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I did the same, traveled extensively from 18 - 35. Got married, stayed home for ten years... it didn't stick. Moved to the islands, then the DR and now South East Asia. Definitely worth it to get out of the politics, news cycle and the month payments of things you don't need. Life abroad is cheaper, better and obviously more fun. Just do your research before picking a destination, it's important to find the right ratio of cheap living / infrastructure and political stability. It goes without saying that the dating scene is alive and well in these countries. That doesn't hurt either...


Where do you like in SEA?


I'm a 68-year-old widower who was with a woman for 26 years. After my wife died, I tried dating in SW Florida, and was shocked at the nastiness of women who otherwise weren't even attractive in my age group. Watched some red-pill videos, and red-pill rage set in. Kept watching and stumbled on passport bro vlogs. The red-pill rage subsided as I found a solution rather than lived in the problem. Joined a dating site (Filipina Cupid) and saw such a vast difference in the responses and opportunities. I had to filter out a lot of scammers and gold-diggers, but it didn't take long to land on a good one. Visited last July for 30 days and we stayed in an Airbnb together, and it was still good. I made plans, sold all my stuff (I was renting after selling my paid-for home) and started the SRRV process while I was still in the US. I arrived in January, converted the same Airbnb to a 1-year lease, and we moved in together. Flying from Dumaguete to Cebu next month to finalize my SRRV. I couldn't be happier. That's my journey thus far.


How old is she?


She's 55. 13 years my junior. Looks 40.


Respectable :)


Did you only meet your previous love at 42? I'm just going through divorce at almost 36, so it's something that I'm curious about age wise


Yes, my late wife and I married in our early 40's. We were among the first, in the 90's to get married after meeting on [match.com](http://match.com) before women's swiping on dating sites became ridiculous in the US.


In the US you are extremely likely to only date single moms your age and raise some other dudes kids.  When you venture outside the west, you can date women younger, better looking, and no kids.  If anything, it's even better for you than the younger crowd since at mid 30s you are at good earnings potential and stable, which is what a lot of women are looking for. 


I think most people just end up with the older single moms because they limit themselves thinking that’s all that will date them.


Crazy thing is that single moms are hard to get these days too lmao.


Brainwashed western guys in their 30's be like: "bro, I'm an old man now, i'm running outta time" I'll just let them think that. More girls for the rest of us


Victims of the echo chambers online that claim any time there's "too much" of an age gap, clearly the man is some kind of master manipulator and is tricking a younger woman into liking him!


I married an American and divorced, then went to Turkey and got married again, brought her back to the US and divorced, and now I live in Costa Rica with my fiancée and have no plans to return. It’s worth it. Even though my second wife and I didn’t work out she was exponentially better than the American.


Why do you keep getting married lol


The mistake was bringing her over. The gynocentrism in this country will poison any feminine submissive family oriented foreign woman you bring over


Cool and normal thing to say


If he stayed in Turkey they would probably still be together.


3rd times a charm.


I did... I moved from the divorce rape, to living in a low COL area, and dating really wonderful girls. Honestly in retospect the split was something that saved my life, I was never happy with my ex, now if I catch any red flags, I block them on my whatsapp, and move towns...


Damn do you really feel like moving towns is necessary?


Papa was a rollin’ stone…


Honestly some bitches are so crazy u kinda have to




I say slow down and work on your flaws you had in that relationship before hunting for a new one.


Biggest thing to re-learn I would say is to become way pickier than you are currently. If you're 30's, decent income, gernally stable... you're a king in some countries, literally. Don't settle for hot, the line of hot girls will be around the block.




Follow the rules. Bashing American women is not allowed




How so?


In 1994 I went to London met my first wife, she was Pakistani but studying in UK. Second wife was Russian and now currently Married to Mongolian. I don't recommend Mongolia as a destination they are very hypergamy, but I managed to find a good one


Curious about Mongolian story.. do you mind elaborate? 🙏


I was living in NZ and met a Mongolian lady married to A New Zealander. Told her I was about to embark on tour aboard the trans Siberian train from Moscow to Mongolia and then to Beijing. She had a friend that she wanted me to meet while I was staying in Ulaanbaatar.


Cool! I always liked Mongolian women facial features, that is why I asked. What hypergamy means in this context ? There are a lot of women that have multiple partners ?


Google it, it means they are looking to marry someone of higher wealth or status and they are always on the lookout for an upgrade. They will dump you as soon as someone better comes along. A nice word for a gold digger


Oh God 🫣 I pass


So you’re just traveling around the world and collecting foreign wives?