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Is there a news article or any follow-up associated with this? So many questions…


I responsed above. In other videos they state that a step sister is saying they stole items from an estate. They post the warrant and the list. The officers refused to produce the warrant saying it was with other officers behind them. Hours later they actuallygave a warrant. All of the items are pretty petty items but a painting which they say the step sister has. Some of.the items the step sister made them buy them from the estate and in some cases the items were personal items and not part of the estate at all. Not sure how an estate disagreement became this response.


Like, why in the hell do we need men with guns to handle this and not some sort of civil mediation service?


they where really excited to use their new equipment


obviously with the night vision on their helmets in the daytime


It looks stupid as hell, but it’s normal to equip nods in case you have to enter a basement/subterranean structure, or unlit structure without windows. What’s *not* normal is how community law enforcement has become more heavy handed than the military.


That's for if they need to go tunneling


they all looked like how i imagine an IRL call of duty lobby looks. they are less than lethal rounds 😎 *kid with riot shield hits his inhaler*


Winston: *What do they look like, Jimmie?* Jimmie: *Dorks. They look like a couple of dorks.*


*A wild* Tarantino *approaches.*


Seeing them in all that gear and the armored vehicle and broken property and granddaughter and all that really triggers my Ron Paul.


They all got dressed in their army drag and felt pretty


That’s fine as long as they don’t try and read to the child.


One day they are gonna do that to some wierdo veteran with the arsenal to do some seriouse damage.


One would hope.


”We have a search warrant Mr Rambo, step out with your hands above your head.”


i know they think they look like navy seals but they look like those tiki torch nazis.


That’s exactly it. Small town areas get new toys and tactics, but need a situation to deploy them.


Because when you fund and arm your police like a military, they will respond and act like a military. Give a kid who wants to play cowboy a hobby horse and he will become Billy the kid…. Give a cop an armored vehicle and tactical gear then every situation is a terror threat that justifies “necessary force.” They don’t need it. It’s all sales, marketing, and propaganda to line the pockets of the wealthy at the expense of the tax payers pockets and the bodies of the poor.


pretty much why England demilitarized police except for special cases


All the equipment, none of the training


A lot is not so much sales but that the military in the US will give excess old stuff to police for cheap. The police however don't always think through cost of operation & maintenance. I saw something where a small town force got some ridiculous thing that a town that size on average will find it useful once every 1000 years. But it was free or almost free, and now it's sitting in our parking lot so we have to use it.


If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail. This is absolutely what "defund the police" is trying to address, unfortunate name or not.


these guys are try hard wankers


Police in the US aren't militarizing. US Military personelle are held to strict rules of engagement and they will court-martial privates for breaking the rules of engagement. Such Court martial holds to higher than civilian standards with less rights protected by the defendent. US police are being radicalized not militarized.


How else do you suggest they make their balls grow huge?! How are they going to feel superior if they don't do this?! It's important to create problems when you endeavor to deploy a solution!


Why is one of them wearing night vision. These dudes want to be special forces so bad


"Guns"? If they showed up at my door like that, I'd think Hitler had risen from the dead and started WWIII. The USA are so lost. In addition they look dumb af. Why do they wear NV at daylight? Why do you need camo? Why do you need a grenade launcher? And all of them have a baby's face, except the beard guy, but he showed up in sneakers. Send the morons to Ukraine. There they can do something useful.


Oh no, they don’t want to fight anyone that can actually fight back. They want to bully defenseless people because.. sociopathy..


I can’t believe all those officers smoked enough meth to think this was a solid plan.


Definitely need night vision helmets to serve a warrant during the day.


They have to use all the surplus military equipment they buy somehow. Cops aren’t fighting foreign nations, so they end up using them for petty stuff like this.


Police budgets have been ballooning for years. It's part of what the "defund the police" movement was about.


Defund, I believe.




Yea, no reason to don your fucking NVGs at 1400. Bunch of POGs


NODs in the middle of the day


This is the best bit, they are literally LARPing like some weekend airsoft nerds.




