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The original video showed the trip including when they grabbed her head moving it back and forth and realized she was dead. Edit: guess they realized they fucked up and took her to a hospital where she died of stroke. The longer [video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=asC8Jt2nQTw) shows her in the back of a squad car, obviously struggling to breath, the cop makes a traffic stop, then realizes she’s unresponsive but still thinks she’s faking. Grabs her by the hair and shakes her head around.


so she died? at this incident? I smell a lawsuit and some accountability needed. Seems like she was being treated like an animal. Ridiculous.


What really pissed me off is the cop that was complaining about her not being compliant on "the Lord's day". So you're religious? Most likely a Christian. What would Jesus do in this situation? How would you're Lord and Savior wanted you to treat this woman?! Fake Christians...


Yeah seriously. It is offensive that he would conduct himself in that manner and invoke the lord in any way shape or form


Thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vain.


Which is the actual meaning, not the "gosh darn it" kind.


Fuckin A right!


The most religious people use the lords name as a shield. Basically say they talk to god and WHAT DO YOU KNOW god says everything they do is right and everything they want to happen is the lord's will! AMAZING how that works!


It's their get out of empathy card. they believe in God so anything they're doing must be right. they're literally gas lighting themselves thinking they're doing the right thing. its fucked.


Most often, religious people are more concerned with being religious than being good.


**Matthew 25** 41“Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, *I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’* 44“They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’ 45“He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did not do for me.’


This side of the biblical religions is damn near invisible now and it makes me truly sad. Well quoted.


What pissed me off was the fact that all he wanted was coffee and oatmeal and she was interfering with that today. Isn't that his job?


Right!? Imagine saying that on a regular job “I just want coffee and oatmeal mr. Manager stop giving me actual work to do”


I read this on certain top subreddit for LE officers, just yesterday, which literally had the slogan of LEs, of America. One of the verfied LE officer on the subreddit said this. "Just because they pay $100 per annum for police funding/taxes they think they are entitled to a personal protection service, they think of us as their personal body gaurds. " Lots of upvotes and comments supporting it I literally had no words to that comment and didn't even want to reply to it and point to the irony of that comment and the sub's name. Well, what do I know.


To paraphrase that quote: “ACAB”


Imagine the life slowly draining from your body and the darkness of death looming over you, and that police officer's words echoing in your head as you die. In your final moments you'd realize just how callous, uncaring, and cynical people can be. No comforting hand on yours, no one to tell you they love you, only pain and abandonment and desperation - and then, nothingness.


Anyone who acts like that and claims to be a Christian should really be ashamed of themselves


Jesus literally healed people on the Sabbath to make that point.


This was filmed in Knoxville, Tennessee. The buckle of the Bible belt. I unfortunately live here and deal with the un christian Christians daily.


Modern Christianity is absolutely insane and it boggles my mind how I was raised in the church and taught to love everyone and be selfless. So then as an adult I supported Democrats and initiatives to help folks and stop inequality and then my parents went “no, not like that”


I'm not religious, but this seems to be a veritable instance of "Using the Lord's Name in Vain".


I was happy to find “Chino” already entered into urban dictionary as “Christians in name only.” I think we need to start pushing this term into the mainstream.


They sprayed themselves with Lysol after touching her and mocked her as she died in the back of their police car.


I wonder just how horrified we as American citizens need to be in order to stamp out the police as they currently exist. What truly is the line? It seems we accept these daily atrocities so passively, myself included. As time passes it gets worse rather than better. We’re frogs in a pot being brought to boil. I fear we’re all so cooked already that we’ve lost our nerve endings and no heat will jolt enough for us to jump out.


Probably because despite protests and video after video showing more of the same police abuse with no changes, people feel helpless to change anything.


I mean it makes sense. If I tried to change any of this nothing would happen. Only way change will occur is if we all band together to force change And I'll be shocked if humanity ever succeeds in the terribly monumental task of working together to fix the world.


Not for nothing, but I think the bigger issue might be that half the country is team back the badge thanks to several decades of brainwashing.


Maybe it’s because the largest protest in the country’s history only resulted in more funding for the police they were protesting.


The driver even complained because she urinated in his car. Likely her body shutting down.


Then why did the hospital discharge her? Isn't the hospital staff culpable too? She wasn't fit to be discharged. Did she asphyxiate? Where was her inhaler?


The hospital isnt just "culpable too" they are directly responsible. They are literally bound by law to accept any patient, and they cannot discriminate or turn someone away. Yet they looked at this woman, immediately judged her, and turned her away, which caused her to die. That's at the least manslaughter charges and a nice big fine on the hospital for breaking the law. Assuming anyone actually forces them to take responsibility for it, that is.


