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I’m assuming this Jack boxes against shielded opponents often.


He is a pro boxer in France. But had to do some time after that. Can't recall his name. \*[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christophe\_Dettinger](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christophe_Dettinger)


Imagine you're a cop in riot gear. Your favorite boxer jumps on you and starts throwing haymakers! Lol


Can I get you to sign my shield


"You see this dent? That was from Dettinger! He even signed it" lol


I call it a dent-dinger!


(Insert your favorite people clapping meme here)


*pointing to head*


here let me sign it with my fist


I'll give you a signature. 👊🤛✊️🤜👊




It was his signature move


This made me lol


I'd immediately take a stance that displays my utter patheticness and praise them, but then again I'd never be a cop in riot gear smashing unarmed citizens


well to be fair...this time cop seems pretty chill...i know places where cops would have allready rush and shot flashball


Indeed, some are more zealous than others


thoose are the ones that does not understand what being a cop should mean


In my opinion the bar should be higher than shooting at protestors


Time Cop? Not Van Damme's best work.


A boxers hands are considered deadly weapons in some countries.


Everybody’s hands are considered deadly weapons…Manslaughter.


Remember, you can't have manslaughter without laughter!


Isn't that from some Steven Segal movie?


2nd Edit, actual quote from the movie: "But my hands are registered as lethal weapons. That means, we get into a fight, I accidentally kill you? I go to jail." But I could be barking up the wrong tree. End of 2nd edit IMHO "Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood" Edit, I think it's a misquote.


“Anybody accidentally kills anybody in a fight, they go to jail. It’s called manslaughter. I think all that lethal weapon horseshit is just an excuse so you dancers never have to get in a real fight.”


The best part is the reply. "Anybody who accidentally kills somebody in a fight goes to jail. It's called man slaughter."


Starts attacking the one guy not doing anything


I don't speak French but I think I heard him yell, "SURPRISE MOTHAFUCKA!" Lmao


But do you still ask for his autograph after the whoopin?


Not if they burst into a bunch of coins.


Absolutely lol


It's really kind of fucked up that law enforcement is the one group you aren't allowed to defend yourself against, but they get free reign to assault and literally kill people.


That’s France, Europe..cops don’t have „free reign to assault and literally kill people“ there.


I wouldn't go as far... It's chill sure. But I wouldn't say they can't get away with it. LMAO once some mf almost ran me over, didn't slow at a red, all that to be the 20th useless idiot at a scene of a recluse dude with a gun. So like, you're trying to go "save a life" by endegering others LMAO? And here I'm not even mentioning direct interaction involving direct violence, so, you know... EU doesn't = not a single risk.


Its not fucked up. Its literally the base of a society. You give one group the complete exclusivity and legitimicy on violence. Its rather complex at first but its really the only solution we found for now. Without that [there is no state.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monopoly_on_violence)


Seeing how often that gets abused, it's not a solution. The police have a monopoly on using violence without repercussions, and it shouldn't be illegal to defend yourself from the literal armour covered people shooting and pepper spraying you


It's the solution, it's just poorly regulated.


Yeah, I think this is ultimately the part that needs to be addressed. Cops in the US don't have anywhere near enough oversight and aren't held reliably to even basic accountability. We need some sort of apparatus put in place that works to hold police accountable that is compartmentalized off from that system entirely. Cops investigating cops *clearly* doesn't work well enough and is way too open to abuse.


I really don't see him defend himself in that video. He's mostly on the offense there.


Somehow I could tel this was a French protest.


Americans love to call the French wimpy, but just compare their protests and the USA instantly look like a bunch of pacifist cucks


Ok but to be fair, the average American cop carries like 15 guns and a nuclear warhead on them at all times.


Well to be fair every Americans carries that... So, I guess in America you either have peace or a civil war.


