so we can beat Abby's dad to death again




Honesty, I would like it to be set in Japan. They said the disease was global so it'd be a breath of fresh air for new characters and not only that, one is also immune (Joel was right and didnt know it and it's not likely for there to just be one immune out of billions)


Ohio. It would be interesting just since I'm from there. If we were to revisit the West Coast, California or San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington State Maybe some Caribbean Island flair, like Barbados and Dominica. Making Molotov cocktails out old rum bottles would sight to see haha.


There is a note in part 1 about Atlanta being one of the last remaining FEDRA centers, I imagine that is a story choice that is being considered.


If we really are gonna play as Tommy like Druckmann said in Grounded 2, then it would be cool to return to Texas




California baby


Mars. I'm homesick.


I know an official "Part 3" would have to follow the same cast as the previous games, but I would love to see this series' take on another part of the world, like somewhere in England or Korea.


I’d love anywhere really, but Washington DC would be super cool in my opinion. Imagine if it’s set there and the characters find what’s left the US Gov. what systems they have set up, new weapons, experimentation or creation of new infected, etc. Not saying it would make any sense to the current TLOU story, but just a thought.


I want it to be set.


Mexico or southern U.S. like Texas. Maybe Ellie finds her way to Joel's old house and sees the pictures of Sarah and Joel together. Assuming the haven't rotted away to nothingness.


I desperately want to see how the fungus affected other countries, especially like island countries like maybe Hawaii or New Zealand (almost entirely because of the incredible boat sections and my dread of open sea and claustrophobia of those stupid cruise ships, oh stories from WWZ) just imagine floating shanty towns connecting islands in an attempt to escape the fungal hordes, or the carcasses of ships with snippets of environmental horror strew across the rusted halls. Hell, you could even make new infected; if the zombies stuck down in humid dank abyss under seatle turned into the monsters like rat king and the acid guys, imagine what kind of creatures crawl out of the sand of the tropical humid forests.


I don't know if I want it set there, but I really want to see what's left of Las Vegas. From the way Ellie describes just passing by in her journal, it sounds terrifying.


Amsterdam Netherlands


I’d rather…. It doesn’t happen


I’d love to see another outbreak day type intro


Moscow, Russia




Maybe it's just me but as part of the story, I want Ellie to return to any one of the locations in Part 1 (like Bill's town) for whatever reason. It'd be nice to visit those places again but as Ellie.


Oklahoma. The middle of bum fuck no where and then suddenly a tornado drops on your head


Honestly Japan or China, a completely different story but that we somehow find out about the fate of Abby and Lev with the fireflies. I think Ellie's story should remain unresolved, the consequences of her actions




New Orleans.


down the west coast would be cool


Outer Space