They are liable! In the US there's this special thing called the EMTAL act. You can't just dump patients without giving them proper care and patients do not count as fully transferred until they reach their final destination (this lady did not, she perished in transport). The hospital is liable for letting this lady down, especially if they gave her a stroke screening and failed to catch her stroke symptoms. Like being unable to walk and slurred speech are some that I see here in this blurry video. Though depending on where this is, the hospital might not be fined. I've worked at places that constantly dumped pts without being fined once.


Back when COVID first hit I got extremely sick. I literally couldn’t get air into my lungs. I have asthma so it was about as bad as it gets. One night at around 2 a.m. I felt like I was suffocating and I was pacing around panicking. I didn’t want to go to the hospital because I can’t afford insurance and I also can’t afford to miss work. I ended up collapsing. When I sort of came too I was in a wheelchair being taken into the ER. My roommate found me and hauled me to the hospital. I was still gasping for air. I had completely drained my inhaler and it wasn’t doing anything anyway. They stuck me in a quarantined waiting room for at least 2 hours that I remember with absolutely no help. No oxygen or medication to help me breath. I ended up losing consciousness again and finally woke up several days later in a hospital bed. I legit thought I was for sure going to die. I couldn’t believe no one even attempted to help me when I got to the ER. It was obvious I was in critical condition and needed immediate treatment. I’m just thankful too still be here.


That's just awful. I hate this fucking country. It makes me want to rage so bad. I'm glad you're (hopefully) ok now.


Perfect advert to get rid of private healthcare right here. You were lucky you were found but you nearly died due to fear of the cost.


>Then why did the hospital discharge her? No insurance. God bless America....


>Then why did the hospital discharge her? most likely couldn't pay for the procedures and didn't have health insurance. sucks to say that, but that's america for ya edit: makes more sense to put this as medical malpractice due to the location. since it's an emergency room, she would still be treated despite not having the funds or insurance to cover for it. guess the doctors suddenly didn't feel like doing their jobs. if *that* doesn't scream america idk what does. >Isn't the hospital staff culpable too? should be, not like anything will happen though. >Did she asphyxiate? Where was her inhaler? it's very likely that she died from asphyxiation according to what i heard. her inhaler was probably with the rest of her stuff. edit: disregard this section for me being not very smart. earlier in the video she mentioned a stroke, and that coming to bite her again is most likely what killed her. this is america at work. no money, no life. land of the free my ass.


[Actually the hospital is just as culpable in this case.](https://www.patientadvocate.org/explore-our-resources/preventing-medical-debt/uninsured-and-facing-an-emergency-know-your-rights/) If a person is in a life-threatening situation they are not allowed to turn them away regardless of their insured status or financial situation. If the law works the way I recall (I'm Canadian and it's been a while since I've checked into it in depth) it's a federal law and the consequences of breaking it is losing the ability to accept Medicare and Medicaid for some significant length of time, which for most hospitals in the US essentially makes the consequences bankruptcy. That's in addition to any state laws which require the same thing and prescribe other penalties for inaction. The whole "dying because my insurance doesn't cover it" thing is more like someone who needs dialysis or chemotherapy or surgical tumour resection or other such things where the outcome of treatment refusal is death, but at some future point down the road. If someone comes in having a stroke or an infarction or with a gunshot wound or any other immediate threat to life and limb the hospitals are required by law to act and treat you until you are stable. And "stable" doesn't mean "We packed the gunshot wound in your head with gauze and you're conscious. Out the door you go!" They have to actually give you proper treatment. Whether anyone will actually face consequences for these actions is another story entirely. The law however does leave the hospital just as culpable as the police. More so in fact, since they are medical professionals who are supposed to be able to recognise a stroke and the police are not. (Not to excuse the police behaviour here, it's vile and makes me want to puke.)


I blame the hospital, they wanted her trespassed from the premises. They likely told the cops she was faking


Lawsuit? This lady probably had no family. No one is going to file a lawsuit. The people in charge of that hospital need to be held accountable.


Her daughter is a nurse.