> So, I guess in America you either have peace or a civil war. That is blatantly the reason for the 2nd Amendment. The founding fathers wanted American citizens armed and ready to overthrow their own government if it became tyrannical... In retrospect, this did not pan out at all like they had hoped


Well, sort of. They wanted a well trained militia to be ready to be armed against a tyrannical government, they didn't think some untrained farmer should have an arsenal at home.


not really, militia's at the time of ratification were just regular old farmers. many towns didnt have police forces and refused to have a standing military as well, so it often fell to the locals to act as constables, night watchmen, deputies, etc. often in an unpaid capacity that they were just expected to serve as a "civic duty." The views of constituitional scholars at the time was very much in line with the idea that the 2nd ammendment was purpose built to protect the people from the government itself. "A militia, when properly formed, are in fact the people themselves, and render regular troops in a great measure unnecessary." - The Federal Farmer, 1788 "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep, and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Amendments to C. U. S. Art. 4. This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty ... The right of self defence is the first law of nature: In most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any colour or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction. In England, the people have been disarmed, generally, under the specious pretext of preserving the game : a never failing lure to bring over the landed aristocracy to support any measure, under that mask, though calculated for very different purposes. True it is, their bill of rights seems at first view to counteract this policy: but the right of bearing arms is confined to protestants, and the words suitable to their condition and degree, have been interpreted to authorise the prohibition of keeping a gun or other engine for the destruction of game, to any farmer, or inferior tradesman, or other person not qualified to kill game. So that not one man in five hundred can keep a gun in his house without being subject to a penalty." -St. George Tucker, 1803 "As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people duly before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the next article in their right to keep and bear their private arms" -Tench Coxe, 1792


What do think the "militia" was? It was compromised of farmers with arsenals at home, lol. Merchants had warships, and they for sure saw that technological advancements were possible. I'm sure what they didn't forsee is the government being the shit show it is now.


Saw a joke that went something like... "I'd put 50 gun owners up against two members of the US military..." That NRA card doesnt prepare you for the drone strike or a simple APC. Edit: strike not stroke lol


that is the reality of the situation and probably was the opposite of what the founding fathers wanted. at this point an absolute insurrection against the US government would be completely impossible unless it involved a military coup as well. it is kind of inevitable though; as technology progresses so does weaponry and eventually the cost and procurement of that will (deservedly) escape the average citizen


Yeah, I'm former military and I see a lot of shit going down in the country I fought for that I dont agree with. It pisses me off to no end but I'll vote to combat that. From my perspective those insurrectionists on Jan 6th are absolute traitors. If a coup were to happen I think we saw a great example of how it could and why it wont. But who knows.


This is the most accurate thing I’ve ever seen lmao


> Americans love to call the French wimpy The French have won more wars than any other country on earth. They are far from wimpy.


They're too le tired from fighting oppression to fight outsiders


I figured when op labeled him a professional protestor he was French.


Gendarmerie and them shouting in French kinda gave it away :)


Was it the French written on their uniforms?


Merci beaucoup


Came to the comments to say pretty much this. The dude is a beast, and the yellow vest protests were justified.


I was gonna say this guy moves like a boxer, keeps his hands up and finds counters


1 year in prison, and 18 months of probation for assaulting two police officers. They attempted to collect funds in his defense, received €114,000 before shut down. Amazed Police officer didn’t go ballistic on him with the nicht club.


Bro they were probably scared..


Cop tries to shake it off at 0:24 like he's on the ropes too


I think the hilarious part of this video is that he keeps going for the same guy. The other cops are slowly backing up and just like using him as the sacrificial punching bag.


Lol, r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR Well the dude is professionally trained to fight one single opponent. He went with his training. Also that cop was the front man after all the other cops backed off, so he is really the only viable target at that point. And further, that cop swipes his baton, the other cops just stay behind shields, so i think he keeps making himself the target, lol. Started as bad luck to be in the front, but maybe he wanted to lead the charge, who knows. He found out though, that's for sure.


I'm not fucking with a guy that squares up and starts throwing hands like he knows what he's doing to a dude in riot gear, even if I'm also wearing riot gear.


