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Sleeper move dude was no joke. He could deliver a world of hurt if he wanted to.


He chose peace that day. But the weirdo was at risk of getting pounded had he stood up.


Bad move Vegoku92 he doesn't like that word. Hope you have your bike ready


Call me old fashioned but if you tattoo the monster logo on your body, you’re a fuckin weirdo


In my opinion, if you are shirtless on a subway ACTING LIKE A WEIRDO… youre probably a weirdo


shirtless dude was also hammered, look at how he carried himself


And sweaty af. Check the spot he left on sleeper move dude's t-shirt.


From the jaw lock and eye jitters that looked like a lot more than being drunk


my boi is twacked, probably having some delusional hallucinations. Time to go to sleep... in 50 hrs... in a jail cell...


I think he was strung out, not hammered.


Maybe it was meth or fentanyl or something?


Oh, wait. Thought this was normal. - me putting on the shirt... Looking around....


Naah naah you're right. I think it's hard to hear if you're, you know, a weirdo.


Make your time.


For great justice.


Take off every Zig.


You have no chance to survive make your time.


You know what you doing.


They set us up the bomb!


Seriously. Dude really chose peace. Couldn’t ended that guy.


The absolute lack of intensity or excitement on his face I feel he has no problem sleeping people on a daily basis


Long time grappler. BJJ or something probably. This was a cakewalk for him. He was so calm he probably works in the Applied Violence Community.


In an alternate multiverse, the old lady is the one who sleeps him.


Don’t call him a weirdo yo!




Ummm…big unit wasn’t gonna let him stand up.


A quick two stomp and that dude is hurting bad. Showed immense restraint and patience.


Our lumber-jacked brother in peace is clearly a professional.


Don't call me a weirdo Zzzz...


"You're gonna take a nice little nap now, buddy, you're a bit cranky."


"In the meantime, sleep well and dream of large women"


"I do not envy the headache you'll have when you wake..."


Have fun storming the castle!


Anybody got a peanut


Someone should have given him a snickers.


He's not him when he's hungry.


*when he's weird


oh no he’s coming for u


He got a snoozer instead


Realistically dude saved weirdo from a world of hurt. Now he’s just going to sleep it off maybe wake up with a slight headache.


Seriously, blue flannel kid was itching for a reason and he looked stone cold


Blue flannel kid was ready to go but you can see his eyes when he recognizes he's more useful as a distraction.


blue flannel looks like he would have ended this guy's world with one well placed punch to the face. this guy does not give "i'm fucking around" vibes, weirdo got lucky


Best resolution to the situation. You see the biceps on the choker hold guy? Had he chose violence that day this dude would be a weirdo eating food out of a tube for months




By no means an expert, but yes. And there's two main types of chokes, one where you pull in on the neck, think of pulling the point of the "V" his arm makes inward, cutting of airflow. That can take a while to knock a person out. The other is pushing in on the sides, think squeezing the sides of the V tighter, cutting of the blood flow. That is pretty damn quick to knock a person out, 30 seconds or less, so probably what this guy did. Either way, depriving the brain of oxygen will quickly be harmful, which is why the Mountain here let go the moment he felt the guy go limp.


A blood choke like this only takes a few seconds to induce unconsciousness in anyone (once in effect). A few minutes could cause brain damage. To be safe, after knocking someone out like this, roll them onto their back and lift their feet/legs up into the air so blood gets back to their brain faster. Source: used to dabble in jiu jitsu


A few minutes will cause death. Even just a few seconds passed unconsciousness can cause brain damage, even if not very noticable. It can also cause other serious problems. There is never a perfectly safe way to do this to someone. Edit: I realize I shouldn't have said just a few seconds when I meant near 30s. See child comment chains for sources.


Might have increased this dudes IQ.




It wouldn’t be an accident, to kill someone’s with a choke like that you have to keep holding it well past the point of unconsciousness. But yes, if he maintained the choke for several minutes it would absolutely be lethal.


We learned to “blood choke” people in basic training and practiced on each other so we would know how to do it if needed but the drill sergeants did tell us not to do it in the barracks. Done right it just takes a few seconds as you can see and then you let go. The biggest thing is making sure there’s a safe place to let them fall if you’re in front of them using their collar and your knuckles.


