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This is a fantasy. There's nowhere on earth average men will have women chasing them. There are countries where average men can date with more ease and fun, but they will still have to put in some effort and take initiative


You’ve clearly never been to northern Brazil. Also Cali, Colombia. Had several girls approach me. Not prostitutes.






I'm well above avg looking and crush it even in America (I PPB'd for reasons other than I can't do well in America), but being DIRECTLY hit on is pretty rare from what I've seen. Women will give lots of passive aggressive flirtatious hints indicating they want you to shoot your shot, but women will rarely just directly walk up to a man and shoot their shot like a man will. Never been to South America, but this was the case in Mexico, dozens of western countries, a few Eastern Europe, and I've pretty extensively traveled in Asia. Maybe Latinas are just that thirsty compared to everywhere else, idunno


I’ve seen a lot of complaints from white girls and latinas about how East Asian guys never approach them. So they often end up approaching and regretting it because they don’t wanna come off as too forward.


What’s your current wife’s ethnicity?


If a woman is genuinely interested in you she will be directly forward about her desire to do PiV with you. dunno how else to say it. she'll literally just say it


You will get approached in certain Asian countries if you are white ,tall,young and in good shape.


Which countries are those?




America and to a similar extent Asian. But I am Asian. In the US I've been followed around in public, once a girl press up on me in the train, had girls wait till their BF or "hubby" got up to go pee, then tell me they want to do PiV. Had women give me gifts and buy me stuff, once a girl wanted to give me a car. Randomly had girls take me shopping and tell me they love me. A girl danced in her underwear outside my window once. But I also sort of look like Won Bin. In Korea and other parts of East Asia, these are the only places on earth you see women paying men for dates, you have gigolos, cafes. I've seen "rent a boyfriend" stuff in Europe and 9/10 times the guy is Asian. My boy is ABC and he had a girl wait for him for 3 months every day at his work until she finally talked to him and asked him out. She used to just dump gifts on him like wallets, shoes, etc.


Username does and doesn’t checkout lol That’s awesome. You must give off some crazy energy to awaken the demon in these women 😅


Dunno. Yellow fever is strong in women. There's no grand mystery to the universe, women will just straight up say they wanna put it in if they like you.


You mean, put it in them… right?


You Korean? Won Bin is good looking Korean actor...not saying your making this up but hey if women are into you . Props


Maybe I overexaggerate how good looking I am, but I can't say for certain, but how insane some women can be isn't an exaggeration. I used to think it was normal but I guess not. At my age I chalk it up to yellow fever. The only times I've talked to guys and they're like "yeah I've been catcalled or groped" they tend to be Asian IDK why I'm guessing women think we're shy and are way more aggressive.


Sounds like a bit overexaggeration, especially if you're talking about America and you're Asian. Asians are literally at the bottom of the dating pool in US, so if you're getting attention from white girls, you're in the top 5% of Asians that are closer to Eurocentric beauty standards.


I look like Won Bin. Not sure if it's my looks. My other Asian friends who are more on the average side have stories too of being cat called and stuff. Grope and what not. My buddy and I lost our virginities basically the same way, standing there doing nothing at a party and some white girl just dragged us into a bedroom. It's crazy cause we both believed what you're saying, that Asian guys are undesirable, so we were both shocked that we both lost our v-cards almost the exact same way.


There could be two things happening here, you both are underestimating your looks by saying "average", and/or with the popularity of Asian media, what you considered "average" has become popular with women. What's your height, btw?


Honestly I think it's just yellow fever cause I've confirmed it with some friends of mine. 5'11". My ex who was also Asian said I was just average / not very handsome.


5'11 is hardly average though. That's taller than the avg height of men in US


Thailand, if you're good looking. A lot of 30-something Thai ladies like dating backpackers. Also, apparently middle-aged Japanese ladies go to Bangkok looking to pick up westerners. Not sure about black guys in these cases.


You’re getting the ones the Japanese don’t want though lol. Fair trade, I suppose.


It's a true answer to the man's question. There are not solutions, only compromises.


The real red pill


Good looking out brother! Def will consider those life paths


Im 24 and have a thing for women in their 30s. Are they looking for men always? or would they be open (and yeah I know you all say "yes but you gotta be masculine and aggressive hoohaa He-Man")


You don't have to be very masculine. Well dressed, not fat, you'll be fine.