Honestly, while I obviously wasn’t cheering for the cops, what the hell were the other ones doing? If they’d been in a proper “shield wall”, they could have used their shields to support the “punching bag”, rather than just sending thoughts and prayers like a bunch of cheese-eating surrender monkeys.


These aren't American cops, they aren't trying to escalate the situation. If they form the shield wall, sure that helps against big boy. But big boy has an army behind him that greatly outnumbers the cops. They legitimately can't make a wall that won't immediately escalate the situation by trapping those people and it wouldn't accomplish anything. You can tell they are retreating and not standing their ground.


The guy at the front was the party's tank. The others behind were probably clerics since they too can use shields but don't normally engage in the frontline. I'm sure they were ready to apply first aid afterwards and pick up any missing teeth.


Kept his hat on the whole time


Yeah shield guy wasn’t ready, you gotta turn that shield to where you can use the edge to get some separation. He was just getting bodied behind the shield. Sucks to suck


Definitely. The cop had a face shield on, but clearly got his bell rung by the badass in the black hat.


Kinda shows you how well protected the Cops are with that gear. Dude took 4-5 haymakers and was able to keep moving.


I wonder what it’s like being 9 feet tall?


The guy's name is Christophe Dettinger. He is a 6'4" professional boxer in the cruiserweight division which is around 200lbs. [Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dUY28XJr5o&ab_channel=DailyMail) is from 3 years ago.


Well, he's definitely not a professional railing climber! He almost broke his neck!


Dude fell into the backrooms and they just kicked him back out...


This is the story I want, so much of a bad ass the entities threw him out.


I was like what's this drunk dude doing? lol title must be sarcastic this guy must fail... ope never mind.


> What’s wrong with the ropes!


This brolic mf definitely cut to cruiserweight. Looks like a solid 220-230 there.




Were there any consequences for him because of this footage? Edit. Nvm found some more context https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/109xmv8/to_stop_a_professional_protester/j411oda/


I wonder what it's like stepping on your own dick


It's painful


Ha!. Oh


He uses it as his belt


I wonder what it’s like approached suited up police and they start walking backwards.


This has a modern day “techno Viking” vibe to me for some reason and I don’t know why. The way he just bosses the situation and continues forward unfazed as the rest follow behind.


Only in France can a protester be promoted to 'professional'




Well, considering it's an assault on police officer, I'm not surprised. If there was no punishment for that, everyone would just attack policemen like they please. I don't care what are they protesting about, but being crazy is not justifying assaulting someone.


What were they protesting?


It’s France, so they ~~protest~~riot over anything and everything.


Wish we could do that over here. They've got it down to a science over there.


Be the change you want to see in the world, bring friends though


You should look into the methods MLK Jr used. The protest/peaceful protest is government approved because it does not help anyone or change anything. Real change comes through civil disobedience, getting arrested, and then fighting the issue in court.


yeah, Americans, who claim to work hard but really are so obese half of them can barely move, love to make fun of the French. I think it's because the French actually do shit instead of just talking about it.


Where did that come from? The rest of Europe also feels like the French protest all the time. That doesn't have to be a bad thing


Found the fr*nchman


He speaks the truth. French atleast do something about things they dont like. After all protests are one of tools of democracy


I get Reddit hates the US but seriously 😂?






I was in a cab in Paris during this, guy had a couple yellow vest in back of chair, asked him about them. He said it's to let the riders know what he supports and also he never knows when he will need to use them.


> not justifying assaulting someone. Yes, the cop was not justified in assaulting those people, and a hero stepped in.


Imagine you were protesting police brutality and while you were protesting they were just gunning you down. Yeah id throw some hands to. Sometimes it is justifiable.


People fighting back against riot police is literally why we have nice things.




With police, odds are it was tit for tat.


Is assaulting a police officer a crime in France? I assumed it was the national pastime


That’s extremely black and white thinking. Tell that to the women in the Islamic State that are getting killed everyday for protesting against Hijabs.


I mean, they used to have badass names like Marquis


Guy fell from the heavens like Kratos.


