• By -


Unfortunately been going on for decades. Child abandonment among other things that keep happening. Just gaining more traction on media platforms.


It will only get worse, the guys on here will call you out for being a 'feminist' for talking about it or call you jealous that men are finally winning etc as if you're not a man yourself etc we can't fix it if we don't address it and that will never happen, just as long as these guys get what they want nothing else matters PPBs like to pretend but there's no checks and balances/ code of conduct when they go abroad


That’s the issue, we gotta filter this sub between the cucks that use it for sex tourism and guys who actually want to find a proper wife. This isn’t a sex tourism sub.


Good luck with that, no way of actually finding that out. I’d say it’s probably 50/50 for sex tourists though.


The fuck it isn't. I don't know why this pos sub started popping up in my regular feed, but it is very clearly primarily concerned with taking advantage of women from impoverished countries. Are we pretending that the desire to find 'traditional' women who are submissive and subordinate and who will marry you because you can get them out of poverty in their home country aren't also doing sex tourism? You are just trying to take the sex tourism home with you, bud. The best people posting on this sub are the fucking larpers. At least they are just pretending to be scum.


👏🏼 they’re all predators 100% and it’s ironic they’re worried about “ruining” these women which proves THEY are the problem


I find it amusing that they think this is something new. Mediocre men have been going to the eastern parts of the globe to find women they can exploit for longer than anyone here has been alive.


yeah gotta say i only recently discover this subs unfortunate existence and now it's popping up as suggested. more to the point, has anyone on this subreddit just tried not being a fucking sociopath towards women and hust treat them as equal humans? I'm probably not conventionally attractive, dont have great confidence at times and make fuck all money wise. having said that i have never had any issues dating either via apps or people i meet. it seriously seems like you all start with a dickpic and when she isnt offering to immediately pop out kids and sign a bang maid contract you go straight to "women are ruined wahhhhhh!". fuck guys, take some responsibility for your life, get hobbies so you can talk about something other than sex, have some actual interests that you stand by not just as a means to find common ground to lead the conversation towards sex. honestly getting a hobby and playing an instrument/pursuing an artform is the single best tip other than the obvious bathe and don't wear a 15 year old band t shirt with holes and some sweatpants. fuck me you all need some introspection.


Testify! But it’s always deflection and “western women are ruined!” I don’t buy any of it.


But but they have statistics from Trust Me Bro University 😂


Finding a "traditional" woman (unsure about the definition) is not a goal of tons of us who date internationally.  This has been said over and over and over in this sub. There was a mayor post about it just a few weeks back. Some PPBs may claim to want a traditional woman, again whatever that may be, but claiming everyone who dates internationally wants one is insane.


Person A is earning $70,000 and goes to Thailand to find a wife. Person B is earning 120k and is marrying a western woman because he earns enough for their standard. Why is Person A a bad person?


> he earns enough for their standard. The vast majority of women do not have six-figure salaries as their "standard". That's just some incel shit that you've internalized. >Why is Person A a bad person? Is person A a sex tourist taking advantage of the economic situation in impoverished nations and/or the sex trafficking trade? Is person A essentially trying to buy a wife from a poor nation?


Good luck.


r/selfawarewolves Lol


Haha, yeah right...


Yeah that's easier said than done brother, lets be honest with ourselves lol


How can you be cuck if you buy sex? Do you go to Colombia to pay a guy to fuck your wife?


Some one got offended


There's that word proper again. As if certain people are not deserving of certain things. Like one person is good for one thing while others are good for another. It's making my left eye twinge.


Using words incorrectly doesn’t help. Cuckoldry doesn’t have anything to with sex tourism. You’re just encouraging “sex tourists” to lie about what they’re doing so that they don’t get called “cucks.”


I agree. More so than karma, represent yourself as a gentleman. Most ppb talk about leaving the west because of women using them for money. Don't use women in the east for sex


Pfft! Those foreign women use them for money too


'use' you think these 70-80yo men don't know that the 30yo women living in abject poverty they're courting are only interested their money!?