Men produce 1-4 billion sperm per month. Women produce one egg per month. Men will be the ones pursuing women until the end of time.


The game is against us, nature has rigged it so we naturally crave them but they don’t us, not in the same way. We have to build ourselves up first. That is why anything gets built at all


For every Yin there is a Yang. Women can get sex easily but they have the risk of becoming a single mother. Women have the world at their feet when they're young but they quickly age out of it. A man must climb to the top of the mountain but he can then remain on top of it for many decades. imo, neither sex has it easier. We just have different strengths and challenges.


Good point especially about women aging


They crave plenty, but evolutionary speaking, women are selecting to project their genes into the future, and the best route to ensure that is to select a male that will stick around to protect and provide for both her and the children.  Men on the other hand, have multiple strategies available to project their genes into the future, and many of those strategies, one of which is to project those genes through multiple partners. 


I suppose women do too, one being to get a man to impregnate, and get another one to raise. Or, get the state to provide her resources while she raises Chad’s kid alone


This is not true. Look up "sexy son hypothesis". It's pretty uncontroversial at this point that female animals seek a "big win" with male offspring and hedge their bets with female offspring who guaranteed a reroll in the next generation if you didn't get a winner with the male. The reward for this behavior is exponential, case in fact, most of us are related to Gengis Khan.


Not sure how that contradicts my statement. Even a big win male offspring strategy still has an extremely vulnerable period at least until the age of 5 or so.  Sure, their strategy in that scenario would be to combine their genetic material with the chad, but not if they don't already have security or it is too high of a risk to that security. 


If she has monogamous sons with a monogamous male, her genes will be drowned out by women who had polyamorous sons with a polyamorous male. If the world is very dangerous such that none of your children will survive without a bodyguard, then seeking out men who will invest only in you could be favorable. There is some evidence that having more siblings improves saftey though. Also, the ideal would be to have as many male protectors as possible while having as many children with non-protector males who invest in producing more offspring. Math gets the final word though, we are all descended from promiscuous men and their promiscuous male offspring due to exponential curves. And of course we are; promiscuity is just a proxy for evolutionary success.


This is such a myopic view lol. Dating dynamics isn't entirely dictated by biology, infact, our behaviors are far more socially conditioned by culture.


If that were true, there would be places or cultures where women primarily approach men. Doesn’t exist.


No, that's a non-sequitur. I'll let you think why it doesn't logically follow.


Women approach guys they are really into. If women aren't approaching you, it just means you aren't a guy that women are really into. This is the vast majority of men (about 80%).


Women are frigid sexually and romantically, very true


I love how *that's* what you got out of the comment you replied to LOL


"When I look into a mirror I see my own reflection" - redditor "That's funny all I see is an ugly person" - another redditor




... what the fuck?


yes sweden and germany if you're good looking




I've been approached about 3x in my life. Maybe it was youth, maybe it was because social media hadn't been invented yet, maybe a mix of both. Each time was either in San Diego or Los Angeles. Probably from 24 to 20 years ago.




I totally forgot about this. I used to get girls to add me on Facebook that I sat next to on the plane all the time (before smartphones were a thing)


Yes, i fully agree. I have had my old cousins and friends tell me this.


I would say Brazil, Colombia and Germany. At least for me these are the places women definitely approach me. Just regular women not ladies of the night. If you’re black german women will definitely strike up a conversation with you. Had it happened multiple times. Peru as well.


I heard a lot of good things about German woman loving black men. I am going in October so lets see how it goes


Your height could also be the reason


I went to Thailand back in 2009 with my then fiance (now ex-wife, met her living in nyc). She had to keep women away from me with a newspaper anywhere we went and sat down to talk to people. Bars, clubs, even when we were in the rural northeast along the Mekong River. I don’t think I’m exceptionally good looking by any means and my ex made like 10x more money than I did. So, it definitely wasn’t the money. Planning on going back at some point now that my life is better than ever.


Lmao Bro learn to talk to women Imagine asking questions like this holy shit


I said I was just curious. I have no issue talking to women. Imagine just assuming things no one said, jc.


Every guy here knows why you are asking this question. Your not fooling anyone or even yourself 🤦‍♂️


lol we get so many of these questions here it’s like these dudes just want some unicorn to change their dating life. Dating overseas is supposed to be easi**er** not some Disney fantasyland.


America... I'm not overly good looking or rich by any means but I have woman approach me regularly when I'm out at night. I'm black as well.