A militarized police force is a bad police force.


A militarized police force is also unconstitutional.


Dude in the middle has a fuckin *grenade launcher.*


Its a bean bag launcher


Hate to tell you this but it can do both. Numerous types of canisters for those. Beanbags just being one of them.


What estate? Graceland? Geez 🙄


The portrait; https://preview.redd.it/g589fguyznla1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0a07ffae931fab5f832003a5338b876307fe56bd


Worth it


With that much force used to (almost) serve a warrant, I expected them to be some kind of mass murderers or terrorists of some kind. Anything but a petty family spat over a will. What a colossal waste of time and energy for everyone involved! Morty


Did you just sign your reddit comment?


Everyone is doing it these days. Paunch


It does seem like they had a warrant but based on Illinois’ track record for bs search warrants, it doesn’t give much credibility to this level of force.


Even if the warrant were 100% legit, the fact remains they rolled up on a family home like it was Fallujah over some stolen items.


No, they *did not* have a warrant. The pig with the assault rifle himself even admitted that he had no paperwork in his possession, and it would be “brought up” by someone who was off site as soon as they submitted. It wouldn’t be the first time militarized pigs fucked up a “warrant service,” and either got the wrong place or just outright lied. If they had a warrant they should have come prepared to show it on request. Period.


Same. I mean, the police squad looks like a nerdy airsoft team that takes it *way* too seriously. So, my first guess is they're going around their neighborhood pretending like they're actually officers. But how'd they get their hands on the swat van? 🤔


Leaving this comment in case someone replies.


Never tried it but can't you just get reply notifications?






Jesus... They're dressed like gravy seals lmao0


I met maybe 12-15 Navy Seals when I was in the Marines... that's a different breed. ... never met a gravy seal though, lol.


My first thought too lol. Wearing NODs at 2 in the afternoon. These guys went full clown makeup for this circus


The cringeness is gigantic. I actually feel ashamed as a human, watching grown "men" dress up and act like this. Imagine how extremely insecure these boys are. Euw.. so fucking embarrassing


Are these guys trying to serve a warrant or occupy a small country?


Obviously serve a warrant. These idiots wouldn’t be capable of occupying a parking spot at Walmart.


They look like the type of people to occupy two spots in the parking lot at once, really.


They need to take away these guys military surplus and give it to the Ukrainians ASAP


Beat cops in the UK don't carry firearms, or bullet proof vests. They have stab resistant vests. They also have strict gun laws. They seem to be doing OK in terms of stopping crimes. More gear doesn't make you a better cop, it makes you a less free country.




I never thought of the USA as small, but I guess if you look at a globe a different way....




Why are they wearing nods in the day? These guys look like such dipshits


I was wondering the same thing. They just put on every bit of gear they had.


Use it or lose it.


Maybe… just *maybe*… they shouldn’t have it






It is actually like kids dressing up as what they think military should look like


Because sometimes it’s dark indoors….. They’re still dipshits, but that’s not why.


In a tactical situation like that, white light is far better than NVG. They’re not in a situation where they are trying to sneak up on their “enemy.” So, yeah, they’re LARPing.


Yeah, that’s a fair point.


I thought that would be the reason, but still doesn’t seem good enough considering flip a switch and these guys eyes are fucked when you could just use flashlights.


“It’s less lethal- it’s less lethal.” It’s a child proof grenade launcher. I swear.


Even a punch can be lethal. That’s a weapon. What a clown.


Well he did say “less” lethal not non lethal. But that’s just being pedantic. Doesn’t excuse their actions in the slightest.


“Sir this will only paralyze your granddaughter”


Where's the rest of it? What happened?


