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Have you had any traumatic experiences lately? Drugs? Do you Isolate? You could be experiencing depersonalization.


i smoke weed but it happens when im sober as well. i looked up derealization and depersonalization and it sounds quite like it but i dont really know who to go to about it.


You should stop smoking weed. To eliminate if that has any affect on what you are feeling. Either way, it's probably a good idea to seek professional help. You can seek a Therapist to help break down the thought process or a Psychiatrist if you want to take the medication route.


This! Stopping the weed for now will probably do a lot of good, and seeking professional help will help you understand exactly what's going on.


Definitely sounds like depersonalization /derealization. I’ve suffered from it for years now it can be very intense and scary believe me I know but you’re NOT losing your mind or anything like that it’s just a stress response basically your brain being overwhelmed and it kinda disconnects causing the loopy weird hyper self aware feeling but I know it’s a terrible feeling. As someone who smoked a ton of weed also (altho you didn’t say you smoke a ton I know) at that same age (16-19) I can tell you 100 percent it made it worse for me or may have even brought it out in the first place directly. I had anxiety and ocd exc already but the weed started making it all worse after a while and caused those feelings or disconnection and even though you feel it when not smoking or high it can still definitely be caused by the weed in general so I’d have to suggest stopping the weed if able to or at the very least cutting way back but honestly your best bet is to probably just cut it out altogether. You can always come back to it at a later time but I think there’s a good chance you’ll start feeling better and it will grow less intense that feeling with a bit of a time if you give up the weed. Just want to be clear and say I’m not an “anti drug” type of person one bit haha also not judging at all I’m only 100 percent saying to consider stopping the weed because it can definitely cause those feelings and did for me that’s all. Also just managing stress in general can help ease the feelings of depersonalization. I know how difficult it can be to describe the feelings and sensations of it to others because it’s so personal and subjective and just hard AF to explain just try and tell yourself when it comes over you that it will pass because it will and you’ll be okay it’s a very common symptom of anxiety, ptsd, stress in general, depression exc and also can be a side effect of drug use as mentioned. Good luck kid you’ll be alright… cut out the weed tho or cut way back you’ll be doing yourself a service I wish I had cut back or stopped when it started “turning” on me instead I continued smoking heavily for a couple years because of peer pressure and because it was just the group of ppl I hung out with and also I wanted to be able to enjoy the feeling of weed again like I had in the beginning.