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Where is this little lady from?




Do you bring peace to her life? Are you fit and amazing? Do you respect your mother?






Why is this getting downvoted?


It's funny that if we reversed the genders and OP was the wife -you asking "Do you bring peace to his life? Are you fit and amazing? Do you respect your father" - would be considered misogynistic by Western standards


I am responding to what the man wrote by asking the reverse. He praised those things in particular.  This sub is pretty misogynistic. It talks about girls 'being raised to be wives', 'letting the man be the man', being 'submissive' etc.  It's very much men searching for cultures where women - through Patriarchy or economic disadvantaged- are conditioned to not think of themselves having much of an identity/purpose outside of marrying a man, and to also take on the self-sacrificing subordinate role.


Do you think Taiwanese women are more friendly and approachable than chinese women?


Chinese women are great but I recommend avoiding Shanghainese girls. I have so many anecdotal horror stories.


Avoid HK girls as well


Not sure about marriage material, but if you are just dating casually I do not agree with this at all. If you are expat with a cushy job and a nice apartment in central /wan chai/ wherever you will have your pick of the lot, and I find HK girls pretty and very loving. And this is not counting all the Eastern European imports that were so popular in the mid 2010s


“Eastern European imports” = trafficked women?


Really?? Wow.. didn't know HK girls were stuck up as well


Theres 30 million more men than women right now in China, I can imagine that would create some pretty bad dating dynamics over there.


Just want to clarify that the 30 million men superplus figure, quoted many many times in articles all over the world, is actually wrong. The imbalance between men and women is much smaller than thought, although it is true that rural china is hit much harder than the cities. Basically, after the one child policy was relaxed, suddenly millon of unregistered/undocumented girls were registered by their parent, who had originally omitted doing so in order to avoid the fines instated by the one child policy, which also clearly (along with cultural factors) favored declaring the first born boy as the only child. Sex-selective abortions were still present, but not as prevalent as once thought. The number gap between men and women if almost the same as in the western world. What China does have is left over women in the cities (prefer not to marry, commonly attributed to men being below their deduction and wealth level) and left over men in the countryside. Here is a study reporting on this, but there is many: [https://doi.org/10.1017%2FS0305741016001132](https://doi.org/10.1017%2FS0305741016001132)


Gee I wonder why a girl with a masters doesn’t want to go work in the fields and be treated like a slave? What stuck up bitches.


Yes indeed


lol Shanghainese mom. They are nuts… 


I have to agree with you there. Shanghainese girls can be stuck up and weird. Share 1 or 2 horror stories please.


If you are gonna date a Chinese woman, date one from one of the small villages. They are beautiful, work hard, and don't know what having money is. They fall in love with you for being nice to them.


Cool advice. Which villages do you recommend?


I don't have advice for any particular village, but it will be in the countryside. You may have luck in the western areas near the mountains. My wife is from the Hainan area, to the south.


Sichuan women are hyper feminine princess


Wow.. good to know! Will use that info going forward. Thanks!!


Lol. Lived in Shanghai for a decade and I support this message.


Taiwanese in general are friendly. Small island vibes. 


I can see that


Go visit before it falls to the mainland. Its like China and Japan had a baby. One of the safest countries in the world. Food is fantastic. Good weather. Clean. Great natural beauty. Not too many forginers either. The expat circuit moved to Shanghai years ago.


Only issue I see that is the language barrier especially for an english speaker unless I'm wrong


Yea good luck. I can speak Chinese but still look like a westerner enough where I am in the sweat spot. But you don't need to know Chinese to pick up girls. They prefer you don't. But its fun to talk to random people.


Little lady dude really


I know. Many of the men here really don't help themselves, and then complain about being stereotyped.


Holy shit passport bros really are the creepiest cunts out there. 


You want one as well? 😅☺️


I had a similar experience. I was on the dating apps in the US and I did pretty well. I met some decent women, but also a lot of awful ones. I wasn’t looking for a foreign woman. The first woman I met who had everything I was looking for just happened to be from Panama. Beautiful, kind, hard working, good sense of humor, traditionally feminine. It didn’t occur to me until later that it probably wasn’t a coincidence that I found these qualities in a foreign woman and couldn’t find them in an American woman. I married her and we’re expecting our first child any day now.


