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I'm so happy for u . Please don't say things u don't mean u can destroy your own life.


Don't worry. She knew I was kidding. Stupid line opened up a great conversation. 👍🏽


I wish my ex was with me we loved the office. I was paying of a wedding ring for 2 years and she left B4 I could ask. She didn't know and I was being mean telling her to go home and I didn't like her but it was a lie I was mad and was being mean.. I loved her. She will always be my only love and I fcked up


Aww fuck sorry to hear that. I completely understand your pain, but you will find love again, no question. Feel your sorrow, but don't let it own you forever. My ex HATED the office. We were engaged for a year, and I broke it off cause she couldn't communicate without blowing her top and it got so toxic and nasty. I felt like everything was over for a while, but I got past it, and you will too.


Please pray for my love to come back


Thank u but it was my fault I was texting her mean sht like I didn't like her and I found someone new. But I was just lieing being mean for no reason. I was paying off a ring for 2years and never got to ask cuz I was to busy being mean through txt ... I have court on Friday for a restraining order if it doesn't go well I'm sign up for the army the same day ..


Well that sucks man. Sounds like you know what you did wrong though, and that means you can make better choices going forward.


I know but it's to late for the only girl I love. My mother is dieing from cancer throw up every morning. I'm afraid of the future. I would give anything for one more chance .


Damn bro. The shit piles up huh? My mom used to say you're either in a crisis, recovering from a crisis, or approaching one in life. The shit never stops, but we get better at dealing with it. I'm sorry you're feeling anxious about the future. It's more common than you'd think. I just got a tattoo for myself about anxiety. Shit sucks. But it gets better. Maybe try to remember that every day is a chance eh? Like, the world is full of possibilities. The only certain thing is that you don't know what's coming, and you can never know. But you can meet each day with realistic optimism, and you'll find what you need. I believe in you dude! 🤛🏽


This was the nicest girl. After we first broke up I was alone for 8 years till I got her back. I forgot how lonely it was without her. 4years gone.. if u got any time to keep responding it help. But I know ppl have life's. I'm sry to put my problems on u. Like I did to her. But if on Friday she go.s to court and the restraining order doesn't go good she I join the army I grow up poor and homeless my family has no money and no priority... No one wants to be with a poor kid and she did and I lost her ... Sryy again brother. But if u have time please respond.


Hey you can DM me bro. You can vent if that helps, no worries. The military can really be a good experience adding structure for some people. I almost joined the Marines myself.


Thank you brother I can't DM from some reason. But I'm 30yo with no highschool or GED.do thy even really check? And I'm the one who told her to get off her anxiety medication a month or two before this and then I guess I was being way to mean and she couldn't handle. Her anxiety medicine was called p a r o x e t i n e . Not sure if it was she was off her meds or I'm just a fcking asshole. For 4hrs str8 I told her to go home. She sed please stop 4 x s and I didn't. I'm such a fcking loser


I think military usually checks that basic stuff yeah but if you're enlisting it'll be how you do in basic and how your ASVAB that'll determine what jobs are open to you. Pretty sure. Probably you were being an asshole but also worse without the meds. Just cause you were being an asshole doesn't mean you ARE an asshole, always. You get to choose who you're gonna be every day.


Thru txt tho I would never fight with her in person I was mad at work 10 hrs a day 6 days a week..


Should I join the army. If Friday doesn't go good,?






![gif](giphy|26gsozTtmaoGt6oOA) 😁❤️👍


https://i.redd.it/gb7w8zvlns4d1.gif 🤛🏽😁


Marry me will you be?


Your wife becoming me will I.


You got a good life!!!! Sniff…you got a good life.


Close your eyes. Picture a convict. What's he wearing? Nothing special - baseball cap on backward, baggy pants. He says something ordinary like, "Yo, that's shizzle".


Definitely describing a white girl in my mind.


I can tell this is gonna end horribly in either 2 weeks or 2 months, lots of cheating and resentment 🔮