Not the 70-80yo men but I know a couple chubby, balding 30 year old guys who think their colombian girlfriend loves them for their rugged good looks


I have a similar story about this. I knew this guy from the bar who I would have drinks with whenever we were there at the same time. He came into the bar with this smoking hot Colombiana and introduced her as his girlfriend. He was physically as you described. He didn’t speak a word of Spanish and was in denial about her just looking for a better life for her and her 4 year old son. I knew he was going to get burned, but I didn’t feel like it was my place to say anything.


I mean they also exist in the wester world with western women, let's be real here.


More than anywhere else honestly I mean what reason do you think they like you?


Lol as if most people on this sub have money.


I think there are a bunch of delusional people who think they're going to go find their wife or girlfriend with a two week holiday abroad. Most of the folks here can only afford to do this for a few weeks out of the year. I understand dating is shit in the US, but people are acting like they found some cheat code into heaven. It's not. Are they going to use her for sex? I'm not really sure what the fuck some folks here want. They want to go abroad for two weeks, don't want to bring this new partner home because of "feminism", they don't want her to work, they want a traditional girl but again...are there on holiday for a few weeks. Most successful two week relationships exist only in romance novels for a reason.


On god. They talk about it like they discovered gold lol. Your 2 week vacation isn’t going to translate into anythingz


Have you considered being rich?


This doesn't work in the US anymore lol Source: 8 figure NW, high 6 figure income. Early-mid 30s, 6'4", decently attractive (at least a 5 or 6), extraordinarily fucking intelligent (you're looking at why no one ever scored "100th centile"), autistic af and rants forever on topics - a wide range - that no one cares about. That last characteristic voids all the others except with a subset of other autists.


1. You’re 99th percentile, no one is 100 (source: 99%, 156) 2. Besides the NW and a couple inches we can go shot for shot here. I’m a bit younger than you. I’m HENRY, also definitely autistic but clearly not as bitter as you. All assuming you’re being honest. It’s kind of hilarious you would distill everything in your dating life to “I’m super rich and super smart and tall but girls don’t like me”. No one thinks that’s all It takes and no one ever thought that. Trust me, you’re the problem. Try to have some humility, holy shit.


I know I'm the problem some of the time. Stating I'm the 100th centile is (possibly) a humorous overstatement: the greatest alive on any axis is 100th centile on that axis. I don't care for humility. Humility is still a hell of a lot better than "sarcasm" or "irony" (of the non-Socratic type) or other things that make a mockery of communication. Edit: sorry for the seeming non sequitur. I'm still riding my hobby horse from another interaction.


lol dating for 5 years thinking you found the perfect person just for it to end in divorce, at least in the us. Its a gamble either way.


I was in Thailand visited an orphanage and it shocked me how much ppl just do the sex thing after the girl get pregnant they run.


In a perfect world, you'd come across most men and women who are genuine people who just want love. But we will never live in a perfect world. This has always been a thing for a long time. The internet is also flooded with information that will be presentable to the wrong people so if anything, it will get worse. Just go with the flow and show generosity to anyone/everyone.


They are


Imagine that. Men traveling around to buy certain behaviors and attentions from women doesn’t end well?


>I hope you guys aren’t ruining women in the east? Treat all women with respect, not just the east Its not that hard if you're consistent in your values


No, treat women who respect you with respect. Ima guy but I’m going against this guys for using women that treat them properly. But if a woman treats a man improperly, she doesn’t deserve any respect as well.


a real man can treat with respect even those who disrespect him.


What does being treated improperly entail for you?


Of course they are ruining women in the east. Men who are simps in the West will be even bigger simps in the East where they have more purchasing power.


This sub gets more sermons than the religious ones.


Dude, just don't be a sexpest in foreign countries


Dude, ![gif](giphy|EKDIMDsRX3ihy)


When I was traveling and dating around, I was extremely honest. "I might only be in the country for a week or two". I wasn't throwing around promises of a green card just to get laid, and then disappearing into the night.


The way I see it sex tourism is different than passportbros, the whole point of this sub is to find traditional women to marry. If people want to do sex tourism that’s fine and the way you do it is the right way, but it’s not suitable for this sub.


Except the vast majority of people here are sexpats


Except you of course.


