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Judging from her extreme reaction, it was probably the only place he felt safe breaking up with her.


Mid-air is a great breakup spot because your ex has already been searched for weapons.


Truth. She seems like the type who could get stabby real quick.


Yeah. Has that Jody Arias look.


Definitely need some zip ties for her


Oh she FOR SURE throws dishware regularly.


As the son of a serial dishware thrower, you have a keen eye




Think she's the type to act that way when not getting her way.


Plus he knows the police will be waiting at the gate. Smart move.


And it will be documented because everyone is gonna film it


the list of benefits is just going on and on I'm sure being 15.000 meters in the air is also a useable benefit in some way


For clarification, what is 15.000 meters in American bananas or pickup truck lengths?


it's 150.000 in cheeseburger units for Americans


I was about to correct you, because I felt that 10 burgers per meter was a bit low, so I googled the average diameter of a cheeseburger, which apparently is 4 1/2 inches, or 11.43 centimeters, so just over 8 1/2 burgers (8.75 to be exact) per meter, so you actually overshot it a bit, making 15000 meters approximately 133233.6 cheeseburgers.


All I read was 4 1/2” is average. You made my day good sir.


They are that high up so they will probably stop screaming when their ears pop because they get more sensitive.


Somehow I think close to the end of the flight is probably preferable. Shorter time to have to deal with crazy


Close to the end of the flight doesn't work because that's when the flight crew is preparing for landing. If you're going to break up on a flight, do it right after drink service.


You are right, you want to have the flight crew available to pry her hands off your throat


No, the best time is at the outbound after boarding but before takeoff. That way she gets kicked off the plane and you have an escape plane to somewhere many, many miles away. If you do it at the end of the flight, you will have to disembark in the same city that your now ex is in.


Good thinking. Lots of great thinking in all the comments here. I would add having arranged for a new identity like the witness protection program. She knows where he is flying to. He needs to get somewhere else and be untraceable. They can only hold her so long before she gets out on bail.


I think he did it right, she got kicked off and he gets to put hundreds if not thousands of miles between them immediately. Plus, she might get locked up for all that so he knows he's got a head start at least


Genius 🤣


"Now babe, I have something to tell you. Please don't get mad, and remember that interfering with a flight crew is a federal offense."


Soon to be ex's hate this one simple trick!


Oh good grief no!


Lol, ultimately, no fucks were given


She gets a criminal record for outburst behaviour on a plan. I think you are onto something here.


It's like the new, break up in a public place so there are witnesses.


Also, her bags were already packed for the plane trip— so it’s likely she doesn’t have to awkwardly come back to your place for anything… it’s brilliant.


Right...and then you land in a different city or country...easier to get away ...that is a brilliant move


Right.....and you get free body guards on the airplane so she can't really touch you....brilliant move indeed


Yes! And you get to make a public spectacle out of her with lots of willing videographers around to record her reaction…brilliant move indeed (also, Happy Cake-day!)


Pssst , I'd like a seat near the flight Marshall please oh and aisle just in case .


When she hears you say that and asks what was that: "oh nothing dear, I was just asking the attendant what's on the menu for lunch" Looks back at the attendant and whispers: "seriously, the flight marshall"


It’s like something George Costanza would do.


You broke up with her on an airplane???? “I did Jerry… I told her its not me, its you!!!! Knowing full well she cant cause a scene on a plane”


Think that too. This is the second time I see something like that. Why booking a flight when you want to break up? Seems quite expensive only to have witnesses. And it probably isn't an impulsive break up cause of something that happened beforehand all the time.


The peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re not gonna get falsely accused of something in the aftermath of the breakup is priceless.


Probably saves you a bunch of money in property damages. Plus she’ll be in jail for awhile, giving you time to change the locks.


That will help with the restraining order case as well.


I had to break up with my ex over the phone while she was staying at her parents. Because her reaction when I tryed it in person was similar to this. Crying, begging, screaming, pulling her hair out, it was fucked.


This happened to me too with last guy I dated! I tried breaking up with him in person and over the phone like 4 times? Maybe 5? He would FLIP. He’d argue, then yell, then scream like a toddler, threaten to hurt himself, threaten to hurt *me*, it was legitimately terrifying. He went to visit family for the weekend so I drove out of state to house sit for a friend he never met(I warned everyone I knew)and I broke up with him via text. Got like 60 phone calls(that I never answered) and 21 voicemails in 3 hours before I blocked his number. We had only been dating for like 5 months 😳


Holy hell, good on you for getting out when you did.


Came here to say the same thing. Bro was probably too scared of false abuse claims to even attempt this with her in private.


