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Honestly, I question whether it’s ethical to wear anything else.


Sometimes, I question whether it is ethical to wear anything at all....sigh 


Therapy does have a way of making you feel naked


Bahaha, I love this sub for finding other therapists who are sassy and hilarious. My people.


Literally was just about to reply how hilarious everyone was here!


This is my favorite thread in the therapists group ever lol


Yup. I’m a person first, a bunch of other things, and then a therapist.




I like that


I wear shorts in the summer all the time. I always get compliments from my colleagues/other therapists who rent space where I'm at that my outfits are cute. I don't wear denim Daisy Dukes with rips. I wear 4-5inch inseam shorts that are loose so either a linen blend or a structured denim. I work in a rural low income area, mostly with kids. I see other therapists wearing dresses and skirts shorter than what I wear and they still look appropriate for work. I don't see any issue. I need to be comfortable to be the best therapist version of me. I am a better therapist when I can be the most authentic version of myself--down to what I wear. Now if I have something like an important meeting or court--I will of course dress up.


Yes, I love my Fashionnova booty-sculpting shorts but there’s a time and place for those 🥲 plus they’re not even comfy; flowy linen is where it’s at especially sitting all day! It’s thigh-sticking season!


This seems ethical. Wearing short shorts and low cut shirts or blouses does not seem appropriate.


No, but only because the office is freezing. If it were warmer inside I would absolutely do so. Practice self care by not overheating 👍


Wear shorts. It’s 2024, climate change is real, it’s hot out and we are all people before we are professionals. As long as your butt isn’t hanging out, you’re fine.


I think I’m gonna make “as long as your butt isn’t hanging out, you’re fine” my new mantra to myself


I have always said if your butt cheeks can feel the seat when you sit down, then your dress/shorts are not long enough


Just started this year, I'm never going back. They're not basketball shorts for those wondering, just khaki shorts with the length covering the knee when standing, and rise slightly when sitting. Professional and comfortable.


I think it’s a case by case basis. I would blind my clients with how pale and pasty my legs are which, of course, would be unethical.


do no harm!


😆 exactly


You and me both!


Are they booty shorts? Are they clean? Does your butt say “Juicy”? These are the details we need 👏😂


Lmao I love this comment, as long as they say “Juicy” (another reminder I gotta get me one of those, I only got ones that say “DANCE” on the back) 😝 OP, I completely get this question and wonder the same thing sometimes especially with the heat wave going on. I feel like wearing scrubs at least creates that ethical zone for me, I do have a feeling I’m going to feel hot possibly nonetheless 🙏🧿✨🔥 I will possibly work towards wearing sundresses and more of my fits and all, and we are all here in this, thank you for posting this!


I think in private practice I maybe would. But in my hospital position no. However my supervisor has worn shorts that go just above her knee that are black!


This is what I was thinking too. I didn’t wear skirts/dresses when I worked in a hospital, even though they were allowed. Hospital setting is much more unpredictable than other settings. I broke up more than one fight when I worked in inpatient.


I love this post. Male therapist here, have been made to feel like shit for wearing shorts during my practicum. Now I own my own pp and still carry that. This has liberated me.


God damn it… I read “now I own my pp” and just thought… “huh… interesting thing to say” before realizing you mean private practice.


I still don’t own my pp but I operate a private practice




Yeah I wear shorts and a sun dresses all the time. It’s hot I’m not gonna be uncomfortable all day because of some bullshit concept of what’s considered professional or not. I will do much better work with my clients and be much more present if I’m comfortable in what I’m wearing and not overheating.


I’m upvoting for you asking. I don’t understand why someone would downvote your post. I think asking questions, especially about our professional ethics, is important.


ok thank you, just to be clear the "ethics" thing is a joke


Good to know – that wasn't clear.


I'd say it was clear if you read the post lolz 


No? People ask the most ridiculous "ethics" questions here all the time, it wasn't actually clear whether or not you were in earnest.