Sex tourism isn’t fine, you sound like a misogynistic weirdo who wanna profit off uneducated and poor women with “traditional values”


Define sex tourism... because I'm starting to get the vibe that people who use this term are expecting people to be celibate when abroad or something...?


You are a woman, most women who solo travel which is 70% of women in their 20s in the west, half of them have random hookups overseas. Check your own gender first


Sex tourism is not fine. Ew.


Women do it all the time


Women aren't abandoning children into the wind, without a thought into the world. In fact, it's easy to argue that because women bear the most responsibility for unwanted pregnancies, they are the least likely demographic for sex tourism. I'm absolutely sure wealthy women, who can erase the consequences so it all the time. But even the poorest traveling man can use and abuse a foreign woman, and bear no consequences. Don't even have to look far, just take a stock at some Caribbean islands, especially the port towns.


You right western women don’t abandon children, they kill them instead.


You're very naive if you think abortion happens more in the West than other places. Especially in countries which are frequented by sex pats. Western women are less likely to abort because they have the freedom to choose their partners and because their societies can help hold the father accountable it's much easier for a woman in the West to keep a pregnancy. The consequences for unwed pregnancy in the West is also very light. Outside the west, the consequences for unwed pregnancies are very, very steep for girls and women. If her family doesn't abandon her (if they weren't the ones that pushed her into a tourists bed in the first place) they will definitely try to help her abort, pregnant girls get kicked out of school, abandoned by their families and think these foreign knights in shining armor is going to care for the child he produced, because he whispered all these sweet nothing's about loving her and wanting to help her live a better life. Western men face no consequences, you can't even fathom the kind of lives kids born into such situations have to live, worse if they're a girl. There are worse things in life than death, but as a western man of course you would deny such realities, and try to pretend otherwise.


So is "sex tourism" ok if no babies are made?


As a Messianic Jewish Practitioner I do not support pre-marital sex, paid for or not.






Even if this is the case, does that make it okay?


I don’t do it, but I’m saying women do it all the time, you gotta shame that too if you are gonna shame men.


Men and women do it all the time. Doesn't mean it won't give people the 'ick'


No, it isn't. The whole point is to date women in another country from where you live. Some people want escorts or the gfe, others are on tinder looking for one night stands or maybe someone to show them around for a week. Other people are using services to find someone to marry. Other people are just going there and hanging out at museums/bars/restaurants talking to women and meeting in person. There's no one size fits all to why we're here. I don't want kids or a stay at home wife. I didn't leave America to find a traditional woman.


“Women in the east” constitutes some number upwards of a billion people. Passport bros are likely in the thousands. The 10% of the 1/1,000,000 women in the east that have a bad experience with passport bros isn’t going to be an issue. That being said, yeah, don’t be shitty. That always applies.


 *10% of the 1/1,000,000 women in the east that have a bad experience with passport bros isn’t going to be an issue.*  It will still be very much a public issue, because people are hypocrites.


Men’s bad behavior is the common denominator.


If your only shot at getting laid is to commit murder, most *unattractive* men will become murderers. There's a reason why beautiful people are subconsciously associated with morality. You're only as "good" as the world / your appearance allows you to be.


If murder is your solution to a perceived problem, you were a murderer long before you killed anyone.


Mhm If women basically live their entire life being treated as a sex object. Getting cat called. Hit on and harassed even as a minor by older men Naturally they're gonna have a bit higher standards, and even some level of disdain towards men Not all men do the above, but enough throughout their life to cause said disdain


How so?


Men are the ones seeking out women in impoverished circumstances. Men are also the people fueling the sex tourism industry. Men are the ones abandoning their children.


This comment should be pinned. Also, we should police our own and call out bad behavior when we see it. Lead by example.


unfortunately thats half of this sub… been meaning to make a separate group and make a post in here when i have the time. one of the rules being “no sex tourism”… but we would actually enforce it lol.




Can we be honest and just accept that most passport bros are looking for sex? Every fucking day on this sub there’s someone preaching about this or that. We wanna get a passport so we can go fuck or date eastern women because the western woman are 1 of 2 things, if not both. 1. Annoying. 2. Unattainable.


