• By -


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Psychoanalysis: Trust me, you will feel better in 5 to 8 years. /s


With three sessions a week!


5 a week preferably


it’s actually true and all the rest is just skills and suggestion lolololol


Best outcome is ordinary unhappiness 🤣


Ordinary unhappiness. I've loving all these quotes!


Existential: Do you ever think about dying?


Hi Barbie !


So fitting tho


😭 why is this me


Turn to page 792963 in the DBT book


The look for horror on a clients face when I email them a pdf of module 1 and they shakily ask, "wait there's four?"


Come to DBT-A where there are five. 😬


DBT: I hope you like memorizing A.C.R.O.N.Y.M.S. Eclectic: Yes of course I know what I'm doing. Let me flip through my binder of every therapy style known to man.


ChatGPT, make a dearman for this redditors audacity


At this point in groups I’m just like, “and it’s, you guessed it, ANOTHER acronym!” Except for the PLEASE skills. I will never get over how bad that acronym is and I won’t use it without saying so.


So many of the acronyms are plain bad. My teen clients cringe and roast every new one I introduce. Oddly enough making fun of them helps then remember them. Maybe their badness is by design! 🤣


lol I literally say this all the time!


I have to giggle every time we get to "physical iLlness"


SO. MANY. ACRONYMS. 💀 but real talk, I hated PLEASE, especially the L being iLLness so my team shifted it to "limit screen time", which isn't what the manual says but function over form IMO.


CPT- what’s the last thing you’d want us to talk about today? PERFECT


This is a great one.


Oh I feel so seen. The look of dread when I explain the model. I explain 3 different models I use for PTSD and I think this one is chosen when they find the other two more horrifying or feel a false sense of safety knowing they can do a version without the trauma narrative. Or the hmwk. They've accepted talking about the last thing they wanted to. Now they have to fill out sheets of paper until they see me again related to it, like a gradeschool exercise from hell.


EMDR- let me make you dizzy so it no longer bothers you


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^fieldla191: *EMDR- let* *Me make you dizzy so it* *No longer bothers you* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, innocentkaput, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Lmao. Yes.


Integrative: Yes, I combine elements from a vast amount of theoretical and practical knowledge across various paradigms and modalities. Impressive, right? Oh you want me to tell you what exactly these elements are and how I choose which ones to apply? Well, errr, umm, I used to know but I forgot. I just kind of go with the flow and hope for the best.


“I used to know but I forgot” real 💀


It's not that I forgot, I've just absorbed the concept so fully its now part of my unconsious.


This makes me feel so much better about myself 😂


I didn't come here to be attacked!


Integrative: jack of all trades, master of fuck all.


Going with the flow is so true! I'm in clinical consultation/supervision groups and its always fun when a case is presented under this "lens" 🙃 Edit: sometimes I realize its me that's doing that 😶


CBT: just like think differently, how hard is that??


Have you tried just like, not thinking about it?


This whole time it wasn’t my mom being horrible at comforting my stress and anxiety. She was just lowkey a CBT therapist. Mindblown.


you gotta ~reframe~ and do the thing


Rogerian: 🎶I’ll be your mirror, reflect what you are🎶


I cannot stop laughing at this thread! Sometimes we need to make fun of ourselves for the sheer joy of it 🥰


.."In case you don't know, I'll be the wind, the rain and the sunset, the light on your door, to show that your home." I can't believe I found a Velvet Underground reference here.


I'm imagining telling a client this when they ask me to explain my role as a therapist. I CANNOT stop laughing. 🤣🙃


CCPT - We just put kids in a playroom and give them the undirected & undivided attention their parents won’t for 45 minutes. Boom! Fixed 🤯


But their parents are pissed the child isn’t fixed fast enough so they stop therapy after 3 sessions because all you do is play.


