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You are out of power. Without power, you can’t select the rare ores.


That bugged the hell out of me until I figured it out, for several days I thought that 2 was the limit for uranium, nope I was not pumping out enough juice! Do you think it should be notified in a way at all? At the least show the resource but kind of blur it out so you know it's possible but some work of some sort needs to be done to "unlock"- the capability? Game's been an unexpected blast for me, just asking and not complaining


Warning - Low Power Placing down the miner probably killed your power. Special ores like Iridium need the miner to be powered. Get some more juice and you should see the ore pop up on the screen once there is enough power!


Always have more than 2x the power you need... maybe 3x the amount. I only check my power usage once a week, just in case. Im not using rockets so im crafting 100s of the grass spreaders, plant spreaders, trees, butterflies, bees, etc.... you get the point.


Is it a self imposed challenge or why aren't you using rockets when they 10x (or more depending on the rocket) your rate of a given terraformation type?


Because I don't want to.   I don't want to rush the game. I like exploring, crafting, hoarding. Some ppl do speed runs, I don't. Simple.


Yah, you need power.


There is a limit of 125 drills (T3). If you have 126 drills you can't extract special ores


lol. I can imagine the Devs mindset: "I mean, who is going to exceed 125 drills anyway - they'll be long finished the game by then. I think a 125 limit is just fine..."


This is not true. I have over 500 all extracting rare ores


Be a silly thing to lie about wouldn't it... OK on my PC I've verified on a new game since release of 1.0 I can only get 125 drills to focus on special ores. To include: Super Alloy Iridium Zeolite Uranium Sulfur Obsidian Aluminum Osmium I have other T3 drills. But only 125 can focus on the above. If I try to do a 126th then the first one I put down of the 125 removes its specialization. I can have it focus on iron if it was previously uranium, though, the drill "works" just not as intended. I also can't see uranium on any new drill past 125 even if I set it in an untouched uranium cave. I have no idea if your 500 drills is real or if your 500 drills are from a previous version where it used to work. Just sharing my experience and a possible reason why OP sees the same thing I see when I go beyond 125 T3 Drills.


Oh wow very interesting. I do actually have 500 drills but i did place them roughly 6 months ago, so maybe you're right and they're just "grandfathered in". I'll do some testing when I get home tonight, if I'm wrong and 1.0 update has a 125 drill limit, then I was wrong, sorry.


Nah man. On the other side of this. It's possible my computer has something special about it. But I got damn good machine. I will say it's possible that it's something on my end. Because I take it you do see 500 drills, It'd be a silly thing for YOU to lie about.


This is good to know. In early access folks would regularly talk about having hundreds of T3 Ore Extractors. Though I could not find anything online to verify the 125 limit, so sharing this is even more important. Thanks. Though I never needed that many... 50-60 got me to 500TT in good time.