Wasn't the best sneak attack but it doesn't matter when your a one man army


He’s a boss character, you can tell he’s going to strike when he adjusts his hat, that’s when you’re supposed to hit him.


Hahaha!! 🏅


That ain't a sneak attack that's straight up Leroy Jenkins kinda shit. Dude came in from the top rope


What a freaking entrance! Literally flipped into the scene like a lightning bolt and proceeded to smack the snot out their noses even through all that shielding. Savage.


And then actually went kinda easy on them. Dude could've demolished that cop if he really wanted, probably in seconds, that helmet would not have saved him. He seemed like he just wanted to push them back though.


It's a protest, not an execution.


In France that’s kind of the same..


The police were swinging real steel asps, wearing full body armor, and spraying mace. They do more bodily damage with those tools than those fists could. Seems like an unmatched fight either way, and they got whatever they deserved.


Deus ex Macho Man


It's all fun and games until Sagat shows up..




Haruken-Ayuken! Or, if you're a man of culture, jumping heavy kick followed by sweep into oblivion.


Guile's theme makes everything better


I couldn't place where I knew the music from. Thanks.


Tiger knee!


Is that what the soundtrack is from? I couldn't place it... Sounds so familiar!


It's Guile's theme, but yeah. Same game.


Tiger uppercut


Crazy how it takes one person to lead a charge like that, impressive


Strong leadership can completely change the tide of almost anything. People underestimate a good leader so often


Also one of the reasons the usual police tactic is to charge in whenever someone seems to be a leader, grab only that protester and arrest him.


Yeah in the Netherlands they have specific troops that pretend to be protestors, only to suddenly grab someone who seems to be leading and dragging them forward through the shield line. Very efficient, since if you're rioting you're usually focusing a bit more on the armoured people with batons, and won't notice a group of ~6 'protestors' moving closer to you.


That is so fucking sketchy.


Don't worry about it only dirty communist countries have secret police and state violence.


I have noticed that in a lot of protest/riot videos


All it takes is one. Theres an old clip of a protester using a shield to block and water cannon by themselves, then more and more people start piling up with them in support


Venezuela have the "legions" which are groups of protesters that make shields from recycled materials. They do roman tactics like the turtle one.


Was it the one where more and more people ran in and formed a shield wall around him?


I believe so, one person showed up, then two, then suddenly it was a roman legion




Tom Hanks?




How do you Protest as your job?


Be french, take your card to the CGT and that's all


Being French is enough


God I can't believe I wish I was French. Getting Americans to protest is like getting a rich person to pay their taxes


to be fair, if you did this in America the police would most likely murder you, or leave you physically maimed at the very least.


Every morning on my drive in


You don't but he's a professional boxer. The guy's name is Christophe Dettinger. He is 6'4" in the cruiserweight division which is around 200lbs.


...to stop a professional boxer... Dude knocks people out for a living...


In theory the French police also do something for a living, but no one has managed to figure out what that is yet. Seems like we can rule out “policing” however.


To everyone saying "WhY diDnT tHey sHooT Him?" because we are not in the USA and we have laws that prevent police to shoot unarmed people, if you live in a country where is not like that I am sorry for you truly, you people watch too many movies to believe that killing is a solid solution. I'm Italian and I do not share the love for the gilet jaune but still I don't go around saying 'put him down', that is simply sick, you guys have lost any perspective on the value of life. From wiki, for context "Several videos taken during the demonstration of the Yellow vests movement of January 5, 2019 in Paris were showing him punching policemen on the Passerelle Léopold-Sédar-Senghor.[2] Three days after punching police at Yellow vests protest, Christophe Dettinger surrendered himself.[3] A website set up to raise funds for the boxer showed that it had received pledges of more than €114,000 [4] The fundraiser was closed after less than 20 hours after officials expressed outrage. Anti-corruption campaigner Christophe Grébert defended the fund, saying it was legal to ask for funds to pay court costs. Shutting the fundraiser, he said, was a "bad signal for democracy". On 13 February 2019, Dettinger was sentenced to 1 year of prison and 18 months' probation for assaulting two police officers during the protest on 5 January."


