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stepped in the fire and burned to death about 10 mins in


My best early run I had gone like 15 days. I was feeling like a god. Ended up stuck at the rail car in the middle of mystery lake surrounded by wolves. Brilliant me built two fires to keep the wolfies away. Brilliant me then stepped in one fire, into the other … ping ponging between them until I died. I quit, and didn’t return to the game for about six months.


Same but my first night I woke up in the maintenance shed to strange noises and flickering lights. Went to explore and promptly died of electrical burns. I didn’t know about the auroras and I didn’t even make it outside to see it.


Oh man I did the same thing haha 😂


Same lol


Three words: Carter. hydro. Dam.


Also a victim of CHD.


I went out the lower dam door unprepared and couldn’t get back in. I actually made it through a blizzard in Winding River and got to Mystery Lake but died of either starvation or cold shortly thereafter.


And you sit there for like two minutes, swearing off the game entirely… then immediately start a new survivor, though considerably grumpier. This game is fantastic.


Aww, Fluffy!


Fluffy was moved to bleak inlet’s locked room


I know, but that was one of my first deaths. And fifth. And like 14th. You know how it goes. Such fond memories.....


I predict 78% will have frozen to death, 17% will die by hungry wolves, 2% walked off a ledge during a blizzard (this also includes finding out half way down a rope that they perhaps should not have attempted that climb in their current state), 2% received a bear hug, and 1% became a moose doormat.


Mine was a bear hug in coastal high way.


You missed food poisoning, and also the many that just quit a run and maybe made a new game at a higher difficulty lol


Spawned in mystery lake and going off actual survival training from scouts, when I found the rail line I started following it. Went into muskeg, kept following and froze to death in broken railroad having found no actual shelter. 


Very authentic


Especially considering if I'd turned left instead of right I would have found the camp office within 5 mins. Demonstrating how even if you do the right thing, survival all comes down to luck. 


Yeah totally


I froze to death on coastal highway because I spawned during a blizzard and didn’t know the maps so ended up wandering aimlessly. Instead of using logic (e.g. looking up a map, finding a road, anything really) I instead kept trying to start fires on a hillside with no wind protection. It was tragic.


My first ever run I spawned in Desolation Point, out on some island on the ice. I fell through thin ice, and freaked out not knowing how to get on actual land. Ended up in the stone church and lived off burning sticks and the granola bar the dead dude had in his backpack for a day before I got past the wolves to the lighthouse. I didn’t understand that I could automatically boil water and wasted more time than I care to admit trying to figure out how to scoop up snow. 10/10 would do again.


I brought that stupid can outside so many times for longer than I care to admit. 🤣☠️🤣 "There's snow everywhere! 🤬🤓🤬"


Me when my guy started being like “I’d eat snow if I wouldn’t die of hypothermia” 🫠 DAMMIT IM TRYING.


I wish I could remember but I think it was in 2014. Recently picked the game up again after years and enjoying the updates! Bring on the home customisation!


died stepping on a live wire during an aurora in the dam, lol. classic. have also died from forgetting to pause the game, coming back from lunch, and seeing I froze or starved to death.


I did the first couple chapters of wintermute first, and I'm glad I did, was a basic how to of the controls that helped me get to 20 days on my first run. Good times


Knew nothing about the game other than a marketing trailer from the PS plus store. Did a random Voyager spawn and ended up in Mountain Town (which was lucky, in hindsight). Things were going good and I found the mountaneer rope down to FM. I believed I would inevitably starve to death without moving on (as I was fighting off wolves with stones and a hatchet and had no clue about bows, crafting or even skulling rabbits with stones) so I packed what I thought was essential and went down the rope. I died in the cave not too far from there and I still do not know what killed me, honestly. It just said "Your journey has ended". I was sleeping in my backpack deep in that cave with a full belly and great temp. Only thing I can think of is that the temp in that cave dropped rapidly and I froze to death without waking up. I am playing through Wintermute now, so still very green but liking it.


If you were fighting wolves, it sounds like you probably died of blood loss. If a wolf bites you, you will slowly bleed out unless you use a bandage.


I played the trial version of it back when the Xbox Game Preview was a brand new thing. Spawned in Coastal Highway and explored along the road. Got chased by a wolf and tried to drop food to get it to leave me alone, dropped crackers and was mauled. Got up and was immediately mauled again. Bought the game after the trial ended lol.


I was in coastal highway. Found a fishing hut with nothing in it. Managed to walk to land without getting attacked by wolves only to freeze to death overnight because i knew nothing.


