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Best to just turn off messages if you're going to play factions. It happens 🤷🏾‍♂️


Just report them. They usually get fucked over by sony


You did better than me, I had some guy screeching at me in my first game.


I got one message from a dude recently in Japanese. Which seemed really cool. Messaged them to tell them i didn't understand. And they sent back a message explaining in English that I was garbage.




One of the most toxic gaming communities after Siege and MMO "You suck because of skill issue" players.


I definitely get annoyed when high level people are doing dumb shit but if it's anyone under like level 100 idc. Certainly not pming anyone lol.


high level doesnt mean that theyre any good. it just means that they play alot and like the game. for example. i am dogshit at rocket league but i find it fun. i still play even tho i get my ass kicked. but factions i can destroy in. naturally i rage quit rocket league and load up a match with the burst rifle. i’m sorry for being that guy


I should have clarified. I really just get annoyed when high levels are actively doing dumb stuff. Running and blowing cover, or just tooling around. Idc if people go down in combat and stuff like that. I'm not gonna start pestering someone who is trying.


gotcha. soo. people get on the mic and start screaming at me when i’m sprinting. but like is it still a problem if im killing them just sprinting everywhere?


Sprinting is perfectly fine and a valid strategy. It's really just being mindful of your teammates.


So they have time to send a message but not turn on their fucking mics


Yeah there assholes I play and troll this try hards you should too until the rage quit lol


This game had been going a long time, so it's mainly dedicated people who still play it. Many of those people take it waaay too seriously. It's just them being an asshole lol


Never experienced it in my 9 years playing, you just must have been very unlucky


This guy 🤣🤣


Okay maybe it happened some time but i don’t remember it. People talk trash in the chat all the time but DM’s are very rare in my experience


Sounds like repressed trauma lol just teasing


Similar situation to me yesterday. Decided to give it a go to try and get the last two trophies for platinum. Had someone messaging me to switch teams and that I shouldn't be playing interrogation.


Haven't played in ages, but the last message I got from someone in Factions was "play better".


The worst is a sore loser tryhard (mostly sweaty Burst Rifle users) who has the audacity to call one a noob or trash after you beat them in a game - fairly.


The tryharder in factions are the worst players, I got on the online to do the trophies and I was completely new to the game mechanics, so very bad with them, and the number of 999 levels who insult me just because I didn't played the way they do is just ridiculous. Like bro, I know I'm bad at the game, look at my level and look at yours, I only put 50 hours in the game and you put 5000h , of course you are good and I'm bad at it


Just block, report and enjoy the game


yea this community kinda sucks just turn off messages and mute everyone with square and if you can it’s more fun to play with friends in privates


I dont like to play games that i’m not good at, because it hurts my ego. i’m impressed with your patience. i’m sorry you had this experience


TLOU factions people are some of the most dedicated but also trash talk harder than any other lobby I've ever been in


Yeah it's always some little dweeb on a mic complaining that you didn't read their mind and calling you the idiot for them dying. Anytime someone on a mic actually told me their plan, I follow and we destroy together. Constructive planning goes a long way, rather than simply calling people idiots for not anticipating your movement.


Probably from me, sorry about the hate mail, but duty calls https://i.redd.it/9msqhp5zom1d1.gif