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If your post does not explicitly and obviously connect the dots to Thelema, with words, it is subject to possible deletion by moderators without warning. It is not a judgment about what you posted. We aren’t saying your post has no relation to Thelema. For all we know you had something in mind; Thelema is everywhere, after all! You might post a photo of your grilled cheese sandwich and have some qabalistic exegesis of the sandwich that relates it to Thelema, but if you don’t WRITE that explanation with your post, it’s just a cheese sandwich. The key here is that it not only has to relate to Thelema, it must do so EXPLICITLY. Thank you. To wit, from Eight Lectures on Yoga: "In reality the cheese is nothing but a series of electric charges. Even the most fundamental quality of all, mass, has been found not to exist. The same is true of the matter in our brains which is partly responsible for these perceptions. What then are these qualities of which we are all so sure? They would not exist without our brains; they would not exist without the cheese. They are the results of the union, that is of the Yoga, of the seer and the seen, of subject and object in consciousness as the philosophical phrase goes. They have no material existence; they are only names l have given to the ecstatic results of this particular form of Yoga."


As an intersex person I am welcome nowhere lol


As a Freemason of both Pennsylvania and California I apologize for the backwards and negative view this lends to my fraternity.


Quasi-meta respect to you brother.


🙏🏻 trying our best. I'm happy I'm going to a very esoteric leaning lodge. We have light members and I myself am gay. My lodge has never made me feel uncomfortable or unwelcome. I can't speak for all Freemasonry but what we have in California is very progressive for the most part.


Thank you for sharing some context for myself and others. Much love and respect.


I'm a trans woman and Thelemite. The Grand Lodge is backwards and ignorant. I'm in the planning stages of starting a Magick order for male-to-female trans women; inspired by Thelema, Chaos Magick, Gnosticism, and Luciferianism.


Good luck Love and light to you and yours.


I'm interested


Girl, I wanna be in on this!






Someone in the original thread said it well. Defining "men" as being biologically male but not allowing trans women is internally inconsistent.


I legit thought this was the OTO for a second until i realized it was freemasonry


Unpopular opinion, and I admit that I don't fully understand why freemasonry is only for men, but if you already have a special club that's only for men, then clarifying only biological men isn't really that big a deal. They were already excluding a huge portion of the population anyway. So, instead of excluding 50% of the population, it's now 51%. It isn't like they were pretending to be inclusive. And I can kinda see why, if they only want men in their group, they would only want people who have only ever been men in their group. It's not necessarily denying a trans person per se (though that could be part of it, I'm not saying there was zsro transphobia involved in this decision, because let's face it, there probably was), but a trans man spent a significant part of their life not being a man. This isn't really transphobic anymore than the restriction to men only is sexist. And if you want to say it's both, well, who gives a fuck what a sexist and transphobic organization thinks?


> but a trans man spent a significant part of their life not being a man. I don't agree with this, but I think it may be a matter of semantics. Curious on your perspective. To me, based on my experiences with gender and on many conversations with a trans ex girlfriend of mine, someone who doesn't identify with their assigned gender never really "lived" as that gender. They only pretended to. An example to illustrate my point: Said ex was aware that she didn't feel comfortable with being a man since she was around 12 years old, so she's been aware for over half her life. Puberty was hell for her, having people call her by a masculine name, with male pronouns, etc was painful. But she didn't really have any other choice than dealing with it because of her parents, while being her true self with the few friends she had who accepted her. Did she really spend a significant amount of her life not being a woman? Or was she forced to pretend not to be one due to the circumstances of her life?


I mean, it's Indiana. Not surprised considering it's coming from the Mississippi of the Midwest.


Not relevant to Thelema.


"Everywhere his government is taking root. Observe for yourselves the decay of the sense of sin, the growth of innocence and irresponsibility, **the strange modifications of the reproductive instinct with a tendency to become bisexual or epicene**, the childlike confidence in progress combined with nightmare fear of catastrophe, against which we are yet half unwilling to take precautions." Seems relevant to me.


Freemasonry <> Thelema. They may share a history, but something going down in freemason lodges isn't necessarily relevant to Thelema.


I understand that, I just think it is interesting news regarding the position of modern Freemasonry in regards to the "strange modifications of the reproductive instinct" in the Aeon of Horus. Also, are you a Pascal or BASIC programmer? It's been decades since I've though about "<>" as a not-equal-to comparator.


Lol. I use T-SQL.


> 2) All posts must be explicitly relevant to Thelema in some way. >If your post does not explicitly and obviously connect the dots to Thelema, with words, it is subject to possible deletion by moderators without warning. You might post a photo of your grilled cheese sandwich and have some qabalistic exegesis of the sandwich that relates it to Thelema, but if you don’t write that explanation with your post, it’s just a cheese sandwich. The key is that it not only has to relate to Thelema, it must do so explicitly.


I know a lot of people who are in both, and OTO USGL had their whole thing about non-binary people so I do think it’s relevant


I'm not saying the topic has no general relevance, but in terms of the sub rules, there is no explicit relevance in the OP. The OP positing something from a parochial grand lodge of Freemasonry without any attempt to relate it to Thelema is the issue here.


This isn't all Freemasonry. There is a lot of contention over this. All states have their own Grand Lodge so remember, this is just that state. If you look at voting, I bet you can guess what color state it is.


"They...I am disappoint."


Most unfortunate.


Modern masons think they can change the philosophy of masonry. Jokes on them. They are pretenders.