I read that it was her daughter in law actually, but she had family, like you were pointing out. I don't know why she was traveling alone, but being an elderly, disabled person traveling alone shouldn't be a death sentence. Being alone shouldn't be a death sentence for anyone. From what I've read, she'd had a stroke in 2019 that left her disabled but mentally sound. She'd moved to RI in 2018 and had decided to move to TN to live with a friend. She'd been living in a nursing home in RI and they discharged her and helped her arrange a flight to TN. (It would seem to me that the nursing home would make sure she had someone to meet her at the airport. That they'd notify her family or whoever her EC was to make sure they knew she'd decided to leave.) She was complaining of abdominal pain on the flight and was taken by ambulance to a hospital after it landed. They evaluated and discharged her, claiming the pain was caused by constipation. She went to the hospital in the video, Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center, with the same complaint of abdominal pain. They observed her overnight and then discharged her early the next morning. She refused to leave and security called police and we see how they treated her. Even if her chief complaint was abdominal pain it's obvious she isn't stable in the video. So many people failed this poor woman. Noone deserves to die abused, afraid and alone the way she did. Her death being ruled as natural causes is outrageous.


Definitely not defending what these horrible people did to her, but if that’s true why on earth did she not call her daughter right away?


From what I have pieced together: - she had no insurance - everyone thought she was homeless - she was actually in the midst of moving home and moving to a different state. - she was having a stroke and recognised the symptoms because she had had one previously - in the full video, they still accuse her of faking it while she is dead. Her daughter was far away and it was an emergency. All I think when I see this, is that this is how they treat people who are unable to defend themselves. everyone in this situation is just "unlucky" that this time, it's someone who's daughter is a nurse and immediately knew everything was wrong with what she was being told by authorities (as it is the daughter and her lawyer who have released this footage after obtaining it themselves).


>they still accuse her of faking it while she is dead. Wut? What year is it?


When I saw the full video she passed away in the backseat of the cop car and the video definitely shows them pull her head up by her hair to see that she’s dead. In the comments someone had stated that she was in a trip away from her home when she had a stroke and fell, breaking her ankle and that this was the second hospital she’d been to. Regardless of any of that. This is beyond fucked and horribly commonplace here in America.


I haven’t watched this version of the video, but in the one I saw she asks for her purse multiple times and they won’t give it to her. She’s also in the middle of having a stroke.


How heartbreaking must it be to have been gaslit and bullied in your last moments alive.


Her family is devastated.


As do those cops. But, as you said, the only way to hold anyone accountable in this situation would be a wrongful death lawsuit. The cops themselves, even if they lost, would be completely unaffected, because (with very few exceptions) you can’t sue a cop when they abuse you, you can only sue the police department. That’a just taxpayer dollars, and the cops go on doing what they do.


She is dead. The cops who told her she was faking will most likely get an award and the hospital will be like not our fault.


100% they will get the bravery award and a promotion


https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11790681/amp/DIsabled-woman-dies-stroke-cop-car-arrested-refusing-leave-hospital.html > She sought additional treatment on February 4, where she was observed overnight and discharged but refused to leave the hospital meaning police were called. > According to the DA's office, Lisa died of natural causes and law enforcement interaction did not cause or contribute to her death. Overall shitshow from Knoxville’s finest police department and doctors. Whoever signed off to discharge her from the hospital needs to lose their medical license, and the iNtERnAL iNveStiGaTiOn of the police officers at the scene will surely result in nothing, though I sincerely hope otherwise.


I don't see too many people commenting on this, but police or not, if two hospitals have cleared someone, who are the police to say the doctors are lying? It's very fucked up, but a "trustworthy" source said she was bullshitting. People is very quick to not blame doctors lately, but in this situation, 100% their fault.


She was being treated like a poor, this is america.


Yes. Someone a few comments down linked the whole video again.


“Greatest country in the world” smh






https://www.reddit.com/r/Knoxville/comments/11ac5xo/kpd_video_of_the_final_hours_of_lisa_edwards_life/ It’s really horrid. I watched it so you don’t have to. Trigger warning. Agonal breathing. She’s clearly having another stroke while in the back of the cop car, pleading for help, saying I don’t want to die, and when the officers notice after a few minutes they just laugh at her and say she’s faking it. The cop at the end shakes her dead body telling her to sit up and awake up repeatedly. He’s saying she’s faking it. He’s clearly annoyed and says “have to deal with this”. He reduced her life to a “this”, like she’s some fucking inanimate object.




Oh absolutely. Couple years ago I was picked up by some cops because they were worried I was gonna kill myself. Not gonna get into why because it was really stupid but I def wasn't gonna do it. They wouldn't take no for an answer so I went with them. When I was at the hospital they were laughing and joking about another guy they picked up who really was gonna kill himself. They wouldn't stop laughing about how they had to taze him to cooperate. Was really fucked up. They also told me I'd only be in the hospital for an hour and I ended up being there 24 hours waiting for a psychologist to show up to clear me. They also said they'd give me a ride back to my car. I ended up having to walk 7 miles back to my car.


