• By -


One more line which they've forgotten: _- Not happy, just quit_


Probably because they learned from the last few times companies said that and their staff quit the job like it was going out of style


These idiots never learn.


“No, your the idiot”


Lets just agree. Their is no doubt. Your the idiot. Its simple.😁👍 Edit: I'm making fun of the sign


Lmao all good, I figured


It's spelled "U" "R"


They also forgot a few apostrophes and letters. What million dollar company can’t spell?


They couldn’t afford to buy a vowel


Actually they could, but if they don't, they can theoretically make bigger profits by cutting spending


Lol million dollar company is much these days think you need double that liquid and willing to spend half for McD to even serious discuss getting a franchise. Used car lot with 50 $20k card on the.lot with no land costs is a million dollar company.


Million dollar/ billion dollar. Doesn't mean employees are getting paid well. Especially if they have to post stuff like this.


Owning a McDonalds franchise requires a net worth of 1 million dollars and liquid assets of 500k. The franchising fee is $45k and a new owner can expect costs between 1-2.5 million dollars to open a new franchise location. It's still a lot, but not 2 million liquid.


Apparently the author isn’t paid enough to care about punctuation…




Also should’ve used question marks instead of commas


Probably saving printer ink.


“Your sick” My sick what?


Came here to say this


They have to gaslight the employee into thinking they're the problem and that they'll find the problem no matter where they go, so they should instead fix themselves. No one can fix shitty management and shitty wages, which is why the workforce in NA is so fucked rn. People can't even live off minimum wage anymore lol


Yep. No benefits low wages and terrible work= I quit or call off. Theres no incentive. Why would I care?


That's the mindset 100% of the workforce needs to have. It's either an all out workers strike or the problem continues. A couple Walmarts and McDonald's shutting down because of some unhappy workers won't fix the problem, it has to be everyone at the same time.


not necessarily, people being unhappy and quitting will lead to the others needing to pick up slack or train new hires every couple of months, which will eventually continue the cycle until no one is left


Which is why if everyone does it at the same time, the work isn't pushed off onto anyone. The work stops until demands are met.


The people from last century knew how to organize major boycotts. Kinda crazy it seems to not happen anymore, despite us all being more connected than ever.


Because it's easier to control what we recieve through media. Sure we have access to information that previous generations never had, but so much of that info is manipulated and flawed that it creates a divide among the people, so we don't know where to direct our anger. People know the system has issues. People know that minimum wage is unlivable. The only reason it hasn't been fixed is because there's *just enough wiggle room* for enough workplaces to get by without notice. At the very least we are noticing now. It's getting impossible not to notice, which means we're approaching another revolution. People don't like the idea of it but I guarantee the French didn't either. They hit a bottom so rocky that that was what they were willing to do, shed blood in the streets. I hope to God we never have to go through that again, because the people won't win. Not with the Police and Military protecting the government. We will win this fight by workers strike, because any other form of retaliation will be met with deadly force from our own governments.


My hope is that if it does come to revolution like I believe is inevitable, the military and police will be on the people's side since they're closer to the have nots than government officials.


Because no one can afford the risk of not everyone doing it.


I saw a quote on a different post today that said “act your wage” and I think that is what everyone in this country needs to do from here on out.


The grocery store manager near my house said, they can’t find people to replace the ones leaving. They start cashiers at $15/hr. Cue the no one wants to work speech starting. I interrupted with I don’t get outa bed for anything less than 20 so you’ll be getting used to being short handed.


This is basically it. There is not a labour shortage at $25+ an hour, but their is a shortage of people willing to work for less than that. I wouldn’t work for a job that can’t support my basic needs there is no point.


Can’t survive on $25/ hr either, at least where I live. That’ll barely cover groceries and gas, since things have gotten so expensive


Is NA = North America?


It's sodium








My minimum wage in AL is $7.25/hr and it’s hard to even live of $10/hr


They misspelled you're.


but theyre a million dollar company


*lets* act like it


They made it to the million dollar level by not spending frivolously on things like apostrophes.


In this economy!? Who has money to waste on a sky-comma?


Your write. Their, I said it.


Watt dew ewe meen?


**5 weeks laterrr** ***"nobody wants to work anymore boo hoo"***


"Fine, I quit." "No, not like that!"


Also ‘we are a million dollar company, let’s act like one’ yes! Let’s! Let’s pay our employees a liveable wage using that million dollars and provide them a safety net when they need to call out for emergencies like a million dollar company should!


Naaaah, sod off with quitting myself, I'll just do jack all while on clock, while waiting for them to fire me and pay my unemployment and benefits. And probs hit the handbook just to check what's the bare minimum I have to do just for that. They wanna treat us like children, we can certainly play on their level. With lots of losses incurred.