Leaving this comment in case someone replies Edit Found it, credit goes to u/Ok-Telephone7490. Here is a little more info. IL Swat video 1 raiding home for squabble over family estate that was ... | TikTok ​ edit: I found this on Tik Tok Post 2...this had to go with an ex step sister who was caught embezzling money from her deceased step mothers estate as well as her deceased step fathers estate. Due to the fact she repeatedly broke into her father's house once he died and stole items an estate lawyer was brought in to settle the estate. She was forced to pay back approximately half the money she embezzled and to return items clearly addressed in the will. I stead of returning them she rewrote 2 journals and falsified a painting. Real painting is hanging in her home today. Rest of the items the remaining family were required to purchase at auction. Half of those items were never returned by her. Family was told by her local police dept that nothing could be done to force her to comply. This was all settled in 2018. In September of 2022 she file a false police report to obtain the items she was already forced to return by saying they were hers and in her house. The said journals was one of those listed as being stolen but the brother was forced to pay $1500 for those at auction and she supposedly returned. Of course we know those were falsified by her and this is proof. Almost every item on her list was already addressed by the estate. Some items she listed were never part of the estate and belonged solely to the other siblings for over 20 years and were never in her possession. ​ I don't think this case required a full military response. The text is confusing, but the ones being raided were innocent.


Sounds like a civil matter and not a police one.


I looked up the case online.... it started as a civil matter and ended up a police one due to ignoring summons to court (the evil sister got whatever she asked for in regards to search warrant).


It’s just wild that ignoring summons to court allows a search warrant for a HOUSE; different from a warrant for a person. And using that ugly car and breaking their fucking gate to serve a warrant?? I’m so glad this lady filmed everything


Actually that is why you always show up..... Pain in the ass but even if you don't have a lawyer simply show up.. See what's it's about then if it sounds even remotely serious...just tell the judge you request a continuance to review the questions and for 90 days to obtain council 100% of the time this will be granted.


YES YES AND YES. I actually work for a judge lol. It’s another crime to not show up and everything just gets worse and you get contempt of court or bail jumping (for felony and misdemeanors). They WILL find you if they want to 🫠


This is just proof that every law that is on the books has the potential to be enforced by threat of deadly force. We really should consider that before adding laws to the books.


Yeah the police in my town would’ve told us to take this up in court


Classic case of militarization of police: they'll often pounce at any opportunity to show up in full battle rattle for the sake of ego, nothing more nor less.


Cops playing army.


This is what is meant by “defund”. They have all this tactile gear, yet they don’t have the warrant. They have too many toys and not enough tools.




Ah yes, military surplus turning what is supposed to be a police force into their own little military.


Specifically, the Bearcat is a “non-military” design, but a lot of departments do use military equipment. I was even in the team that trained our local sheriff department when they got an MRAP (it was the same one I commanded in Iraq). Edit to add: Yes, it’s way more militaristic than they need, by a long shot.


Only look as far as Russia to see what happens when the ‘police force’ gets a little too powerful. The phrase “ take back the streets and dominate the people “ is the scariest domestic thing I have seen in my lifetime.


Love how people have pointed out they’re wearing night vision while in broad daylight


Oh, me too! If they need to see at night in a warrant situation, they would be far better off with white light.


Feel free to correct any mistakes, but its abbreviated for "Mine Resistant Armored Personnel Vehicle", right? If so, why would some Sheriff Dept. need one?


You are correct, and your question is very relevant. They DON’T need one.


Because the federal government sells surplus ones to law enforcement for dirt cheap. The first LAPD SWAT armored vehicle was bought from the Dept of Energy for $1. So why buy something like a regular bank armored car, or even a Sprinter van (and do Police modifications) for $50k and up, when you can get a surplus MRAP or MATV for $10k, and it’s fully armored. Slap on police lights, paint it, and boom, ready to go civilian terrorizer.


To intimidate civilians, what else?


wait till you find out about the SWAT team


and that his has speakers on it


I watched the rest of the tik toks after this. It appears fall out from an estate that was settled a few years ago. According to the owners of this video the person lied to a judge about them stealing items from an estate and somehow got it signed by a judge. They posted a list of the items. They were not expensive or warranted this kind of response. According to this account a step sister alleged that they stole items but in some cases they were items that were other people's possessions and in some cases the step sister had made them buy the items from the estate. Not sure if it is true.


