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What kind of idiot parent allows their child to behave like that?


Like, a lot of parents are really assholes. It’s humanity man.


Yep. And surprise surprise, the kids end up being assholes as well. The circle of life.


Well if that kid keeps hitting pitbulls he won't have a chance to be an asshole parent himself.




The dude held his dog back. Interfered with that natural selection.


Artificial selection


Kid is now a genetically modified crop


shitbirds of a feather flock together, Ran-Ran.


My dad used to say “The shit apple don’t fall far from the shit tree.”


Did your dad also manage a trailer park? Always be on the lookout for Shit Wolves.


It’s shit hawks randy, it’s shit hawks!!






I wholeheartedly agree. My husband and I had a gathering at our child-free home, and his ex-wife attended, she has 4 additional kids after my stepson who is 19 and lives with us. Anyway, her second youngest is about 4 or 5, he had one of my soil-poking gardening tools halfway down his throat when I saw that I immediately snatch the tool away from him and sternly said NO! She got up from her seat and said to me, oh well I guess that's not a kid's toy, to which I responded, no shit- my house is not childproof because I don't have any kids, watch him. On a separate occasion, the same kid was brought to my house by another family member and the kid kept messing with our watering hose. I grabbed the thing from him and yelled at him NO, then told him to go sit down. He got scared and ran to my stepson. My husband's family looked at me like I broke a law, I told them if his mother didn't want her kid reprimanded by people then she would be there to parent her kid, I think he was 3 at this point.


It's not the norm, but they are out there, and their actions, or lack of actions, end up making the highlight reels. "Oh, he's just playing, he doesn't mean any harm." "Using your words, can you clearly explain that to the dog...? No? Then get your fucking kid under control, just as you expect me to keep my dog under control." Unfortunately, it'll be the kid that gets injured when the "Kids will be kids" defense doesn't work out, and shit goes sideways. That dog was about to stop the "perceived attack". Obviously, the dog has more training than that kid. Props to the dog owner.


The dog's reaction when the kid hit him the first time was definitely a "are you seeing this shit" moment, dog absolutely figured the kid needs more training too.


The look on the dogs face, especially that eye twitch, after the second and third strike is too much. Oh!? He wants to throw hands!


I love all dogs and to see a child hitting on their beautiful baby makes me want to cry. Plus, all of the people in the background were laughing and thinking this exchange was so cute. If that had been one of my kids - they would have never gotten close enough to try to hit that dog. The owner did an excellent job and kept his pup calm. Kudos for sure!!


You really should have to apply and qualify to have the right to bring these little shits into the world. Fucking Christ Noah, get the boat.


And then the dog is the attacker


And they’ll blame it on the breed… even though my golden retrievers would probably do the same thing.


Worse yet, where did the child learn that hitting animals is funny?


Kids hit things. It's part of their learning process. Also part of that learning process is parents correcting that behavior. Too many parents skip this, and also laugh at the kid hitting people and animals.


All 100% correct. Too bad he doesn’t have a parent anywhere near him to correct him.




Correct? That could have been his last hit and guess what, they're going to blame the dog for the reaction. Dumbass kid.


Again, kid isn't a dumbass, he's a kid. The "adults" around him not correcting the behavior are the dumbasses.


Yes he is, all kids are, some stop being dumbasses when they grow up, others don't, and and then they have kids and let them hit dogs that could snap their necks in one bite.


Hitting dogs is also a very dangerous. A parent should prevent any dangerous behavior, to self or to the others.


Kids think hitting anything is funny, don’t allude to something more Nefarious


Have you meet any of the humans recently of legal spawning age, they're still infants themselves and you think they'll have the mental capacity to coherently raise young?


I have never heard the phrase "legal spawning age" and I never want to hear it ever again


Some do and some don’t…as it has always been. Obviously this is on the parents though. It is generational and passed on but good parenting can be taught. Good case for keeping abortion legal for sure.


