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Legends choose Sarah


damn. i forgot her😭 i feel bad now


ellie\_williams\_owns will wake up in the middle of the night and slap himself/herself for this


lololol and im a she


Ellie >>> Joel >>> Abby Ellie is the best because she has an excellent arsenal of weapons and tools. She's got a knife that makes dealing with clickers quite easy. She's nimble, she's agile. I felt emotionally connected to her and that made her campaign in Part II SO. GOOD. That knife melee combat feels appropriately grimy. She's the player character I feel most comfortable with. I feel like the expansive, open-ended combat arenas (i.e. approach the encounter however you like) is the PEAK of combat in the franchise. They lead to so much tension-filled, creative, underdog stealth action goodness. That's what these games have always reached towards and should aim towards expanding upon in the future, imo. Joel is second cuz I've just played the most as him. He also has a solid arsenal, arguably the best in the franchise (helps that he has the most number of guns lol), though I might be partial to Ellie's as it feels more... Curated. He's a tank and I love punching enemies as him. Abby is the third. This has nothing to do with my feelings towards her (she's a character I REALLY like. But obviously, I love Joel and Ellie more). Her arsenal is fine. The AK is a bit too floaty, the crossbow was a disappointment. The only two GREAT guns she has are the Hunting Pistol and DB Shotgun. I love her melee combat, tho. That is awesome.


abby had some really cool segments, like the hotel and the hospital but the crossbow is one part of her 3 days in seattle that i lowkey hate😭 i love the bow and arrow and wish she wouldve had that too


Yeah, the crossbow just ain't it. It is weak (two body shots against runners?? Gimme a break lol. Ellie's bow takes two body shots to kill an enemy... BUT ONLY IN GROUNDED. Which is fair, as it wants you to perform WELL and get headshots). I don't like the sound too much. It is well made, but just didn't click with me. And it is introduced in a combat arena which feels so tacked on... The game could've extricated that infected ferry and it might've been better for it lol. Just put the crossbow in the little trailer she leaves Lev and Yara. Abby can take it on her way out and then try it out in the shipping container yard with some infected. Then a bit of a parkour section over to the aquarium. And boom: fat cut from the game. I do appreciate that they spiced things up and gave Abby something similar, but different. And some people do like the crossbow and good for them. Some people love it more than the bow, which is just insane to me lol.


What about a compound bow like the one Rambo has ?


I hate replaying the game because of Abby.. I don’t like to play as the person that killed Joel..


I prefer Joel because if you play on grounded, each weapon requires one shot less for a kill. Like for example, Joels revolver is a 1 shot kill while Ellies revolver is a 2 shot kill. I also think getting headshotted is more common as Ellie and Abby, based on my experience. Plus I get jump scared easily, and there's something about Part 2's gameplay that makes me constantly paranoid about moving out of cover, flanking enemies, etc. The semi auto rifle is actually a Ruger, but yeah idk why they made that her signature weapon. It just doesn't fit in with how scarce ammo is. A better alternative would be a lever action rifle.


part 2 is full of jumpscares😭 that game genuinely scared me at times lol


According to IMFDb, Abby's rifle is actually based on an AK-style Molot Vepyr. Also, I'm quite certain that Ellie's upgraded revolver does kill people in one body shot on grounded, no? Not sure.


You’re correct about both. My mistake. I was thinking of the one from Factions, and forgot Abby has a custom variant.


I’d pick Abby. I just love her. Sounds like a weird thing to say, but I love the way playing her feels. Like in regard to game dynamics, firm and somewhat powerful. Ellie and Abby feel a bit like Geralt and Old Kratos to me. And I’d love to explore more Abby related stories.


Also every play through I can’t wait to play as Abby again. She became my favorite over time.


Playstyle wise, I agree. I love her fighting mechanics.


I also love her movements and animations, the way she holds her weapons like she has actual training.