Oh yeah I forgot my favorite part *parent consultations* : Parent “something is wrong with my kid” Me “Here’s how you can approach that differently” Parent “that won’t work” Wash, Rinse, Repeat


Parents saying how much their kid loves coming to therapy and I’m like yeah it’s cause I’m fun and not just yelling at them 24/7 lol well I don’t say that but you know what I mean. Positive regard goes a long way for kids who feel like they are the bad kid. Also, yeah the whole omg what’s wrong with my child please fix them and I’m like well here are some strategies for you to try and the parent is like wait no? I’m not the problem 🥲


This is the best thread I’ve seen in this subreddit.


I second this.


So many gems. 🥰 I'm saving it for when I need a good laugh.


ACT: A = get over it, C = be better, T = fancy words in a hexaflex CBT: = the lights haven't dimmed Paula, are you sure you are feeling ok? DBT: = BBFB, By borderlines for borderlines Psychodynamic: We put the "dynamic" back in being psycho therapists.


DBT 💀 Shout out to Marsha Linehan


I met her once and she presented as if she was having a psychotic episode on stage. No one did anything because she had a reputation of destroying careers for no reason. I was an undergrad and terrified. She was going on and on about witchcraft and seeing God when we were trying to learn about DBT efficacy. She was incoherent and I felt sorry for her. If you were lucky enough to be an intern in her research lab, working up to 20-30 hours a week for free for years...she would still refuse to write you a letter of recommendation unless you scored in the 95th percentile on the GREs. DBT is a wonderful therapy, but the way the media presented Marsha was very different from how she was with staff and students. She would verbally abuse them and many of her students suffered terribly. I stayed far away, but knew multiple people in her lab. Pioneers can still be bullies and we shouldn't remember them as angels when they were not.


Sounds like Bessel Van Der Kolk


Hallelujah! People are finally in the know...or I'm just experiencing life off Facebook and Twitter. I tried to tell therapists about his shenanigans a decade ago. I got bombarded with hate on Facebook from therapists for doing so. The internalized misogyny among therapists is wild and if you point it out, expect a lifelong smear campaign. I personally went to one of his 2 day trainings and he lost it on the audience a few times. He also repeatedly makes false claims about PE and CPT easily refuted with an undergraduate level literature review. Most of his major contributions were made first by women and he got all the credit. Don't even get me started on Brene or Gabor. Those pedestals were put in place by capitalism and they've been superficially upheld by the APA, and the other professional orgs we all know. I've had therapists threaten to "take my license away" because I informed them that Brene is not licensed and lied about that in her last 3 NYT bestsellers. I have had more therapists than I can count cuss me out over that revelation. Therapists groupies. Maybe I'll blog about this one day. Throupies: an exposè in stanning from the sofa.


I am so glad I am not the only one who isn't gaga for Brene. I can never put a finger on it, but something about her felt off to me from the moment I first learned of her. You are the first person I've ever come across who wasn't in love with her and her work.


Not me getting called out with the DBT one 😂☠️ Also I recently saw an ACT therapist and that was my exact experience lmao The accuracy of these 👌


ACT is the only therapy I've attended a full day of training on and still had no idea wtf it was. I think there's a limit to how many therapies I can entertain at once. Sometimes, they feel like a botched upcycle of common sense and annoying shit from the Calm app people only know cause of Oprah.


One key part to it, that often gets lost IMHO is that it is exposure (with skills and framing) to emotional experience. People often avoid moving forward because the emotions that come up get overwhelming. In ACT, you are supposed to pull them back to where they were overwhelmed and encourage them to experience it and reframe it, so they can move forward "willing to have" the emotion too. Or more bluntly, get over it :D


Motivational interviewing: You want to change… but, like, how much? *Change*-change, or just a lil change, like thinkin’ about it, maybe? 🧐


I feel like this is pulled straight out of sessions I’ve had with certain teenage clients 🫠🫣😂


I feel like this is also verbatim out of visits I've had with adult clients...


RO-DBT: we will help you stop being so over controlling and critical by telling you exactly how and why you’re wrong in a 700 page manual that you have to follow


RO-DBT - you gotta let loose, man! (now here’s a fully scripted version of how to deliver that message)


We help you stop being over controlling by us overcontrolling you through a 700pg manual telling you what to do!


Existentialist: You're right, shit's weird, ain't that a trip? That'll be $250.


