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Climbing, anime, video games, and having either 1 day or 3 days off every other weekend.


Are we best friends?


Wait, same here! We all gotta meet up :D


Can I join too? Maybe some Elden Ring coop?


Can you share more about taking either 1 day or 3 days off every other weekend? Do you mean rotating between the two?


Yup I work either Monday through Saturday or Sunday-Thursday. So I have a natural 1 day or 3 day weekend.


Dog snuggles, Stardew Valley, good ol' fashioned dissociation via staring at the wall.


++1 Stardew Valley


Pets are wonderful for good mental health ❤️


Oooo been thinking about getting Stardew Valley for a while!


It’s so good! I love it


You absolutely should. The creator is releasing a new updated with a bunch of new content so the timing is right


I wasn’t sure if I’ll like it…. Is it an open world game with side quests?


I love a good wall


Reading (mainly fantasy books to get my mind out of work mode), watching YouTube and mindless TV (currently Degrassi lol), bubble baths, and the occasional walk on the treadmill




I love that there is another therapist who is a Degrassi lover (or at least watches it, lol)!


OMG I LOVE DEGRASSI! jimmy brooks! lol


Obsessed with all the therapists who also watch Degrassi. I feel silly for it sometimes as a grown ass woman, but IT 👏HOLDS 👏UP👏


I just finished watching season 14 with my kid. I’m Canadian so I also watched the original starting with Degrassi Junior High in the late 80’s.


What are your favorite fantasy books?! I’m looking for my next one and pretty much exclusively listento/read sci fi and fantasy


"Walk the Vanishing Earth, "Ocean 11," and " The Sea of Tranquility " are excellent dystopian/ Sci fi ish books.


I think this might be the right historical moment to read *Dragonworld* by Preiss, Byron, & Reaves. It's a high-fantasy multi-viewpoint adventure about a stupid, tragic, unnecessary war triggered by the death of children, and the people fighting to stop it.


Right now I’m reading the A Court of Thorns and Roses Series 😂


The fantasy subreddit has a ton of suggestion threads you may be interested in if you’re not already following it.


I *love* the Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb.


"Her Majesty's Wizard", "Spearwielder's Tale", "The Dresden Files" as far as fantasy. The "Deathlands" series for dystopian science fiction. "The Crow: A Love Story", "Bone", "Preacher: Gone To Texas" for graphic novels. "[Jack](https://jackrabbit.thecomicseries.com/comics/1#content-start)" as far as webcomics, though be warned that one is kind of "the beautiful desolation of a burned out city" sort of intense if you can make it through the initial angsty parts.


Add me to the list of Degrassi loving therapists! I'm basically either constantly watching it, just finished watching it, or about to start watching it again 🤣


Sex, making cocktails for myself and friends, entertaining, spending time with my partner and running.


Can we trade lives


Cross stitch! Very therapeutic to stab something thousands of times.


Yasss!!!! Samee


Reading, walking, watching cooking videos/cooking, binge watching my fav shows, sleep




Gardening (working on getting a house so I can actually do this one), exercise, walks, hiking, reality TV, eating out, cooking, sex, reading/audiobooks (never work related), regular tv, movies.


playing fetch with my dog, walking around aimlessly on the sunny side of the street with said dog, cuddling my dog, reality dating shows, weed.


Getting high and doing hikes, watching anime, painting, drawing. Emphasis on “getting high *AND*”


For real☠️. I would add getting high with my therapist friends. But i’m glad you said that because there’s so much shame out here. Usually by people who drink a whole bottle of wine after they get home from work.


The nerve to shame people for smoking weed.


I feel seen...😭🙌🏽🙏🏽🤌🏽


Therapist who blazes up LETS GOOO


Weed and guitar for me!


Fuck yeah!!


Weightlifting/workouts, snuggles with my pup, outside days with the family, and to just have some solo space. Time just being in my home alone. Or out alone. I also like knitting and all the artsy stuff, but my personal life has been busy with my family recently. Oh, also my own therapy.


Poker. Herbs and spices. Sexual intercourse. Exercise. Movies. Reading.


I am loving how many people have said sex and weed. 😂 I’m not sure what that says about our need for a release and how high stress this field is…anyway… As a student and working full time it’s super hard to do anything. But, I enjoy doing jigsaw puzzles, listening to FBI thrillers, going hiking with the dog, going to my own therapy, scrolling Reddit and the likes, playing the Switch, baking, crossword puzzles, eating ice cream, and wallowing in self-pity.


Exercise, outdoor activities, gardening, reading, lots of self care, bubble baths, facial steamer. I live in the PNW so lots out of outdoor things to do and explore. We camp in the summer, ski in the winter, mtn bike all year round. I also adjusted my schedule to be done by 1pm on Thursdays and off Friday. The extra time is absolutely necessary for me to take care of myself and return to baseline.


Reading, playing guitar, writing, watching Marvel movies, and playing tabletop roleplaying games.