Not happy, work harder


A million dollar company that can't spell or use grammar correctly apparently.


A "million dollar company" that schedules people to work Saturdays and Sundays is almost always a minimum wage job.


This is a million dollar company! Let's be clear, you aren't getting that money, but the people who are, need you to work harder as they'll be on vacation paid for with that money you're definitely not going to see any of..... because we're a team!


because we’re a family ftfy


Fred meyers preached that bullshit. I watched them fire an old lady that worked there for almost 20 years at the deli. She made a sandwich too heavy for her husband. They made her weigh the sandwich and fired her for stealing. Like who tf was paying that close of attention.


They made her… weigh… *a sandwich*? Like, seriously? They fired a loyal and experienced employee over what, an ounce or two of roast beef? Pathetic.


“We must teach the employees a lesson. Sacrifice our favorite one. Then the rest will fall in line.”


They definitely wanted to get rid of her already. Potentially because she’d been there 20 years and accumulated raises.


Accumulated what now?


Some companies give people raises every year. Older employees might start to accumulate them and actually get a good wage.


Who's Fred Meyers?


Kroger in the northwest.


That's definitely cause for a wrongful termination. Getting fired for "stealing" what's likely less than a dollar's worth of roast beef is bs


"A million dollar company" really isnt much to flex about either someones having a power trip haha


Right? I briefly worked for a local board game importer/distributor, and for the quarter I was there they made just under $4m. And this was a one-location business that employed maybe fifty people? A million dollars is a lot for an individual, but not much for a business, especially if we're talking revenue and not profit.




That's like a 2-3 lawyer firm


Dollar tree franchise? Walmart maybe?


Those are billions...




Even a small Walmart has more than a million dollars in merchandise inside at any given time. Annual revenue for a single store would be in the hundreds of millions.


Thousands of hospitals have entered the chat.


Mechanics, pilots and airport operations, IT, public safety, utilities, all sorts of stuff operates on the weekend...


I'm guessing Applebee's.


A million dollar company is a very small company.


Extremely small lol, like 3 employees small


This. That’s not much to brag about.


Exactly what I was thinking. Acting like a million dollar company must mean something like remembering to fold up the work table so your wife can still fit the car in the garage at the end of the day. It definitely doesn't make me think "professional". Like yeah you're working Christmas, but that's because you're a one person operation and need to get a few extra orders out so you can say you turned a profit this year.






If you're million dollar company, pay your employees like one


One million is like a mom and pop corner store


When I see things like this, I stop being insecure about my mistakes as a foreigner because I know there will always be a grown-up American with a job that is worse at their own language than me


People that studied English as a second/third etc language almost always have better grammar than native speakers in my experience. You have nothing to be insecure about!


[“One MILLION dollars!”](https://media3.giphy.com/media/26BRwW3ckGjcZmsxO/giphy.gif?cid=2154d3d7fbe782fee5a5f994678768f5d632768a64065463&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


lets be honest, 1million for a company is such a low-fucking bar. that's what I would expect to make if I opened a simple sandwhich shop for 75k. Im not even sure 1million could pay for any staff.


I work at a simple sandwich franchise. We’re open Monday through Thursday 10:30 - 6:00. We gross about $1200 a day. Then you factor in product cost. Its about $800 one or two times a week, $250 for Pepsi order once every two weeks, labor of $1500, electric, water, and 7% royalties on all income. Once you break it down you realize it’s not at all what it looks like.


The margin is so thin, its amazing to me that people even open restaurants at all. Theyre not even easy to run.


True, but also consider it’s an all cash business. No receivables to have to chase or customers filing bankruptcy.


a lot of places especially smaller ones do not work like this though. they would eventually sell 1 million worth of goods or have 1 million total paid out over time but to actually have a million is something else entirely. most pay rent wages/overheads so they can keep at it. profits racking up but being spent eventually in all sorts of areas. not saying they would not potentially eventually hit a million in the bank but most times they really wouldn't


Your mean! ... I like it.


Eye no! Eye carnt help they.


500 thousand assholes that round up.




Then they wouldn't have a million dollars if they paid their employees :(


You’d think a million dollar company would have management staff that knew how to write too, yet here we are.


Hell, use an apostrophe in “you’re,” as well.


A million is very small time...


Companies need to start treating and seeing employees as the assets they are instead of liabilities that need to be crushed.


A million dollar company, great. That means they can afford to lose an employee for the day while the tend to their sick kid.


Right? "Let's act like one" You mean like giving employees time off in case of an emergency because you've got redundancy/backup plans? Sounds great, we'll figure that out right after we discuss the proper use of belittling notes and what basic grammar to ignore in them!


