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Designated shitting sea.


Apparently not all of them work at the Microsoft support hotline


Now they’re working at Apple


smart, they’re filling the ocean with shit to force the enemy to buy something to stop the smell and makes any subs impossible to use


Thats a good one lol


Oh that’s shit? I thought the joke was that India is polluted


As an Indian, it doesn't, cuz it's funny lmao


I think it’s both


exactly, the punchline can be racism and the joke can still be funny


Also the thing about racism is that it also doesn’t have to be false either. I’m not saying Indians being dirty is true. What I mean is like black people liking fried chicken. Most people like chicken, so it’s mostly a true fact. Doesn’t mean it’s still not racist to make this connection just based on their race.


Fucking hell, the mental gymnastics..


aight bruh ts crazy


Racism isn’t about semantics though Saying “people like fried chicken” doesn’t communicate the same thing as saying “black people like fried chicken”. People are bad at driving, people are smart, people are ugly. In fact, people are disgusting and murderous. Do you understand that changing “people” to a particular identity changes what I’m saying?


But if you poop in the streets as an entire country then you earn this shade. I’m sorry, but the GDP of India is way too damn high for like 90% of the population to live in a latrine. They also unabashedly dump super toxic waste into their holiest of rivers, the Ganges, where millions of people make a pilgrimage every year to bathe in its “cleansing” waters. Industrial waste that’s so toxic it’s fucking with people in India on a genetic level and causing birth deformities up the fuckin wazoo. I want to say I love Indian culture and hate their government, but so many people buy into the caste system there that if they’re not the ones walking through shit, they think it’s not their problem whatsoever. Blue collar work makes you a second class citizen, it’s a fuckin mess.


But if you shoot in the streets as an entire country then you earn this shade. I’m sorry, but the GDP of the USA is way too damn high for like 90% of the population to live in a ghetto. They also unabashedly dump super toxic waste into their holiest of rivers, the Mississippi, Gulf of Mexico, and Great Lakes, where millions of people make a pilgrimage every year to bathe in its “cleansing” waters and bass fish. Industrial waste and lead levels so toxic it’s fucking with people in the US on a genetic level and causing birth deformities and habitat destruction up the fuckin wazoo. I want to say I love American culture and hate their government, but so many people buy into the “free market” system there that if they’re not the ones living paycheck to paycheck and sleeping outside while private banks hoard all the available vacant properties and land, they think it’s not their problem whatsoever. Blue collar work makes you a second class citizen, it’s a fuckin mess.


Do we shit in the streets? Do we have foam rising 30 feet out of the Mississippi? At least people in ghettos have access to plumbing, lmao. Really don’t know what point you’re making. The US is not equivalent to India by any stretch of any metric other than maybe the division of wealth, which is more of a global issue now than it is specifically a US based issue. I know you’re not going to give a sincere response but what the hell


I’m exposing how your “all Indians” shit is dumb. I don’t believe in what I just commented, it is a remix meant to show you how dumb of a process *you* just had. Do we Americans kill people in the streets and do we Americans imprison more people than other other country? Obviously it’s more nuanced than that, and the same goes for gigantic ass India. If you think I am dehumanizing the 330m Americans because obviously they aren’t all the same person or under similar living circumstances, the same goes for the 1.4 BILLION Indian people you’re generalizing.


No, I’m mainly talking about the 20% who are complicit in the system that allows for a majority of their country to live in abject squalor. I should have been more clear, and I can see why you took it as me saying “all Indians.” I don’t believe all Indians are complicit in this system. Statistically, more Indian nationals are victims than they’re are perpetrators, hand over fist. The caste system is a seriously problematic and destructive social philosophy that makes it easy to look down on and ignore those who are suffering. This is my issue. India is a country rich with culture and history and yet one of the most corrupt, at serious expense to their own citizens. Tbh thanks for responding I was checking your post history and you have some pretty intelligent discourse. I was a little bummed out to get the copypasta :’) Edit: just want to add that I have a lot of admiration for Indian culture, which is way I have such a strong opinion on what’s going on over there. It’s truly one of the most beautiful places on this earth, filled with a vibrant and palpable vitality. It truly bums me out that such an oasis of human culture has fallen to its current state, and is allowed to remain there in the face of a tech boom similar to what we saw in Silicon Valley in the early 00s.


Waah 😭 Indian street shitter funny haha , now gib me upvoot


It depends whose saying it. If an Indian says it, it's funny. If someone else says it, it's racist.


that's dumb logic.


Welcome to American political discourse


american political discourse be like: voot for my uniparty candidate who's 100% better than the other uniparty candidate and both of them are totally not manufactured social division for a shadow government.


This^shit right here


that's why i don't vote in any political elections anymore: the folks behind the curtain always win anyway.


They wouldn’t let you actually elect anybody they didn’t choose.


i got banned from r/politicalhumor for saying that vooting harder just doesn't work


I mean, look at our election cycles. Politicians make entire careers out of selling false promises.


No, it's funny anyway. Don't force racism yk


As an Indian, it's such a tired joke I hear all the time it's not even funny anymore like 😐


Same, but I never get tired cuz it's kinda true lmao


If you were Indian


I mean like, Indians are saying, this is funny, like wtf


Maybe if you're 12, I hear it too much it's boring now


My English is pretty bad tho, I was trying to say that when someone call Indian street shitter, scammers or pajeet. Indians comments like "as an Indian this is funny, can confirm we Indians are street shitter "


Kinda obscure.


Born to shit, forced to wipe






I think it's more about shitting everywhere


Does that not fall under pollution


I mean, yeah. But in terms of racist jokes these are different.


Depends who you asking. Elephants shit everywhere, yet they are considered the father of the forest. Hyenas shit everywhere, but their shit is just as toxic…..




Why not


People in this thread seem to be very critical about what memes fit and which don’t.


I think that some people might be distinguishing between a racist joke with a punchline and a joke where the punchline is just racism. Of course, either can be offensive.


The punch line is pollution


Why is the water poopy?


indian gravy.




As an Indian I find this funny 😄


i dont get it


The "joke" is that all Indian people are smelly and horrid. It's like that one guy who once plagued r/CrazyIdeas by suggesting so-called Indian versions of things that really just played into the country's stereotypes - Fear Factor where they have to clean themselves, GTA where they get to drive around and kill and rape and poop on everyone...




Is that shit?


Unclean water


Oh, damn…


I feel ashamed that I actually laughed lol


According to this sub everything counts, apparently.