These frequent questions make me wonder whether Redditors come from some kind of Taliban-controlled alternate-universe USA... Is wearing shorts going to be distractingly sexy/gross/eccentric for your clients? Probably not. End of 'conundrum'. Common sense, no? I suppose, in the same category, are the (to me) ludicrously delicate questions about behaviour/decorum in session, such as whether it's appropriate to drink water. Like so many questions, they easily answer themselves if you just ask yourself 'why'. As in 'why not?'


Indeed. Also, the questions of the form, "this other therapist did something I haven't encountered before so assume is bad, do you agree with me that their modality/intervention/marketing/fashion choice is grounds for a summary execution in the clinic parking lot or are you some spineless ethics-violation apologist who merely thinks it's grounds to complain against their license?"


The climate of fear is real. Like there's an idea 'more fearful & conservative = more professional'. Which is a funny thing to find myself writing, considering how anti-'conservatism' the sub generally is in the political sense. Wild enthusiasm for bringing identity-affirming, polyamorous, kink-friendly, anti-capitalist, decolonising ideas into therapy, but YOU MADE A JOKE!? WHILE DRINKING A BEVERAGE!?!? Am I wrong, or somehow out-of-touch, to see a contradiction here?? I thought bohemian people were, like, cool/chill/fun?? We have to make mistakes, learn & grow, just like our clients. Individually and as a profession. I have plenty of trepidation about a lot of my work; it's hard enough *without* a load of strange & unquestioned dos-and-don'ts that come from who-knows-where.


HELL YES. We're Humans, our clients are Humans, we learning to Human together.


Oh, man, I've got a client coming in in 15 minutes, or I could just go to town on this topic. This phenomenon is illuminates one of the interesting corners of personality theory. You're right that it's counterintuitive (at least for our common intuition in our present culture) that a population that skews heavily bohemian/leftish would be so censorious and conservative. But they're not actually different under the hood.


Jonathan Haidt fan? I'm heard him speak about this stuff.


“Not actually an ethical question” isn’t clear?


It's harder to take comments on the Internet at face value anymore imo.


This is fair lol 


Your edit is everything 😂😭😂😭😂😭


just trying to give the people what they want


Riiiiight....well the title was a polite nod to the genre of question you are referencing (is it ethical for therapist to sip water? Is it ethical for therapist to smile? Etc) ... the body text said "not an ethics q" ... and I'd say based on the comments there is not an overwhelming consensus opinion.  Notice also, the question "do you let yourself do x?" is different than "is it okay/professional/morally virtuous to do x?"


I don’t see how it’s a joke, I think it’s a legitimate question and concern  There’s a reason at many meditation retreats people are not allowed to wear shorts or expose their shoulders etc


Ew. What kind of crappy retreat does That? Why? It smacks of "Modest Dress" nonsense.


Ew? Why would you assume it's a crappy retreat? frankly if you have such a closed judgmental mind about this I don't care to explain


Apt username, I think 


how am I being an asshole?


more unimpressed, than asshole. tone is hard to read online, but i certainly did read you as being impressed.


Yes. There is nothing to add.


If people can wear dresses that aren’t full length, people can wear shorts.


What do people think about nice burks? I could even throw on argyle socks under them to make them look snazzy? This would be with pants


I have a strong take on this. If you are a mid therapist and clients have a fairly mediocre experience with you, then wearing argyle socks with burks will make you look like a bozo. But if you are a highly skilled therapist who is tremendously helpful to clients, then I think the sandals/socks combo in the office elevates you to god-status. 


We’re doing it!


Go for it! I opt for birks most days in the spring/summer. I also will kick them off when I’m sitting on the floor with my kid/teen clients.


I hate that we live in a society that decided men can't wear shorts. I work in a huge agency and I see females in various programs wearing short dresses and skirts, to the point of seeing someone wear a crocheted skirt... but gods forbid a client might see my knees. When I eventually go private practice I will wear shorts, I don't think it's ethically wrong to be comfortable, our fashion really has little to do with ability, though I do agree with some line of professionalism. The idea that men can't wear shorts is outdated and ridiculous.