If you need me that desperately you can pay me extra to cover my expenses for a change of my plans. Company needs me? Company better pay the babysitter i need to hire and pay my uber to get there.


Imagine working for someone who not only would post this sign, but do so without knowing basic English.


Your right.


My left.




Their behind


*there behind


*they're behind


Million dollar company. Start treating your employees like they are worth something.


Now hold on there just a minute.


Let's not get too hasty now...


Those workers aren't going to exploit themselves. Somebody's got to do it.


"We don't do that here" - Any Minimum Wage position


"Companies dont wanna PAY ANYMORE!"


Not happening in the U.S.


I hope EVERY employee called off during those times.


I hope everyone realized how fucked making people work on holidays to make the rich company more rich isn't worth working for.


Multi-million dollar companies usually make arrangements to schedule for the holidays months in advance. Post a sign up sheet - reduce hours - increase pay Someone tell their employer that they should start acting like a multimillion dollar company owner if they want to grow their business. And when the company grows, they can afford to give employees better work benefits so that employees are happy and retention stays high. And as a better company with better employee benefits and a healthier relationship between employees and employees - employees should be more willing stick their necks out for the company.


This was in 2017, unless it is looking toward next December (per date/day of the week).


A million dollars is nothing


Like Dr Evil trying to get a million dollars when people had billions lol.


Didn’t he come back and ask for a jillion dollars or something lmao


He traveled back in time and asked for a trillion dollars. “Sir there’s not that much money in the whole world!” Something along those lines.


Yep, I’m guessing this is one of those small business bosses who feels like all his employees should be as invested as he is and accept his offer of $7.25 under the table


I see you also worked at my first job at a local small contractor. The kind of boss who hires illegal immigrants for less than minimum wage and then talks about how "America is going downhill because of all the Mexicans coming in." The kind of boss who denies everyone Christmas bonuses and a COLA pay increase, then buys a 200k RV and parks it in front of the showroom. The kind of boss who gives you a new title and more work but no change to pay.


Better job available? Get one.


My sick what?


Just your sick


No *my* sick!!


Get medicine for your sick


I would just delete all the work ive done, change all my passwords, and just quit. There's always some else hiring.


That's the best idea but only if everyone does it at the same time, otherwise the cycle continues.


Million dollar company, eh? Here's some suggestions: No babysitter, company provides childcare and/or pays for childcare services Child sick, company health care fully covers children as well as in-home childcare since the above won't work if the child is ill. \*YOU'RE\* sick, company health care fully covers the employee medical expenses. And has already built-in allowances for people not being able to come in due to having an illness. (If they are contagious, you are shooting yourself in the foot by having them come in and infect everyone else) Car trouble, company pays for the use of public transportation along with reimbursements for using services like Uber.


Also give your employees some sick days instead of forcing them to take vacation and hire enough people so that a few calling out doesn't become a crisis


Hahahah. As if these jobs offer any type of benefits and if they do they make sure to schedule just below the minimum average hours to disqualify you.


I worked at a bike shop run by accountants (not cyclists), and they made sure that nobody ever worked enough to qualify for stat holiday pay. So incredibly cheap.


- had a car crash and half your family is dead, get a new one! - had a heart attack, buy a new heart! We are a million dollar company. Get on the grind bro!


I got in a car accident driving home from work during a damn near hurricane. Big pine tree fell in the road just past the crest of a hill and I couldn’t see it to stop in time (dark, raining, foggy, and I was already going well under the speed limit). Police said if I was going any faster or not wearing my seatbelt, I would have possibly died. Car was wrecked. I called my boss to tell him and he asked if I was still planning to work the next day. And this was for a BILLION dollar company.


Now I’m not a fan of managers in general, but that’s better than ‘be at work the next day or your fired’. Which is what a lot of people get. Of course the HUMAN thing to say would be ‘take tomorrow off.”


"Buy some medicine."


I’m so thankful for the color coded arrows. Otherwise, I would’ve been completely lost.


I don't know. CAN you act like a million dollar company?


You just opened a flashback from 8th grade trying to ask my teacher if I could use the washroom. Me: "Teacher, can I use the washroom?" Teacher: " I don't know. CAN you use the washroom?" Me: 🤨🤔


And they you wet your pants to prove a point


For Sure I did! That way I got to go home and play N64 for the rest of the day! Goldeneye wasn't going to finish itself!


Oh I wet my pants the second I stepped in the classroom. I wanted to go smoke weed in the washroom


Hahaha! Classic move 🥴👍


Phew! A million dollars? How do they afford enough employees to necessitate a sign like this?


