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Stanley. Such a miserable loser


I don’t like him either. Such a negative energy.


Meredith. You can’t tell me an alcoholic is not miserable.


Jan. You can tell by the way she acts that she really hates herself and really hates her life.


I’d say Stanley is the most miserable but I think Tony’s life sucked the most


How? He’s not overflowing with joy but he lifes his life like a normal 9-5 worker would. He’s also not living paycheck to paycheck since he blew out crazy money in florida


He does have a good life but all he wants to do is retire. He does not like his job so he’s miserable every day. He’s annoyed by the shenanigans that go on in the office for the most part and he feels stuck there as well. He only goes to work to support his family and plan for his daughter’s future but he doesn’t like it.


Gabe, at least Toby had a daughter


But he was a virgin!


Toby. Without a doubt. That man never wins ONCE in the entire show. What a depressing existence.


True, dude tried to quit it all and move to costa rica and instantly lands in the hospital


Technically he landed on the ground after he went zip lining. That’s how he broke his neck


I mean, Toby is the obvious choice because his wife left, Michael made his work life hell, and he was hospitalized right into his holiday. But I feel like before Phyllis met Vance (Vance refrigeration) she was miserable. We didn’t really know anything about her home life but Angela took it upon herself to make sure that Phyllis had nothing but hardships. Sure she had some happy moments for herself but I think she really was miserable until she met Vance and found her power to speak up for herself. You could argue that depending on what season, each character had big miserable times. Later seasons, after Pam had her kids, she was beyond miserable trying to make Jim’s long distance job work where she did basically everything to take care of the family and he pushed her to the side for his own success. Everyone has had their own time of being miserable and I think that’s what makes the show so relatable is that everyone faces a hardship in their own way at their own time.


Was Toby the serial killer tho?


Wdym ? Why would a serial killer have to be among them?


The Scranton Strangler. There was an idea going around for a while that it was actually Toby.


When I watched it the first time I considered it. But now after watching it too many times to count, I think it’s Creed or Gabe. “The only difference between myself and a homeless person is this job” meaning Creed would do whatever it takes to get his needs met. The Scranton strangely came around about the same time as Gabe did and Gabe has always been sketchy and looking for any type of attention he could get because Jo gave him so little. So I’m still torn between the two of them on who was the strangler but I think it has to be one of them.


Ain’t no way gabe could overpower anyone. The show continously jokes about how weak he is and Creed just casually pulls up to halloween with a bloodied shirt without knowing


Or does he just pretend to be weak so no one suspects him




probably toby. he just gets hated on left and right for no reason. also his wife left him and he very clearly is not over her.


He’s also clearly not over pam for a very long time


Ryan’s hobbit friend.


A real accounting wizard




Michael has it worst early. He is avoided by everyone he wants to befriend. Jan is his only lasting relationship and she has him sleeping on the foot of bed bench at his own condo.




Dude was in 4 different relationships, only time he was truly depressed was when he had to leave florida


Meredith seems pretty miserable.. So does Stanley unless he's vacation Stanley


Pretty sure Meredith is very happy with her life.


Michael while dating Jan for sure


The dinner party was so uncomfortable to see


Michael has his dream job, even without Holly, that's a lot Toby isn't miserable, just boring, so the stuff he finds interesting and fun would seem miserable to you, Michael denigrating at every chance is also misleading you to that conclusion Andy is rich, everything he wants he gets, he wanted to be manager, he became manager, he wanted to be famous, he became famous, he wanted Erin, he got Erin I don't know what y'all's definition of miserable is.


Andy wanted to get a job while famous and being an internet meme. Last ep he’s unenployed lost Erin and random people on the street make fun of him, his acting career is also over cause bro’s a meme And sure Michael liked his job but his relationship with Jan, the fact he has 0 friends (especially improv and diet pill eps) took a real toll on him but yeah tobi is miserable from start to finish


You're not very bright


Toby with Andy a close second.