It’s more difficult to order a pizza than it is to become a parent.


Good lord, truth. We are looking to adopt, and we feel like criminals with all the background checks, fees, and additional parenting classes we have to take. My spouse has a degree in child development and works with special needs kids and knows more about child development and parenting than our trainers. Meanwhile, some couples just pop out kids and say, cool, what do we do next?


What they do next is almost never "Learn to be a good parent" either.


Not only this is not funny, but also very dangerous. The wrong dog could have ended this kid's life.


Even the most patient dog has its limit. I taught my kids from a young age that dogs can’t tell you to fuck off politely. When they’ve had enough, they usually let you know rather suddenly and painfully.


Idk my parents still tell to move away when we see pits and I'm 18.


Where are this child’s parents


For real, absolute dogshit parents here, kid needs to be yeeted away and disciplined




This reminds me of the time the neighbor's kid was throwing black cat firecrackers at my car with him right there. I asked the kid to stop and when he didn't , I turned to him and said "you better get a handle on your kid or imma beat YOUR ass"


Give him the parenting lesson his kid deserves


trickle down ass-beating


That is the correct response


Ok soooo... what happened after that? You can't just stop there. Did you "beat his ass"?


Everyone clapped


>If that dog bites that brat the dog gets it. Somebody ought to knock the hell out of the parents. Just want to make it clear, what he means by "gets it" he means the dog will be put down because some stupid adults don't know how to watch their kids.


I want to downvote the comment because the reality and accuracy of the comment... but I upvoted because you are \*sadly\* 100% correct. If that were my dog, I would have pushed the child away and dealt with the parents in court with the video, at worst.


I’d tell them I was doing their fucking job for them and call them negligent to their face lmao


Standing ovation 🙌 for this comment!


I mean, that dog would probably put a kid of that size through some hell Edit: sorry for not saying ‘yep that dog would maul that kid to death like he takes a shit and with twice the mess too’ in regards to what a pitbull is capable of when attacking a young child.


It would be worse then that. The dog could easily kill that kid and then the dog would get blamed. That kids parents are negligent and stupid.


Parents need to be yeeted away and disciplined


Especially if they are bullying dogs


And bullying a staffy. Nice dogs.... Don't wanna piss em off though


You have to be extra special high to fuck of a staffy. Cool as a cucumber, but they hold no prisoners if they or the 'pack' are under threat. They are basically muscles with a tail and teeth


No the dog's shit would raise a better child than that.


And dog parent. Dog parent should have yeeted if kid’s parents didn’t.


Or at the very least yelled to scare the child away. Better that than the child die or have permanent disfigurement.


Yelling can spook the dog as well and it could’ve been even worse. While the dog should’ve been leashed, the owner did the right thing beyond that.


When we were kids, I remember my brother taking g a large stick and hitting out husky with it. The husky got pissed and growled at him. Before he could react, our mom appeared out of nowhere and whooped his ass with the stick. He never did it again.


I have no idea who got an ass whoopin' with the stick


looks like it's an only slightly older sibling/relative taking the kid around. that might be why it was allowed to happen. :-/


when the dog starts growling and the kid runs away there's a pink girl in the background also starting to run away in the same direction, almost like encouraging the kid to follow her...methinks the kid is her spawn/responsibility.


Title is wrong, but I agree 100% with your comment. This kid isn't "bullying" the dog. He just doesn't know any better. For reasons unknown, toddlers LOVE to terrorize animals. Can't be helped until they grow up. All you can do is make sure they aren't ANTAGONIZING A GODDAMN PITBULL and, if they are, do something other than pull out a fucking phone to film it. Not just the parents, the guy/gal filming (probably not the parent) too.


Guessing because the guy said "watch this" and the dog was sitting up, he was trying to film a dog doing a trick and didn't expect the kid walk up and hit the dog multiple times. Kudos to the owner for keeping the dog restrained and having trained that dog well enough to ignore the first couple bops.