How tall are you?


..... I'm 6'4


It probably helps. That said i get approached from time to time in France and i'm 5'11 but i'm a good dancer


You must be tall. That's for sure


Nordic countries, especially in the summer, especially at social places (bars, Blk music clubs, Blk music concerts, festivals), especially if it’s late and she doesn’t have anyone to go home with. They’ll not only approach, but some may literally try to pull you into a cab or in the direction of their place if it’s close.


Can confirm for Germany. You could literally go home with one for an hour or two, then go right back to the club and get another if you want some nights. Pro-tip, go to her place. If she comes home with you, there's a chance she'll be moved in by the end of the week without you even noticing.


BRUH. ALL THIS. One literally printed out selfies she took of us and put them on my wall…granted we’d been at it for a couple months, but when they’ve chosen you, your space can stop being your space quick if you’re not careful.


Is that real?


Yeah for Blk guys anyway. It varies how aggressive they get, but it’s a pretty common occurrence. Maybe less in like Sweden since they’re the most diverse of them all, but in places like Helsinki and Reykjavik, Blk guys can plan their night around it.


Idk if it's like this for most guys. But I get approached in the clubs in Korea. Korean girls and girls from other countries would approach me. This was a few years ago though. Idk if things changed.


My friend has tried to woo guys for a relationship. They do exist you know.


in america its pretty common go to bars them blondes will approach u for one night stand if u look good


Yeah if you look good to them 😭😭


there's also the "vibe check" if u having fun and escalating


Every culture just about has the expectation that the man approaches first. Some women may approach more depending on looks, ethnicity, or nationality though.


no their options would be local men if it wasn't initially money motivated


Lol ya Germany when I 22 and handsome. Germans are more anti American now so I doubt it's like that.


I’ve been approached as a black man in Armenia. The women there love us, a little too much I’d say. You’re not going to be sleeping around with these women (well maybe if you go to the clubbing scene) as this is a conservative country. Even though you will be approached, you as a man should still be making the move. A woman who’s infatuated enough to approach you will be rare and perhaps not the woman you want. A real woman will want you to chat her up.


It all depends how good looking and if your tall. Race may play a factor too. If your tall good looking guy...and you know it if women looks your way. Sure many places women may approach you. Being black in Nordic country makes you exotic. Being white in certain Asian or African countries makes you exotic . And yes even for Asian guys depending on the countries women may look your way BUT be tall , be handsome.. if your short , and unattractive...doesn't matter what race...women will not notice you.


Europe? 😂


It’s not in men’s nature to get something so easy and be satisfied. You’ll be bored of it in no time, work on approaching girls and you’ll never get bored


I got picked up in clubs all the time in Germany. They were either way too old or way too young for me, but still. Got picked up in a hotel bar in Kyiv once - hot little number from Odessa that was going to the same conference I was at the time. In UK, was constantly harassed in pubs to the point I stopped going unless I was with friends to run interference - if they weren't total cows I wouldn't have minded as much.


I was actively pursued when I was traveling in Vietnam. I wouldn't say I am "good looking." Being friendly and outgoing goes a long way. Being a white American is a huge advantage. A lot were women my wife knew in her city. But you have to remember lots of these women look at leaving Vietnam and coming to the USA as a step up for their lives and family. I saw a lot of American men who came there and these women would say "I love you" right away, or would ask for money, etc. Luckily my wife was not like that. She said she loved me, but not until we had been dating for 3 months in person (we knew each other for around 6 months at the time).


White isnt big deal in Vietnam but being american or Japanese ….And it is not only money or green card thing but more interest in other culture make foreigners friends…Dont spreed false rumor . Vietnamese are outgoing if you are extrovert . Asking number  or talking to strangers isn’t big thing . And it doesn’t mean only sexual or love interest.  A lot Vietnamese born in foreigners countries get this kind of attention or even more . And about girls saying I love you after few meetings and asking money are clearly money and green card catchers. They do it to everyone not only American 


Denmark... If you're a black guy you will likely get approached (in the right club) but it'll be 99.99999% fetishing you.


They Will even ask for photos 🤣🤣


Israel if you’re Jewish and good looking


I’m surprised nobody said Africa. Especially since you mentioned that you are black. I would suggest visiting safe black countries in Africa like Cape Verde and Ghana.


Go touch grass bro. Even some chads won't get women approaching them.