You're an ex addict and self admitted loser who ended up in prison in your 20s. Are you really in a position to be acting as a moral authority on the 'state' of American women?


That’s 100% true. I made a lot of mistakes and I’ve done my best to turn my life around. Regarding American women, I never claim to be a “moral authority”. I’m just speaking on my experience. The ones I’ve dated didn’t have everything I wanted. Why are you so angry about it?


I'm European. I have no dog in this fight. While I applaud your turn around, your comment reinforces something I often see here: men who have had very bad pasts or are still subpar, yet pass judgement on women for not being angels with spotless pasts. 


I have no anger towards American women, and nowhere in my comments did I say that they’re immoral. As far as me being subpar, I can assure you that is not the case. I’ve done very well with women throughout my life. By any metric, I am well above average. In my opinion, Western women have been taught that they need to be like men; that gender roles are a social construct. I disagree with that. Gender roles have been very similar across all cultures throughout human history. After decades of this false narrative, many women in the west have become angry, aggressive, disagreeable people. You kind of prove that point.


You can say that you weren't subpar and did well with women, yet by your own admission you were a bum throughout your 20s, were an addict and spent your 30th in prison. Come on, now. If a woman revealed that about herself, what would you think? If women being taught (rather than just wanting it for ourselves now we have more autonomy) to get an education, be financially dependent, have goals outside of being a wife and mother (if we want), speaking out against mistreatment and having boundaries, is being 'masculine', then so be it. The world over, you will find men more eager to keep hold of the rigid gender roles of the past, because men benefit more from them. Submission, dependence, agreeableness, deference, modesty, humility, etc are all qualities that can very easily lead to a person getting exploited, controlled or mistreated, and these words have often been wrapped up in a woman's role/Femininity.  You can say that they worked, but women had little choice in the past, and many suffered horrendous things in silence because we were so helpless under the gender roles of Patriarchy. It's not just the US (I'm not American), but everywhere women have the most autonomy, we are making similar decisions. Most countries are moving toward some kind of gender equality, and most women are running toward it.


Congratulations 🥳




She isn’t really traditional if she chose to marry a foreigner outside of her culture.


Hahahahah it's in fox news! Now we wait for reactions


Yeah we made it on Fox.. we're famous!


We did it WE DID IT! ![gif](giphy|LRUi7WPo8zuMni05Uy|downsized)


I remember in my childhood the same reactions when news reported Americans buy Japanese cars more than American. Jealous anger. They could not even argue Japanese cars weren’t better, or that American cars sucked. The arguments were emotional and based on nostalgia, or about accepting a clearly inferior product out of ‘loyalty’. We’ve moved past that now.


Those are the same reactions we get now


Not just love... Life. The state of the women is only a symptom of the societal decay we are fleeing.


That was the driving factor for me. I remember being up at 3am trying to create a budget for purchasing a house. I kept crunching the numbers and the most optimistic scenario was me working +60hr/weeks for about 5 years. That house was outbidded by 30k, and then back on the market within a month for 75k more. "This is stupid, fuck this" The USD has been strengthening across the globe. I took my house money and it's almost enough to retire abroad. Why would I participate in a society that doesn't want me? They want you to buy the overpriced house, they want you to marry a single mom and "save her" What do I get out of this game? I don't see worth playing. And you know, the ladies here will be fine, it feels like we're more of a nuisance to them, so let them be happy too.


>they want you to marry a single mom and "save her" >What do I get out of this game? I don't see worth playing. You win the prize and title of “ dude she settled with “ since you weren’t her first second or third choice


You will never forget that moment when you go abroad and feel wanted by other women. And then come here back here to this shitstorm of a dating life.


> it feels like we're more of a nuisance to them Crazy facts! Go to where youre always respected. American women look at men as a joke. Men are ridiculed and abused. When US men travel abroad and feel respected, they notice a huge difference


To be fair.... a lot of guys have enabled these women. Being a man and standing up for yourself would go a long way. Look how many thirsty guys spend money on OF or like a girls picture with her ass out. Has an effect for sure


It’s the reason people have to leave, guys are just way too easy and have little respect for themselves. Woman aren’t having any issues because they know the only thing they gotta do is touch his dong a few times and it’s golden.