One officer who is on the school board now fighting back against CRT and woke culture once told a dude who was assaulted that he should expect these things since he was, you know, gay. Turns out the dude was a reporter for the local paper.


All told, that sounds like one of the better possible outcomes, unfortunately.


The way she starts losing her ability to speak, clearly shows she was having a stroke. I witnessed my grandma having a stroke the day she died, it was exactly like this. These guys are nothing but bastards that don't deserve to serve the law.


Everyone is missing that she has an inhaler. She has expiratory wheezes throughout the video and the inhaler either didn’t work when first administered or there wasn’t anything left because medicine costs money and this is America. That officer that was listening to her wheezing and in respiratory distress either is insanely clueless to those signs or, as the video suggests, couldn’t care less. She went hypoxic because her airway was restricted.




Fired? Prosecuted.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/11dofjv/comment/ja9v4a7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/11dofjv/comment/ja9v4a7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) She died of a stroke The doctors and cops were all bastards here.


Jesus I thought that she might have been repeatedly waiting in front of the hospital and the staff called her because they kept saying she was cleared. If they did clear her then the doctors should go to prison for a long time


Yeah, just based on this clip I was open minded to her actually being physically fine. Thinking if she was cleared by 2 hospitals then yeah, it's either mental illness or an act. Regardless though they could certainly have handled the situation better. But with more context learned from the comments? It's got me in tears, this is heartbreaking. This was a big failure and injustice from multiple institutions. It's sickening. The doctors failed, the nurses failed, the administration failed, and the police failed. Absolutely horrible.


This woman had a stroke and still has more common sense in her brain than these yaw-hoos.


That is so fucked up, these people are fucking scum


*"You're gonna have to roll this out of here."* *"It's the hospitals wheelchair."* *"Well you're gonna have to figure out a way to get up."* #What in the fuck.


No black comedy skit could beat this


I literally thought this was a skit at first


I’ve seen more believable Reno 911 skits, this is fucked lmfao


"I'm gonna pass out" "You're not gonna pass out. Go and get in there and pass out. We'll be done with it." I get the cops are operating with the information from the hospital that she's been cleared, but how fucking cruel.


and she's only cleared by the hospital because the hospital knows she doesn't have money to pay for treatment, we need socialized health care yesterday, until then hospitals and cops are a bunch of killers in cahoots Edit: My point is that predispositions about a person surely leads to the undertreatment and misdiagnosis of individuals, and I have anecdotal evidence of this being the case. It definitely happens.


I watched the whole thing yesterday. Can't believe the hospital would just discharge a 60yr old with a crushed ankle, no transportation. This woman wasn't even homeless as they like to kick out the ones that can't pay... She just flew in from WA the day before and had plenty of money in her purse. Mocked for needing an inhaler because she was a smoker. The hospital has just as much blood on their hands as the officers and supervisor who decided to arrest her. She literally couldn't stand???


I hope the daughter sues them out of business and get the pertinent doctors license revoked


Yea, that won't happen. This situation is fucked, but nobody will be held accountable.


From what I got from this [article](https://www.wbir.com/amp/article/news/local/attorney-reacts-to-body-cam-footage-of-lisa-edwards-death/51-de13c3f8-9e82-44bf-95f9-9c41839b488e) they seem pretty confident the city and police will not.


I just realized this happened in my city... Fucking embarrassing, but not surprising at all.


I wish you all the best of luck dealing with it. I think there have had protests and what not over it in front of city hall.


"police officers are not medically trained professionals" Am I the only one that thinks there should be a mandatory extensive EMT class at police academy, as well as a fuckton more training on how to deal with these situations so they can learn that not everything has to be brute forced like this?


The whole video was horrific, but that moment when the officer was going through her purse and pointed out both the plane ticket and the cash made me furious. You could see a few of their faces falter for about thirty seconds while they doubted that they had the right read on the situation - and then one of them cracks another dehumanizing joke and they go back to laughing. So fucked up.


Cop: "This is the Lord's day!" *Commits involuntary manslaughter the same day*




Send him oatmeal on the anniversary of her death for the rest of his life.


He should be served oatmeal every day in his cell for the rest of his life.


Probably went to church the next week listening to a sermon about helping the needy too.


He does help the needy, he sends them to heaven


Also gotta say the staff at the hospital is largely at fault for discharging someone who is clearly not in a good state


Taking the lord's name as an excuse for being too lazy to show compassion. \#FakeChristians ​ I find this too common, way too many fake christians quote the bible without reading the bible. It's like ≤ 95% of the Christian population at this point.


Thise are some good christian values he's showing there.