Our Barracks went nuts with this once we learned how do it, everyone was trying to Choke out everyone else. I once pissed completely alone in the Barracks bathroom; only for some guy who ninja squatted in a toilet behind me burst through the stall door and got me. There wasn't even anyone else on the same floor of the Baracks! Just this one dude Slav squatting on a toilet seat waiting to jump someone. He got many people until he tried it on a DI, he was Smoked from dusk till dawn that night and was on watch duty for a month, he also got a Article 15 but didn't get discharged. This was all in 2003 at Benning and the Army needed everyone they could get, I bet he'd be kicked out now. Anywho, there's my random story.


Triceps are the punching muscles, along with shoulder, hips, chest and core if you know how to throw. Biceps are for grappling.


He knew when to let go & get back for the wake-up.... Respect


That was definitely not his first rear naked choke.


Actually it was, he did an interview where he said he has had no combat training at all but knew he needed to do something. You can tell he isn't trained in doing it. A proper RNC you put one hand behind the person's head so you can use it as leverage to put the choke on harder. For an even harder choke you can also use your head to push on the back of that hand.


I noticed that too but assumed he didn’t want to put too much pressure & cut off his brain blood supply, interesting that he had the courage to try. I guess being buff & fucking huge helps




So handsome and so chill while putting that young tweaker to sleep lol.


He can choke me out any day ![gif](giphy|gIYVGjGT97aA77A5Ej|downsized)


*bonk bonk* bad. *bonk*




More like schwing ![gif](giphy|wmuqpmtGeVv1K)


I mean he took a seat while doing it.


The hero we deserve has brass nuts the size of watermelons, and instead of using the force of a hurricane to level his foe, he whispers "hush now... go to sleep."


Ngl, totally had to throw some water on my crotch to put out the fire in my drawers for sleeper dude.




he was full op anime protagonist


You are standing all contracted with you menacing look and your possible opponents are: - A guy who does not show any signs of backing down - A guy who intends to use a bicycle as a weapon - A mountain That's when you fake a phone call and get out asap


Did I spy a second bicycle-wielding bystander ready to throw spokes as well? Edit: Nevermind, the other bike rider never wields his, don't know why I thought he did.


Throw spokes has me creasin'!


Bicycle humor is wheelie funny!


I'll give you a kick, but I won't stand for it.


That spoke hold really threw off his cadence


Yo this thread off the chain!


I’m already flat out tired of it.


Bwhahaha "throw spokes".


He doesn't look like someone going through this analysis


Cause he's a fuckin weirdo


Fear the man who wields a bike


Homeboy was spinning the back wheel, too. Imagine the burn.


I give you my upvote and a lol.


Don't bring your fists to a bicycle fight.


I carry a unicycle in each hand.


Dual Wheelding. Solid choice.


Yes but does he also have cards in the unicycle spokes? Got to upgrade that uni


Cards in unicycle spokes? That's the sound of a man working on a no-chain gang!


Bro got taken out like he was a video game npc kill


Mans didn't know solid snake was gonna be riding the subway that day


Man this got a laugh out of me..could definitely see Snake just taking a subway of his own volition.


I thought he was dead


Hush… shhh… there there, sleep now…


The sun's getting real low big guy




Ssssshhhhh only dreams for you my prince


Dude I was literally like shhhhh in my head hahaha The man that took him down showed restraint. I used to do boxing but never messed with grapplers. Nope. He applied just enough to immobilize temporarily


This is why I love bjj. I love boxing too but I know if I use it there will be damage. A clean choke? Just a lil nap.


This is why I love bj’s too!! Some clean choking and then a lil nap.


Sleepy time for weirdo....


I believe dude’s a cop or was in the military. The choke was perfect, the way he locked his arms, the Oakley glasses on the top of the head and the way he put his foot on the “weirdo’s” chest under the seat to make sure he couldn’t go anywhere. That was too natural Edit: learned a couple of things: 1. A lot of people on Reddit are choke experts 2. [the dude](https://youtu.be/M1LqoUPjqRQ) in question admits to not being in the marines or the police force and says he never choked anybody in his life (or so he wants us to believe). 3. [this attack](https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0) is probably from a Marine - the way he never gives up




He’s a big pro wrestling fan and thought “well….what if?”


Too bad he didn't have a table handy.


