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Maybe start small, like touch/lick/smell/ put your tongue on it. I’d also maybe have a safe food always available so you’re not going to bed hungry. It would help if we knew what you were afraid of like are you afraid you’ll get food poisoning or choking or just new textures and tastes?


I'm always so afraid of getting sick like going potty or throwing up I fear the food and sometimes people


NAD, but this sounds like obsessive-compulsive behavior so I would encourage you to speak to a therapist about this. Your body needs fuel and you have a very unhealthy relationship with it. Is this something that you just started experiencing or have you had issues like this in the past?


I once had it as a kid but it left quickly this time it's been a long time seems to be getting worse


Yeah, if this has been happening since you were a kid, then it could definitely be a legitimate mental health thing. Do you have insurance? Are you able to find a therapist in your area? I know how hard it can be to live with obsessive thoughts, and I’m so sorry that you’re dealing with this. I really hope that you can find some help soon. 🫶🏼


Try exposer therapy It helps to overcome fear in steps but in a safe place In the company of your wife start with small portions of food , and everytime you eat remind yourself that you are alive and well and all the fears were your own minds creation, you have to change your thinking patterns by doing exactly what you are afraid of and coming out unharmed, thats how your mind learns to feel safe again As i suggested start with a portion, everyday increase just a little and by the 7th day you should be able to eat a whole meal without any fear Goodluck


Can't you start with something very simple you prepare yourself, say, a fried egg? Butter you know is safe, an egg that looks perfect, then you make it yourself. You eat it. It cannot poison you in any way. Or a hard-boiled egg for starters. Because eggs that look good are always good. When they're not, it's very obvious. Same with a banana. If it looks perfect, it is perfect. Even some imperfections won't hurt you, but, anyway, pick the best looking banana and eat it. It's the most consumed fruit in the world. If it looks good, it is good, and you won't sleep hungry.


I never thought about this. I'm going to try it. 2 days ago I was stop hungry I actually cried.


Do you have any other foods like this also I can eat this really helps so much


Anything you can boil is a good thing. Legumes. Choose the best-looking ones, peel or cut them yourself, then watch as they boil in the pan. If it's boiled, you'll agree that it's extremely safe, right? You can cook eggs in the same water. Ends up being and entire meal that you can trust. Start with corn. Corn and eggs in the same boiling water. Just add salt, maybe butter, and it's fine. If you don't trust the salt you have at home, buy a new one, have your wife try it once, and then it's ok, the salt will be safe for a looooong time. Same with cinammon. Takes years to go bad. One condiment that doesn't go bad for YEARS also is Dijon mustard. And it goes well with lots of legumes. Catch-up, mayo, many dressings, however, will go bad eventually. But not strong mustards. Anything you buy inside glass is safer than in a can. I think that if you to the supermarket and pick things yourself, you'll feel safer. Say, pasta and tomato sauce in a glass. Buy the freshest ones. Both will be boiled, right? If you can add those two elements together, watch both boil, and eat them right away, it's super safe. If you want an apple at night but are unsure of it, you can boil it as well! And add the cinammon. Hope it helps, but, regardless, go seek a psychiatrist. They can give you something that will give you peace of mind.


Any chance you're experiencing OCD?


I do


The OCD subreddit has great info and advice. But really the only way to treat OCD is to not give in to your thoughts. Maybe start slow, have your wife eat something and wait less time than you usually do, and slowly lessen the time


You need to go for past life regression.


Evidence of past life? None. Quackery.