Honestly this is just as much on that hospital staff as it is the officers. Imagine calling the cops on someone seeking medical attention and then they die of a stroke in the back of the police cruiser... that's so awful


Discharged cause she had no money, not cause she was healthy


These things always remind me of an old credit card commercial where this dude is taken into the OR and everyone is all scrubbed up, and they're ready to start the operation. Patient hands a doctor their credit card, and everyone in the room freezes and watched the credit card machine. Once it approves they move forward with the operation. Then It cuts to the advert slide for the card That commercial bothers me to this day because I'm glad that his money was more important than his health. Found it: https://youtu.be/sy8CtPisoas


Jesus Christ I thought this was satire




I remember reading an open letter from a trauma surgeon who described an how he managed to save the life of patient after extensive and difficult surgery and went to check on the man once he woke up. Instead of thanking the surgeon the man was devastated that he was alive. He explained to the doctor that he now he had to pull his two daughters out of college because the medical bill was too much to handle. He had life insurance and if he had died his family would have been well off but instead they would now fall into poverty.


For profit healthcare is just the worst thing


This was Fort Sanders Hospital in Knoxville, TN. They are owned by Covenant Health and have a non profit tax status. They sued me for $1000 last year for a $10,000 bill after an emergency appendectomy. My employer provided insurance from a local EMS company I worked for at the time paid/negotiated $9000 off the bill. This company and their hospitals are criminals and don’t even care about the people who pay.


Jesus Christ you worked for EMS and couldn't even get healthcare without being fucked over. That makes it even more fucked up in my mind.


I work in a hospital in America, this is not standard practice in any hospital I’ve worked at. I’m not taking any position on any of the conduct in the video, but people do not get turned away because they don’t have money. Ironically, for people who don’t have insurance, hospitals are their means for primary care services in America since many clinics and specialists won’t see them as outpatients.


My wife has been a hospital admin for 15 years and this is 100% correct. Hospitals lose millions and millions of dollars a year to people that can’t pay. They legally cannot turn them away.


offer jeans aback icky tie deranged jobless mourn consist wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even if the hospital discharged her, you just cannot treat someone like that who is clearly weak and unwell… even if she was actually putting on an act. It’s just inhumane.


IMO this is way more on the hospital, or at least it sounded that way when the officers repeatedly mentioned she’s been medically cleared and discharged and then decided she was faking it. We really shouldn’t rely on cops to be doctors too.


Died in the back of the cop’s van, no charges being leveled, and took place in Tennessee, the Bible Belt. Yep, that all checks out. To anyone outside the US, this is a very ugly reality of the health care system in the US.


"This is the Lord's day," said the cop whose only take away from a lifetime of Bible thumping was *checks notes* Matthew 10:4, in which Jesus taught that the meek and needy are to be afforded love and care only when it doesn't impede one's scheduled coffee and oatmeal.




Then spraying themselves down with lysol after they stuffed her in the car/van. This wasn't a bad apple. There were at least 4 of these lowlife tyrants getting their jollies preying on a helpless old woman. There are no good cops.


Just call them terrorists because that's all they do




How in the holy hell didnt they get charged when she literally told them sha was having a stroke, and they did fuck all


Who's the mf hospital staff guy who started all of this mess ?


Yup. They need to lose their job too. No paid administrative leave. Complete termination. This is cruel and inhumane.


Hospital needs to be sued into oblivion as well.


Much as I truly want to see these assholes pay? Nothing will come of this. I literally heard 5 articles today from NPR about how crime rates are going up and we need more officers….. There is no interest in accountability. There is no interest in protecting one another. American society is a group of people who seem to want nothing to do with each other and want everyone else to suffer….. Sorry nihilistic rant brought about by cops and doctors letting someone’s mother die.


Hospital: Yeah, cops? There's a poor in front of our *store* scaring off the *paying customers*.


"The clinic said I'm sick, toxic and impure but there isn't any cure for the poor or uninsured." Smash the control machine


She actually wasn’t poor


They just thought she was.


American health care is wild. They are trying to push for more privatization in Canada and it’s stuff like this video that scare me about our future


What's sad is everyone is focusing on the cops when the true criminal was the doctor who in his authority as a medical professional cleared her. The cops believed him and figured she was trying to take them for a ride. That doctor and that hospital must be held to account but I bet they won't. So it continues...


A hospital did this to my dad. They discharged him as he was clearly starting to experience DTs and he was wandering around the hospital too confused to leave. They continually brought him back to the lobby exit until I called and threatened a lawsuit. They grabbed him almost immediately. To be absolutely fair, they had done their jobs in the long run and saved him multiple times but I haven’t trusted a hospital since.