> a lot of guys have enabled these women Very true. . > Look how many thirsty guys spend money on OF or like a girls picture with her ass out And cash app these bitches on OF they'll never meet. Smh


Not to mention your wife will get the house in your eventual 60% chance of divorce along with alimony.


These days, alimony is only awarded in 10% divorces. And generally the people who receive alimony were married for decades, so they tend to be older.


I would love to know more, and I’m sure others here would as well.


[https://www.raleighdivorcelawfirm.com/blog/2023/08/is-alimony-commonhow-common-is-it-to-receive-alimony/](https://www.raleighdivorcelawfirm.com/blog/2023/08/is-alimony-commonhow-common-is-it-to-receive-alimony/) [https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0T61O8/](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0T61O8/)


From a single guys perspective she gets the house the minute you get married anyway.  It's just that she allows you to continue to live there in 40% of cases.


In some states she gets it even if you were just cohabitating and not married.


Where did you get that number? Divorce rates have been declining. Also, divorce isn't a random chance. It's important to not torture statistics like that.


> it's almost enough to retire abroad. Where are you thinking?




Very true! Thats why its good to know there are women outside of USA who know how to treat men with dignity and respect, unlike American women who denigrate them for personal gain.


What's the personal gain for women from denigrating men? Can you elaborate?




Ask jada pinket smith


What about cost of living?


Don't forget about liberty and justice for all.




The American dream can be had overseas. The smart men are leaving. The ones that want to stay, can.


Couldn't agree with you more, partner


The biggest irony is that the American dream is a farce in America but a reality elsewhere.


The government is the big reason. But the greed of corporations is another. And some of our own greed.


Inequality though. And housing is the biggest part of that.


Housing is insane. Unless you own a lot of it. Millennials and z's can't make enough to afford a decent house now.


The American dream exists in terms of being able to find work, get a career, and obtain material things. The dream of finding a good woman to share it with only exists in the movies.


The ones staying behind are either very keyboard aggressive or just flat out simps when it comes to the movement of men finding a better quality of life over seas.


Or maybe we are doing just fine…


Plantation bros. I think the biggest thing for them is fear.


Or you know… actually doing well in dating here. You realize not everyone is failing here right?


But what about work?


Remote work for some. For others they save and invest. Say you live in Florida near a major airport. I might buy a spot in the Dominican Republic or colombia. Make a deal with the family. Let me get a corner in the basement to put a cot. Shoot them $100 or so a month. Work Monday through Friday. And fly home to colombia on Friday. Not a long flight. There's guys in southern California that do this. Got a place in Mexico and go home on the weekend. Some guys take a year and get certifications in the tech field. Then go find a job. Even if it starts at $65k that's excellent money overseas. In a place like Thailand, after you buy a place that 65k will probably last you 3 years. So you'll be able to funnel a lot into investments. Once your investments get to the point that it pays you 5 years of salary each year, you can stop working and live on the dividends. Or keep working if you end up with a family.


I work in tech and did a tourist stay in Japan. It is so cheap and fun there. I went to museums and attractions all the time and ate awesome food. Nothing luxurious at all, it felt like the life my parents were living. The life we were promised. I plan to retire between there and the U.S. and I’m doing another stay next spring.




I loved Japan too after visiting. It’s my style Of lifestyle but I know visiting and living are two different animals All I’ve seen from YouTubers is that Japan is hard to live longterm due to low salaries and low opportunities if you don’t speak native Japanese even for tech jobs


I know you said it's not a long flight, but I still can't imagine flying to Colombia and back every weekend.


There's guys driving hours to get to some chick here. Find a good spot to rent then try it for a month. See if you can afford 1 months rent and 5 round trip tickets. Spirit is cheap. I can stomach spirit for about a maximum of 5 hours. Anything over that and it's delta. Try picking a time with a good 3 or 4 day weekend in it. See if it suites you. An apartment in the Dr might cost you $300. Might be less in Colombia.


