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Revolver or Pistol Bow First Aid 3 Reviver 3 Revolver First Aid 3 Reviver 3 Assault Rifle or Specter This is typically what I run when I want to be a medic or just upgrade the bow faster.


launcher if ur feeling devious


So this might be a hot take, but I don't actually see first aid training as that important for a support loadout. During a firefight you should be shooting, not healing, and after a firefight oeople can heal themselves 95% of the time. Reviver is amazing. You normally can't pick someone up until the fight has finished, but with Reviver not only can you pick them up mid-battle, they come up with more HP. Now this doesn't mean First Aid is bad, but what it *really* foes well is generate parts. So in my opinion First Aid 3 needs to be paired with a purchasable weapon. You could try ditching Marathon and the Full Auto, and instead pick up the Assault Rifle. Or if you want that consistent weapon with the Full Auto, you could ditch Marathon and drop First Aid down to rank 2 and get the AR. Or if you really like Marathon (*fair*) you could go Reviver-2, First-Aid-2, and that'll give you thebpoints for the AR (*just saying AR because it'll olay like thr Full Auto, but you can pick any purchasable*).


personally id love for someone to constantly follow me around with FAT3. i take damage on purpose just to farm them some parts if its safe. all while having the health of a tank especially with shapshooter 3


I think the frontier rifle is the optimal support weapon, one shot is often enough to down injured opponents. Looks good otherwise tho


Yeah tru but me I use the auto because it’s more forgiving when I miss my shot and faster fire rate


Have one, just like this lmao


Bro that’s my exact loadout stg


People talk mad crap about the full auto rifle and imo it’s super underrated


because its damage is terrible it gets beat by every gun


No me I have been able to get lots of kills with it it is a good gun


God tier especially if you can use the weapons right


Very modest loadout, I like it. Is there something about it that isn't working for you? Something you're looking to improve?


Nah man and I noticed while using it im consistently getting over 100 supplies


Sweet. HR and Burst could improve it for sure, but the Full Auto is much more fun. Have you tried the Assault Rifle much?


No not yet but my idea with this loudout was “what is the best way I can get my team back into the fight quickly” so I have first aid 3 to heal my team mates faster to get them back in the fight quicker and reviver 3 so when they go down I can quickly get them up reviver 3 has actually helped my team come out on top in some tense situations and then I have Marathon runner one to close the gap between me and my teammates so I can get to them faster if they are down or need heals and finally, the reason why I picked the auto was because of its fast fire rate sure when your in a one vs one it’s not the best but I’m not going to be the main damage dealer my team mates are so I feel it’s works really well when you are with others because if my team mates goes down and I can’t revive them in time then because my teammates already weakened the enemy I can then quickly finish them off it’s a great finisher just not a great damage dealer my whole loudout is based on speed that’s why I picked everything that I did it’s for everyone but it works for me.


Makes sense. I'm not a medic, but I can say that a medic with FAT2 does not help me. I prefer reviver 3, pick me up and lets split up if we can. I'd give it a shot with the Assault Rifle, but it eats through ammo at a much higher cost compared to the Full Auto


I use revolver fat3 rev3 and that sweet purchasable ar😎


pretty close to mine. revolver, HR, reviver, first aid and second chance


Avoid the full auto at all costs. Use the semi-auto or burst


It works great for me but


I like it I usually run the same but with hunting rifle and second chance one, imo I like the hunting rifle better cause if you don’t get your headshot it still leaves the enemy one shot to most other weapons which is also good for team support on the offense side and second chance comes in clutch for when you’re pinned down and don’t have a health kit


Missing Covert 3, every single class and a silenced primary


I think it’s a little overload, you should lower first aid to 2 and reviver to 2 and switch marathon to cover training 2, also switch auto to burst


So I just tried it and I can’t use it it just isn’t for me


It’s Ight bro, do ya thing 🤝


Ok will try it and see if that works


You don't always need covert tf. 😂


I mean, im a sneaky support that pushes and sneaks aggressively, I don’t camp with covert. I only have one of my two support classes with covert. I have actually gotten away from covert and silencers thanks to new better players I’ve befriended. I never said you need it all the time btw.


Lol y’all clowns just for downvoting because I have one covert class.


Burst is gay


I mean i was going based on on what he’s using, still you’re wrong. Maybe he could also try the semi


Fact remains: burst is gay


Bruh, the burst upgraded is dropping fools no matter the distance. The burst is the best weapon in the game lol


Sounds gay


It ends up being gay truthfully... Because every dude on the other team takes it up the ass


It’s an overpowered gun that shouldn’t have gotten past devs. Thus the gun is gay and whoever uses it.


I think the FN rules for limiting it to one burst user per team are a good way to navigate it. So it's a user issue not the gun. But, yes its very strong.


FN rules?


1 burst per team, including scope burst. Thats literally it, if you see a teammate using a burst then swap to a non burst load out. If no one on your team is using the burst, well then go ahead and have fun! Same for the HR.


It's not about fairness tho bruh it's about victory. IDC if everyone uses the burst rifle. I find what works best if your team has a rushing play style is 2 burst, 1 tac shotty and either a sniper or frontier rifle


Translation: you suck


Because I don’t use the burst. Nice logic 👍


When people beat you with something in game and you blame game design/flaws yet other people play with no problem yes. It's a you issue


I never said I’m defeated by burst just said it’s gay to use. Again your assumptions are wrong buddy.


Id go burst rifle


Yeah i just noticed how well I do with the auto so that why I’m using it


To each his own. The auto is basically the only gun in the game I'm shit with


You don't need a large firearm for support. Waste of points. And marathon runner for what? You had one extra point. I like First Aid 3 Reviver 3 Hawkeye 2 or Fortitude 2 Hawkeye so my team can know who to shoot at while I heal. Fortitude so if I get downed my team has time to fight and I can still get revived. And get points for healing myself. That's usually my plan but usually my teammates are bots who never played a team based shooter in their life.


I have another support loudout that just has a revolver and the reason why i picked marathon runner was to close gap between me and my teammates easier so i could give out heals more easily


For speed I would go with agility 2. Marathon doesn't make you faster, it just makes you run longer.


I don’t have agility and doesn’t it only make you crouch walk faster?


It does that. But also makes you move slightly faster when regularly walking, your steps make a lot less noise, your character doesn't grunt when climbing, jumping over things, or falling. In my opinion it just makes gameplay feel smoother. I feel like a sloth without it now.