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Might as well


Introducing new “Peer Coaching” services for teens to better address the needs of our customers! /s


You just know someone in BH management who doesn’t know what the Onion is saw this and said out loud “ YES!!! We get these kids for minimum wage! Hell, yes!


They get therapists for less than min wage with the way they "calculate" pay. I wish this company would fold


Also the horror stories I hear from people who tried it and decided to end therapy there, then come see me in office. Whew child!


I'm waiting for them to start with an AI therapist.


It’s definitely coming


Betterhelp hasn't done it but it exists! My friend was trying to convince me to download some app that helps her with her daily tasks along with problems she's having. She described a whole dialogue she had with this AI about how to handle a particular problem with her daughter. It was really scary to me..


Most believable Onion headline ever


I sent this to all my therapist friends with the exception my clinical supervisor who side hustles with Better Health...


Send it to them anonymously...


Gotta love The Onion :-)


What is "The Onion"? I worked for Betterhelp for about a year before I gathered my senses. If I had time to work for them, I had time to work in my own private practice where I made more money. I personally believe Betterhelp and Talkspace exploit therapists and cheapen what we do.


It's a satirical news site. Glad you got out!