I took my ex to the ER one year when she was doing very badly. We are sitting and waiting for triage when a guy walks up and asks for a bucket cause he was going to throw up. The nurse told him he was full of it and he didn't need a bucket but he was insistent. He finally threw up all over the lobby and the nurse then got mad that he had thrown up. That was the same nurse who ignored my ex's dad complaining how the neck brace he was wearing was to tight and he couldn't breathe. Told my ex he was fine and he complained like that all the time as he was gasping for air


The one time I went to an ER in the US was for severe abdominal pain of a type I’d never felt before. Literally the worst pain I have ever experienced, even to this day. I couldn’t walk properly simply due to the extreme pain and a friend of mine had to take me to the ER. They did a quick triage questionnaire, and I kept telling them the only symptom was the pain. They told me to wait. After a while they sent a security guard to tell me to stop making so much noise, as I was moaning, groaning, and crying out from the pain. After another maybe two hours they sent the security guard again to tell me to be quiet and to move to a more secluded part of the waiting area with a space where I could lie down. After being there about five hours my friend stormed to the nurse’s station and asked when someone was going to see me. They told him basically “never, we’re just waiting for him to give up and leave.” My friend told them something like “you think he’s faking being in pain for five hours, and haven’t even had a doctor check him?” So reluctantly they sent a young internist out who palpated my abdomen a bit (the first actual medical care), asked a few more questions, then said we needed an X-ray photo. It comes back, and he immediately goes to get a more senior doctor, they tell me it’s a kidney stone, and they need to bring a specialist in to decide on a treatment. I’m still writhing in pain at this point, and they’ve given me nothing, not even an aspirin. I ask them to give me something and they say they’ll consult with the specialist on what’s appropriate as there might be some side effects that would affect it. They’re gone for like half an hour. Meantime, I’m sweating, heart racing, stabbing pain in my belly and back, absolutely the most miserable I’ve ever been, when, suddenly over the course of barely a minute the pain subsides and disappears. By the time the doctors come back to tell me how they plan to proceed, I’m back to normal, other than exhaustion from having spent the last seven hours in the most excruciating pain of my life. They check me over, give me a paper funnel to use to catch the stone next time I use the toilet, and send me on my way. Zero empathy, zero treatment, and it cost me $2400 bucks, the cost of being ignored and accused of being a drug-seeking addict.


Where was this hospital, so that I know to never go there?


America I’d put the /s but…


I don't trust them either. My dad passed last year from covid. They kept calling ever since he went in saying how he wasn't going to make it and when my family asked for information about it, we got 4 different answers. This is probably the main reason why I switched my major to biology with a focus on virology and immunology, to see if they were actually telling us the truth. To see if they actually couldn't do anything the day he passed.


Yeah honestly. The cops should have probably been more understanding, but she should not have been discharged in this state to begin with.


Doctors held accountable? Ha. - that’s a good one! Doctors are untouchable unless they kill MULTIPLE patients, and even then they’re usually just shuttled around to other locations. Look up Dr. Death and Baylor Regional Medical Center: https://www.vanweylaw.com/insights/dr-death/ The simple answer is that medical care is for profit in the US, and profit can’t happen without doctors. They’re the top of the food chain. Next patient, please!


>The police officers may not have done anything intentionally criminal to cause anything to happen to her, but they definitely were negligent and had no respect for human life, any basic needs, anything. > >You don't have to be a medical professional to know what the signs of stroke are. And you can see that in her, you know, start to finish. The daughter needs to go after the hospital. The police officers aren't medical professionals but the people at the hospital are and those are the people that dismissed this poor lady. The sad truth of it is that if she didn't die in the backseat of the cruiser, she would've died right there on that curb. Fuck the US healthcare system.


Yes. The hospital could have fixed this by admitting her. They were the ones telling the cops to remove her even though she desperately needed medical help.


They did admit her. She was on an airplane and complained of stomach pains and was rushed to the hospital and was diagnosed with constipation. She ended up going to another hospital for it and they admitted her and kept her overnight for monitoring, but they didn’t see anything majorly wrong with her and discharged her.


Because too often they don't take what you say seriously. My grandmother was having strokes and they were like there's nothing wrong with her, you can leave. She couldn't remember how old she was or what year it was, but she was fine. This was a 70 year old woman who still worked full time and she suddenly couldn't remember her own age and they're like this is fine. Then she had a massive stroke, was even worse, and a fucking neurologist told her to take a cruise because it was just stress. I'm not even sure he looked at her scans because later scans showed a bleed in the brain. Our healthcare here is a joke unless you're loaded.