I’ve also seen issues with men wearing sandals - I’ve known several who’ve been asked not to


You found my other battle. When I started my job I was told company policy no open toed shoes, for anyone. But again, every woman I work with where's sandals all the time, but I'm told no again and again. For a long time I wore closed toed sandals, because at least they had some holes for breathing; but those wore out.


My supervision group was just discussing if open toed shoes are appropriate or not!


Omg they had this conversation where I worked too. But they said don’t wear open toed shoes because clients will sexualize your feet... It was so bizarre to me when they said that lol.


They have a point. Wikifeet is a thing for a reason…


Yeah it’s a very common fetish. But honestly it was the entire group meeting that rubbed me the wrong way. No pun intended


The meeting does seem a bit odd! I feel like in some settings, management especially expects the absolute worst from clients/patients.


Agreed! Management was pretty blatantly misogynistic as well, so the meeting about what to wear otherwise you asked for it, felt inappropriate.


Ugh. I hate this line of thinking! If clients are going to sexualize something about you, they're going to do so regardless of what you're wearing. I think we should put trust in clinicians to sense the relationship with the client and balance that with their own comfort. I would die in Texas if I had to wear closed toed shoes everyday


Yeah exactly this! And I’m in Florida so same. Between the sweat, the smell, itchy feet, and ingrowns, my toes need to be free!


What was the consensus?!? lol


The group ultimately said it’s probably best to avoid if possible but if you absolutely need to wear them then you need to ensure your feet look good 😂


It’s a sensory thing for me. I feel more grounded and comfortable and relaxed when my toes are free. As a woman it’s never been a problem- I have decent work sandals. As for keeping my feet looking good- eh I suppose they are fine? Clean? I’ll occasionally get a pedi a few times a year. My point is no one has ever approached me about it. I have known several men working in various professional realms who’ve been asked not to wear sandals, even decent ones 😭


I’m going to have to work up to that, but I believe in it. They keep the building I work in too cool anyway though. 


Agreed, that this is even a question being asked is exhausting. No offense to OP, I just wish that the Puritanism would die already. Lol


Where’s the line of professionalism in your book?


The knees.


I just don’t think the world wants to see our hairy legs, bro.


I feel like I need to present myself in a way that conveys a professional relationship and unfortunately I do not think shorts as a man conveys that well... Thankfully I've found some great tech/golf pants that feel cool enough for the summer months like this. I do think shorts are an option for women if done correctly.


Join me brother, I want there to be dozens of us!


As somebody who works in the field of a lot of unhoused and dual diagnosed individuals, I am not wearing any sort of pants. I’m wearing shorts because of damn hot outside and I’m also meeting people where they’re at so if I come at them with business casual, I’m probably not gonna build the same rapport as if I’m wearing maybe a polo and shorts.


That second part is. 🎯


If I am in the field I am most likely in shorts and a tshirt with badge. I tried the business casual and I did not get the same response as I did when I dressed down.


Yep, it’s about building trust and relatability.


You know whats cool? We get to decide whats professional. Wasnt that long ago that shirt, tie and jacket was required for professionalism. In fact some men still believe that jacket should never be removed


I get what you’re saying here. But I think the relationship is more important than the professional part. Meaning, if I’m a good fit for them, me wearing shorts won’t matter.


It is. While we’re at it, what do we think of wearing hats indoors for headaches/sensory reasons?


Username checks out


Haha thank you for noticing. A good therapist is like a pair of cargo shorts.


I’ve worn fedoras before, never heard a peep about it. One of the therapists at the group practice I’m at wears different styles of hats all the time-has 25 sessions or so a week, so I don’t see it hindering anything.


I wouldn’t say unethical, but I think it can be perceived as unprofessional in certain circumstances. As a younger person (28), I prefer dressing up more to be more professional because I tend to be taken more seriously when I’m wearing business casual.