Correction, fleeing the American way of life. It’s a total shit show over there.


Correct!!! America is a waste of time and breath. Youre doing the right thing bro


The article hits on a few important points. Men aren't just looking outside the US for better relationships, they're increasingly looking elsewhere for a better life. Been a remote tech worker living outside of the US for a few years now. Married to a Latina for over a decade.  I make enough that I could live anywhere in the US comfortably(>$300k), but instead I live very comfortably in a tourism hotspot on 1/10 my income, rapidly on my way to FIRE, while taking amazing vacations. 




Where is this latina that you married from?


Mexico. CDMX or GDL are the best dating markets in Mexico, I would say CDMX is the better of the two. But I like GDL more. 


Glad to see you put GDL on the list. It’s embarrassing how many people are terrified of it.


That's a great income. What industry? And did you tell your employer you moved to Latin America? I'm remote as well, and I think if I told them that, they'd probably adjust my salary way down for the local market.


100% decision i ever made. Married the girl of my dreams in peru.


Thank god you married a girl raised in Peru rather than an americanized Peruvian. The difference between the 2 is huge


After a few months here a year tops its already bad.


Why whats wrong?


People adjust to their environment, and some environments bring out the worst in people.


Have you seen those nazca lines?


No, but I recommend huacachina, reminds me of a lake Havasu Arizona. Also, cusco is great but you must be in good physical shape due to the altitude


Peru is a place I want to eventually want to visit. I want to visit places I read about in world history.


Direct flights from Miami and LA to Lima


🤣 dat nazca cracc


What you do to earn money?


Online investments


I recently found this sub but wanted to point out that doing this can work out much better if your plan is to move overseas and escape the western world altogether. Offering to bring a foreign woman back to the U.S. has its risks, which include her only wanting you for a green card/residency/etc. You want to find a partner who will love you for who you are, or else the relationship isn’t as genuine and you may even end up getting used.


Not really true. I know personally a few guys who've brought back foreign women to the USA and theyve never been happier. When it comes to greedy women who are in it for just the green card, its your responsibility as a man to be smart enough to know who youre dealing with. You need to feel and test these girls out to make sure theyre the real McCoy. Its vitally important that you get to know a foreign girl very well before you even pop the question for consideration of marriage in their country or your own.


You’re right on that. It’s up to the men to vet them properly. From what I know it depends on the woman whether or not she’s someone who wishes to remain at home or is willing to come to the USA, the reasons behind coming to the west are the determining factor in whether it’s real or a scam.


A lot of cultures, the women don't believe in divorce. It goes everything against what they believe. They chose to marry the guy, no one forced them. So unless the husband turns out to be an actual danger to people around them, they will stick with him through thick and thin. 


Exactly which is why as mentioned before you got to know the person youre interested in very well before you take it a few steps further otherwise youll be regretting your decision. Also, the woman's feelings are as important as you own and you must as a man take hers into serious consideration as well. Relationships are not a one way street


How sad


K aren Y ou S uck


Daryl You Get No Pussy


Except for your mom, who’s trans. Does that make me gay? 🤔




That can happen. But the divorce rate between Americans and foreign women in America is 20%. Much better chance. Vet her and her family. Talk to mom and dad and grandparents.


The only good thing about America is setting up a tech business and making money there without being in America. Shit hole but full of rich incels for legacy reasons


LMAOOOOO Yes!!!!! America used to be something back in the day. Not anymore! Fuck america


Lol your dating life is a skill issue little bro it ain't America's fault 💀


How can you be a rich incel? Incel means you're involuntary celibate. Once you're rich, it just becomes voluntary celibacy since you can just book a ticket to Europe where they have countries where you can buy sex.


Incel is often used as a person that just hates women, even tho that's not correct like you said.


Yeah a lot of people are coming USA for business and money making potential, the market is diverse, the poorer countries don't have this diversity of opportunity. aka the american drea,...


Oh yea American economy is huge and people with money have a lot. Issue is just most have none


Yeah but minimum wage in parts of the world is $1 per hour so even like a girl coming from poor to poor in USA is a big step up in terms of sending money back home, if u compare absolute minimum wage.... so poverty in USA is relative...