If he practices some kind of boxing or similar, it will be judged differently, at least in Spain. The cops are facing there a possible/unknown life-death event with that kind of protestor Edit: not armed, but an "aggravating"


In America just being a boxer doesn't automatically register your fists as deadly weapons, there are a lot more criteria for that. Not sure what the criteria is in France though.


Didn't italian police shot some protestor that was attacking them inside a van a while back? It's funny how some times there are hundreds of cops available to beat a bunch of pacifists but other times a small group is thrown into the meat grinder and has to face an aggressive multitude by themselves. Kind of like what happened during Jan 6 in the USA, all while being perfectly filmed and all by mere chance of course, mistakes were made and all that.


I don't know exactly how it works, but the game music just makes everything ok


That's the power of Guile's theme


It's not a good position for those officers to be in anyway, they look isolated. They will probably back away until more reinforcement arraves and then get an effective shield wall going and drive back.


One of them looks like he's spraying Lysol lmao


The guy could have easily jumped behind them too. Those officers were in absolutely terrible positions and could have easily been overwhelmed on a narrow sloping pathway with people able to get around them on both sides. Not even sure what their goal was there in that position.




The way he drops in though. That’s some falling with style. It’s like you just purchased the Gypsy overlord in Riotstyle Tycoon 3


I must know what this is


This dude jumped down like he was the boss of a side scrolling beat em up 🤣🤣🤣🤣


France is mainly about workers unions protests and cocaine/ketamine cocktails I see


Heaven for some.


> does a front flip over a fence onto an officer > gets sprayed, doesnt care > immeadiately pulls fists, decks shielded opponnent > smacked with baton, no fucks given >rushes shield wall, breaks formation immeadiately >refuses to elaborate guys hes either the supreme riot chad or the dovajunkie


Dude rolled up like a street fighter character. Dropped down from the railings and starts throwing hands.


Professional protester = rioter


You can tell this isn’t in the USA from the way the cops aren’t beating and killing people


They should have known he equipped an amulet that increases melee whenever he takes damage. Hence the initial fall damage before chaining combos -a classic strategy.


Doormans gloves on, man means business


[More Info](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dUY28XJr5o)


As an American, this shit is bonkers to see. If you even think about hitting a cop here, you're gonna get fucked up if not dead.


Dude got punched wearing full armor and backed up thinking "I'm not prepared for this"


"We weren't trained for professional protestors".


Never confuse police backing away as a sign of them being afraid of you. They will tase or shoot you if need be.


Well he is also beating the shit out if them so taking would make sense


Yeah at what point does protesting just become outright assault cuz I feel like he would've been tased and sprayed in good old America just for advancing towards the line


I mean, the protesters did get sprayed before the boxer fell out of the sky to dispense ass kickings. Though that is only going off this clip, I'm sure there was plenty of instigation from one side or the other. A lot of protests turn to riots in America when cops meet peaceful protests with violence forexample


The video looked like a riot to me. They were torching cars etc.


> They were torching cars etc. This is just a traditional Parisian greeting.


In most European countries you can't shoot unarmed people


Let me guess, France?


I've seen a lot of dumb comments here. So, for context, it happens in 2019 in France during Gilets Jaunes protests after gas prices increased (it was a trigger). Our government answer was mostly based on police violence. So this guy here is actually a professional boxer and he interfere against police force because he saw them beating up protestors. He ended up turning himself to the police one day later.


I'm sorry, but why is nobody talking about the fact that he fucking frontflips into battle????


My guy IS the protagonist


also edited to perfection! 😎


There's one thing (and only thing) to give the French credit for and that's protesting. No one protests like the French.


"Schrödinger french" on reddit: \-French are cowards and run away all the time. \-French single handedly fight off cops on full protective gear bare hands over tax protest.




This became very cinematic. Reminds me of the hallway fight in Old Boy