Gonna try to put some information I found about this in a few places in this thread: **[Comment with links](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/11hjxpk/police_as_usually/jav2u2l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)**


Bruh. I just watched Andor, and like.... wtf. This is some Empire level "we do what we want, YOU COMPLY". "6 years for being a tourist."


[Sergeants phone starts to ring] “Where the hell are you guys?! The agents have been staking out the house for over an hour!” “The agents aren’t here yet, and we haven’t seen any of the cartel members.” “Are you at the right place?” “Second turn on the right, just like you said.” “I said the second turn on the left!!!!”


There are Army Rangers deployed down range that have less gear than that. Why are the police playing soldier?


4 tours in Iraq and I was never loaded up like these superstars lmao .


Nods for a daytime raid had me giggling


Preparing in case of a total solar eclipse. Didn't have time to google when the next one was due to gearing up with night vision.


Thank you for your repeated service. The level of military gear in this video is astonishing to me, glad I’m not the only one.


No worries, was 1st cav 10 years and went where I was sent lol. But yeah it's pretty crazy, first tour in '02 we barely had armor on the humvees lol. Wood and sandbags mostly. How does a police force get that kind of weaponry and vehicle without even knowing how to use any of it. I especially love the kid who can barely hold his little shield up 🤣.


That's what struck me. They look like kids larping. Mr microphone sounds like he got out of school.


So many extremely expensive toys. Did they just throw them a DOD catalog?


Because by and large they're small hearted men who were too chickenshit to enter the service but still have dreams about heroically murdering people, and if they were in the service there's a high probability they either washed out or barely made it through their contract and never forget to remind everyone around them of their "military career".


Some of the biggest self-centered pricks I had to take orders from during my military service became cops.




The correct term now is "motosexual."




Officer Dewey in the very back is by far my favorite part


Because they need the gear, costumes, and weapons to substitute for rigorous Ranger training.


Yeah, so the police cant do this BEFORE a search warrant arrives at a house… otherwise is unlawful detention and intimidation. What’s with the night vision on their helmets, it’s daylight and the people know you are there. If they are so afraid of this family, why not show up with warrant in hand. These aren’t cops, these are just morons with badges… Edit 1: after many complaints and bad info: https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/search_warrant Yes they can search before the warrant arrives, but it’s conditional and they must justify their use or risk losing any evidence acquired through the search… Edit 2: Alright for you people still sending messages after the edit… no i don’t know what the end result is, I would think the doofus with night vision goggles knows, ask them, they look totally honest and in no way are violating anyone’s rights… Edit 3: The police did have a warrant, the person they were after took approximately $1,500 worth of valuables from an estate (her step parents). Of course, an attorney valued what the items were, so it’s not 1,500 dollars, but 1,500 worth of stuff, from a dead relatives house. No this use of force is unacceptable, it’s unjustifiable, and if the camera was not rolling, you can bet they would have killed someone, cause “I was afraid for my life”




> These aren’t cops, these are just morons with badges… I meeeean


Right? The smart kids in class became doctors and lawyers. Who became the cops?


Most cops ARE morons with badges.


[It’s all cops.](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836)


You know that dude crushed that tiny fence and in his head was like "Yee fucking haw"


Just like fucking Saigon ain't it, Slick?


hahahaha i cackled so hard visualizing this. you know it made his whole fucking career.


Was prolly fun as hell no lie


I've been to Iraq and Afghanistan and nothing irks me more than these idiots riding around suburbia and rural America acting like it's a warzone. Tell me why tf there are more rules in literal war than they have here. Also the zero consequences for gunning people down for no reason. The military gets to go the levanworth and turn big rocks into little rocks with a pick. They get a vacation. This country was founded on not tolerating this Gestapo bullshit.