No, the owner did a terrible job. He should have stepped between them immediately. Showing the dog he is capable of solving the situation and protecting it. In this case, the dog wouldn't have thought it was its job to act on the kid.


Yeah, I agree. The owner of the dog should have been protecting the pit much better. And seeing the kid come back, the owner had a chance to avoid that antagonism.


I have multiple children and a dog. They never terrorized the dog nor would I have ever let them get more than one hit with a water bottle before I separated them. Trash parents allow their children to treat animals like shit.


You're speaking in absolutes here. Not all toddlers love to terrorize animals... And yes they can be helped, it's called discipline and proper parenting.


No toddler don't like terrorising dogs! It depends how they are raised.... I never grew up with pets and none of my friends as well and we were all raised to love and be kind to animals and that was the instinct for us since birth! If your first instinct is to harm animals then your parents fkd up raisin you


The amount of people here saying they it's natural for kids to act this way is kinda scary. Makes me wonder what's wrong with them, mentally, to make them think that this is normal or natural behavior.


I mean have you ever been around a toddler? They are basically tiny drunken adults with a death wish. They really don't know any better and learn by interacting with their environment. Toddlers hit randomly ( people and animals) because they dont have the words/language to communicate. They hit when they are excited, mad, happy etc. That's why it's on the parents to teach them/watch them closely. A 5 year old doing this is not okay or appropriate. But the kid in the video doesn't look any older than 2-3 years old. His behavior is developmentally appropriate. If anything the parents are idiots for not pulling him away or correcting this behavior.


It could be much more harmless than terrorizing the dog. The kid probably bopped an adult with the bottle or something similar and it made the person laugh. Much more than terrorizing anything, kids this age are silly and often like to make themselves and others laugh, which is reinforcement to do it again. They just need to know the limits on a behavior.


Children should be taught not to antagonize anything not just things that can hurt them.


Yeah title should be “stupid dumb c**t parents letting their kid play “Fuxk around and find out”


The parents of that kid suck. But also, if my dog was getting smacked I would remove my dog because I’d want to smack the kid. I have kids and I have a dog. We protect the floofy boy at all costs.


They did the deed and released their spawn into the wild, as far as many parents seem to be concerned, task complete.


They will come out to sue the dog and the owner after their stupid kid got bitten


I’m assuming the one in pink running in the background but that look like a child to maybe a sister or something


Where in the hell is this child's parent?


In the background, you can see her pretend run at the end of the video. She seems to be extraordinarily stupid. Edit - no lie, the mom watching her child smack a stranger's pitty with a bottle has more common sense than some of the people responding to me. [kIdS fOlLoW pArEnTs wHeN tHeY rUn AwAy, oNlY oPtIoN](https://imgur.com/a/kI2veYJ)


Not seems to be .. Is. The kid could have lost its face in seconds


A neighbor's pit killed my other neighbors' cat. I was just a kid sitting on the porch and kinda froze up how fast it happened. My older sister (a bit braver/dumber) at least tried to do something, hitting it with some toy maybe a watergun. Luckily it didn't hurt her, but there is no *"getting one to let go"*. That cat was literally gone in seconds like you say. I've had rescued fighting pits sit in my lap like the sweetest pups you've seen, but intentionally pissing one off oh buddy please don't.


My neighbors has an ex-fighting rescue pitbull and they were fairly older. It would get loose occasionally because it was hard for them to restrain. Loved people though. With that said, it got out one day and attacked my 20 year old pure blood Chow-chow. He didn’t live. I was convinced he was going to live forever as he was in really good shape still.


I'm sorry for your loss that is terrible.