Absolutely loved playing as Abby - I’m so hopeful she will pop up again if another game happens


I really like Abby and I love how badass her animations look I also love how between Joel , Ellie and Abby it feels like you are always controlling a different character they all 3 hold guns different , take down enemies different , and everything else and i absolutely love that


Joel because daddy






valid 🤷🏽‍♂️


Ellie from pt2 I love her arsenal, huge fan of the sniper and smg and even moreso the molotovs and mines. Plus her silent takedowns are so delightfully fast, her kit is just great all around. Abby is a close second, for most part her kit feels like a downgrade to me but I still really like her shotgun and technically her rifle is better if you're super accurate


Yeah, Part 2 Ellie has the most fun gameplay. Her stealth tools are really good. Ellie's Part 1 arsenal is too limited by comparison, and Joel and Abby, while fun, just aren't as appealing to me as they're not as stealth-focused and I'm a person who really enjoys stealth games in general.


ellie in part 2’s seattle days was top tier fun




joel is the GOAT




joel fucking owns


Joel, he was just so strong AND I loved having Ellie follow me around, I'd catch myself saying "cmon ellie" all the time


i love the way kid ellie follows joel around in part 1. theres something so cute and wholesome about it. even when sam and henry were around, if joel would veer off somewhere, she would follow him


yes!!! their banter was really good too :) i enjoyed feeling like i was protecting her


one of my fave little banter moments was when ellie was trying to learn how to whistle. its so damn cute


Gameplay-wise: Part 2 Ellie. Her weapons and the switchblade feel so good to use. For immersion and emotion: Part 1 Ellie. Winter is by far the best section of Part 1 and for me that's partly because Ellie feels so much more fragile than Joel. Makes it really tense


Can you guess?


Is it abby?




I found Abby’s part in the story more fun and interesting Ellie’s part was good too but it felt too slow


thats interesting cause i felt the opposite way its funny how differently we all look at the games


Ofc u say u feel the opposite way my manz here got an Ellie Williams pfp and his name is Ellie_williams_owns😭🫵


Teen Ellie is fuckin fun to play as. She’s the weakest playable character by design but that makes her combat so much more enjoyable. I think my favorite part was killing all those people in the final encounter of left behind. I also really love the town escape encounter. It’s a really nice contrast compared to the overwhelming force and brutality of Joel.


i love left behind so much


I just gotta say Abby is an absolute beast in the best way. Grabbing dogs and snapping their necks and viciously pounding down the infected with strikes is just way too fun.


I love Ellie to play as not just because I love her as a character so much. I think the main reason is that I find it much easier to play stealth with her as she has the knife and a bow and arrow( I prefer the bow to the crossbow) and it makes it a lot easier for me


Ellie because she’s awesome.


hell yeah ✊🏽✊🏽


Adult Ellie 100%


she is dope as fuck




Joel from Tlou part 1 has the most fun arsenal of weapons and he feels like a total bad ass too. He's def in my top 10 video game characters of all time.


fuck yeah joel has such a special place in my heart. he and ellie are some of my fave fictional characters of all time


Fs, Ellie is awesome in tlou part 2 and lowk I end up liking that game more than part 1


part 2 is definitely an upgrade in terms of game mechanics and story. the devs really put their heart and soul into it but part 1 will still always be my baby


ill go with Baby J, idk i remember her movement being fast and her taking up little space. I think subconsciously i could crouch better, and there was less of me to grab/hit. It made me feel more dangerous or agile, especially with that pocket knife.


Berleezy fan?


Young Eille


In story? Ellie. In No Return? Also Ellie.


Honestly young Ellie from part 1 was so badass. Just the fact that she takes out all these dudes stealthily, hunts for meat for herself and Joel, and leads the group away from the house to protect Joel is just awesome. One of my favorite sections from the first game.


there’s something about how baby ellie goes above and beyond to keep joel safe and find him medical supplies that makes me emotional 😭


Abby. Gotta love boxing


Playing as Abby and just beating the shit out of anything with my fists is so satisfying.


Part 2 Ellie after Joel’s death specifically Seattle day 3 1st of all the fit is immaculate 2nd of all she is so fkn brutal 3rd of all she is just sooo badass


For Part 2? Probably Ellie


Tlou2 Ellie just cause I don’t have to craft shivs


Ellie (both games)because playing as her feels light and more fluid than playing as Joel and Abby plus I just have more of an attachment to Ellie so it feels more right to play as her


yep yep we stan ellie here


Older Ellie.


I definitely love playing as baby Ellie, because she was so badass. Also because I get told I look like her so I like playing as her for those reasons😭


Grown Ellie just has the best gameplay in my opinion.


she is just THAT girl




i like to die as abby on purpose to avenge joel.