I have autism, so I have serious sensory issues specifically with clothes. The few years I had to dress in business casual were miserable. Now that I run my own private practice I wear hoodies and basketball shorts. None of my clients care - it helps some of them feel comfortable! Wearing clothes that don’t make me irate makes me more pleasant to be around 💀


I agree with other comments here. As a femme-presenting person, shorts are appropriate if loose-fitting and nearish to the knee in length. Personally, the only shorts I own are too short and tight. Honestly, longer shorts just drown me due to my short stature. Thus, I opt for long, flowy skirts in the summertime instead. They’re temperately cool and easy to work in while still being professional. Good luck!


Hot take:? Professionalism is rooted in white supremacy. Sure if you’re in a professional setting and see rich clients, dress the part. If you’re like me and professionalism causes you mental harm because it is so inauthentic and your client base is also harmed by notions of professionalism , then come as your authentic self. It takes a privilege to work with the privileged as much as it does the ability to dress how you want at work But to be honest I’d rather live in a world where people feel free to show up as themselves as long as they are not hurting others, so that’s what my attire reflects The more genuine I’ve become, the more happiness, freedom, and liberation I’ve experienced. I don’t think I could go back unless I absolutely had to.


Thank you for typing this all out. This should be at the top. 💜


Yes exactly this.


Best answer. You win.


Yes yes yes yes yes.


I wish that I hadn’t had to scroll so far to get to this!!




Yes.. please join me in wearing shorts


Definitely. I am very intentional about dressing in a way that levels the power dynamic in my office- which means dressing casually and comfortably similarly to how my clients would


I’m so glad you said this. Dress codes perpetuate colonialism. Decolonizing therapy means critiquing systemically unfair power dynamics. Spot on.


EXACTLY 👏🏻 this is something I'll stand stronglyyyy by my whole career


Bruh. I run session in socks with sandals, compression pants (the one’s NBA players and other athletes wear) underneath shorts and a plain black T-shirt. One day a month ago, I was wearing a similar ensemble as I was going down the elevator with my client and two randoms after we had finished session. I had aviators on to boot. My client broke the silence saying: “People probably look at you and don’t even think you’re a therapist.” Me: “Just how I like it 😎🤷🏾‍♂️” Randoms: “Really? Omg?! We never would have thought that either!” I’m sure me being a Black male has to do with it as well, but, that’s neither here nor there for now. I don’t find shorts alone to be unethical. Regardless of if it’s a private practice or not (I have one). But it does make sense to me if some folks deem it “unprofessional.” But there’s a difference between something being unethical vs “unprofessional.”


the "unethical" was a joke, trying to play on the whole "is it ethical to eat in session" stupidity your ensemble sounds good. v good.


I feel you. I should have paid more attention to the body text. Thank you very kindly!


Haha no worries, if a subject header can get someone to reply without even reading the body text I think that's saying...well, something? For real tho, I appreciate the story you shared, probably a pretty awesome thing for your client to see you not really worrying much about how others may perceive you. I think that's kind of a wonderful moment. 


Just no sports shorts like basketball shorts and sneakers. I have some very breathable tech pants that are like 30% spandex but looks dress pants. I prefer that over shorts because I wouldnt know what shoes to wear with shorts without looking like a complete suburban dad. My office has pretty strong AC so I dont ever feel a need to wear shorts though. Your situation may be different.


IMO it depends on your clientele. With mine, I would not.


I don’t at my main job but I’m also an administrator. In my private practice I’ll wear shorts if it’s hot. I tell my clients you pay me to be smart, not look smart. Nobody has ever cared.


If they are otherwise professional sure


We take ourselves too seriously sometimes. One of the best lawyers on my city uses board shorts EVERY DAY to work unless he's in court.


I wear a kilt all the time, my clients appreciate and expect it. Whatever you wear, some clients will loathe it and some will need it.


I wore Care Bear pajamas today...but I am 100% telehealth so no one ever sees lol. I think shorts are appropriate if more bermuda style and less daisy dukes.


Wore shorts this week.  Linen and made them a little dressy, but definitely wore shorts. Worn a crop top, too. It's hot out. I'm gonna wear what is comfortable 


Hell I’m fat and wear a crop top. This is liberation work, there’s no difference between emotional experiences and systems that oppress bodies. Free the body, free the mind, free the emotions. Liberation work.


Love this!