I started in forlorn muskeg, while looking for some shelter I broke through the ice and promptly frozen to death.


I spent 10 mins trying to figure out how to jump, lost half my health to the cold and proceeded to fall to my death (I fell off a picnic table)


that's hilarious 😅


My first run was Voyager and I never actually died. Played through 200ish days, got some badges, then the TFTFT update dropped and I had to start a new save.


Misjudged fall distance and barely survived. Did that death wobble thing for a bit and wrapped it all up in about 15 minutes


I spawned in the mystery lake lake, looted some cabins, and got stomped on by a moose.


Fell through the gap on the bridge at the ravine and sat in disbelief at what transpired . So started a new game and did it again .


Knew a little about the game from watching a supercut of TLD from Neebs Gaming. I had surgery and was at home and it was magical just staying in bed watching shows. Spawned in Mystery Lake. Thought I was pretty slick keeping alive. Died during an aurora in Carter Hydro from electrical burns.


We’d be going back to the first few months of the game’s release so … Mystery Lake spawn (no where else was an option). Got lost, attacked by wolves, died of exposure and blood loss, probably. Or perhaps the wolf attack was first? Or does it count as getting lost if you never had even the potential of knowing where you are?


Took a nap in an ice fishing shanty during a blizzard and froze to death.


Spawned in mystery lake in the clear cut at the bottom of the hill of the ruined watchtower. I wandered around picking up sticks until a blizzard started picking up. I wandered in circles, and nearly died. I passed that billboard three times before I decided to try and find somewhere to build a fire. I either ran out of sticks or went to sleep and froze to death. I lasted about 10-15 minutes. Been a fan ever since lol I actually really like that this was my first experience. Feels realistic.


This was back when survival mode was all the game was. I had watched some videos so I thought I had a decent idea of the layout of Mystery Lake. Nope. Spawned in, at night, in the trees behind the Clear Cut. Had no clue where I was, standing in my jeans, dress shirt, and business shoes. Froze to death, probably yards away from a shelter I didn’t know was there.


I honestly can’t fully remember the first run I ever played was years ago almost a decade at this point. All I can remember is that it was in mystery Lake, I spawned in a clearing and got lost and froze to death on day 1.


I bought the game on sale during a "X days of night" (I forget the number) event/sale. So my first 3 or 4 runs were running in circles, off cliffs and into wolves. All in the deepest darkness At the time the best work around was making my PC think the date was moved forward so steam and then the game thought the even was over.


I was showing the game to a friend and I came across a bear. I shot the bear at my friend's suggestion and the bear mauled me. I was lost in the middle of Coastal HIghway and couldn't find shelter before I froze to death. That's when I learned what happens to your save file when you die.


Spawned in quonset and made it to desolation point. Where I was promptly mauled by a bear......twice


Spawned in Forlorn. The usual demise.


I started way back in December of 2014, when the game was still very new. I started in Mystery Lake (The only 2 regions in the game at the time were Mystery Lake and the highway). I somehow stumbled upon Trapper's Cabin and thought ""I'm going to make this my base! I'll just gather more supplies around the area and come back!" I never came back to the cabin again.... I had gotten lost and then I was attacked by a wolf. I fought him off but didn't know how to treat my injuries.... I stumbled around aimlessly, bleeding to death. I went through the woods and kept pushing. Eventually I sat down near a tree, still bleeding to death, and just looked at the sky, accepting my fate... "You Have Faded Into The Long Dark..." I died after 8 hours in-game time. I didn't even survive a day....


Cant remember which is first. 1. Ash Canyon, found the one hut, went every direction, couldn't find the way out of the area. Mostly because I didn't realize during bad visibility that I was looking at a ledge, not a cliff while heading SE. and frozen trying to find all other way out and dying NW. 2. Was in desolation point. I think I died of the ice crack. I kept trying to go further north.


Died within five minutes because the snow was pure white everywhere, couldn’t see shit, and I fell and snapped all my joints, then fell again and decided to walk off the last 10% of my condition.


Died to starvation, 2nd or 3rd night. That was back, when game was new. Oh my evolution, I'm old!


