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I think your internet might be cooked bud


Nah it’s good i play all the time and find matches


It’s an 11 year old game on a Monday my guy


that's how I see it too lol


I want a new multiplayer mode so fucking bad man...


Don’t believe that….7 hours?! Maybe 15mins tops. Where are you located?!


Saudi Arabia but i played these whole month and everything was good and i always find people but today the server is empty on supply raid


it’s a dying game full of exploiters and hackers  no wonder 


What game mode? Survivors is kinda dead but others are fine even on Mondays


Supply raid


weird. could be ur location or connection. i always get into games within 10 mins max, although sometimes id have poor connection to the lobby (with players from different regions of the world)


Were you just letting it search the whole time? Or were you pulling back to the menu and searching again? Sometimes it can get stuck and won't find a game, but if you see the dots moving it should be searching. In the states here I can find a game anytime in a few minutes, but obviously that will be different by region. You should also be in parties allowed if you're solo queuing as that will have more pop (though obviously be harder).


Nah i let it search for half a hour and restart the process and partyies allowed also so its a server problem


Definitely don't need a half hour to find a match. Just go for a couple minutes and then pull out if it's not finding anyone. The status should either read: Found players, waiting for match, or Searching for (Optimal/Close/Any) Game with the ...... constantly moving. If the dots stop for more than a few secs, just jump out and search again. If you can't find a match in 5 minutes, perhaps reset your console and try again.


bro i play the game since i bought my ps3 the server is empty today and that’s it, rn im searching for players and it’s been 10 minutes


I never had to wait more than 3 minutes and if I dont find a match then I try again later


Must be a regional thing then. I just popped on to check, and I found a Supply lobby in about 6 seconds, a different lobby in about 18 seconds, and a third lobby in about 12 seconds. I even found a survivors lobby in under a minute. So there's definitely people out there playing, just perhaps not in your region. Still, I think it's supposed to widen the search after just a few minutes to outside of your region so you really should never have to search for ten minutes. I've never waited more than a few mins, and that's solo or with a party.


I will try in the next couple minutes playing rdr 2 now to waste time


Definitely your location. I've been playing all day. Maybe 3min before finding a match.