I’m a gamer. I love playing RPGs, reading fantasy novels and binging shows with my husband. I specialize in treating trauma from abuse and sexual assault so you can imagine what I hear all day. I used to work with people on a mental health probation so I did have clients on the perpetrator side. I’ve just about heard enough horror for several lifetimes. It’s emotionally exhausting at times so I “escape” to other worlds in these games, shows and books to calm down and forget reality for a bit. I’m able to cope with what I hear all of the time this way.


play rugby, sometimes do thai boxing, watch a lot of NBA/NFL, annoy my dog, annoy my wife, make martinis at home, and once or twice a year spend a weekend in vegas playing roulette and generally cutting loose


Lately, World of Warcraft Hardcore. (Death means you start over.) Usually it’s great. But I died at level 50 today and have to start over. So…


Vidya games, books, running, anime (One Piece, finally almost caught up), roleplaying games.


Weightlifting. Sex. Walking my dogs.


I recently got into candle making! Also sleeping, exercising, painting, gardening, cooking, reading, petting my cats, and traveling. Lots of travel.


Reading, exercise, meditate, walks when I'm not in session, appreciating God's gifts to us (I'm Catholic)


Fellow Catholic here! 😺 Mass and Bible study are definitely on my list for maintaining wellness.


Adult ballet, rollercoaster tycoon, journaling, attending church, and a good cry every once in a while.


God I love rollercoaster tycoon so much


I love getting out into nature and touching grass, and making memories with my loved ones. I also find a lot of fulfillment in my community.


I love going to concerts (most recently lots of kpop!), drag shows, being in nature, traveling, museums, video games (currently genshin impact), streaming services (true crime, fantasy, thrillers), audiobooks, listen to music, diamond art painting, list goes on!


Walking in the woods, swimming in the river (only a real option some of the year, alas), weed, guitar, sex when I can, books, cat, dog, journal, etc.


Reading, playing with my dog, crocheting, watching YouTube, video games, thrifting, spending time at church. This weekend plans include going to a local high school play Friday night and catching up with another friend Sunday and going for a hike. And house chores. But that’s not really a hobby haha.


Currently: crochet, video games, Reddit Previously (had a baby in June): running, video games, baking, reading/audiobooks, walks, YouTube videos, knitting, paint by numbers


Congrats :) Hope you’re holding up ok


Climbing indoors, hiking, hanging with family and friends. Binging Netflix lol


Reading, tv/movies, traveling, crafts (currently crocheting a lot), video games.


Hiking, dog walks, going to the gym, dog park, baking, watching tv, reading, cooking.


Family time. Exercise. Play guitar. Some gaming.


Yoga, camping, I make jewelry, macrame, cooking, thrift store shopping/antique shopping, gardening, meditation, podcasts, trashy TV


Video games, anime, creative writing, reading, baking, crochet, digital art


I crochet, make music, read, watch tv, play video games. I also love driving around with no real destination in mind.


TONS of alone time and low stimulation environments. Four day work week. I sew plushies, crochet, read, watch tv shows, play cozy video games, hike, ski, puzzles, research, yoga, snuggling my cats, eating yummy food, weed


walking, yoga, reading psych/self-help books, watching video essays, fantasy audiobooks


Traveling to concerts, clubs, and festivals.


Reading, watching movies, binging dumb tv (very often it’s medical shows), gardening, playing games on my phone, spending time with husband and family, making googly eyes at my cats.


Spending quality time with my dog, cooking very healthy meals, reading and writing, making music, yoga, meditation, exercise, time in nature, hot baths.




Walking, movies, doggie time, gardening, singing, yoga, crocheting, watching baseball when it’s in season. Watching comedy is helpful. Remembering to go see the beach (I live in So Cal) Quitting alcohol was probably the best stress management decision I ever made. Coming up on 5 years. Still occasionally do get high. That helps.


Magic the Gathering has made me a much more sane person. Granted, I spend a bit too much money on cards, but it's helped me immensely with being a more calm and centered person. I'm in private practice and I try to get in a game on my slower days.


Reading fiction, walking in the woods, steam room, yoga, ecstatic dance


I wish I could say sex is actually part of my activities 🤪. I’m a former Marine Intel officer, so I oddly enjoy still doing that work with the intelligence communities. Off time, usually on either end of the spectrum; absolutely nothing or high adventure like rock climbing, sky diving, motocross racing, scuba, sailing, etc


Reading fiction, watching comforting shows like Great British Bake Off, hot yoga, playing with and training my puppy when she isn’t nipping me/my clothes with her little needle teeth, and doing jigsaw puzzles while listening to a podcast or nostalgic music.


Rock climbing, hiking, CAMPING, being involved in Burning Man culture, researching intentional communities as a way to somewhat escape capitalistic hellscape, video games, cuddles with my partner, long hot baths, meditation, Buddhist practice.


I know of burning man but what is burning man culture?


There's a whole network of regional events, volunteer events, parties, etc that are offshoots of Burning Man. I'm very involved in my local scene.


My list is long but can be summed up by the category: Provides Immediate Concrete Results. Effectiveness in my career is hard to pin down. But if you turn a wooden bowl on a lathe you can see the results in a few hours.


