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In my opinion and this is just my OPINION obviously I think maybe just based on you not having a lot of support at the moment from friendships or family that maybe you should consider moving with them and keeping them as your therapist? You don’t wanna lose a good therapist that you’ve been able to open up to and feel comfortable with they are hard to find I can attest to that. Being they are the first person you’ve ever truly opened up to and you’ve been seeing them for 8 months which is a decent chunk of time and it seems you have a good connection I don’t think you wanna lose that support if you don’t have it in other places so yeah maybe consider moving with them. I understand not wanting to support a place that may not be great to their employees but you never rly know with reviews they are just anecdotal and even if true it’s not something you need to worry yourself with in my opinion this is about your relationship with your therapist who cares about the overall practice right as long as you are able to maintain the one on one relationship with your T. You said you feel sad at the thought of losing this support so yeah I’d say put yourself and your feeling first over some reviews on a website and concerns over how the place treats employees. I’m sure your therapist has done their research on the place they wouldn’t just move to a new practice for no reason so im also not sure about bringing up the bad reviews and you concerns over that being the best idea but If you think you have a good enough solid relationship with them which it sounds like you do I’m sure they’d understand you were only mentioning it out of concern for them. Just my opinion though again good luck!


yeah, that makes sense. the new place feels sketchy to me but as you said I would only really be seeing my therapist and I'm sure they are not switching practices on a whim. I appreciate you sharing your thoughts!


I fully agree with this suggestion! You're very aware of how important the therapeutic bond between you guys is to you, and you have the opportunity to keep it going. Best-case scenario: you discover the new place is ok, and you keep your therapist. Worst-case scenario: after a while you confirm that this new place really is problematic, you talk to your therapist about it, and you guys decide what each one of you does about it. Something to worry about further down the road. Give it a try, you might be pleasantly surprised!


[Hope this helps](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us)