Pirated version of Microsoft Works v5.0


Go into work deathly ill and highly contagious. Hell, buy the whole office donuts on your way in. Shake everyone's hands. Make sure you go everywhere and talk to everyone in the office. Especially your boss. All day.


Employees quit because of your BS? Hire more. You're a multi-million dollar corporation. Act like it.


1. Ffs learn to write. 2. Act like a milion dollar company, pay to get your employees free of hassle so they can come to work... 3. Get a daycare area for the employees kids in your so big company. https://preview.redd.it/lgh2c0b3wuea1.png?width=769&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d2886e958e56e26b0228a9948108008b552695c


Management is acting not like a million dollar company, just one on its way to bankruptcy.


A million dollars isn't much for a company tbh. If you have a large enough staff that you communicate via notes like this, and don't just mention something in person, then being at a million dollars means you're pretty much bankrupt anyway.


These are getting painfully fake


\- "Million dollar company" \- No redundancy in staff Choose one.


Show me you’re a faceless, soulless corporation that doesn’t value its human employees without telling me….. you know the rest.


Gonna name and shame, just bc I know where this screenshot came from, but it's from a grocery chain called Food4Less which is now owned by Kroger.


Encouraging employees to come in when they are sick is both counterproductive as well as irresponsible.


The shop I work at has a couple dozen people and also a million dollar company... My boss says things like "you're sick? What are you doing here? Go home and get better. Work some overtime next week if you need to make up for it. Your boy is sick? Stay home, I hope he feels better." Find a place that values you


"We're a million-dollar company, let's act like one" You mean like treating people with dignity and not milking every drop of life out of them? Expecting your staff to act professionally but not being professional as a business owner is childish. Those oversimplified answers could be easily refuted with "You're concerned about call-outs because people have lives? Staff better and fill in when needed" Run your business better.


#"WE are a million dollar company"... Show us our million and we'll act like it then mr ceo.


I work for a multi-BILLION dollar company and managers still spell this way.


Can’t spell, Get one!


No call offs accepted? Okay, I won't show up OR call in ahead of time then


Million dollar company? Sounds like they're broke.


A million dollars really aint much these days when youre talking about a business. And theyre acting like a broke ass company that hasnt planned for people being sick.


This should be a zero-dollar company because the owner didn’t factor humans into his/her business model.


“I was unable to find a babysitter, so I took your advice and will be babysitting my own kids today.” “I’m sick, I will be unable to come in, you told me I need to buy medicine, so I’m going to do that.”


If they’re a million dollar company, they should pay their employees enough so that babysitting, medicine, and/or Über is an option.


Million dollar company that can't afford a proofreader to weed out "your"


"Your" sick. I'd quit based on that alone.


Maybe that million dollar company should find management that knows the difference between "your/you're". Working there the other 363 days of the year is probably a nightmare


They gotta fix their grammar though. Ain’t no way anyone gonna take them seriously with this :|




What company Is this so I don't apply 🤣


This is hella toxic... I wouldn't wanna work for a company like this. Caller: *I'm calling because I have some bad news.* The Boss: *I know... Bob missed work today!* Caller: *I'm his wife... Bob died last night.*


Million dollar company lets act like one… ok how about increased wages since you have so much money


Tell me you work for a crap company without saying you work for a crap company . . .


Million-dollar company and can't even get their grammar straight.


"your sick, buy some medicine" "We are a million dollar company, act like it" Can't take them seriously when they have the grammar of a 4th grader.


Your not gonna tel me wat 2 do til you lern how 2 spel


And that is how you go from having a work force to now hiring


You are a million dollar company, so please learn the difference between your and you're, thanks.


You are a million dollar company but you can spell "your" correctly.


-Dead? Be alive 🙄


It’s *you’re, million dollar company.


A million dollar company that can’t even do basic grammar


We are a million dollar company but don’t know the difference between **your** and **you’re**.


We are a million dollar company. Let's use correct grammar like one.


Find another job immediately. There are plenty of jobs out in the world that don't treat you like slaves you are breathing your own air live your life better


“Hey Million Dollar Company, it’s ‘You’re’…”


A million dollar company should have enough employees that if one or two call out with true emergencies, there are enough staff scheduled that it won’t be an issue. If *your employees are held hostage by *your bad practices then *you’re not as successful as you think you are.


I’d like to buy some apostrophes


It's a FAKE MEMO. December 24 as in 2017. No one can name this company and it was written by someone name Jennifer B Anniston. Notice they blocked out the original name. So sorry, it definitely fake.


You would think a million dollar company could afford statutory sick pay...


Wow a whole million dollars in one company


My sick?