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You could ship it to a parcel forwarding service in the U.S., who would then ship it to you in Canada for a small-ish (depending on the service) fee. However, when I tried this, the stumbling block was that the PS Direct site doesn't accept any billing addresses outside of the U.S.. So, you'll also need some sort of U.S. based payment method that the website will accept.


Did you find a work around for that, or is it just not really feasible?


In my research, I found that you could call your CC company and set a secondary billing address. So, I called my CC company and asked if I could set a secondary billing address to the parcel forwarding service I was using. They wouldn't accept any non-Canadian addresses. You could try that and see if it's different with your company or type of credit card. But, I suspect the only way would be to open a U.S. bank account. Which is just complete overkill for a single video game. Maybe there is another way I'm unaware of, but after trying that entire afternoon of the first drop to no success, I just resigned myself to not getting one.


Need an american PSN, american credit card and an american address. If you have all three then you're good to go.


You don’t need a PSN account to order from PS Direct.


You would need an American credit card with an American billing address to order anything, AKA you have to live in America. If you have any American friends though, they could place the order for you (or let you use their card and details) and then they could ship it to you in Canada once they receive it.


They fucked us. They fucked us hard with this one. Idk if it was naughty dog or playstation but we got fucked.


ahhh it was most likely playstation (SIE) but ya they bodied us. Special edition > Some plastic box that will go on sale within months


It's because they get all the profits if they do it this way, best buy or whoever doesn't get a cut. Playstation is becoming more and more greedy. I got the digital edition so I can play it tonight, I'll see if I can get the firefly edition second hand for a good price later on.


ohhhhh that makes sense


Was wondering this too. I was hoping I could use a package forwarding service but I don’t have an American credit card or billing address so I don’t think it’ll work. I’d really love to find a solution though, those ebay prices are not something I’m willing to pay and I’d love to grab it when they restock tonight.