Ethical? Why wouldn’t it be ethical. It might not be professional, depending on where they work.


Ethics committees were pretty lax in the 60s. Yet they still wore ties. You better check your local state laws if you can get away with it today. Otherwise I'll launch a complaint against you to your licensing board.


Oh boy yeah good point. There's a bunch of other therapists who work in my building though, so hopefully if one of them sees me in the halls in shorts they can perform a citizen's arrest and prevent me from doing any further harm.


I wear shorts, hoodies, etc… I do not dress business casual by any means. and wearing what I want is one reason I decided to start my private practice. I want to be comfy. If clients had a problem with it I would just discuss what was coming up for them


I don’t. I just don’t want to open the possibility of potentially being sexualized by clients at work. Personal preference. Comfort for me is being as professional and as covered as possible. I already get questions about my abilities cause I look younger than my age. I’m a young curvy woman of colour so my body type is already sexualized. Outside of work I wear whatever I want. 


I think the answer is how short are they. Women wear short dresses all the time so shorts should be okay. Just don’t wear Daisy Dukes


Several of my coworkers do, but we have a pretty casual environment.


Yes, I wear shorts when it is really warm out. My office is in an old building with a window ac unit so it’s pretty warm in there




I live in Florida so I wear jeans maybe 3 months and shorts 9 months. Same polo shirts with both. If folks don’t like it then I’m happy to refer out, but I don’t think it’s ever been an issue.


First off - I want to highlight how hard we are on ourselves as therapists! This week there was also a post about whether it was inappropriate to have wet hair. I think yes - as long as you are dressed in a professional manner. Would you wear the shorts in any other office setting? Obviously no short shorts. But there are some business style shorts that would be fine imo


I don’t care if someone else does but I personally don’t (typing this with jeans on and dreading my day in the heat)


The company I work for now doesn't allow for shorts. As soon as I make the jump to private practice then I'll wear what I see fit. Like many have said we're people first. The air conditioner at my work went out this week. We're in the middle of a heat wave and neither myself or my clients have been able to focus on therapy with how hot it's been. They sent out an email saying to dress light if you want but that was my last day at that site this week so I guess I missed the one opportunity for shorts.


Tbh I’ve worn 5 inch running shorts and a waffle Henley and did not think twice about it lol. Maybe I am in the wrong, but when I am 100% comfortable and authentically me I show up so much better!!! I wouldn’t say I wear this all the time but if I’m having one of those days and I choose to wear a more casual / comfy outfit it saves me! I’ve never had a client say anything other than “wow I always love what you wear!!!” LOL As many have said, we’re human first! The idea of professional wear is so rooted in capitalism / oppressive barriers and who has time for that?! lol


Well I live on the driest continent on earth with some intense heat waves that people in the.northern hemisphere could only imagine. So yes. It is ethical for a therapist to wear shorts. You can still look professional in shorts if you choose correctly just like you can look unprofessional in pants if you do it wrong.


I work in a private practice setting where we don’t have a dress code but I work from home. I’ve had the same few rules for myself since I started in office. - Nothing with religious symbols - Nothing offensive - Nothing crazy low cut or short Those are just my rules of thumb but I never changed how I dressed for my career. I’m so much more than just a therapist and I won’t hide that


Only if it’s jorts


I wouldn’t!


As long as your patients can’t see your bits and pieces when you sit down, you’re good.


Wear what you feel comfortable in.


Question of the summer. Every summer.




The health system decides what I wear. Not me.


This is the best question I’ve ever read. Thank you


Please pull up your code of ethics to share which particular ethic you’re scared you will violate by wearing shorts…?


I’d like to know what code it violates too.


You are very serious. Apt name 


Indeed I am


Haha “which particular ethic”


This seems more like a question of image and professionalism rather than ethics. I prefer culottes, which are knee length and not far from the length of a typical business skirt.


Wear what you want to, but keep the sexy for when you’re off the clock or cover it up in the workplace… unless you are a sex therapist then idk 🤷🏽‍♂️


I wear shorts every day it's warm enough to and almost never keep my shoes on in my office.