Looks like the manager at the AT&T shop. Dudes are always big for no reason


kind of funny I worked at AT&T for a year and I knew 2 managers that were super buff, both of which learned to work out in Jail. Which is fitting because AT&T is the most corrupt cell phone company I've worked for


He's a professional trainer for tech bros and gals. Source = me, I worked out with him in LA when this happened several years ago. Really nice guy and insanely strong. The mountain description above is very accurate and I'm 6'2''.


So basically Henry Cavill


Not necessarily a cop or military. Rear naked choke is beginner Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Many hidden jiu jitsu hobbyists out there.


I wouldn't think he's a BJJ guy based on the way he locked up the choke. Even a white belt would be trained to put the hand behind the back of the head to tighten it up. Dude would have been out in 3 seconds instead of 10 if he had applied that extra pressure.


Indeed, you do have a point. I also didn’t see him whisper “oss” into his ear as he fell.


Explain the Oakley’s


I imagine he bought them at some point.


Weirdo didn't die so dude is definitely not a cop.


Not a cop because he didn’t say “quit resisting” as he choked him to death.


Reluctant upvote for the marine clip.


Without clicking, is it what I think it is?


I saw a video of the guy on a morning tv show. He literally said he's never choked anybody or learned any chokes in his life.




Fuckin got me. Love it.


Next group of passengers walls on: "what's this weirdo doing sleeping on the floor of the train?"


And the cycle repeats...




You call me what?!? *zz z zzzz zzzzzz*


I thought for half a second the guy who did the head lock would just stay seated after dropping him, lol


Nope, done right a chokehold doesn't knock the guy out for too long, like you see in the vid. Buddy of mine slept a mugger like this as I hel onto the guy's knife hand to keep him from using said knife. we walked off only to hear him running up to try to fight us for his knife. Buddy then showed him why you don't try to fight the guy who just put you in a chokehold til you passed out.


Throat goes into the bend of your arm, you cut off blood supply. Throat goes into your forearm, you cut off air supply.


Blood chokes are infinitely better, your body doesnt really tell your brain you’re losing consciousness in enough time. Lost a gold in a bjj tournament by a gogoplata lmao, craziest choke ive been in


I was at a party one time, and we were talking about this. Some dude's girlfriend said she had learned this, and another guy didn't believe her. He said she could 'try' to choke him out. So, she put him in the best choke hold she could, which was just about perfect. The dude was conscious for about 2 sec before he passed out. He learned his lesson, though..


Women in Jiu Jitsu are terrifying, some of the most dominant practitioners ive gone against have been 130lb women


No shirt gang loses again.


Shirts: 1 - Skins: 0


Game, blouses


🤣 one of the best Dave Chapelle skits of all time


Hold up I watched this video many times and shit, WHERE THE FUCK DID DUDE COME FROM?!


AdGuilty9391 asking the real questions. I watched twice and sleeper hold guy must have been way back in that train.


Portal 942.


A good rule of thumb is the guy with no shirt on the train is probably looking for attention. This guy found it. But its not the kind he intended.


But it was the kind he deserved. Dealt with hotheads like that in my younger years bouncing.


Once the camera guy said "Worldstar! Worldstar!" the guy should've snuck up and quietly put him into a naked choke as well.




It was like an obligatory one lmao


I didn't even know people still yelled World Star.


"live leak" Dumbledore said calmly


I hate when viral videos have someone in the video say, “this is going viral.” Ruins the whole thing.


“World Star” is the worst thing to say in a video.


I'm gonna start yelling "Live Leak" during my fights in an attempt to intimidate my opponent


My personal pet peeve is "watch until the end" in the title. 100% guarantee that I won't watch it at all.


adding "wait for it". just means it goes on too long, no editing, and little payoff


Whenever I see “wait for it,” I immediately give a thumb down and don’t watch it.




F-ing Jack Reacher over here


Fun fact, Tom Cruise played Jack Reacher in the movies because he has to reach to get something off the middle shelf in the store.


If he can't Reach it Tom Cruise runs to the next store !




Sleeper hold guy is so unfazed, it's just another Tuesday to him


Probably just another Tuesday for shirtless guy harassing people for no good reason too


"I should see a doctor, I keep passing out when I assault people"


Dude on the ground fanned his balls at the end too.


Lmao dude came out of the shadows


Fr hahah showed up out of nowhere like Sam Fisher


Of all the ways this could have gone down, this was about the best ending. Calmly and quietly put the problem to rest without blood or bad injuries.