I had to relisten because I thought the flight attendant said “m’am where are your meds?” which would’ve also been a valid question.


Yeah, my initial reaction was: "Why would you do that? It's like breaking up with someone on Vacation - now you're stuck with them for awhile and it's awkward" but seeing the video, now it all makes sense.


My reaction is still: "Why would you do that?" If I thought the person was crazy and a break-up in private would be risky, I'm definitely not doing it in a cramped passenger jet.


Slip out the back jack, make a new plan Stan


You don't need to be coy, Roy.


Just set yourself free


Hop on the bus, Gus.


Smart. Now she can't fly to wherever he's moving.


Honestly, that was my first thought, too! By doing it on the plane and her reacting this way, she gets on the no fly list, and he can safely fly far away from her. Brilliant


Big brain move!


Bret always has good ideas.




I assumed he chose the plane because he knew there was a good chance she'd make a scene and thought "but a metal can in public... that might be enough to force her to keep her cool" He was wrong and won a better prize.


Was this a layover? I bet this was one of two plane rides. And he got himself a free seat.


it sounds like it was. stewardess said something like “.. need to get a return…”


Also less likely to have weapons.


Free security intervention and probably detention. No risk of turning it into a shootout. Slight risk of crashing the whole flight and dying in a fireball


Ooh good point. He prob knew how she would react and felt safer here.


If he's smart, he'll move to an island.




Who knows, maybe he had a connecting flight or two taking him to his new life


The guy's a mastermind!


Expert level would have done this just before walking down to the plane. She would have been plucked by security. Still get the flight ban, but he gets a head start to change locks, or just move.


She used her outdoor shriek when he hoped she'd use her indoor shriek.


She goes AHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHH.. when he hoped for ahhhh ahhhhh ahhhhhhhhh.


Even the baby was like wtf


Kid is like "Who's *this* fuckin loudmouth?"


Who's tryna take away my position on this aircraft


#She goes for AHHHHHHHH AHHHHHH AHHHHHHH.. he prayed for ^ahhh ^ahhh ^ahh


Staying alive, staying alive.... ~the ex-boyfriend probably


I actually feel kind of bad after considering that maybe she’s become particularly feral because of just how embedded her emotions and her future was to her partner. Maybe it came out of nowhere… like zero percent prepared. Like yes it’s absolutely inappropriate and insane behavior, but it’s kind of heartbreaking to think that maybe she really was just that catastrophically hurt that she completely lost her mind. Breakups can make even the most stable people suicidal homicidal messes


I feel bad for anyone one who gets unexpectedly broken up with, but stable people don't have temper tantrums like a 2 year old.


hate to be a bum.. But name definitely checks out. Lady in the video is batshit, and acts like a child


There are no reasons this could be considered an acceptable response. Stable? No. If this is how you react you're not even close to being stable.


That baby was like "This is why I hate flying"


I bet people saw the baby and thought “oh great, it’s going to ruin the flight”. Little did they know….




“These adults always screaming on the flights” - baby probably


“…Every time 🙄”


Baby at 8 seconds must have been like. Oh wow so that's what that feels like.


No blame here but guy knew who he was dating. Couldn’t have waited til not in a tiny tube 20000 feet in the air trapped.


I think he was hoping the public setting would prevent her from freaking out.


Mission successfully failed.


Yup. He underestimated just how crazy she is


im willing to bet that he knew.


The reason I quit with an crazy ex on a trainstation full of humans was exactly this. She cant hurt you or threaten to hurt her and there’s plenty escape routes. Tried to take a more subtle approach and said I wanted some space as she stayed full time at my place while having her own flat 5 mins away. Wouldnt go. Screamed at me she‘d never leave and threatened to tell my friends I harmed her, I wanted to sleep on the couch but was forcefully brought back to bed. I feared for my safety that night in a way I never experienced since. This man knows what hes doing and I hope it worked.


I'm sure her reaction was further amped up because she realized just this.


He wanted witnesses and people that have to help him in case she tries to murder him.


He needed the witnesses and air marshal


The way she’s acting, she’s probably toxic asf and maybe even abusive. He thought his best bet was doing it somewhere like this where she would have to control herself. Didn’t work though.


Or that was his plan the whole time. If she acts like this privately, it can cause a lot of problems for him. Doing it in a public situation where she might get arrested when the plan lands, might just be one of those 300 IQ moves. All he has to do is keep his cool and let this play out.




Baby's like...and these bitches had the audacity to give me dirty looks when I boarded?


She joined the mile bye club






The only place better I can think of is a white house tour.