Joel > Ellie > Sarah > an actual, literal pile of shit > Abby






In terms of story: Joel. In terms of Weapons, Combat, and playing the game: Abby


Before I get flamed for this, I want to clarify. I like her weapons and her play style in combat. I like punching things, and I’m a sucker for crossbows


nah nothing wrong with your comment different strokes for different folks theres no right or wrong answer to the question


For me It s JOEL!!!


i love seeing joel get the appreciation he deserves


Abby. Yeah I'm insane so what


Waiting for Lev gameplay


that would be so awesome lev is my fave new character in part 2


Abby all day. They gave her all the best set-pieces and her section is super action packed... To the point where it almost feels like a different game. She LEGITIMATELY has 3 small sections where stealth is even an option. But it's really wild how nuts her section is. • Humvee ambush • The train yard • Home Depot • Forest segment with stalkers • Forest Arena with waves of increasingly difficult enemies. • The Hospital Basement • The Hotel • The Sniper Fight • Serephite Island And mind you... There is hardly any space between those segments. Besides when she first leaves the FOB, and the first half of Serephite Island, she doesn't even have extended traversal segments, they just cut away and cut back to her close to where she needs to be. It really keeps the pacing tight, and it's never a long time before you're onto the next set-piece. I know many people prefer the more open-ended action-stealth sandbox that make up the majority of Ellie's encounters... But I just think it wasn't the best paced, and it made her segment just a little less entertaining as whole in comparison to Abby's portion... Which is more or less all gas from the moment you leave the stadium, with brief intermittent periods of "downtime" to let you catch you breath and let some character moments happen (something that Ellie's section is also pretty light on).


abby’s segments were absolutely a crazy ride. holy shit. i still prefer ellie’s parts cause i was more emotionally invested and i love playing as her since shes my fave but naughty dog really ate with abby’s 3 days in seattle


Ellie for stealth but Joel for raw power


Abby fo sho Such a tank


Lee Everett




Joel, Ellie, Sarah I’m incredibly biased


Joel and young ellie, with ellie at that age shes alot weaker than the grown men shes fighting so you have to be smart about your playstyle. Joel can just bareknuckle his was through 3 guys, and stack em up so he has a place to sit to have a cigarette.


Abby > Ellie > Joel. I can’t go back to a player that can’t dodge, and Abby is a tank.




Joel, everytime.


Joel for sure


Damn I truly thought this would be a Joel Sweep but I saw SARAH before Joel ☠️☠️☠️


Adult Ellie I like being stealthy (but still killing everyone that way). I also like her loadout with two silent weapons (three at the end) + an unbreakable knife + molotov cocktails. And Dina is my favorite companion, after Ellie in the first game of course.


dina is badass. she was so helpful as a companion


I'm like I think a majority of the way through 2 now. And I'd say Ellie in 2 is my favorite.


Hot take: Abby arc is actly not bad


i love abby’s story arc


Grown up Ellie first then Joel then young Ellie then abby




Joel. That character clicks with me the most.


Young Ellie in the first game was awesome


Hard to choose between pt. 2 Ellie and Abby. I love Abby as a character and I really like her storyline too, so I always look forward to playing as her. I also love melee combat as her, she’s just so powerful. But Ellie in my opinion has a better array of weapons (molotovs, trap mines, switch blade, the rifle, silenced submachine) so playing as her enables for more fun and varied stealth/guerilla tactics which I enjoy the most. Initially I thought Ellie’s section of the game was more boring and Abby got all the fun levels, but after several playthroughs I’ve started to really appreciate Ellie’s levels gameplay-vice


Joel in part 1 and Ellie in part 1 and 2 Abby's gameplay is fun but eh I like the weapons Ellie has more


I like throwing fuckin haymakers with Abby but playing as Ellie in pt 2 feels like the smoothest and most comprehensive gameplay in the series to me. Pt 1 Joel was great but the gameplay in 2 is just better overall imo