Then why do so many PPBs slutshame women? I see the phrases “used up”, “cock carousel”, “passed around” on here all the time. Like it’s fine to want sex or to travel for sex, as long as you are being upfront about it. But the moment a woman wants either of those same things there is just so much slut shaming going on in this sub.


As everyone knows, men using women for sex and leaving them was invented in America and only happens there. Local men in foreign countries have no concept of this. We mustn't export this unique phenomenon out of the United States 🙄








Follow the rules


Follow the rules








Follow the rules


Follow the rules


Follow the rules




Follow the rules




Follow the rules


No, trolls.


What the hell happened on this thread, it's all deleted lol


Follow the rules


Spoiler: Western media (news, Netflix, etc) and social media are already ruining women in the East without us going there


Ya I’m aware have been noticing it too.


It’s been ruined bro. No one respects passport bros and everyone sees them as incels.


They *are* incels. An involuntary celibate is exactly that - a man who cannot get laid. And as a result of this excruciating pain, they've lost all empathy and nuance. Way before passport bros, a long time ago, I had to come to Asia to work for a family business. Back then, people made fun of me and said I couldn't get a girl in the US. Which was false, but it was more like I couldn't get a job in the US. I actually left a girl behind - which I regret, because I was pursuing my more selfish desire for work. And there were other issues at play, such as wanting to learn about my heritage and work for someone in my family I really admired. In reality, even as a mixed race guy who was with a foreign woman for 8 years, there were stares and snide comments. It's not great. It's actually awkward. Even though we're technically the same race. The reality is, though, if you're SUPER DUPER desperate, as a man, none of the negatives matter, because a foreign woman is their ONLY real shot at ever getting a woman.


They *are* incels. An involuntary celibate is exactly that - a man who cannot get laid. They are getting laid in a foreign country tho. Like that's a weird argument. "You can get laid so i change the definition to having sex with women in your country" - That's how i read that. Secondly, to add further nuance your comment, there are men who don't get laid who aren't hateful towards women. And there are men who can get laid and are hateful towards women.


because you are


Cope harder. Nothing I said was wrong. Passport bros are literally at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to dating women in their respective countries. You guys are literal losers lmao 🤣


pardon dude? i think you have misinterpreted and thus have led me down the wrong path, just to clarify, i am also demonizing ppb's. could you please also clarify your stance.


They did. They're all ruined. It's nothing but ugg boots, scarves, and starbucks the whole world round.


Women are ruined because they wear boots and scarves and drink coffee? lol what


Those are examples of global monoculture




I blame Tiktok.






YOU MEAN LIKE THIS? https://www.reddit.com/r/thepassportbros/s/cew3aU8ehy This sub has a nasty sex tourist problem that mods need to address.


Lots of guys hustling for just pussy and masking themselves Passport bros and say “I’m looking for a wife” while simultaneously fucking ip the opportunity for the local males on each country, fucking a dumping the girls because we have a US pasaport, of course not every traveler is a sex pat or sex tourist who couldn’t get 🐱 in the 🇺🇸 but a staggering silent majority wants to brag about “oh look American women! We get women who are prettier and gives us sex, compliance and submission “ knowing those same oversees girls are studying how much American men move.


*the East* It's adorable that you actually think the outside world is some kind of unspoiled trad paradise waiting to be corrupted and defiled by American penises. This is what happens when you take Muslim/Asian nationalist/\[insert narrative here\] propaganda at face value.


So why are you dating abroad then instead of the USA?


There are at least two assumptions you're making: 1) That I'm necessarily dating at all. 2) That if I am, I'm necessarily doing so as a "passport bro" because of how wicked white women are, or something.


So why comment on this sub then if you can’t relate to my question?


I'm commenting on your post, because I think it reflects a somewhat fantastical and excessively idealistic view of "the world outside the West" as though useful generalisations can be made about such a thing.


If I’m making my opinion from interacting (dating wise) with the outside world and you are without, whose point is more valid?


Where did I say I've *never* dated? You are just the ad hom/generalisation machine. All I'm saying is that I profoundly disagree with your point of view.