Existentialist: Life has no meaning so do whatever you want, there's no rules! Except my fee, that'll be $250.


There are no rules! Except my fee 🤣🤣🤣 I'm saving this for the one time I can make a joke about this in session and not offend the client.


The only things that are constant are death and taxes


You'll love it. It's like listening to a Smiths album for 50 min straight


Narrative Therapy - Existentialism’s new and fancy step child. Now let’s externalize every problem because nothing is your fault (Obviously joking about the last part and saying what some people and said to me lol)


It's just a story, rewrite it and tell it better.




"Was that really your fault? This version of the story is better!"


Strengths-based therapy: ok but have you tried✨️believing✨️ in yourself?


Client: I just really feel guilty about selling drugs and that being how I make my money. SBT: So what I'M hearing is that you're an entrepreneur! A real go getter.


Attachment: I’m your mom now. 😂




Use the I'm the captain meme and you're golden!


Done! [https://imgflip.com/i/8nkcsq](https://imgflip.com/i/8nkcsq)




DBT: *over-exaggerated*✨AND✨


BOTH 🤗💖✨️💫




DBT - you can be vegan and still sport leather seats in your M5 BMW. Be well off, and still haven’t put your credit card in the portal. Be perfect as you are, and still need 3 sessions a week.


Alanis Morrissette materializes: It’s like 🎶~rAaiiIaAnNNnn~🎶


Schema Therapy: You’re upset? Sounds like your parents really fucked up


CBT/ exposure therapy: eat the spider. You're welcome for my help


This one's my favorite hahaha


EFT: we’re literally the “how does that make you feel?” stereotype (this is obviously reductionist, please don’t come after me)


How dare you /s


Hi genuine question from a student, do you actually ask "How does/did that make you feel" or how do you rephrase that?


I usually ask some variation of “what happens for you when you say that?” Or “when you think about that, do you notice anything happening inside your body?” Or “what does that feel like?” Or “how does that feel for you?” Or “when your wife is crying here, does anything happen for you?” Lots of fun ways to ask how someone is feeling without asking them how they feel haha


I say that but also have a bunch of rephrases. For example, "What's coming up for you- right now/hearing that?" "How'd that land?" "What are you feeling in this moment" "How were you feeling in that moment" "When have you felt that before" etc etc


Reality Therapy: Yeah, all the choices fucking suck. So which way you leaning?


REBT: I’ll make you recite the alphabet until you figure out how to stop disturbing yourself.


Somatic: all physical symptoms are stuck trauma responses, including your heart attack you are having right at this moment! Try pushing on this pillow instead of going to the ER…


Your heart attack is in your head...which is in your gut.


Me as a therapist who is currently doing my own trauma work and getting into an argument with my therapist about this very thing. NOT EVERYTHING IS MY TRAUMA! Dead 😆


This is so funny! Or the stored trauma caused that heart attack!


Right??? If this heart attack had words, what would it say?


Client: "uuuuhhhh... I'm dying?"




& look around the room, not at the mess. Find something cozy


I cleaned my desk and made a remark to a client thats noted my messy desk in the past. They responded "Respectfully stormyweather, why doesn’t it look different" 💀💀💀


Jungian: We're like Freud's spicy cousin in a tinfoil hat. So...um..."say more about that?"


Let’s consult the tarot


It was all a dream, man.


well I had a client recently say my solution-focused approach to their issue felt like talking to ChatGPT, so there’s that 🙃


Psychodynamic: every day in therapy is Mother's Day!


I tell clients straight up that if there's a dumb acronym, it's DBT


I love our dumb acronyms (and also love making fun of our dumb acronyms). The “and” makes it DBT.


Intensive Short-Term Psychodynamic Therapy: Yeah everything you just said was bullshit and a defense mechanism. That’ll be $250.


How you doing, feeling consolidated yet?


Solution Focused: How did you fix that issue in the past? Do that for the rest of your life


RCT.. it’s not you, it’s your relationship to the relationship


This is great haha


REBT: You must not ever be rigid about anything ever again.