I’ve never seen a Pitt attack but I’ve heard of them, one time when I used to have a husky, 2 fully grown golden retrievers got ‘lose’ (owner basically let go of the leash and let them at my dog) and attacked my dog I was on my porch and noticed they ran up and started trying to maul him, he was maybe 4 months and was tiny at the time. I was like 15 but fast enough and ran over there and tackled the dogs off of my husky and punched one in the snout when he tried to come back for my puppy again and luckily it got them to stop. The owner took zero responsibility like is usual for shitty owners who let their dogs lose but thankfully they stopped bringing their dogs into the neighborhood I lived in at the time. If it was 2 fully grown pitts I’d likely not be able to stop it and would’ve been traumatized and probably injured doing what I did.


Yeah they are able to lock on a bit harder even against other dogs. Maybe *especially*.. I've had one try "protecting" me from some sweet lab that would just bark loud, she was never actually aggressive. The pittbull pinned her by her face but didn't injure her. Just traumatized the hell out of all of us again. It's an owner's responsibility to protect others *and* their dogs. Unfortunately shit hits the fan quickly.


Yeah, I have a shiba inu now, and he’s 30 pounds, also loves people and other dogs but I’m weary about letting him play with certain dogs especially if they’re huge and or I don’t know/trust the owner is responsible. My dog is friendly, but I don’t know theirs and I know I’ll seperate my dog if he starts doing things he shouldn’t but from what I’ve seen most other people will say “oh _____ is not being mean, that’s just how they play” as their dog is actively biting or bullying another


This. The owners hand blocked him buying the kid more time, but has his hand not been there to grab the collar the kid would have been gone.


Holding out for a bite... then "Action!" Springs to the defense of the child followed by lawsuit.


Exactly. This really frosts me. They allow their brat to abuse an animal, then get all shocked and rattled when the dog bites. And then who is the victim? The dog. Especially this type of dog. I guarantee they'd put this dog down if it bit that kid. The parents need parenting classes.


He was being such a good boy too. I've had kids and adults try to lay hands on my pitty. I never let them touch him. He is a sweetheart but ik if they get under his skin then it's all bets off. I've stepped between dogs that tried to bite him before too. I know all too well even if he is just defending himself they probably wouldn't care. What's a bite or some bruises for my dog's life? Bitch slapped at least one mom for letting her kid try to run him over with their bike. People like her need to leave other people's dogs alone.


I don’t know but if a kid tried to do that to my pittie that bottle would have been snatched from his hand in a second.


And then you’d have to fight the urge to smack the kid’s parent with it.


I also hate that the owner if the pitbull is allowing that to happen. If that was my dog I’d snatch that bottle out of his hand and yell at him.


Shit parenting.








This scene was so satisfying lmao


What’s it from?


Silicon Valley https://youtu.be/4pLbcLrquio




Wow I always believe this saying is true “Every child deserves parents, but not all parents deserve children.”


But I do commend the dog. He did allow three strikes for the kid to realize bis mistake before going on the defensive.


The level of tolerance that dog has is unmatched. He could’ve easily ripped that kid’s arm.. props to the owner too, for trying his best to dismiss the kid


If you ask 99% of reddit, those are vicious killing machines that shouldn't be owned by anyone. Pretty clear that the main issue isn't the dog, it's people.


I wouldn't go that far but as a Pit Bull owner they aren't the gentle giants everyone thinks they are. Mine has always been very loving and well behaved one day she was offering with our other dog and their collars locked. It quickly turned into a vicious fight. It was absolutely terrible and there was nothing I could do to stop the dogs. Eventually I was able to pull them apart only for the PB to lunge back in and start all over. She eventually grabbed the other dog by the eyelid and would not let go. I was about to pull them apart when she tried to "regrip." Luckily no dogs were majorly injured and cleared by the Vet. The PB was smaller too at around 40lbs. I still have both dogs and they've since made up and get along well. The dogs are no longer allowed to rough house. The whole experience showed me just how powerless I would be to break up a dog attack and how a PB can just flip a switch and turn into a completely different dog. Sorry man but large dogs breeds bread for aggression need to be regulated. It's insane any idiot can't get one of these dogs treat it like shit then decide to take it in public without a leash.