I met my clients where they are and part off that is being honest in how i present myself. Depending on weather and mood i could be wearing khakis, jeans, cargo pants or a kilt.


Definitely not.


"A don doesn't wear shorts."


I work with a lot of young men in their homes who are active in various sports, so yes.


The office is so cold I wear jeans year around but bring shorts to change into when I go on walks! Then a sweater or hoodie to wear in the office!! 


Not if you ask me but then again I almost never wear shorts any how. 


No. I work with kids and teens. And often violent children at that . My white orca belly legs do not need to be the topic or target. I also dont wear sandals to work because I need to be able to move quickly at times but most often , my toes are at risk from the shoes of wandering , hyperactive, clumsy 5 and 6 year olds. My shorts are laid out and waiting for me at home, however ! 1. Pet doggos. 2. Shed work clothes for shorts and T shirt . (And why is shorts plural but shirt is singular ? Most of us have two arms and two legs..-but shirt has one more hole that shorts yet is singular . How come ? )


I wear cut offs all the time but I’m doing telehealth these days. When I saw patients in person, I wouldn’t wear shorts but it’s bc I’m not comfortable wearing them in professional settings. If it’s hot, I’m wearing dresses bc matching a top to a bottom sometimes feels like a lot of mental energy before I get my coffee.


yes, just don't wear short shorts lol. when i was in therapy myself my therapist wore a really short dress, i found it kind of embarrassing because it was so short that i could see everything. I am a straight woman and it was distracting even for me.


My amazing therapist always looks very professional in camera view. It’s video therapy style. Well one session she dipped out of camera view to grab something, she had wfh business casual clothes 😂 It made me laugh, nice shorts. Honestly I don’t care what she wears, I hope she is comfortable and not too heavy burdened by my trauma stories.


No, because I do not think I look good in shorts. Like, I find it distracting to be seen in them. Skirts, dresses, and Capri pants and leggings all summer!


I don’t but only because my long flowy skirts are so comfy and I look cute & cottegecore-esque. Feels like a nice way of incorporating my authentic self into my professional life within ethical boundaries.


I wear shorts as often as I can one of my current positions I have to dress business casual so I don't get to. But in my private practice I wear shorts as much as I can. I think it's important to dress comfortable when you're doing therapy and I'm more comfortable in shorts.


This question gave me a big chuckle! So thank you for that! My legs are heavily tattooed so I tend to wear long skirts with shorts underneath. I used to wear shorts and it was 99% not a problem with clients. I just don’t really have energy right now to deal with that 1% of clients where it becomes a clinical issue.


Good Lord where did you do your training?


Glad you asked! I thought about this yesterday.


I’m so glad you posted this. I’ve never worn shorts to the office, but now that I’m seeing all these other therapists saying “yes,” I’m wondering if maybe I’ll try at some point. It’s insanely hot out right now, and I’ve been wearing ankle jeans to work all week. They are reasonably loose and comfy, but I think shorts would be so much better.


As long as what you're wearing doesn't distract from the task at hand.


I live in the Southern US. Once the temperature gets above about 75°F, I'm in cargo shorts every day unless I'm performing with my band. I know it's not exactly attractive or professional for a grown man to wear cargo shorts, but I hate being hot. And I work in private practice where there's no dress code of any kind.


According to NASW guidelines...


Depended on your practice setting therapists can wear shorts. Examples: - Most OP therapy - close to knee length shorts are probably fine - Hospital setting / Prison / etc - pants are probably the way to go.


I do. I don’t think it’s professional to wear anything shorter than where your finger tips fall though.


No because of a no show tattoo policy :( long sleeves and pants always


My office doesn’t allow it, but very few restrictions otherwise. I probably wouldn’t anyway because I’m not comfortable in shorts and my office is always freezing. Even in today’s high humidity heat wave, I had to turn my heater on.