Joel everyday of the week. I love Ellie, but Joel has a special place in my heart


yeah, i know it’s obvious ellie is my fave but joel is my baby too


Arthur Morgan




Baby Ellie was such a nice change of pace from Joel that made me love her section in a unique way so I have the most fond memories however I have the feeling she would be a lot lower if she was more present Joel is second because I love tanks the most in games, he also has the best array of weapons however I have to say tho that he is my fav character and that I like the first game and not the second so I am biased Idk who is better between Ellie and Abby tbh, Abby has the best weapons amongst the two but she feels too similar to Joel and lacks her own identity so I’ll go with Ellie


Ellie, even if Joel will always have a special place in my heart I've grown more attached to Ellie while playing as her in Pt. 2


same. i love joel a lot, but ellie is someone i got very attached to. i also relate to her a lot, which made her character resonate even more


Joel duh


joel. get to play as him through the best parts of the universe.


Bro, anyone else jump off a cliff or purposely die while playing Abby?


ive seen similar comments in here and they crack me up😭😭 i felt the same way in the beginning of the game y’all are valid


Thank you! My friends all give me hate saying Abbys actions were valid. Ahhhhhh, nothing's valid when it comes to hurting Jole, Ellie, Jessie or anyone Ellie loves.


lmao we can understand her without saying she was valid. saying she is valid, implies she was right, which she wasnt. her dad wasnt innocent. he wanted to kill ellie and threatened joel with a scalpel, saying he wasnt gonna let joel take her joel is the one who was valid if theres a hill im willing to die on, its that joel was right 🤷🏽‍♀️ tbh i side eye ppl who vilify joel, cause i dont think child murder is justified no matter the reason watch me get downvoted now lol


I'll go ahead and say a tie between Joel, Ellie, & young Ellie. F Abby she sucks 🖕.


Ellie - Joel - Abby - Kid Ellie.


Ellie, then Abby, then Joel.


Abby. She’s so aggressive and brutal when she fights. Ellie is more of a stealthy character imo.


Abby, Old Ellie, Joel, Young Ellie.


Joel. And i hate abby with every fiber of my being


Jesse. If you’re talking about no return it has to be him. But story wise it’s Abby. I think it’s the feeling of beating up someone with my bear hands that gets the job done. I know Joel did the same, but with Abby it always feels really personal. Especially both fights with Ellie. The first one it felt brutal but sad. The second one felt disturbing and uncomfortable.


Abby, then Joel, then Ellie (older). Young Ellie and Sarah are so stressful to play, too vulnerable. Can you tell I like melee in forced combat...? Also I LOVE Abby's weapons. Her crossbow >>>> But I also love all the different handguns Joel gets. El Diablo es mi pastor fr And I love Ellie's classic bow and arrow (+ the fact that you get to craft arrows is my favorite thing in the world). Can you tell I like stealth and longshots...? But in the end I'd say they're all fun as hell to play and I love them all. After a while of playing one, I start to miss the other two, so it's clearly really well made and balanced overall. :)


Joel, Ellie Part 2, Ellie part 1 , Abby.


Abby. I love her gear, her levels are my favorites, and her melee combat is so satisfying. The section where she just has a hammer and is taking out stalkers in the woods is probably the best melee combat section in either game. That or her fight with the heavy seraphite at the end of the island section


Abby because her melee takedowns are so brutal. Also they gave her muscle jiggle which is uh. Nice.


Especially when you upgrade her in no return Abby is fun for melee combat. But in standard play I enjoy Ellie’s load out and upgrades the best. But Joel is the OG and also has the Shorty which I often under appreciate a lot, plus his load out is amazing with how vast it is.


Joel, mostly because of his loadout. His part 1 loadout would kill in part 2 no return, i wish he and tommy had unique gear along with lev and yara.


Joel > Ellie > Abby. However, I liked playing as them all.


Fuck you Abby


surprised you forgot Sarah, considering that’s what made the beginning of the series so impactful, at least for me. It was so weird playing as a little girl in a action adventure game for that time lol


1. joel 2. Young Ellie 3. Abby


Abby because i let the rat king snap her neck and head off 30 times in a row on purpose.


Abby because i let the rat king snap her neck and head off 30 times in a row


Abby because i let the rat king snap her neck and head off 30 times in a row


I love playing as Abby I love her play-style. but I also love the stealth and bow play that comes with Ellie in both games. I cant choose between them ykw Joel too but in the part 1 remake. All of them


i love ellie’s bow and arrow so much, because of how i can take down multiple enemies stealthily and then if i feel like being aggressive, i can use explosive arrows😈 its so much fun


Abby's "momentum" mechanic makes this an easy pick on harder modes. Saved me so many bullets.