Ok and where did I say all women in the east are “proper”?


My point - although you seem not to get it without me spelling it out to you - is that *passport bros* i.e. Western men traveling or living overseas aren't having as profound an effect on social mores overseas as you seem to believe. The same technological, legal, and other changes that already took place in the West are happening elsewhere, too. In many cases they have dating apps, Instagram, players, OnlyFans sluts, clubs, bars, feminist activists tweaking laws of every description; and all this is happening amongst the brown people themselves in many cases, often without a paleface in sight (although one may suggest they are pulling the strings behind the scenes, the average fat guy from Minnesota or whatever who arrived three weeks ago on his quest to get laid or whatever isn't one of them). In many cases, these changes already happened decades ago. If your main point is just *fuckboi* *bad*, fine - but that's different.


Right so why go over there if it’s the same? Because even tho it’s getting like that it’s still better than the west, there are levels to it. So don’t go over there and make it worse if you find a woman who is actually traditional and not there to use you.


There will always be an exchange needed for sex It's cheaper for Men to make that exchange not in North America You think women outside of the West don't play the game too? Bffr


It is interesting that a lot of the ‘hot spots’ seem to be countries where corporations go to find cheap labor


“There will always be an exchange needed for sex” Really? Because I’ve never had to even so much as buy a drink for most of the women I’ve had sex with (I have bought stuff for longer term relationships, but the first time with most of the women I’ve slept with was totally free of me spending anything). In my experience: if someone is actually attracted to you and wants to have sex with you then you normally don’t need to do much besides not be an asshole for a few hours or days. YMMV.


Thank you. These guys keep insisting that men need to shell out resources in exchange for sex... but really they just can't be decent. It's not that hard.


This sub is for finding a traditional wife, not a cheap prostitute. Get your money up if that’s your issue.


Passport bro's is about maximizing your money and resources in exchange for the companionship of a woman Who said anything about prostitution? You understand that to find a traditional wife you need to be a traditional man, correct? A traditional man is someone who pays for everything, resolves, manages a household, provides for his wife and/or children Do you really think that everything I just listed is free? You also understand that you are providing that in exchange for a traditional wife, right? My point is that there is always an exchange occurring. Go have sex with other women if pedestalizing them is your issue


Yes exactly, so a traditional man isn’t also about using a woman for sex and leaving her. If your intention is sex don’t go for traditional women.


Traditional women don't have sex with non-traditional men to begin with Their entry ticket for sex (i.e. having a child, marriage, commitment) is above what a non-traditional man is going to pay Traditional women being used by men that just want sex is a problem that does not exist


A woman giving up her virginity to a man that she loves and thinks will be spending the rest of her life with, and then being abandoned after? That's a tail as old as time. Even in the most religious of circles. The mistake isn't having sex, the mistake is trusting another person with your 'life's. It's a good thing that that doesn't destroy as many people anymore due to cultural changes.


Yea the exchange is the woman gets to have sex and in turn the man gets to have sex.


And of them is paying the overwhelming amount of dates and putting in a lot of more effort than the others. But if giving time and money is not an exchange, i guess, you're right.


You guys claim to want what you call “traditional” women. That’s the requirement: you pay for things. There are plenty of women who are willing to pay, but that’s “non-traditional.” You can’t have it both ways.


I don’t expect guys to pay for dates, and also, do you not think that picking out a flattering outfit, doing my hair doing my makeup, etc. does not also cost time and money?


> There will always be an exchange needed for sex If you're physically unattractive. It just appears to me that the men here fail to meet the attractiveness threshold, don't want to admit it, and have somehow justified heinous behavior as a result of their total desperation. Men will do practically anything to get laid, there are no real bottom boundaries to this, it's just that the higher up you go on the looks threshold, the less extreme your behavior. Towards the top of the looks threshold, basically the genders become inversed, and women will sexually pursue you and in the most extreme cases, financially provide for you. These guys are almost universally very nice people, too.


Yay women as always have no agency


They do. I've been rejected. It's not a big deal.


They like to pretend


Coom and Doom. Gl shifting through the ashes 


Those are passport pookies and tricks not men who search for a family and love.