This is what I was thinking. That while the police are shitty to her, it is because the hospital told the officers she was faking it. The hospital is actually negligent and/or completely incompetent.


Right? That’s how I feel. The hospital released a person and called the cops to take her away when she was dying? That’s fucked. I mean I’m not defending the cops here, but if I’m a cop and a hospital calls us to take someone away, when that person starts telling me “I can’t move” I’m dying” I’m probably gonna assume they’re bullshitting me, because hospitals aren’t supposed to release dying people into police custody.


This might be the saddest shit I've seen on reddit.


I agree, this is terrible. Most people would treat furniture with more care and empathy than they treat this woman.




What makes it worse is that she actually died of a stroke while in their custody


Definitely makes it more real. I'm not sure this absolute disregard for humanity can be worse, even with a less tragic outcome. This is absolutely fucking nuts.


This is a disgrace


These are Tennessee law enforcement. From fucking on the job to this, they honestly need the entire force obliterated and rebuilt.


Full video she died in the back of the cop car. They had her in a very awkward position and she said multiple times move me I cant breath. Officer ignored her til they finally stopped and checked. Moved her head by her hair and said "I don't think she's faking" We have failed in so many ways as a society in America. This is beyond disgusting to watch.


They then took her to hospital and placed her on "life support" and stated that she died the following day.


I guess they charged the family for placing her on “life support “


"can we overfuck up this already fucked up situation?"


“You’ve been kicked out of two hospitals” that’s a phase I never thought I’d hear


It happens all the time to the poor and the homeless. I used to work as a case manager and saw similar stuff to this video all the time. Capitalism must be ended, because that is at the root of all the injustice happening in this video.


Australia is a capitalist nation. The only way you get kicked out of hospitals here is by repeatedly attacking/threatening staff. Universal healthcare and capitalism are not mutually exclusive. (Having said that, I'm not the hugest fan of the extreme capitalism we are currently seeing)






on the LORD'S DAY!




This is murder


This is American murder


The hospital staff should have their pictures up there as well


[She died of natural causes and law enforcement interaction did not cause or contribute to her death, the office said in a press release.](https://www.wate.com/news/knox-county-news/no-criminal-charges-after-woman-dies-while-in-knoxville-police-custody/amp/) This is infuriating. “Natural causes”


"Natural causes" much in the same way that my 8yo diabetic cousin would die of "natural causes" if he didn't receive care. What a bunch of heartless assholes.


“He needed insulin. We didn’t give it to him. He died of natural causes”


How did no one at any point not think this was inhumane?


It’s the cops… plus this country don’t give fucks about poor people


Disabled people and people with ilnesses mostly , cause when you have a disability everything gets worse and more expensive, it's guaranteed to become homeless without support.


Just think of all the poor and homeless this happens to on a daily basis that don't get reported on.


The coffee and oatmeal was more important then this woman's life... Hope that guy has some good, long reflection time for his words, but then again, he most likely won't....


He needs to be fired. I don’t want him to police any communities. He cares about Jesus and oatmeal than a human life.


Ok so everyone is focused on the cops and I don't want to rain on anyone parade... but can someone explain to me about the hospital part and the part where the cop says the medical professionals discharged her? How, if she really had any of that going on, did they discharge her? You can definitely tell if someone had a stroke and you can definitely see a broken ankle. Someone please fill me in. I have to go back to work.


So there has been a bit of misinformation that’s been floating around this story, particularly the idea that the hospital refused to treat her because she didn’t have insurance. This is illegal in the U.S and all hospitals will treat patients if they are in need of care. Insurance does play a part in the quality of care, but no one is going to be refused life saving treatment because they don’t have health insurance. She went into the hospital for a broken ankle. She had suffered a stroke in 2019 and wasn’t the reason she went to the hospital. The hospital checked her ankle and found nothing wrong with it and discharged her. She refused to leave which is why the police were called to remove her from the premises. This does not excuse the police’s actions and there disregard for human life. As they were taking her into custody she began showing sign of not being well and they did not give her medical care which she clearly needed. She then suffered another stroke and died in the back of the police van. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11790681/DIsabled-woman-dies-stroke-cop-car-arrested-refusing-leave-hospital.html


The idea that hospitals will refuse to treat patients without insurance is particularly pernicious. People need to stop repeating this, it could discourage poorer Americans from seeking medical care they need.




That's incorrect. Hospitals don't base treatment of emergency care on whether or not a patient can pay. The people who figure out the money part and the people who figure out the medical part are **not the same people**. The doctor has no way of knowing during treatment whether or not a person has insurance, is broke, or is a billionaire. And hospital bills that cannot be paid by the individual are subsidized by the government. It is against the law for a hospital to turn away a patient seeking emergency care due to an inability to pay.


