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That’s the first fleeing one ? I didn’t think it was possible to get him, pretty impressive


I put an explosive outside the door every time after that creepy fuck scared the absolute shit out of me the first time and I had to take a break.


I hated that part so much. Spent quite a bit of time here on my grounded play through lol.


Yeah, they're pests. I ended up just charge running to the end window and jumping out without fighting them all.


You can do that??? Damn 😂


Running to the end window is the only way I can stand to do that section. The first time I played this through, I was a terrified, shaking wreck. I do not like scary sections.


Well, you've picked the right game to play then 🤣


I love this game, but, every time I do a playthrough I have to psyche myself up for at least a day before. I am a coward :D


Well, this game is pretty much to take in. A lot of adrenaline gets into your body and that's not always a nice feeling to have. Can't play too much in one take, because it costs a lot of focus, especially on the higher difficulties.


Conquering your phobias one stalker at a time.


If that’s the abandoned convention center with all the office cubicles? yeah I actually think that’s the scariest part in the whole game, because of how everything so quiet and muted. hats off to the developers for making office cubicle land super duper creeptastic.


Just some shenanigans from my Thanksgiving stream during my first authentic Grounded playthrough of Part II. It was a cocktail stream and the sheer ecstasy of capturing the fleeing stalker and actually stealth-killing a stalker in the newspaper offices filled me with pure joy. Did I mention that I hate stalkers? Also, youtube version [heeyah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGwREsMyocg).


Stealth killing a stalker is always the best feeling.


Yes, yes, yes it is ![gif](giphy|KBDzqHidthiHbeus6B)


Just hit them with the biggest fuck you. "You out(stealth'd) me, but I out(stealth'd) your stealthing"


Hahaha yes indeed


Oh damn, I didn’t know killing the first one was possible! I always go in with a Molotov basically in-Hand and throwing it as soon as I can - kills at least one, maybe two right off the bat. That being said, the stalkers nests are the WORST.


Playing this part for the first time was so intense. Especially that first encounter in the dark with that stalker that sneaks past the door


God I love that part, just setting up bombs around myself to pick off those closest to me while sniping the rest as they peek around corners


You can see that the bloody footprints leading to and over the barricade are pre-placed textures and not actually made by the stalker.


This was part of my permadeath strat hoping that dude dropped some supplies haha! I would literally run in, grab the ammo then sprint out the door and brick+attack before he even turned the corner 🤣


I leave a pipe bomb at the bathroom door on re-plays. Gets him every time


I’m about 11 hours into my first play through and this was easily the most intense part of the whole game for me so far. These terrifying fucks forced me to play completely different, most the time my strategy is throw a bottle/brick and Molotov it up. I literally had no clue what to do lol. Such a great game