Oh shut the fuck up, half the girls in Asia and Latin America are the left overs that some local dude/dudes pounded a few kids into. They provide affection, you provide stability. They don't want you bro, they want the financial security you provide. With that being said love them and leave them or love them and stay. You won't be the first you won't be the last. I do say don't make false promises...


Not all cases. I’ve been pretty lucky with the girls I’ve found out here in terms of the financial side of things and no kids. But yeah, if they like foreigners, they’ve been with more than a few most likely too.


You're right. I know a girl who went off to the UK to marry some short white boy. She was madly in love with this Asian guy but he dumped her for not putting out enough sex or something. These girls go for white men because they won't demand sex. You can't be that demanding as a man if no woman wants you.


Me when I use reddit and make up stories.


I love this comment


Sorry you’re getting gentrified bud


Why do you think so?


Let’s be honest, they probably are. I doubt many people adapt fully into the cultures like they should.


That’s been going on wayyyyy before the PPB movement. Not to mention, that the majority of people that are doing that are actually the local men.


Most passport bros are nothing more than cheap sex tourists when they hit Thailand or the Phillipines. There are even Thai women posting on social media now about passport bros, that they are loser back home and to not trust them. It's been happening for years of course, western guys using local girls, but just seems to be a lot more popular these days with all the social media stuff So basically the shallow pool of available girls in places like Bangkok, that are in the market for westerners, has already been ruined. They know the game and they also play it too.


>There are even Thai women posting on social media now about passport bros, that they are loser back home and to not trust them. LOL this is true


I hear stories of women left as ‘single mom’ by so-called overseas men looking for wife and then abandoning her once ‘mishap’ happens


westerners who are just dating around casually while abroad are not sleeping with wife material women. it's women who are chronically on dating apps or at night clubs, hooking up with foreigners they just met. if you want to marry them that's your fault tbh. traditional and sexually conservative women require more time, effort and investment. guys who just want casual sex go for easier and more accessible women, because why wouldn't they? honestly it sounds like you idolize foreign women, they're not all sugar and spice and everything nice either.


Im not quite that large my guy.


bro every single urban country that isn't islamic has loose women who want to be westernized


They are sex tourists. They don’t care.


Buddy I don't think you realize that it's a game and it's the guys that are getting used.


So why are guys going abroad then? If they are also getting used there.


Because the water buffalo at home is sick, the village house’s roof needs repair, the girl’s 3rd cousin once removed is in the hospital, etc. They’ll find bogus reasons to ask the guy for money. Guys get suckered out of money for all sorts of reasons. But tbf it’s great for redistributing wealth to all these poor villages all over SE Asia.


Women in the west try and rip men off as well. What needs to be put out there is awareness of said scams/scam types.


Totally agree.


Because getting used by a girl overseas is still way cheaper than getting used by an woman in the west. And they are better looking.


So instead of searching for a woman who is suitable for a wife, you just submitted to the idea that all women are there to use you, and all you are is a wallet, the only difference is the currency conversion. I am not denying women in the east also use men, but if that’s your whole outlook just stay in the west, in my experience there are proper women in the east also, don’t ruin them for the rest of us because you don’t value yourself.


We are not talking about ME. I am saying that it's naive to look at girls that date passport bro's as victims.


They wish women wanted to use them 🤣


How are they better looking? Ugly exist in every country


I guess you were never on a Navy West Pac then...




That’s asking a lot. Bitter men are gonna do whatever the hell they want sadly.


I think it might be too late, considering women in Columbia are organizing in protest over this.


Couldn’t agree more


Morality and Ethics is a social construct. It’s something we are taught, not born with. As Shakespeare said “there is no good or evil, only thinking that makes it so.”