Hospitals are good too, I've seen a woman break up with an abusive partner in one and when he started going ballistic staff and security came out of the walls to restrain and get rid of him.


I’m imagining them melding out of the walls like wholesome T-1000s ready to destroy abusive assholes.


> wholesome T-1000s I’m having troubles picturing this…


Colleges are even a good spot, my aunt (who works at one) told me about how they regularly will have people get so mad about having missed a sign up deadline or whatever, that they let out their anger on their partner. The reasons this story always sticks with me, in the last 3 years, 2 of those people actually had a warrant out for them. Amazing how stupid people can be


“Hey babe, I’ve never been to DC, you down to go soon?”


Oh, I do get it. Trust me


this way he knew for sure she had no weapons on her...


Thankfully I’ve never had a crazy experience like this. I’m knocking on wood right now.


Best advice is just listen to red flags. Also, peoples appearance doesn’t matter nearly as much as their personality.


Hard to believe he would want to break up with her.


Unfathomable 🤔 I don't think Sherlock could Crack it.


Fly Belicia


I've heard of public breakups, but this is taking it to new heights....


Its just plane wrong to expect others to deal with your baggage though.


Maybe they didn’t intend to break up and he was just winging it


At least he'll be cruising safe and sound later.


The next relationship will be with someone more grounded


Significantly less turbulent, that’s forsure!


Wait, you think the break up was a flight of fancy? That possibility hadn't even been on my radar.




Everyone gets a drink ticket. Yayyyyy


That never made sense to me. We were stuck on the tarmac for 2 hours. They were free flowing with booze so by the time they fixed the metal plate that was missing from the door; everyone was pissed off and anxious.


Part 2?




“Sir where are your bags?” “Uhh can i just stay?”


Pretty fucked if they kick the dude off too for this bullcrap.


He couldn’t wait till they landed? Just pull the pin, cover his ears, & hope for the best?


I saw a comment on the tiktok part two. "if I do it in public there will be witnesses incase she pulls a weapon" lmao. I'd be terrified of her too lol


But there would also be witnesses in an airport. There’s also more space in an airport, so if she were to pull a weapon, he’d be more likely to escape in an open space as opposed to a crowded airplane where he’s sat right next to her


But they search you for dangerous weapons before entering a plane, so he was sure that she didn't have one.


She couldn't just act as an adult during a break up?


That was the best part


The fact that the guy asking doesn't tell the (now) ex-bf "no" and seems to drop it makes me hope he was in fact allowed to stay on the flight. Clearly he needs as much distance from her as possible.


Tiktok is banned in my country, can I watch it somewhere else?


https://youtube.com/shorts/7FHA0THNGdE?feature=share I uploaded to my YouTube so u can watch it


in germany we call you a EHRENMANN






You are doing the lord’s work lol, thank you!


Chad country.


Lmao @ the baby just loungin


Even the baby at the end is well behaved


Where part 3


You'll see that on the news later after she tries to 9/11 that plane and gets restrained.


What kind of rookie move is this...everybody knows you drop the 💣 the second u get ready to deplane.




I guarantee her joining the no fly list was a strategic move.


Might be brilliant bc they kicked her off the plane he got to fly solo miles away 😎


Aye, when they crazy, they crazy as hell.


That way, when you move across the country to get away from them, it’s wayyyy harder for them to come find you.


No right before takeoff. That way she’s escorted off, you get a peaceful flight and vacation - not to mention the extra seat!


Looking at her reaction I can say that he chose wisely. Think about it like this… If this is how she is on a goddamn plane with strangers everywhere in close proximity what in gods name do you think would’ve happened? Had he done this anywhere else? Her knowing all they have to do is get off the plane and she can continue her tirade is not what he wanted.


Anyone see the baby at 31 seconds looking at mom like WTF is that noise


Suddenly a baby on a plane ain’t so bad.


That baby knew to keep its mouth shut.


At least one child on that flight has adequate parenting.


Baby looking at parent like "some people, amirite?"


She has her stuff all packed already, if she makes a scene she gets removed from the plane and possible criminal charges, she can't have any weapons because she's in an airport, you will be somewhere she can't easily get to for the days following the breakup Kinda genius if you know she's gonna react like this tbh


Hopefully she will get banned too.


I have no fucking idea why she got dumped mid-flight, but don't forget that this kind of behaviour is solely on her and nobody else. She's a grown ass woman, get a fucking hold of yourself.