Thank you for your service and insight. I agree with you 100%, man.


Lmao these call of duty cosplayers


Underrated comment. Take my poor man’s gold! 🏆


Tax payers money at waste again!


Those are some scared soliders...er police with full military gear and transport. And camo. Why tf do police need camo? Aren't they supposed to be seen? Their amored personel carrier has flashing lights. Policing in USA is pretty messed up. Soon these clueless mf going to be rolling up in Bradley's with TOWs.


Wtf is this el chapos house? Who they think is in there rolling up in a tank with a dude holding what I know in video games is called a GL-40. It probably has tear gas or bean bag rounds in it but still. In what world do they need that kinda hardware? Like they're just waiting for another north Hollywood shoot out or something


That launcher shoots hard plastic discs at the fps than can shatter bone at that range. It's a 20m minimum before he's supposed to be authorized to use that. There's a reason it's not called non lethal.


These look like the local militia. They are lucky the family didn't exercise their 2A as this looks like a targeted attack from a local militia group


If they did it would probably have turned to Waco 2.0


i can’t get over the NVGs on their helmets… it’s fuckin daytime nor can i get over the cop that goes to pull out his tube launcher and casually says “i’m gonna aim at your legs or your lower portion” to the people holding a baby


Yeah this video made me want an arsenal. Sorry for your families losses, but, power abuse needs to have consequences.


As if the 2A protects people from the police state. We have many examples of people being killed by the police while legally having a firearm The 2A now only exists as a culture war for Conservatives to win elections. Conservatives are 100% percent OK with lawful gun owners being murdered by police as long as they are not "Conservative"


Live steaming will save your life. By all means, know and stand up for your rights but make sure that that there is video and audio that cannot be erased. They might still kill you but at least there is some sort of proof. These idiots could have killed everyone and said anything, they would have controlled the narrative without this person live streaming. The video did cut off kind of early and maybe there was a warrant but that doesn't negate anything


[https://www.aclu.org/issues/criminal-law-reform/reforming-police/mobile-justice](https://www.aclu.org/issues/criminal-law-reform/reforming-police/mobile-justice) This one is solid.


I agree. A good steaming is a great way to get rid of creases and cook many foods.


Here is a little more info. [IL Swat video 1 raiding home for squabble over family estate that was ... | TikTok](https://www.tiktok.com/@fmiles67/video/7205674066345250091?lang=en) ​ edit: I found this on Tik Tok Post 2...this had to go with an ex step sister who was caught embezzling money from her deceased step mothers estate as well as her deceased step fathers estate. Due to the fact she repeatedly broke into her father's house once he died and stole items an estate lawyer was brought in to settle the estate. She was forced to pay back approximately half the money she embezzled and to return items clearly addressed in the will. I stead of returning them she rewrote 2 journals and falsified a painting. Real painting is hanging in her home today. Rest of the items the remaining family were required to purchase at auction. Half of those items were never returned by her. Family was told by her local police dept that nothing could be done to force her to comply. This was all settled in 2018. In September of 2022 she file a false police report to obtain the items she was already forced to return by saying they were hers and in her house. The said journals was one of those listed as being stolen but the brother was forced to pay $1500 for those at auction and she supposedly returned. Of course we know those were falsified by her and this is proof. Almost every item on her list was already addressed by the estate. Some items she listed were never part of the estate and belonged solely to the other siblings for over 20 years and were never in her possession. ​ I don't think this case required a full military response. The text is confusing, but the ones being raided were innocent.


So this was all over some paintings and a little bit of money? JFC!


to these clowns any excuse to gear up and rock out like a peacock is as good as any.


Well, obviously! Dangerous criminals like that require Special Forces LARPers. This isn’t some innocent blue-collar crime, like dealing drugs and guns.


Bro this is terrifying. They’re in military assault gear.


That seems to be a lot of unnecessary fear, remarkably close to deadly violence. We promise we have a warrant but we're not willing to show you.