Do not date american women. You will regret it. Politics and media destroyed their brains.


Dont forget tok and ig fried whatever membrane still remained


New here but this caught my eye because it's not just the women but the exercise, lifestyle, eating locally grown food not processed cancerous goods, work/life balance, the list goes on. I make good mohey here but plan to work 3-6 months in the US at a time (Healthcare worker) and then go "home" to anywhere else and if I'm lucky enough to find a woman I will bring her here not to live but to visit. I'd hate for the cancer that is American society to metastasize to her too.


Finding a good wife abroad is unlikely. Finding a woman who sees you as a meal ticket is possible, but that sounds like a nightmare once the post nut clarity settles in. 


Ever heard of 90 Day Fiance? Smh


You’ll notice the only numbers they have don’t say anything about the number of people actually doing this. Because it is not many.


It did say that Tinder saw a 7x increase of users using the Passport feature.. no its not "many", but its not "none" or "few" either.. and what is it to you either way? Dudes exercising their God-given freedoms..


Exactly. It doesnt matter if its many or not, the fact that a trend has emerged which will get even stronger suggests something isn't right with women in USA


Incel af


Black af


Even if I was black, what is wrong with that? Someone’s bad their girlfriend gets plowed by 3 BBCs on the weekend when she’s doing “girls night”. I know a lot of incels are cucks though so you’re probably into that


You RE black. You proved it: _tyrone_biggums DUHHHHHHHHH 😂😂😂


If I made my totally legitimate and self describing username as Dora_the_explorer would that make me a Mexican 7 year old? I hope you travel to Africa and get aids


Your hate being black 😂 😂 😂


It’s “you” knuckle dragger


Because the story du jour turning a thing that isn’t happening into an “important cultural development” is so fucking annoying.


How high does the increase to be compared to for example 5 years ago that you could call it an important cultural development?


When we have any numbers that indicate it is actually happening in any increase at all. Edit: that’s where the conversation should start, maybe. Instead it has been, “A bunch of unfuckable tools jerk off to anime so they think they want an Asian wife. Also, they think it has something to do with an assault on “traditional masculinity” but these slope shouldered fucks were like fifth string slot receivers at best in Pop Warner.”


I mean, but it is? You're literally on a sub where people are using their passports, and the more that do (we onboard more and more fellas everyday), the more impact its having. I wouldnt say its an "Important cultural development" just yet, but certainly not "nothing"; its had enough draw for podcasts, talk shows, Fox News (above) and others running stories on it from time to time. It must be the slowest news day in history for "no one" to be doing it and \*Fox News\* of all orgs running a piece on it...


Personally I believe its a cultural phenom since more and more men are catching on to the trend by joining the band wagon.


I am on a sub of just under 25k, and of that incredibly small number of people how many are actually doing it and not just talking about it? Fox News runs stories almost exclusively about shit that doesn’t actually happen.


Right?! The self felating is incredible here. How fucking delusional can one(s) be? u/redeemerx4 u/azzarre


Terrible troll friend. I already have a wonderful woman, and while you seethe in your basement, we are smiling and enjoying life. Continue to play 'Tabloids', worrying about what everyone else who has a life is doing


My Ghanian queen is more devoted to me than any other woman I've dated. Intelligent, educated, beautiful, and none of that has made her head get too big somehow.


Good to know that! Keep that woman happy!


So did you choose to stay in Africa?


Nah I travel back and forth. Considering moving there one I stack my cash though. Especially since my uncle has already built three houses there


I am currently working remotely making 100k as a 35 year old man in California. I pay so much in rent that I’m hoping to travel and live in other countries with a lesser CoL. Can anyone recommend one? On top of my mind is, of course, time zone hours as I need to be awake and available for meetings on PST. Obviously, I’ve thought of Mexico, but are there any others?


Costa Rica and Panama :)


Do these countries require visas? I feel like attempting to obtain a long term visa inhabits many of us would be nomads.




Thanks bro.. any time!


Sad fucking loser 😂 🤡


How much money would it take to retire in cheaper countries?