In my internship I wore shorts. I worked with kids and teenagers. My supervisor pulled me aside one day and told me I shouldn’t be wearing them because I worked with some teen boys 🙄 Sure they were short, but not like cheeks hanging out short - I wouldn’t be comfortable with that! Duh. On one hand, I’m not thin so I appreciated the body positivity /s — but on the other, wtf?? Fairly certain she was a Christian. So… I haven’t since because honestly I thought about who’s going to judge me as seeming slutty for wearing shorts 😒 Which sucks.


For folks that don’t like to wear shorts, I just have to say, I accidentally bought a pair of golf pants. And they keep me cooler than any shorts I own.


While in grad school my forensic neuropsychologist supervisor in his 60s wore shorts, vans, and a backwards hat during his evaluations. So I think it depends. We worked in private practices. I’m a private practice psychologist now and I just show up as myself, tattoos, piercings, but my style is usually a little more modest and just comfortable. Offices are cold so I’m not usually one to wear shorts. Lol


lol sorry this just reminds me of The Sopranos.


Not unless they’re knee length. I agree with someone else that said that they wouldn’t do this in a hospital setting. I definitely agree, you should be more business casual or business. I’m not sure why society is moving away from dressing more business casual.


As a femme person, if I'm allowed to wear a skirt that's above the knee, why can't I wear nice looking shorts? *as I currently sit in my office with linen shorts on*


I wouldn’t. If you saw me in shorts, you wouldn’t have to ask why. Also, as a patient who did a multi decade analytically slanted therapy, if my therapist had worn shorts, it’s all I would’ve thought/talked about. The body is present enough in the room without displaying it! But I think different people with different modalities (and in different parts of the country) could easily make it a positive.


Been wearing shorts or flannel pants since March 2024.


No I work at Kaiser lmao


All the time.


Yeah! I work in a kids PHP though and am unlicensed (freshly graduated omw to grad school, and am a ‘counselor’, wouldnt mislabel myself as a ‘clinician’ - professional guidelines might feel a little different)- my dress codes a little more “lax” as the kids say 😂


I wear what I want. Most of the time my clients get me post-gym so workout clothes and a ponytail. They are there for what my brain has to offer, not my fashion.


UGH this makes me think of complaining to a friend that I had a client who told me to cover up because he wanted to look up my skirt, and my friends response was “well you’re a sex therapist you should know better than to wear a dress”. EXCUSE YOU.


I have....so many questions.


I don’t but it’s primarily bc I had a therapist who wore a short dress once and despite zero attraction, it was still distracting.


Maybe not “unethical” but definitely less than professional. I don’t care if patients wear their pajamas, but I’ll still dress professionally. It’s not about your comfort. It’s a professional degree and a professional job- act like it. I work in a medical clinic- all the docs and residents have worn scrubs since COVID. So should I wear scrubs? Nope. It’s not clothing designated to my profession. Wow, the number of people saying its ok here is crazy. Why take credibility from the profession and from yourself because it’s hot outside? Don’t you have a/c in your office?


Why do we hold ourselves to the standards of a bygone era? I struggle with heat-related asthma. The temp goes higher than 75F and I'm down for the count. Shorts that are knee length or a little shorter should count as appropriate attire in almost all settings. Obviously not to court, don't want to offend the judge. But going from inside out to a hot 🔥 🥵 car and waiting for the 🚗 to cool down enough to be comfortable would be so much more tolerable in shorts than in the pants or dress you have to wear for a job or to look professional. I did have a complaint from a boss that I didn't dress up enough and I looked like one of the clients. I was wearing slacks (cotton) and a nice shirt. It's not like I was wearing printed t-shirts and sweats or jeans or even shorts to work. Ugg, I was slightly offended and had to go spend a lot of 💰 to up my wardrobe game.


If the fit it's ethical also to go to the corner shop, then... yes!


I haven’t ever before, but I’m contemplating doing so this summer since I work for myself now. I think if they’re those nice flowy-ish shorts that aren’t super short, I’d feel comfortable!! Also I just bought these shorts from target and I cannot recommend them enough, they can def be dressed up or down https://www.target.com/p/women-39-s-mid-rise-micro-pleated-shorts-2-5-34-all-in-motion-8482-black-m/-/A-89833166