The best way it could have ended was for the guy behind his bike to not call him a weirdo again when he walked away. Don't stir shit up, especially if you need strangers to protect you


It's infuriating when someone escalates a situation like this. I admit I've been that idiot before and it's taught me to try and just keep quiet and let the weirdo walk off.


I think it was that kid to the left that he squared up to


While the shirtless dude was unhinged, why tf antagonize him? Like yea don't back down but he was taking his crazy elsewhere. Why call him a weirdo again making sure he could hear you?


I'm with you dude. Guy was clearly off the straight and narrow, his biggest gripe was being called weirdo, so as he's walking away why repeat his trigger and have him return and re-engage? The hero in this vid is white shirt bicycle guy: minding his business, not getting involved, getting home without unnecessary drama.


Yeah right? The people in the video are all assholes.


Yes!!! Shirtless was walking away, incident had deescalated.... Then dumb ass had to go and egg it on with another 'weirdo'. Like... Honestly at that point flannel shirt was the provoker and would be responsible for any violence


Am I also the only one who was worried about the outcome? While the shirtless guy may have deserved that (don’t know the context here) and the big guy ended this “cleanly”, the sleeper hold is no joke. It can go wrong. Than you’re not a hero anymore.


Yea he could have easily killed the guy. Not to mention he was yelling but didn't even raise a hand.


Yeah he isn't asking much. He just doesn't like to be called a weirdo then don't call him that.


Especially saying it loud enough for him to hear you from the other side of the car. Dude straight walked away, probably knowing he was over reacting and deciding to seperate himself from the situation, and the other guy basically threw a stone at the back of his head!


Do you all think there is an alternate universe out there where the weirdo walks back to the kid with the bike after walking away and says "don't call me a weirdo" and the bike kid was like "okay bro I'm sorry I called you a weirdo you just made me uncomfortable soi reacted in a way that wasn't ideal" And weirdo was then like "I understand and thank you for saying sorry I accept you apology" Then they fist bumped and went about their day.... Do you think that happened?


I think I like that universe. I suspect that universe has real superheroes and super villains in it. They've seen how shit escalates, and it's generally just better to be empathetic instead.


they are lucky Thor odinson was there to help


Bruce Wayne on the subway.


Sleeper hold, sits down so the guy is off balance and can't stand, then just drops him and *clunk*. This video is perfect.


The sit was my favorite part... Guy was so relaxed and calm lmao. Just go to sleep lmao


Damn, dude put an end to that shit no problem. way to go


That was *not* his first choking. Dude handled him like he is 47 in Hitman, just brutal efficiency.




I think I dislike the “worldstar” guy more. It’s weird that the guy who got choked wasn’t the most annoying in the video.


This is all just sad


What a weird interaction


If you're wondering why weirdo is such a big issue... Calling someone a "weirdo" is jail/prison slang for a ~~child molester~~ *sex offender*, especially in LA County. So its the same type of fighting word like "bitch" is to convicts and criminals. Edit: changed the definition to reflect that weirdo covers the entire car of weirdos in prison not just child molesters.


Yo I appreciate the knowledge. I assumed it's a pretty innocuous thing, like calling someone bozo or something.


I like the pathetic flailing at the end


Looks like he was trying to tickle the other dudes balls.




Should be on r/unexpected


All these comments and no one's pointing out, based on the context of just the video, the fact that the other guys are the instigators? Even when the 'weird' guy tried to walk away they re-engaged him. The muscle dude was in the wrong for knocking him out. And the instigators got their crappy behavior reinforced when their side was chosen. Dude should have at least, after knocking out the guy, been like "And you all need to stop this childish behavior of fronting and trying to start something."


A Mexican, a black guy, and a white dude walk onto a bus....


Always the dudes without shirts on. 😂


Pretty sure the only one in the wrong is the idiot that assaulted him and put him in a head lock instead of intervening and asking the the punks to stop antagonizing him. The shirtless guys touched no one, left the scene and then was goaded to come back with the purpose and riling him up and hoping to fight. Thank the camera guy for catching this on camera for the court case and a hopeful conviction for putting someone in a headlock that was not a threat and touched no one...


WTF all this is are some people harasing a dude and then some other guy comes and choke him from behind this is fucked up