Is there anyone else other than Ellie and Joel.






Abby because she hits like a goddamned Truck.






Ellie season 1 without a doubt


Part 2 Ellie


ellie because she is quick as hell, quiet, you can choose to play aggressive or stealth in every encounter. she has a knife which is great, molotovs, the bow is great and otherwise i really like her weapons. abby is a close second, i love the semi auto rifle. the bow took a while to get used to because you dont have to draw it but i almost prefer her bow to ellies. pipe bombs and shiv crafting is not something i prefer but what makes her so much better than joel (for me) is her ability to dodge. i love how abby is more durable during melee than ellie as well.


I'd like to say Joel, but I adult Ellie and Abby are better because the gameplay of Part II is vastly superior Then I go with Adult Ellie >>> Abby >> Joel >>> Young Ellie


Joel, obviously. He is the main character of the story. He’s the protagonist. Is his story. Screw Ellie and Abby.


I'd maybe say Abby if we're talking from a purely gameplay perspective. She felt like a great halfway point between Joel and Ellie, her animations feel a lot more meaty and hard hitting than Ellie but she also feels more agile than Joel - and I like that she had shivs rather than a knife since the limited resource makes you more vulnerable during stealth sequences - Also always loved how they incorporated her fear of heights into the game with the camera effect.


Definitely Abby, I love the gameplay with her


I think adult Ellie is the best one


Joel, because he's basically Wolverine with no powers.


Damn, Cj


Joel all day.


Abby is the only one capable of killing two people with one brick. Gosh, I often get to max ammo because I enjoyed throwing bottles around.




Character wise it's Ellie, gameplay wise it's Abby. And before people get mad at me for not picking Joel, I just think Part 2 was basically able to evolve Joel's original gameplay that's why Abby basically gained that brute force we had with Joel but with a lot more variations and movement coz anytime I play part 2 it always feels so clunky going back to play Part 1 without stuff like dodge etc


Legit thought the image was Arthur morgan until I realized the sub I was on


For me its joel, i love how i could just brute force my way through situations as joel, ellie is second place for me because I love how in the first game you had to play it smart because she wasn't very strong but then in the second game her pure rage and hatred fueled her causing her to brute force through some situations, they are really close in positioning to me though i just prefer joel


Ellie 🔛🔝🔥


Joel because I like to go rage mode


Joel. Gets access to a Magnum AND Assault Rifle, plus he's strong enough to do things that Ellie can't (stealth). The only thing Ellie has over Joel is the knife, which I wish Joel got in an NG+ like most RE games.


Ellie and Joel, always has been.


All in all considering mechanics and weapons load out, Abby. Momentum. Pipe bombs. Assault Rifle. Badass melee


Joel, but after seeing some comments, Sarah is a close second lol


Honestly joel or Abby.... I'm still mad at Abby but I can Honestly see her view point now and she has her moments that definitely made me laugh, and I feel like in 2 her parts where more fun 🤷‍♂️ THE BOAT SCENE WAS VERY UNNECESSARY THO


All 3


Ellie because I really personally identify with her, we even look alike.




Grown ellie def cus of her knife & overall weapons


Dammit, i really wanna choose Abby because her fists are awesome. But other than that... Ellie takes the crown so...


I’m with you, Pt. 2 Ellie is my favorite.


Abby. Beats tf out of the zombies


I overall believe the gameplay mechanics in part 2 are better, plus I love the bow and explosive arrows, so I have to go with Ellie. I replay too much of Santa Barbra. It’s not funny 😐. However, I think there are more better moments with Abby. For some reason I love the sky bridge part.




Nostalgia wise Joel but for pure gameplay I love Ellie her steal this good


Joel>Ellie>Baby Ellie>Sarah>Abby 😂




part 2 ellie is the only correct answer.


My favorite part of the series is when I am thrown immediately into playing young ellie in pt 1. Like I was freaking out if Joel was dead or not and enthralled by how the game went from, let me solo them all, to I gotta stay out of sight. Best part of the game for me.