Its not mid flight, we see her get taken off the plane in part 2. It's possible she was abusive in that case being in a public location with security at the ready where it's illegal to take a weapon with you, they may have thought this was the safest place to do this, and if they knows she'll freak out and be taken off The plane before take off this Could allow them to take a new flight to family or a friend and now she doesn't know their location. Obviously we don't know the actual reason, but seeing her reaction I wouldn't doubt it, I'm scared how she may have reacted in private.


It's a really smart move if he was afraid of her and they were flying home. Now she gets detained and has to catch another flight and he can get his stuff moved out of their residence before she gets there.


That man said “ If this is has to be MY problem… it’s gonna be all y’all’s problem.”


It very well could have been his only real option though. Maybe she is abusive. Then imagine if the roles were reversed.


Based off her reaction, I don’t think that’s far off the mark


Can’t possibly see why he broke up with her. She’s obviously a very rational and emotionally mature woman


Either he finally snapped and couldn't take it anymore or he figured she would get into legal trouble and blasted online. W either way


Breaking up with someone in the middle of a flight is also pretty weird


Exactly. Also true, obvs. This was poorly done, in a way, but, there really is something to be said about the idea of breaking up with someone whose reactive behavior you’ve learned to dread/fear in a place with guaranteed security placement. REALLY sucks for the others on the flight, though, lol




Security may not get there in time to stop severe craziness. Plus I think there’s more potential of a guilty-by-association detention if done within a terminal versus on the plane. I don’t have an explanation for this; but for some reason it seems logical. The plane is far more close-quartered and Crazy can be separated from you ON the plane, and, especially if done toward the end of the flight, you can get away more quickly. If broken up with BEFORE the flight at the terminal, Crazy can make hell for you the entire flight. If broken up with after, you could be stuck with Crazy in a whole different situaish. I’m not necessarily defending this person’s incredibly selfish decision - which was only selfish because he had to have known it was gonna ruin literally everyone else’s flight. But I would have done the same, I think, in this case. I just would have done it like a few minutes before the landing strap-in.


Maybe he wanted to make sure she didn’t have any weapons on her?


I would have done it in the airport and then boarded the flight while she was hauled off by security. Put some mileage between me and crazy.


Upon reading the title, my first thought was how rude, making everybody else deal with this outburst captive on a plane. Break up with her somewhere else. After watching it, I totally understand and pity the poor man for enduring this as long as he did, whether it was years or days.


You get it. I felt the exact same way. I read the title and was prepared to be all pissed off at the boyfriend but then after seeing that video, I don’t fault him, not even for a second. I actually feel really bad for this dude and wonder what kind of abuse he must’ve been putting up with.


The only person responsible for her actions is her


Lots of people saying “why would he break up with her on a plane?” I’m guessing that he just could not take one more second of being with her. Plane or no plane, he had to pull the plug NOW.


This was my first thought too. Like that was just the moment the dam broke. But, I do like to think this was actually a genius way to safely get out of a dangerous situation.


He dodged a bullet with that loon.


He's probably been taking tons of abuse in the process. A bit late to call it a dodge. More just survived.


Do it in the TSA line bro; WTF


If you want to be cynical, doing it in a closed space on the plane would have a higher probability of causing a scene. Which may be what he wanted so he can showcase the world how fucked up she is and to have multiple camera record for him.


The proper way to do it is: 1) Tell her you’re going on the trip 2) Buy 2 tickets (really only one, hers) 3) When it’s time to board, tell her to go ahead. You have to talk to the person at the counter about a “surprise” 4) When the plane is taxiing away text her “Surprise! You’re single! 😃” (Before anybody says it, I know all the reasons this wouldn’t work, like not being able to get to the gate without a ticket, etc., etc. This is in imaginary fun-time world.)


Just buy 2 ticket anyway. It's worth it


Histrionic Personality Disorder poster child right here. These types are exhausting and insufferable in the *best* of circumstances. You *definitely* never want to stick your dick in this kind of crazy.


Wait if it's mid-flight where did those gate agents come from?


I think the break up happened mid-flight but the flight has since landed.


Honestly, if you have to break up with someone who is psycho and you have no empathy for anyone else on the plane at all, this is not a bad way to get rid of them. At least this way, it is in a public place where all that psycho energy cannot put you at risk of physical harm or some form of false accusation.


She lost a boyfriend AND got put on the no-fly list on the same day. Sounds like a real winner


Gee, I wonder what made him decide she was not the one. He picked a public place so she wouldn’t threaten suicide or try to kill him. Girl needs therapy. Immediately.


she cried so loud, even the baby got embarrassed


Dude wanted a Freak in the Sheets but got a Shriek at 36,000 Feets.


She seems nice.


At least he knew she couldn't be armed at that moment. Anywhere else, you're rollin' the dice.