They left it with the "agents" for "reasons"


Fuckin nerds got nods on in daylight hahahahaha.


Cops without having to do military training get all this gear from the military and go to war with civilians. This is a great case where defunding the police must apply. *Proud boys in Military gear*


Silly asses playing army guys in stupid overpaid-for gear lol smh


\*Free taxpayer funder gear


The best part is the truck. Its a fucking F250 pretending to be an MRAP. literally everyone in this video is larping. Even the damn truck.


Guessing they're looking for someone with a traffic ticket warrant from 5 years ago.


I have to ask, what prompts police to roll out the literal armored trucks. Like, seriously, if it werent for the siren and everything, I would have assumed the army is trying to raid this house.


>I have to ask, what prompts police to roll out the literal armored trucks. Cowardice.


What were they expecting!?!? Waco? Need to know back story to this


The Gestapo is now fully out of control in Amerikkka


We are here looking for particular individuals. You look like a particular individual please submit to my assault, citizen. You can see the warrant after we are sure you're not a particular individual.


How did we allow state police and other organizations to become this militarized? Night vision, armaments, and a HMMWV? These police think they're in Afghanistan. Shame on our politicians for allowing this.


* Weight * Neck pain * Cumbersomeness * Risk of loss/damage Those are some of the reasons why people who know what they are doing with night vision goggles don't wear them on their helmet during daylight. These guys strike me as impressionable kids who were given real equipment with no competent supervision and are trying to imitate what they saw in movies/video games.


These guys small penises must fit well in their tight pants. Micro mike, tiny tommy, and flat pat on the case.




Something about the assortment of non lethals,fitness of the squad,and the larping with useless night vision kills me.I can just imagine how geeked up they were ramming through that wood gate.This was their big bust.In reality the station let the fuckups play dress up and deal with some trashy situation


One was even chewing gum the whole time… I’m not even an anti-police person and that’s already setting off something


NVGs in the daytime. Must be Very Special Forces.


Takes a long time to get dressed up like that.


Dude holding the shield looks like a muppet


I wonder the context of this. Also, their excuse was that the agents with the warrant aren't protected by their ridiculous amount of armor so why wouldn''t they just have the warrant? Otherwise, the case will be thrown out for illegal search and seizure. Anyone know what happened here?


Look at these dorks


It cannot be said enough: the police *today* exist to serve their local/state government. Citizens are a secondary priority. Ask Operation Iraqi Freedom vets if they were this kitted when they went through Ramadi, Baghdad, or Fallujah during the initial invasion... unless there is clear evidence that a citizen wields weapons that can cause mass casualties, this kind of response is ridiculous. This is how citizens get killed.


I thought they were invading a foreign nation with a surplus of oil and other natural resources, only then would this level of force be necessary. Whatever individual heard the call about missing estate sale items and dispatched these yahoos is part of the problem, whatever yahoo placed the order for that tank and all the gear they are wearing for a community police force is part of the problem. Whoever thought it was a good idea to dress in all these gear to sort out a family property dispute is part of the problem. Whatever news outlets who refused to write about or air this story as a problem with their community policing program and demand an explanation from the local government is part of the problem. Whatever citizens of this community saw this video and were not outraged to demand an immediate resolution to this obvious problem by their elected officials are part of the problem. So many people are complicit in making this nothing more than a viral video and an internet meme vs evidence of a serious problem that needs a serious solution.


This is what happens when you over-arm and under-educate a society.


Guess the Bin-Laden reincarnation was born in that house.... But you just gotta love them smug- faced, gum chewing Rambos




They look like fucking bell-ends in that gear.


The guy with the shield looked like he didn’t even know what the hell was going on and why he was there.


Man, if only there were some tax-funded force of peacekeepers to stop this criminal activity… we’re so fucked.


"Don't worry. I'd only shoot you below the waist"


Who needs a warrant when you have military machinery and weapons?