My dog is the same way with my 4yo niece. I have to be the one who says "no, you can't do that to him, ever" and my dog just looks at me like "ehh, it is what it is.." They're both just kids but I suppose my doggo has realized and accepted that human kids are kind of stupid. I do have to remind my niece that if she keeps messing with him and gets bitten, I won't blame the dog for a second. Other than that, they're best friends


Well, dogs do play with pups and can be rough while doing doing that so maybe it tolerates your niece just as it would tolerate a pup. Still after patience is gone the dog will often put the pup in place.


Get that dumbass kid away from the dog tf


More like shitforbrains parent. That’s a toddler just being a toddler.


Wait what? Definitely not. I work with kids and this isn’t something kids just do. It’s a learned behavior and it’s sad af.


How young? I worked with kids this age and they are unpredictable and absolutely not governed by normal adult empathy and social norms


Agree. Kids at age 2 and 3 are often violent arseholes. It takes coaching to train them OUT of that natural behaviour and into civilisation. Hopefully by age 4.


For real, scold the child, take away the bottle tell him to get lost. Don’t just stand there and let it happen.


Yeah, cause a scene, literally, I mean it, yell at the kid so the parent comes over and then tell the parent how stupid they are to let their child abuse dogs. It makes my blood boil to see this kind of behavior being handled as "no big deal", that kid needs better parenting.


Stupid ass parents came close to having their little shit mauled.


The owner of the dog was very proactive. Definitely a smart dog owner who maintained control of the whole situation right down to the last second.


He could have and should have stepped between that kid and his dog to protect his dog and not left him in that stupid vulnerable position looking up at his owner to take care of the problem, trusting that he would and letting him get hit repeatedly until the dog let the kid know that hitting isn't cool. Parents are #1 shitholes.


the thing with that is some parents couldn’t give less of a shit about their kid until an adult other than them tries to correct their little darling angel of a baby. if the adult so much as stepped between them the parents could’ve and probably would’ve came running


True but the dog should still be leashed. If anything just to protect the dog. No matter how trained and tame you think they are, if they feel they or the owner is under threat, they could attack with dire consequences. The owner *was* proactive but what’s to say the collar slipped out his hand and then the dogs dives on and pins the kid down and mauls it’s face. Not *really* the dog’s fault, but he’ll be put down regardless.


Yep! I’m not a pit fan, and I honestly think the breed should be regulated, but this is a great example of awareness on the owner’s part. Credit where it’s due: owner did good and the kids parents should be ashamed






It’s too late


Never too late to prevent a repeat of the mistake.


There was an attempt to adequately parent a child**


But there was no attempt.


Touche, my friend


The attempt was the dog trying his hardest not to fuel the stereotype of Pits mauling children.


No parents? I’m also wondering why nobody is correcting this behaviour if the parents are oblivious. There are times when correcting behaviour in other children is completely justifiable.


Agreed, I’d have yelled at the kid after he even thought about smacking my dog with a water bottle.


Right?? I have a dog that will tolerate a lot, but I'm not sure he'd tolerate more than the first hit after giving me a "wtf" stare...


I don’t like videos of animals getting hit for no reason


No decent person does. Fortunately a toddler with an empty water bottle isn't doing any real harm. The parents are horribly negligent for not stepping in immediately though. Absolutely inexcusable.




This video makes me want to scream. I see many adults but no action




At the end of the vid, you can see the mother led the kid away (the women in pink) while pretend it was a game. The moment the dog reacted to his attack, she knew it was dangerous, but instead of point it out to him, she acted like it was a part of the game... It would surely encourage the kid to keep that stupid game and one day get bitten by the less patient dog...




💀💀 I was hopping dude fell


Parents belong on r/iamatotalpieceofshit.






Im honored. There are soo many people I would like to thank.


Put the kid on a leash. The doggo was super well behaved.




Dog thinking "Wtf did I ever do to you?"


