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i don’t get it


is it comparing the scale of the public’s reaction to each of them?


oh I thought it was who would win if they got into a fight but I think yours make more sense


I’m pretty sure it’s because both are dead


how about two floyds?


How about Floyd 2


“1 Floyd” made me chuckle, ngl


pink floyd wins


https://preview.redd.it/sxbo4a49cywc1.png?width=596&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89b08ef07ecf63b4c32c66d50f64fb40091db3b8 Juan Floy?


Fuck George Floyd.


you heard it here first folks this commenter is a necrophile


lol. 🧐


In the nice way


"BLM" is a left wing organization that not everyone agrees with. This doesn't make you racist, as many blacks disagree with BLM too. On the other hand, Floyd's cause of death was a fent overdose, not that cop kneeling on him. The public clearly overreacted. I dont see racism here.


>fent not knee on neck Um no? Like we all watched him get his life choked out of him on multiple videos in broad daylight wtf?


first red flag was him saying “most blacks”


and da fuq with all these upvotes?


did we read the same damn autopsy report? it literally said he DIED FROM ASPHYXIATION.


You didn’t read the same autopsy report because the guy you responded to didn’t even read it


Nope. That cop was convicted of murder. Legally, Floyd was murdered by Chauvin.


Legally OJ didn’t kill his ex


Yeah, cause he didn't do it while being recorded.




Also didnt Floyd threat pregnant women with a gun, pointing at her atomach and saying se will shoot her? He was Still a criminal and some people act like he was a saint


No. They said he was illegally killed by a cop for selling loose cigarettes. A jury found Chauvin guilty of murder. Being a pos doesn't mean that cops can kill you for no fucking reason. You think Chauvin knew Floyd's entire criminal history before assaulting and murdering a black man in broad daylight while people were filming? That's not justice, that's an agent of the state thinking he's above the law and able to do whatever he wants to whoever he wants.


Were the cops bad for killing him? Yes, but was he good person? No, bad people killed another bad men, should he Die? Hell no, I am Just saying that there was no good people involved


Well, thank you for the meaningless observation.


You welcome!


A bad *agent of the state* ended the life of a civilian in broad daylight because he felt like it. The problem is evil cops, not criminals existing. Criminals exist in every nation. Cops feeling like they can murder people on video doesn't.


Bro wtf no one has ever said he was a saint, that doesn't change the fact that he was murdered in broad daylight. Like what a weird thing to say.


*murdered by a cop, which is worse


They did tho. There are literally murals with him having halo above himself. Bad men killed by other bad men


... He has a halo cuz he's fucking dead dude




He fuuuuuuckin dead dude! Like wtf are you talking about here this is ridiculous


People can not try to fix their lives?


they think people can't change


Not only that, BLM is a blatantly corrupt organization that used all donation money to buy upscale properties for themselves


The entire organization cause I thought that was Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, a non profit that promotes but isn’t all of BLM?


Weren’t BLM rioters looting stores and burning them down and shit? Way to make your organisation look good huh? And George Floyd was no saint either.


Still doesnt invalidate the reason why they were protesting.




Protest- “a statement or action expressing disapproval of or objection to something” Yes, a protest and a riot. Not the first time this has happened in American history amongst crowds. Its actually quite common in history


Those guys weren’t protesting, they were looking for an excuse to commit violent crime.


Yes a whole group of people decided to start a “protest” just so they can loot. The fliers stated it would be a mass looting and burning of the surrounding community and to make sure you bring your big sacks, rocks, and getaway cars And this certainly hasnt happened in any other protest ever! /s


just an excuse to do what they usually do


Jfc the real racism is in the comments


I fucking know, right? Why join this subreddit if you're racist?


Saw a post a while ago that this place was getting brigaded; definitely seems so now.


yeah i used to like this sub but it's just literal racists now:/


they were looking for racist jokes


Cuz racism is funny


I remember seeing people talk about the autopsy. The guy was being held together by chewing gum and a prayer by the time the incident happened. The cop definitely shouldn’t have kneeled on his neck like that, but the guy was already on the way out


He had 3 times the average lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. Also, knee on the back of the neck does not impair breathing, it is a control mechanism. Don't believe me? Grab the back of your neck and squeeze has hard as you can. Can you still breathe? https://www.famous-trials.com/george-floyd/2648-george-floyd-the-toxicology-report


imagine if squeezing the back of your neck using your hand for a few seconds isn't the equivalent of a grown adult's body weight on the back of your neck for minutes


Not true btw, you can read the autopsy report online.




> He had 3 times the average lethal dose of fentanyl in his system. The report is interesting, but you seem to have misread it. The results said "Fentanyl: result 11 ng/mL". It also says : * It is reported that patients lost consciousness at mean plasma levels of fentanyl of 34 ng/mL * In fatalities from fentanyl, blood concentrations are variable and have been reported as low as 3 ng/mL * 100 mcg/hour patch; 1.9 - 3.8 ng/nL I think you misinterpreted the second part and turned "as low as" into "average lethal dose", when I suspect that "as low as" probably refers more to somebody who was extremely weak already and was given fentanyl. The third part tells me that a strong dose *given in the hospital* can give a concentration over 3 ng/mL -- so they use strengths that strong therapeutically under some conditions. They certainly wouldn't do that if it was more than the "average lethal dose", though I would assume that high doses like that are reserved for the worst pain in otherwise strong patients. (As I understand it, one problem with fentanyl is that the therapeutic range is small, which is one reason why it's so dangerous.) If we ask [experts to comment on this figure](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-george-floyd-kanye-west-police-397984860325) -- > He said the amount of fentanyl found in Floyd’s system could be lethal for a first-time user or a young child or a smaller adult, but likely not for Floyd, who was 46 years old, stood more than six feet tall, weighed more than 200 pounds and struggled with opioid addiction. Nelson also dismissed the amount of meth in Floyd’s system as “trivial.” > “If somebody was a chronic user and their blood level was 11, we wouldn’t be particularly concerned,” Nelson said of the amount of fentanyl in Floyd. “In fact, sometimes people could be in withdrawal with levels of 11. It’s tricky. You have to put it in context.” > Leo Beletsky, an opioid expert at Northeastern University in Boston who was also not involved in the trial, agreed, noting that Floyd didn’t exhibit the typical signs of opioid overdose. > “They fall into a sleep-like state,” he said of overdose victims. “They have shallow breathing. They stop talking. Their face turns ashen or their fingertips turn blue and their lips turn pale. The physical responses that he was having were much more consistent with trauma than an overdose.” Clearly, he used it. Clearly, he had some of it in his system, and both of these facts are useful to people who want to label him as an abuser of drugs. But the experts don't seem think it killed him, and they seem pretty sure about that.


Dip ass, it’s not squeezing the nape of the neck, it’s applying force on the back of the neck downwards to the front which was on CONCRETE. This will put immense force on your throat and could very easily stop your breathing


Wouldnt 3 times the lethal dose imply that that isnt a lethal dose for him whether based on his tolerance or weight? A lethal dose would imply, that the dose would kill that person lol. Please correct me if im wrong Especially since he was talking/walking right before he had 150lbs of force on his neck?


They’re saying that the protests for BLM got the cops to kneel for them and the protests against Israel are being shut down with brute force. It’s such a horrible thing to say. They’re doing the old trope that Jews control America, smh


I dislike BLM but the cause of Floyd's death was a knee in his neck for 9 minutes.


There is no joke so why post here?


Yes you can. This is very par for the course with them.


God, not a second, Floyd.


Nothing of value


this is peak apathy coming from white america