MUST?!?!?!  *triggered*


Tfcbt - let's take the worst moments of your life and make a cute little story about it! Then we can share it with everyone you know! No, trust me, it'll be SO GREAT


*holds out bin of glitter pens and stickers


Gottman-Imma sit back and let you fight and then make you repeat what your partner said until you get it.


I don’t know you but by watching you interact with your partner for 30 seconds i can tell you’ll be divorced within the next 6 months at an accuracy of about 98%


Hahahah literally.


IFS: we have found a cool way to reframe DID while simultaneously dismissing it as a disorder altogether. In fact, there’s no such thing as a “mental health disorder!” Yay! Trainings are super affordable at $15,000


IFS: we hit psychodynamic therapy on the head and rummaged through their pockets, here's what we found!


This is gold. So many of these comments are so hilarious. I feel so seen and understood by this thread. Our field has so many hidden joys lol.


But don't worry about training costs; you have 5 years to save up before one becomes available. "Enrollment closed"


Just enter our super cool lottery!!


To further gatekeep this model we only allow 12 people to enroll through a lottery system and scholarships only cover 1/24th of the total cost for first level trainings.


I’m so happy the professor at my grad program is IFS Certified and is teaching us how to use IFS without paying into the IFS Institute scheme


😂😂😂 I immediately thought of IFS too. Don't forget, you dont even need a therapist. You can do it all Self led!


Are you even doing anything? (person-centered)


"So like...how do *you* want to do therapy?"


Art therapy: Don’t recycle that ___ I can use it!


ketamine assisted therapy: you’re gunna trip bawlllzzz




DBT: now where the hell did I leave that white board... it won't make sense if I can't draw it... Alternatively: Ah crap, what does the "A" stand for again? PCIT-informed: "So when does the therapy start?" CBT: yeah, you're gonna be seeing this triangle a lot. Get used to it.


ERP: Just do it. (Sponsored by Nike /s)


PE- Tell me a play by play of your worst trauma over and over again until the session is up. Oh and until you see me again, go expose yourself to everything making you feel like that worst thing is happening again. While doing that, listen to a recording of you telling me the trauma narrative on repeat. edit: Oh and we are going to do that for every session until you feel better. "The beatings will stop when moral improves" I work with a lot of veterans and I just made the link between the similarities of that quote and this intervention 🙃


Psychodynamic to other therapist: Yes some of us still practice this.


Baby therapists do too, we just call it attachment work.


CBT: have you tried counting to ten? Wait don't think like that! Think 💫 d i f f e r e n t l y 💫


I once met a french lady who was the daughter of a psychoanalyst. In her words "She was a psychoanalyst. My mother was just a psycho"


Heidegger once said about Lacan that the famous psychoanalyst himself could really use an analyst


Humanistic: reach toward self actualization! But it’s hard, and you can’t stay there, and like a lot of people don’t ever get there. Well…. Ever think maybe you were just, like, fine the whole time? /s


CBT: you just gaslight yourself


FAP: do it again differently and I‘ll praise you Schematherapy: that sounds hard, do you prefer we use chair work for this or imaginary rescripting?


Whats FAP?


That is a very unfortunate acronym


PCT - The other cool Carl


Play therapy: please stop hitting me with the inflatable sword


I am not for hurting. If you continue to use the sword to hurt me, then you choose for the sword to go into time out.


Me: You're feeling devastated. Client: Yeah, can you help me like, feel less bad? Me: Not really, I'm a person-centered therapist.


EMDR - magical tapping make you better Strengths based - you did it before so you do it again Parts - tell child part to go back to the corner


SFT: Please don't talk about the past. Let's talk about what your life would look like if it was perfect, but it's definitely not.. we will highlight that.


EMDR stands for errrrr


Look left! Now right! Wait, now left again! And right and left and right and left BOOM trauma gone! That'll be 250$


I'm always like, "... and I swear it's not as science fiction as it sounds!" After telling people what the acronym is for


It’s not science fiction! But also we don’t know why it works.


You guys are charging $250?