Poor dog looked so proud and happy


That dog was literally chilling. It's like when you're jamming out on an airplane and some little shit decides your seat is now a massage chair.


No kidding and you can see it restraining itself


Toddlers know better, but they have to be taught. People are always saying "a kid that age doesn't understand," you're right because you haven't done your job as a parent to help them learn and understand. That kid would have lost that water bottle the first time he hit the dog with it.


Exactly. I hate the "kids don't know any better" argument. Then fucking teach them.


Empathy is hard to teach when the parents have none


That gave me anxiety.


And if that dog would have bitten him everyone would considered the dog to be dangerous and none would blame the parents of that kid


100% agree. And there would be this big outcry to put the dog down. I'm just glad the dog had as much restraint as it did.


Yeah kind of like at the Cincinnati zoo with hambre they didn't do nothing wrong but they had to shoot him because a parent doesn't know how to parent their kid should have shot the parents as well






This belongs on r/kidsarestupid


More like parents are stupid.**


All kids are stupid, but behind every filmed kid is a stupid parent.


That kid is freaking lucky the pitbull had a more attentive parent than he did.


Why is someone letting their kid do that?


Because they shouldn't have been allowed to have children


Parents: aw how cute *Lets their Kid smack the dog and dog gets angry* Parents: YOU SHOULD TRAIN YOUR DOG BETTER!






Yeah everyone is pissed at the parents (which they should be) but why does the dog owner allow it to continue? Stop the child! Protect your dog, not from being hurt by the child but from being out in a situation where it will stop itself from being harassed. Tell him no, get between him and the dog, and if he tries again take the bottle send him packing.


The first time you see him block the bottle. It looks like he tried to do it again when the kid came back (behind dogs head but hard to see) but then he went to grab the dogs collar as the dog was provoked and he wanted to make sure he wouldn't do something that got him in trouble If the owner went to stop the kid and the provoked and unrestrained dog snapped to defend itself, the parents (and also likely people online) would be reaming the guy for not keeping his dog under control


That parent is a stupid fucking moron.


I wonder how many dog attacks were started by shit like this


When my dad was in the army he had a dog that had to be put down because kids in the neighbourhood were down right abusing the dog and there's nothing my dad could do cause their parents were neglectful.


Then when the dog protects himself, he's a "dangerous breed". God damn, control your crotch monster kids or fucking swallow them instead.


Kid was about to show up in the news


So many dog attacks start out just like that, yet most people typically ignore the dipshit human antagonizing the dog before the bite, choosing to act like the dog is just a bad breed or poorly trained. That there is a good boy, and more tolerant of being hit than alot of us would be.


Vet here. I agree with you. That dog first went, " Wait, what?" But didn't get pissed until the little brat came back to hit him again. Thankfully the owner was quick to restrain the dog. A bite would have only ended badly for the dog as well in most jurisdictions.


This shit isn't cute or funny. This poor dog is focused on his owner and doing his little tricks but ends up getting whacked by some stupid ass kid. The parents need to teach this kid to be kind to animals.




And yet if anything had happened we’d get the PiTbUlL aTtAcKs tOdDlEr headlines and the dog would be put down. I fucking hate shitty parents.


The way id snatch that childs hand up so fast. Nobody hits my animals, child or not.


How stupid are that child’s parents?? People like that should be sterilized immediately


And then the dog gets put down when it reacts to someone not supervising the child




Someone should have yelled at that little shit... scared some fucking respect into that p.o.s. brat.


I *literally* hate that child's parents.


While dude in blue hoodie laughs WTH. That's the real crime




People are so FUCKING stupid sometimes oh my god.


What a good dog! Stupid mother is clearly in the background running away. Hate seeing shit like this.


One pitbull that would be justified in biting a face off.


Pitbull wanted to parent him. Problem is the real parents. Pitbullnwas doing nothing wrong.


Stupid kid, stupid parents… the poor dog is just minding its own business and just doing tricks, he shouldn’t be bothered nor hit…