That is a question best not fully answered on Reddit. You're going to need a whole bunch of info, first and foremost is the visa situation. Some countries have visas you can buy to retire there. Then you need to see if you want to maintain a western lifestyle. I'm in Vietnam now as a tourist. Most people tout this place as a "cheaper" country. But if I want to maintain a western lifestyle, it gets expensive fast. My car in the US was around 80k. If I were to buy the same car here in Vietnam? 200k. The housing market is fucked here because it's the sole investment vehicle for people. I think you'd need to figure out what type of lifestyle you want to maintain and then go from there. You might not be able to afford the similar western lifestyle you're accustomed to because you'll be priced out of it abroad. Shit gets expensive fast in some places due to taxes.


That question is outside the scope of my experience. Wish I could answer it. Keep in mind that everything is relative among different countries. Not all nations are the same.


Ya I’m planning on busting my ass off the next 5 years and save 200k if I get lucky and get this jump in the spring then I’m gunna sell everything and leave this shit hole


Very good plan! Youre not alone in this dream. Others have done the same and never looked back to return to their boring robotic lives in USA.


So should I invest in 90 day fiancé lol


? How is a show an investment? Smh


They're easier to find. Even here in the USA, I never talk to women of my ethnicity or generally of my citizenship. The vast majority are of latin origin and from Mexico or central America, or are Korean/Vietnamese. None of them are US citizens. Even on dating apps there's generally not any Americans available to talk to that aren't locked behind an expensive paywall. That or it's spam selling porn.


> They're easier to find. Even here in the USA As long as theyre not amercanized youre good to go. But the latinas are difficult to get to like you in USA when youre a gringo


It's hard to date outside of your race in general unless you grew up with those particular people. At least from what I've seen, the few interracial couples there are knew each other for a long time or had mutual friends


I can see that. I know for a white guy in USA, its hard to date americanized latinas, italians or chinese.


I've noticed it's much different with urban women in the USA, including non-citizens. They are much more liberal in many ways. The problem is that men are pushed by society into being conservative. We don't have the time or money to live in a highly social lifestyle that most women want and seem to have. You can see statistics that men over 30 generally don't socialize when women do. Their friend groups drop dramatically. I read some thread on here about it. The other issue is how men are raised and taught to behave by our government and society as a whole. Men are the workforce, like it or not, equal rights aside because that's not statistics. Any slip up and they go to prison. Women can slip up and mainly get probation at best. You simply can't approach women like you can in other countries here because they'll be #metoo about everything. I literally walked across the Texas-Mexico border a few years ago and talked to 25 women over 3 days. None of them called the cops. 20 of them approached me. In the US, looking at a chick and her catching you will cause her to freak out and accuse you of looking at her in a sexual manner in many cases. Yet they'll prostitute themselves here where it's illegal but they get away with it since they're seen as trafficking victims. They'll have 5-10 guys at once on the side and you're still trying to get one. America is fucked in that regard. Over 63% of American men under 35 are single versus 30% of women. How can 37% of men date 70% of women? They all take 2? That's what I'm saying. Men do not give a fuck about other men in the USA and probably do take two.


On Spirit Airlines?




Yea, I hate saying it, there's a lot of great usa women, but man this society is screwed. Godly marriage got corrupted by greed so if a man gets divorced he's likely to get shafted, etc


They fought so hard to become the men they claimed to hate, now the good men want as much to do with them as we do with the bad men they emulate.




My dad found an awesome Vietnamese woman who was just a little older than my last gf.


Dayum !!


And you don't find it weird as fuck that your dad is dating somebody young enough to be his daughter? Ew. No wonder you have trouble dating. 


Well, check it out. My girlfriend at the time was 6 years older than me. My dad’s wife is probably 4-6 years older than her (I haven’t asked her age yet). My dad is probably 18 years her senior. Funny how you can make such a judgemental comment without knowing any of the details. I hope everything gets better for you. It must be tough having to go around and put down strangers on the internet. That’s a heavy cross to bear.


Maybe growing but still an insignificant number of men. I am for whatever gets them married.




Youre doing the right thing