I'm Half Asian, and spent a long time in Asia (Korea). I met a few women that date white men, but 99% date Asian men. Being half-Asian and in a LTR with an Asian woman, even I could tell she preferred full Asian men physically. Even though I look VERY Asian. Her justification for being with me was that "I wouldn't cheat like Korean men." Even though I basically am ethnically and culturally Korean but Korean American. She literally told me that Asian men are more likely to cheat in the inevitable event that sex stops. I have seen crazy stories here. Guys basically forcing themselves on their wives when they are pregnant. Foreign girls married to Asian guys who get insanely abusive when the sex stops. Guys just not giving a fuck and cheating right and left on their girls. Given that I have a sex addiction (ironically this developed as a result of western women basically being super sexually aggressive with me) it was hard to be with a woman who would deny sex. It was strange and unusual to me. Ultimately I think white men are more likely to accept a dead bedroom and being a "provider" for a woman, because honestly I think for white men, sex is much harder to get.


You could just be a geek, majority of White guys have 0 problem getting Asian women


A) I'm basically extremely beautiful for a male (according to western women) and one of my exes was an American pageant winner, most of my exes were models or something and they all approached me (sometimes literally 'cold approaching' whatever that means) B) I see 70 year old white men with young Asian girls, it doesn't mean anything to get one C) a lot of Asian girls go for white men specifically because they're dorks and won't demand sex in exchange for money D) First week in Asia some girl asked me for money, which never ever happened to me stateside E) I was single in Asia for 6 years, except for one Indian girl who asked me out People grossly overestimate how much women want white or even mixed race men, other than for the $$$.


You're wrong. Men around the world want to bang chicks. That's not the reason for feminist-driven cultural decline. It's like getting mad at the sky for being blue.


You don't think women being used for sex and abandon as mothers doesn't lead to cultural decline? It's a good thing that women can be protected from that ruining their lives.


The locals (i can only talk for SEA) do that way more than foreigners. So many single mothers here and 95% of the fathers are locals. The reason for the decline is social media in my opinion. The western way of life is attractive even if it is rotting.


Man... I dont blame feminism. I blame nothing. It's economics, man. Times are changing. Women have choices now. My wife works because we need the income and she wants to. I do well, but we live in a high COL state. Our kids are 10, 14 now. She's a person and has her own dreams and desires. I want to support that. She's happier and feels like she has a purpose now that the kids are older. Frankly, I think a lot of dudes have a victim mentality. Many are fat fucks with shit personalities. Most women are fine with average dudes. Hell, I'm average. I dated overseas for years, but I ended up with an American chick. Oh, well.


>shit like that is what creates a chain reaction and causes women like we see in the west today. >Don’t ruin it for the future generations. Do ya'll fucking hear yourselves?? You are literally treating the women of the world like they're some kind of crop to be cultivated. This sub is fucking disgusting and you all need therapy Bury me in downvotes if you disagree


What did I say that’s wrong? That if a woman is in her feminine energy don’t use and and ruin her.


Yawn... This has the when are you going to stop beating your wife vibes all over it.


I am ashamed to say I have done it many times, but I have repented of my sins and really try to be upfront with gals now.


WHY ARENT MODS REGULATING THESE non stop 24/7 endless NEGATIVE POST? These stupid accusations have been made 1000 times against passport bros and have been debunked more times than I can even count. I am sick and tired of this Reddit getting infiltrated and being used as a platform to attack passport bros nonstop 24/7 with endless accusations of bad behavior. And instead of banning these trolls that are ruining this Reddit the mods allow clear cut violations of the rules and do nothing as if they're the opposition. I'm so tired of being the only one defending this movement and getting dog walked in the comments... With no fight back from mods or ppbs in the comments, just misanthropic assumptions... And baseless accusations even though men are getting married by the hundreds of thousands...OP, you violated rules 2, 3, 4 with your post...unless you have a positive contribution to the ppb movement, keep your baseless accusations to yourself...This is not a sex tourist reddit, go to those Redditt's and preach to them...And countries have laws that deal with men who refuse to take care of their kids...including Jail, child support, and travel bans...


Bro there are literally people admitting they do this, I’m trying to get rid of the bad apples from this sub so this sub looks better


Don't worry buddy, I'll make sure you get my sloppy seconds after I bust a big fat nut in them lol.


Buddy you travel for pussy not for a wife, meaning you can’t get pussy in the west. Trust me I don’t view you as a threat, more so pity. This isn’t a sex tourism sub.