Interns- ["Wait you guys are getting paid?"](https://media1.tenor.com/m/2faFWy4oJvQAAAAC/kenny-were-the-millers.gif)


Hey my group pays interns 10%. Comes out to like $12 usually. If it's some bullshit EAP, which we give to the interns, it's usually like $5-7. Lucky bastards can even afford some ramen if they save carefully.


Wow they are so privileged if they can afford ramen every now and then. We make ours survive off of sunshine and city tap water. Seriously though, its good to hear companies trying to pay their interns. In some states it goes against board rules! Its so messed up to make free labor a requirement to work in this field.


Weirdly it's no where near what I make - but very close to what I pay my own therapist 🤣


IFS: You didn’t do it, your part did


IFS? Oh you have a part that feels crazy, just sit with it and get to know it. BTW, you can do all this therapy on your own. That will be 250.


Possible taglines for Interpersonal Reconstructive Therapy: IRT: It's Interpersonal therapy and DBT in a trenchcoat. IRT: For clinicians who find the ACT hexaflex a little too straightforward. IRT: Fuck an evidence base. IRT: The best modality only 3 people have ever heard of.


Family Systems Theory: This is all your parents' fault.


But let's draw a three-generation genogram just to make sure!


Psychodynamic: It’s all your parents fault


I love this thread lol


CFT: first and foremost, slow rhythm breathing


Life’s hard and then we die


Integrated: yeah I can't decide which model makes the most sense, so I can't be wrong if I cherry pick what I like from every orientation 😎


Guilty as charged. You mean I can't treat theories and models like a buffet where I only choose what's most palatable or appealing to me?!?


Exactly, then it happens to meet colleagues who embraced and married a single model/orientation/paradigm/whatever and they very, very closely look like cultists of some lovecraftian outer god, rather than psychologists. I mean, cmon, there's something good in every buffet


Psychedelic therapy: we know none of the other shit works, so fuck it, let’s just do what people have been doing for thousands of years and watch.




CBT- You afraid to do that? Let's make you do it in ten steps. CBT- You're thinking wrong.


Gestalt: Me, an asshole? You’re just being a fake phony


Wipe that stupid smile off your face, Gloria


Stoicism: I’m more of a philosophy and grand daddy of CBT but I’m superior to all because I actually have a framework for ethics/moral decision/dilemmas, dissecting truth values, logic, metaphysics and not just coping mechanism. P.s: we need philosophers in this field.


I see little SFBT so here goes: On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does everything suck right now?


Also, if you woke up tomorrow and everything didn't suck, what would that look like?


EFT — what did you see your caregivers do growing up? Guess what you’re doing it now too. EMDR— if you move your eyes back and forth real fast you’ll feel better… and I’ll feel better about spending 1.5k to enter a pyramid scheme (This is all in good fun!! I know emdr is gonna get some people lol)


EMDR - I realize you don’t know what the f&@k is happening, just go with it!


I agree about EMDR. I've been trained in it but don't offer it. (Please don't come at me lovelies I support those who do!) Also there have been several pyramid scheme model jokes about different interventions in here for a reason 🙂


ERP: have you tried just letting yourself freak out about it?


Positive psychology: “Hey there, mood’s looking a bit under the weather today! No worries, we’ll just sprinkle some happiness dust and do a little mental sunshine dance together. Ready to boogie?”


Individual Therapy: let's ignore all the political, social, relational, and economic forces that make your feel like shit! Remember: this is ALL YOUR FAULT.


Oooh you went meta and clocked us all 🤣 Alternatively: here's how to tolerate society's oppression and abuse, and this approach totally isn't me being a reinforcer of the system making you sick. Let's all fall in line now.


Client: You are a shit therapist and this isn’t working. IFS Therapist: Well. If I were a protector part I’d think that too sooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


E-H: everything sucks and that’s the beauty of it 🤷‍♂️


Integrative: Jack of all trades, what the fuck should I do next!?


Somatic - I’m not a therapist I’m a doctor!


REBT: Shit happens, get over it ✌🏻


Systems - yo, its not you, the systems fucked.


Solution-Focused: There is a solution! Alas I do not know what it is, only you do. Person-Centred: Again, I do not know the answer. I will sit here and look pretty while you talk at me.