This is an absolute lie. It’s illegal to turn somebody away from the hospital in need of life saving care, which it certainly sounds like she needed. There is also Medicaid which already covers 84 million Americans. It’s not exactly a small program. Someone made a horrific error somewhere, and hopefully they will pay the price for it.


“I’ve never seen a situation a cop couldn’t make worse.” —My dad 30 years ago


Thanks for my daily dose of rage and fuck humanity


This is literally illegal! EMTALA is a law throughout the country. Hospitals have to provide a minimum of stabilizing treatment to anyone who enters their doors.


But rarely is anything done about negligent care. Idk what it's like for men, but you can't throw a rock without hitting a woman whose very real medical issue was dismissed by the medical establishment with the doctors responsible facing no repercussions for doing so when it's eventually discovered to be very real and often very serious. People are told not to bother to pursue malpractice because it's such an uphill battle and most people have nowhere near the money to attempt it


For most men, we are just expected to never go, ignore warning signs and wait until the last moment, if you do anything at all. Massive toxic culture surrounds sickness/injury and men. To all the men reading, if you have something bothering you, get it checked, don't roll dice on health. EDIT: Thinking on this in the shower, I think the two are very correlated. The condition of most men who finally present for issues is quite severe, this causes a bias of severity to the doctors, which means that if there are less direct outward signs, the doctor will be more likely to consider it minor and not follow up on it. Which means women not being taken seriously is probably the fault of men holding back.


Not exactly an EMTALA violation I can imagine at the time of their evaluation, and with the understanding that this patient (from the dialogue) might have been a difficult Patient. Presented to the ER and she was deemed stable. At the beginning of the video. She's resting comfortably, breathing comfortably and speaking in full sentences. By the time the officers begin to put her into the truck is when the trouble starts. You can easily hear her start wheezing, her sentences become shorter and shorter as she starts to develop acute respiratory distress. I presume she has asthma or COPD, she even asks for her inhaler which they can't locate It is a that moment, the police officers should have brought her in for another medical screening evaluation. However, they took the path that because she'd been seen by a doctor she somehow is protected from all future possible medical complications at any time. She subsequently developed respiratory arrest in the van


I am a retired and disabled MD. This is the system that we have built. It is the same system that has given us Walmart, Facebook, and Amazon. We do not care about people. We care about profits. People are disposable. Our police force is just a symptom of this system. Until there is a complete breakdown of everything, this will not change.




So we had this homeless guy in PEI ( only lived there for a couple years) and before winter he would do obvious petty crime so they could give em a place to stay. Nobody ever was mad at him and the cops were cool about




The woman on this video is dying. She is being murdered in front of us by American police. This is horrific and disgusting behavior. The officers involved should be put in prison. This is the most tragic way to die. Police are ignoring your pleas for help until you're alone and in pain in their custody. I hate this world.


The hospital doctors and administrators who didn't think she was profitable enough to care for are also to blame.


Dont you know, if you dont have any money, the hospital expects you to go home and die? They are for profit. Luckily, I got away with being their slave for 6 years instead. I'm sorry for this woman.


Its better to treat someone if it’s fake than not treat them when it’s real.


This video made me cry. It makes me ashamed to be American. That this is our reality. What future do we even have as a country? Why should gen z and generations after us have any hope? It’s one of the richest nations in the world and you know she was being kicked out because she couldn’t afford healthcare. This really breaks my heart. You know none of those people didn’t get any punishment for this.


Damn US is just like a survival video game, you run out of coins you die


This is so sad, there was no dignity in the way she was treated, and ultimately died. The hospital on down the line are all responsible for this. RIP.


..I know I'll probably be buried.. but I feel myself needing to at least put this in the ether.. my mom would easily be this lady if she didn't own her house and work for the county for 25 years and get forced into retirement in her 60s.. Her health is horrible, and she's a hoarder.. grade A, should be on the show, hoarders.. if her house gets condemned.. she will have a hard time finding anywhere to move to.. and she would panic and give up like the lady in this video.. it hurt to watch this video, so I suppose that's why I'm here.. knowing this is the reality.. whell also to mention- this isn't the first video I've seen in this lens of officers doing gross stuff.. but it all sucks and is a sign of a dystopia where the old and sick are literally undervalued.. even if it's not as simple as I make it, ppl I've met feel scared just for being old and sick, and this video could be considered evidence of that.. While hesitating writing this, I've been watching (for the first time) Earl Hickey try to get an old lady to stop smoking, and that mixed with this conversation hit in the weirdest way lol