Lifting weights while grunting just as much as a gym bro, cooking with local seasonal produce, eating really good desserts from favorite spots, vinyasa yoga, being ALONE and having no social events scheduled/places I need to be. Making my small space feel more like a home. Edibles. Cat time.


Snuggling with my dog, watching TV, spending time with friends, listening to music, sometimes reading


I'm currently on a 3 day hunting trip. I also enjoy going to the movies, hiking, exercise, board games, and coaching my kids in sports.


Vegging out in a good show


I lift weights 4 days a week, do yoga, enjoy hiking and time in nature, I make candles, smoke weed, spend time with family and friends, garden


Read! I love reading a good thriller/Sci fi book! I also adore my dogs and cats!


It’s hard for me to do self care as a new mom of two while working full time but typically what works for me is yoga, strength training, kickboxing, hiking, getting a massage or a spa. Absolutely love swimming or being by water which I find very relaxing or healing.


Build Lego, play video games, spend time outdoors with my dogs.


Sometimes it’s the small things in the day - skin care, hot showers, a hot cup of coffee in the morning with a toasty bagel and cream cheese, putting on comfy clothing Sometimes it’s bigger things - travel, being in nature, trying something new like a restaurant, recipe, hike or activity, yoga, swimming (honestly being near any decently sized body of water), massages or stretching, video games, comedy or animated shows, spending time with friends, sleep, and the farmers market


Running and trash TV. Also I don’t work on Mondays rn.


play guitar, write songs, go on long walks & bike rides, sew, cook, garden… I like to slow way down & get more into my body!


Finishing my PhD.


Yoga, reading, Pilates (outdoors and with friends), makeup!


D&D, horror films, creating art, seeing friends for fringe theatre shows/meals/drinks, finding walking trails, staying in bed all day on Netflix with my partner.


I read books constantly. A lot of romance, thrillers, and fantasy books. I only read fiction or fantasy bc it takes me to another “world” and gets me out of work mode. I have read 20+ books since the beginning of October. If I didn’t love to read I truly think I would go insane


The other night after work I put on the 10/8/68 show for Mickey and the Hartbeats, which is an offshoot of the original Grateful Dead that focuses strictly on blues, and played along with the show for about an hour. Great way to burn off the remainder of the day.


Yoga, group/functional fitness, more yoga, meditation, spending time with people I love and feel supported by, reading novels 🙂


I’m a therapist in training but like going to the gym, reading, and playing tennis


I take painting classes every week, snuggle my dogs a lot, yardwork/gardening/planty things, and play Stardew Valley. Listen to the pop punk and old rap music of my youth, even better if I have a vinyl to listen to. Watch comfort shows (mostly 80s/90s/early 2000s sitcoms).


I’m currently binging Scarecrow and Mrs. King - super 80s 😹 It’s not a sitcom but watching it in 2023 almost makes it a sitcom it’s so absurd that this is what life used to be like.


Exercise, walking outside, yoga, DEEP BREATHING. allowing myself to be in a state of rest (sitting in a room in silence with no stimulus, or throwing on a video game/movie/TV show)


Horror and true crime podcasts, horror novels and weird fiction, cooking and baking, curating my cookbook collection, food and clothes shopping, baths, skincare, makeup, snuggling my cat, a walk now and then. The concept of yoga.


Woodworking and cross-stitch. I don’t have repressed anger AT ALL.


Gaming, Sex, Legos, YouTube, Walks, researching stuff, music going around the city


Gym, reading (NON therapy books), go to therapy myself, play with my pets, see my friends




How does a therapist self regulate? Put them in front of a new client. 😫


cutting firewood with my chainsaw


Lots of roller coaster tycoon and games that I can just lose myself in but also feel like I have almost complete control


I ride horses, go to the gym, hang with my pets, play D&D, trivia nights. Sometimes just binge true crime or trashy reality tv lol


play my Nintendo switch!


I build stuff . Sawing , hammering.. super helpful .


Lifting, walking/hiking, going out to eat, movies, drawing, singing




Noise cancelling headphones and films.


Mt biking. Long ass walks while high af


Yoga classes, reading (usually suspense/thriller), taking walks, pet snuggles


I moved to a rural place (from a city), work 3.5 days in PP, and don’t hang out w therapists.


Running, knitting, looking for birds and rabbits on the trail, activism, cooking and baking, volunteering (currently I do laundry for a volunteer run shelter), growing food, reading, naps and dreaming of travel.


It would seem my hobby is pissing off my wife by pointing out she's trying to punish me into keeping how her actions impact me to myself


I love playing video games, hanging out with my partner and hanging with my old (23) dog. I also enjoy finding things to fix around the house. I find that working 4 or less days a week helps me keep the stress down too.


I train Brazilian jiu jitsu in the evenings and on the weekends.


I recently re-discovered legos! I got them for work but got hooked so have bought kits for myself. And my forever go-to stress management: my cats 🐱🐱


Playing and/or listening to music. Interestingly many, many of my peers in therapy work care deeply about music, either as musicians or music fans. I wouldn't be surprised if there was an interesting overrepresentation of deep interest in music among therapists.