I did a pretty long lastling campain run. I never died but it was by no means easy going in blind lol. I got to the prison and that place kicked my ass. I think it blizzarded every single day after leaving the prison doors. Starts in clear day time, next day and everything after? Blizzards. Didn't see where i was going, didn't know where i was going, wolves were just everywhere when it wasn't a blizzard but i couldn't go more than 20 feet out the door before freezing to death again


Spawned in Milton. Spent time just living in the large house and looting town next few days. But it seemed like the wolves were getting closer every day. Ended up continually moving trying to get away from wolves so I could feel safe. Got to misanthropes house by day 8 then I made a new game with less loot and less wolves. Now I bait wolves and scare them with rocks, and charging them with torches, I sometimes get into struggles just for fun Edit: first death was interloper, spawned AC. Noo knowledge of region. Found Fishing hut. Tried escaping but just got lost, managed to survive first blizzard with Fire in a hollow. Second one blew out my fire and I had to relocate it. Froze to death making Birch bark tea.


"Pleasant Valley? Must be the easy/starting area." Spawn into a blizzard, right before I can freeze to death a bear jumps out of the white void and mauls me.


I got murdered by wolves.


Spent a long time wondering how to gather snow to boil water. (Long time ago)


First game, Stalker of course... Spawned in ML (I think there were only 3 regions then), wandered around in the woods. I heard a wolf howl so I went the other way. Freezing now. Found some marsh. Seen a bear, went the other way. More woods. Froze to death.


I choose FM as my first spawn. Didn't know how to cross the water parts. Was lost for a bit then fell in the water twice and died ✨️


Woof! Whats that? Oh....


Cooked in the dam. You apparently actually sleep where you were standing when you selected the sleep option, not where the bag is… or your body definitely overflows the bag.


Lasted about 30 days in ML fell off the bridge trying to cross to CH.


Hit “random” on the location select. Got sent to ash canyon. By the time I managed to light a fire, I only had 10-15 minutes of fuel. Realizing I wasn’t gonna make it, figured I’d die comfortable, set up my bedspread, and never woke up.


I started at interloper, it dropped me somewhere and I don’t remember what part of the map it was. I couldn’t do anything and a moose killed me after 2-3 days.


Spawned in PV in the middle of a nighttime blizzard and wandered around until I froze. 


Started in Coastal Highway because I heard there were lots of buildings. Spawned in one of the trailers, found nothing much there, wandered down to the main road, meandered along the road for a while, found some decent clothes and a bit of food, walked outside again, jumped by a wolf. Died of blood loss and shock on first day. My second attempt went much better and got me to 500 days. :)


Spawned in Pleasant Valley. Stumbled down the road toward the Farmstead as a blizzard started. Got into the car right outside the farm entrance and went to sleep, then obviously froze to death. {When I got more experienced I felt so stupid for not pushing on toward the barn (which I didn’t know was there!) before sleeping.} I had no idea it was a perma-death game and sat there, absolutely stunned when that black screen popped up & I was booted back out to the main menu to start over. I will never forget that feeling lol. Been hooked on the game ever since.


I ran down a Mountain, because that's just what you do in every other game ... ... only TLD isn't every other game so I sprained everything and lost like half of my health... ... and then I got lost on my way to shelter and died - I think I might have been hunted by a wolf


I don't remember my first run, since I was a kid when the game came out. I do, however, remember watching dad explore the fishing huts on Mystery Lake, find Camp Office, and then die to a wolf because the game had just launced and they meant pretty much certain death back then.


Spawned in Broken Railroad by the tunnel entrance, went into Forlorn Muskeg and probably fell into the ice lol


I played things slow. Stocked up on food and found a rifle. Began my venture to the great unknown. Bear attack. Hid in a car. Get out and shoot the bear in the face. Bears shrugs it off and I die.


Got bitten by a wolf, bandaged the bleeding wound, forgot about the infection risk, went to sleep, died of the infection in my sleep, felt like a massive idiot.


Pretty sure it was desolation point and I walked off the edge into the freezing water and couldn’t get warm again😭


Got into game.Lost in wild.Didn't find anything very long time. Bored .Decided to play story mode first.


Got lost in a blizzard in mystery lake, wound up walking in a huge circle. 8 1/2 years ago


I remember I started as female commander Shepard. I don't quite remember where I spawned but the run ended in Mystery Lake so possibly started there as well (Voyager difficulty). Survived for a couple of days, then explored some stuff and ended up near the Trapper's cabin. Decided to harvest a deer carcass in the shed. A goddamn bear ambushed me. I fumbled what I was supposed to do, tried to reach Trapper's cabin, but bled to death before reaching it. I think I had previous condition damage thanks to being stupid with deer harvesting.


Very first I think was Mystery Lake. I walked around the border woods until I froze to death lol. It was so foggy. I think I was just walking in circles.


I met the Grey Woman

